Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - Is Medusa dead or not?

Is Medusa dead or not?

In Greek mythology, Medusa was originally a mortal. It is said that Medusa used to be a beautiful girl. Although arrogance was loved by Poseidon, it was said to be more beautiful than the goddess in the temple of the goddess of wisdom. Athena was enraged. She used magic to turn Medusa's hair into countless poisonous snakes. The beauty turned into a monster. What is more frightening is that her eyes are shining with terrible light. Anyone who looks at her will immediately become a lifeless big stone.

She has a thick snake hair and a pair of wild boar's fangs. Even her neck is covered with snake scales, and even her lower body has become a snake. Most of them are the lower body of a rattlesnake, and even her lower body has become the lower body of such a proud rattlesnake because of humiliating her. So the goddess of wisdom gave her a pair of eyes, and anyone who saw it would immediately turn to stone.

Medusa was originally a beautiful woman (rumored to be Poseidon's child). One legend is that Athena was jealous of her hair. More widely circulated legend is that Poseidon was attracted by Medusa's beauty and raped her in Athena's temple, which angered Athena. Athena could not punish Poseidon, so she turned Medusa into a terrible snake hair.

There is also a saying that Medusa is Poseidon's lover, because Poseidon once watched the ocean kingdom he ruled everywhere with her. At that time, Poseidon said that Athena had taken Athens by improper means, which was a joke, but it was believed by Medusa. Soon after, Medusa ordered her two sisters to make trouble in Athens. Athena and luna learned that Athena couldn't stand Medusa's contempt for her and her two sisters' arrogance. Although I knew it was his uncle's masterpiece, I had to take it out on Medusa because I couldn't get revenge. After my uncle found Medusa, I scolded Medusa in a rage, saying that she was beautiful and ruthless, and only an ugly face could deserve her vicious heart, turning her into a femme fatale with snake hair in her eyes. This is the version of the Korean anime Olympus.

Medusa the snake demon

Poerxiusi, the son of Zeus, knew the secret, so he turned around and looked for Medusa with a bright shield as a mirror. With the help of Athena and Hermes, he cut off her head. Pegasus and giant Chrysaor are descendants of Medusa. Chrysaor flew out of the blood sea of Medusa on a flying horse, and was attacked by strong wind in the air, and was blown from side to side. The blood dripping from Medusa's head fell into the Libyan desert and became a poisonous snake. Although Medusa's blood is highly toxic, it has special power and once gave Ericthonius the ability to bring back the dead. Poerxiusi killed Cetus, a sea monster, with Medusa's head cut off. When he came back, he gave it to Athena, who fixed it between his shield and breastplate. Medusa's head is often used by artists on symbolic badges, architectural decorations and even Athens coins, as well as on soldiers' shields.

The legend of medusa 1:

I remember a legend about Medusa.

A beautiful girl with long green hair and sapphire blue eyes.

She was born in Greece and sailed at sea with her lover. She feels very happy.

Unfortunately, night soon fell and a group of pirates boarded their ship. The man who tried to protect himself betrayed her to pirates.

Pain, sadness, anger, despair. She cursed herself in abuse, cursed the pirates who betrayed her, cursed the sea that brought her misfortune, and cursed the God who looked at everything mercilessly.

Medusa sculpture

Her hair began to grow longer, with sharp teeth, forming a snake head. Her eyes are gone, and everyone who has seen her eyes has turned to stone. She hopes those hateful men will never be reincarnated.

Hatred filled her whole heart, and she had forgotten the warmth of the world. She indulges herself and never lets anyone near her go. People began to fear her. Keep her away from this world.

God looked at everything quietly and looked at the injured woman. God is saying: be calm and don't let hatred fill your heart again. Don't let yourself fall again.

Legend 2 (the most complete version of Greek legends, including the most constellation fairy tales):

Cepheus, Cassiopeia, Andromeda, Perseus, Pegasus and Cetus.

There is a city in the west of the Greek Peninsula, called Argos. King Acres had a very beautiful and lovely princess named Shen Jianing. Achilles loved this daughter very much, but the Oracle of the sun god Delphi told him that he would die at the hands of his grandson. In order to prevent his daughter from getting acquainted with men, he built a bronze tower and locked Dinah in it, and no one was allowed to get close. Zeus, who is naturally romantic, will certainly not let such a beautiful woman go. He turned into a golden rain, spilled into the copper tower through the only window, and met Dana.

Ten months later, Dana gave birth to a healthy and lively boy named Poerxiusi, which means "sparkling". After hearing this, Acres wanted to kill them, but killing relatives would be sent by heaven, and Erines, the nemesis, would hunt them down. He couldn't bear to do this, so Acres decided to put Dinah and her son in a wooden box and throw them into the sea to die.

The wooden box drifted with the sea to an island called Cyprus and was rescued by Dickis, the brother of the king on the island. He liked Poerxiusi so much that he even adopted him and brought him up. Eighteen years later, Poerxiusi grew up and became a handsome and brave blond boy. Dick's brother Polydectes took a fancy to Dinah early in the morning and wanted to marry her, but she turned him down on the grounds of raising Poerxiusi, so he always regarded Poerxiusi as a thorn in his side.

At a birthday party, Politex feted members of the royal family. He deliberately invited Poerxiusi to the party, looking for opportunities to ridicule him. Poerxiusi didn't bring any gifts, so he said he could bring anything back as a gift if the king asked. Politex wanted Medusa's head on purpose. Young and competitive, Poerxiusi knew nothing about Medusa, but he wanted to take the risk, so he agreed to Politex. Actually, Politex wanted to take this opportunity to keep Poerxiusi from coming back and let him die at the hands of the gorgon. Poerxiusi was afraid of her mother's worry, so she left without saying goodbye and went alone to find the legendary gorgon.

Medusa, the gorgon, was originally a beautiful girl, and she also had two sisters with immortal blood. She is the only mortal among the three gorgons. She has the legendary fatal seductive eyes, lives in the far west, and is the daughter of another unknown sea god, Phocos. Poseidon was tempted to become a good horse and have sex with her. Poseidon hid in the temple of Athena in order to escape the jealousy of Afiti, which angered Athena and her two sisters, so she turned all three sisters into monsters. Another way of saying it: Medusa was once a beautiful girl. Because she boasted that she was more beautiful than Athena, the goddess of wisdom took away all her beauty and left her with an ugly monster body. ) They are covered with golden scales and have eagle wings on their backs, while Medusa has swan wings on her back and no hair on her head, but it is still difficult to hide her beauty. As long as anyone has seen her eyes, they will be attracted by her beauty and magic and lose their souls and become a stone statue. People call them Gorg (Gog or Gorgon), and no one knows where they live.

When Poerxiusi was ready to set out in search of the gorgon, a friendly old fisherman by the sea offered to help him and lent him some treasures. It turns out that the old fisherman is the incarnation of Athena. The treasures she lent to Poerxiusi were: a pair of shoes that Hermes could fly, a hat that Hades could hide, a leather bag that could be stretched at will, and a diamond sword as sharp as mud. Athena also lent him her shield. The goddess instructed him to find the woman in gray to defeat Gog.

Grey Niang is Gog's sister and lives at the western end of the sea. They were very old when they were born. Three people take turns enjoying one eye and one tooth. Only they know where Gog is and how to defeat him. Poerxiusi went to the gray maiden's house to hide. When one of them took off his eyes and gave them to another, he took them away. Poerxiusi threatened to crush Gog's eyes if they didn't tell him how to beat Gog. In desperation, Grey Niang had to tell Poerxiusi.

Poerxiusi, according to the instructions of Grey Niang, came to the island where Gog lived. He used Athena's shield to reflect the correct position of the three sisters, and while the three were asleep, he slowly retreated to Medusa's side, cut off her head with a sword and put it in a leather bag. At this time, the other two brothers woke up, saw their sister's tragic death, and wanted to find Poerxiusi, the murderer of her. Unfortunately, Poerxiusi put on his invisibility hat and flying shoes, but his two brothers couldn't see him. He left with Medusa's head. Blood from Medusa's neck suddenly turned into smoke, and a winged flying horse flew out. This is Pegasus, and the giant Chrysaor also appeared after Poerxiusi left. They are all descendants of Poseidon.

Poerxiusi took a leather bag with Medusa's head on it and rode back to Pei Gasos. On the way, when he passed the Ethiopian coast, he saw a beautiful woman naked and tied to the shore with iron bars. She looks pathetic. Poerxiusi then went over and asked. It turns out that she is the princess of this country, and her name is Andlau Moda. Her mother is conceited of her beauty. She once boasted that she was more beautiful than Nereid, a fairy in the sea, but people were not allowed to visit her, so Poseidon was very angry. Poseidon triggered a tsunami, which flooded the land of this country and destroyed people's houses. The only way is to dedicate her daughter, Andlau Moda, to the sea monster.

When Poerxiusi knew the whole thing, he was duty-bound to promise to defeat the sea monster for her and save her from here. Suddenly there was a rumbling sound on the sea and the waves suddenly parted. A sea monster with a black body, a one-horned head and a trident tail rushed to the floating shore where they were. Poerxiusi, wearing off his shoes and holding a sword as sharp as mud, jumped into the air and attacked the sea monster. He stabbed the sea monster to death with his sword, then took out Medusa's head with his leather bag and turned the sea monster into stone (the whale constellation refers to this kind of sea monster). Poerxiusi brought Andromeda back to the Ethiopian palace. Cepheus and Cassiopeia greeted them warmly. They were very grateful to Poerxiusi for saving their beloved daughter and decided to marry her. In fact, they admired each other early in the morning. Even if the king didn't ask, Poerxiusi would ask Andlau Moda to be his wife.

The legend of medusa

On the day of their grand wedding in Ethiopia, finis, the former fiance of Andlau Moda, led an army to make trouble and was dissatisfied with the king's violation of the engagement. But King Sipes said, "When your fiancee is in trouble, you will only hide in a safe place. On the contrary, brave Poerxiusi spared no effort to save her. He is the one who really cares about Andromeda. You are not qualified to be her fiance at all! " However, Bienias was furious. He ordered the army to attack Poerxiusi and kill him. Of course, Poerxiusi couldn't resist the whole army, so he shouted, "If you are my friend, don't look!" "He said, and took out the medusa's head, and turned all the enemies into stones. Andromeda refers to the image of the beautiful Andromeda princess locked on a rock, ready to be sacrificed to the sea monster, while Cepheus refers to the king of Zeppes and Cassiopeia is the queen of Cassiopeia.

After Poerxiusi successfully married Andlau Moda, he returned to Cyprus with his new wife. Knowing that King Portex forced his mother Dana to marry him, she refused, so she was imprisoned. Poerxiusi was so angry that he immediately went to the palace to find Politus. Polly Tex was having a banquet with ministers at this moment, and when he saw Poerxiusi coming back intact, he immediately showed an unhappy look. He said that Poerxiusi didn't kill Medusa at all, but fled back in fear. Poerxiusi opened his purse and said, "I don't believe you can see clearly with your eyes! He held Medusa's head high and turned everyone into stones. The people wanted to make Poerxiusi king, but he wanted to return to his motherland, Argos, so he gave the throne to his adoptive father, Dicktis, and went back with his mother and wife. King Achilles of Argos knew that his grandson had become a famous hero, and he was very afraid. He left Argos and went into hiding.

Poerxiusi went back by boat, but the strong wind made them deviate from the course and arrived at Thessaly, the neighboring country of Argos. A large-scale sports meeting was held there, and Poerxiusi participated enthusiastically. When he threw the discus, because he was too strong, the discus was thrown askew and fell into the audience, and an old man was killed. It turns out that this old man is the king of Argos. He tried to escape from here, but he died at the hands of his grandson. The prophecy finally came true.

Poerxiusi held Medusa's head in his left hand (that is, Daling V), a sword in his right hand and flying shoes on his feet. He was thrown into the sky and became Poerxiusi.

(Note: Ethiopia is not Ethiopia today, but a dynasty originally located on the north coast of Africa).

Although the blood of the gorgon is highly toxic, it has special power, which once gave Ericthonius the ability to bring back the dead. Poerxiusi killed the sea monster Cetus (see Cetus) with Medusa's head cut off. When he came back, he gave it to Athena, who fixed it in the center of his shield/breastplate. The heads of the three gorgons are often used by artists on symbolic badges, architectural decorations and even Athens coins, as well as on soldiers' shields.

In Greek legend, "Gorgon" is the collective name of three sisters who are very similar in appearance, including Steeno Steeno (also translated as "Steeno's daughter" power) and Gordon Euryale (also translated as "

Ouluale, the daughter of flying, Medusa, the daughter of domination. Among the three sisters of the gorgon, only Medusa is mortal, and her sisters Stefano and Yuri Ellie are magic. Poerxiusi cleaned up the youngest sister, Medusa, and the other two sisters won't die no matter how many times Poerxiusi cuts them, because they have the ability of immortality. Finally, Poerxiusi had to give up running. Poerxiusi was attacked by a strong wind in the air when she was avoiding the pursuit of the two sisters of Medusa, and was blown from side to side. The blood dripping from Medusa's head fell into the Libyan desert and became a poisonous snake.