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How spectacular is the nebula?

There are many magnificent nebulae in the vast universe, which add gorgeous colors to the monotonous starry sky, such as Rainbow Nebula, Rose Nebula, trifid nebula, Ring Nebula, Horsehead Nebula, Little Ghost Nebula, Ant Nebula, Cat's Eye Nebula and so on.

Rainbow Nebula is a cloud gas composed of interstellar dust and gas clouds. Like a delicate "cosmic petal", it "blooms" far away in the star-rich area of Cepheus, as far as 1300 light years. Sometimes it is called "Rainbow Nebula", and sometimes people call it "Alice Nebula". Its number is NGC7023, but it is not the only nebula in the sky that reminds people of flowers.

In the rainbow nebula, interstellar dust material surrounds a hot young star. The "filaments" in the dust center reflect red light. But the light reflected by this nebula is mainly blue, which is the characteristic of dust particles reflecting star light. The "filaments" in the dust center emit faint red fluorescence, because some dust particles can effectively convert invisible ultraviolet rays emitted by stars into visible red light. Infrared observers also found that this nebula may contain complex carbon molecules called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.

The beautiful Rose Nebula NGC2237 is a large emission nebula 3000 light years away from us. There is an open cluster numbered NGC2244 in the center of the nebula, and the star wind from the star cluster has blown a big hole in the center of the nebula. These stars were formed by the clouds around them about 4 million years ago, and there is an isolation layer composed of dust and hot clouds at the edge of the hole.

The ultraviolet radiation emitted by this hot star breaks down the surrounding clouds and makes them glow. The rich hydrogen in the nebula is excited by young and bright stars, which makes NGC2237 appear red in most photos.

Not all the rose nebulae are red, but they are still very beautiful. In the sky map, the beautiful rose nebula and other star-forming areas are always dominated by red, partly because the main emission in the nebula is produced by hydrogen atoms.

1747, French astronomer Le gentil first discovered trifid nebula and trifid nebula. They are bright and huge, and they are mixed reflection and emission nebulae with apparent magnitude of 8.5 and apparent diameter of 27. 1'. There are three very obvious gangsters in this nebula. Its shape is like three shiny leaves tightly and harmoniously put together, so it is called "trifid nebula". Because there are three black stripes on the nebula, some astronomers call it a "trident nebula".

Trifid nebula is located in Sagittarius. If you want to find trifid nebula, you must first be familiar with Sagittarius. Sagittarius is a very spectacular constellation, located in the widest and brightest area of the Milky Way, that is, the center of the Milky Way. Every summer is the best season to observe Sagittarius. At the end of June and the beginning of July, just after sunset, Sagittarius rises from the east and can be seen all night.

Sagittarius is one of the zodiac 12 constellations, with Capricorn in the east and Scorpio in the west. Some people call Sagittarius Sagittarius, but that's actually an irregular name. The hero of Sagittarius is Kay Loen, a centaur whose upper body is human and lower body is horse in Greek mythology. Kay Loen is not only good at archery, but also the most learned man in Greece. So many great heroes worship him as their teacher.

Because Sagittarius is located in the south, you can't see this constellation at all in the area north of 78 north latitude, but only in the area south of 45 north latitude can you see the complete Sagittarius. You can see the complete Sagittarius in most parts of China.

So, how can we find Sagittarius smoothly? Sagittarius has six bright stars, forming a six-star southern bucket very similar to the Big Dipper. Although the brightness and size of the six stars in Nandou are not as good as the Big Dipper, they are also very eye-catching. If you find the six stars in Nandou, you will find Sagittarius.

Sagittarius has a wide range and contains many bright stars, including two second-class stars and eight third-class stars. Sagittarius is also a place where famous deep space objects gather. Besides trifid nebula, there are 14 messier objects, such as the famous lagoon nebula M8 and horseshoe nebula M 17. Trifid nebula ranks 20th in messier catalog, abbreviated as M20.

So, where is trifid nebula? It is just southwest of the brighter Sagittarius μ on the handle tip of Nandou Six Star. Trifid nebula is 5600 light years away.

Ring nebula, that is, planetary nebula, so there is a high-temperature star in the center of the quasi-star cloud, surrounded by a circle of cloud-like material, just like a planet orbiting the sun, hence the name; Because it is shaped like a halo, it is also called a ring nebula.

Its cause is caused by a supernova explosion. When a star with a mass of 1.4-2 times the mass of the sun explodes, its external matter is thrown into space to form a circular nebula, and the core of the planet is compressed into a neutron star with extremely high density and temperature, which illuminates the thrown matter around it and is seen by people. This is a ring nebula, which is completely different from gas nebula and exonebula, and the number of such nebulae is much higher than others. The ring nebula was created by the famous British astronomer William? Herschel found it. At that time, Herschel was a pianist in the British Royal Band, but he loved astronomy and often observed the stars with a telescope.

1one night in the summer of 779, when Herschel aimed his telescope at Lyra, among many stars, he found a small round celestial body with a slightly light green color and a clear edge. He vaguely saw that it should be a nebula.

But Herschel didn't know what kind of nebula it was. Because the resolution of his telescope is too poor to see the details of the nebula clearly, but it looks like a big planet, so Herschel named this nebula planetary nebula. In fact, planetary nebulae have nothing to do with planets, but this inappropriate name has been used all the time.

Anthony, a contemporary French astronomer of Herschel? Dalqueye also discovered this celestial body. He saw it while observing a comet. Messier, a French astronomer, put this celestial body in his catalog, ranking 57th, or M57 for short.

With the continuous improvement of observation ability, many planetary nebulae have been discovered one after another, and the total number currently exceeds 1000. Astronomers estimate that there are about 40,000 to 50,000 planetary nebulae in our galaxy, just because they are hidden in the depths of space, too small and too dark for us to find at present.

IC434 is a bright emission nebula located in Orion. It was caught by William? Herschel found out. It is located next to Betelgeuse, the easternmost part of Orion's belt, and it is a slender and fuzzy area. IC434 is more famous than other celestial bodies in the IC catalog because it sets off the famous Horsehead Nebula.

Horsehead Nebula, also known as Barnard 33, is a dark nebula in bright IC434, located in Orion, 0/500 light-years away from the Earth. Seen from the earth, it lies below Orion zeta, with an apparent magnitude of 8.3 and so on. It is invisible to the naked eye.

Because the shape is very similar to the silhouette of a horse's head, it has the title of "Horsehead Nebula". This unusual nebula was first discovered in the photos taken by Harvard University Observatory in 1888.

The Horsehead Nebula is a celestial body that is difficult to observe within the observation range of amateur telescopes, so amateurs often use the Horsehead Nebula as a test target to test their observation skills. Part of it is an emission nebula, which is excited by a star with a spectrum B7. The other part is the reflection nebula, which is illuminated by a spectral B7 star. The angle is 30 feet in diameter and 350 seconds from the earth.

The red light of the nebula is mainly hydrogen irradiated by the stars behind the nebula. The dark "horse's head" is about 1 light-year, mainly because dense dust covers the light behind it. But the shadow on the left at the bottom of the horse's neck is caused by the horse's neck. The strong magnetic field running through the nebula is forcing a lot of gas to fly away from the nebula.

The bright spot at the bottom of the Horsehead Nebula is a young star in infancy. It takes about 1500 years for light to travel from the Horsehead Nebula to the Earth.

The Little Ghost Nebula is a diffuse nebula located in Orion, which is 1300 light-years away from the Earth. It looks like a black ghost floating in the fog. The number of Ghost Nebula is NGC6369, and it is William, a British astronomer in18th century. Herschel discovered Ophiuchus with a telescope.

This nebula has the round appearance of a planet, and it is also very dark, so it has the nickname "kid nebula". The bright variable V380 inside Orion illuminates this nebula. These cold gases and dust are so dense that they completely block the passage of light. The stars inside may be dense. This dark cloud is a dense cloud of gas and dust called bok globule.

The Little Ghost Nebula is located in Ophiuchus, 2000 light years away from the solar system. The gas is splashing out at a speed of about 24 kilometers per second, and the diameter of the air mass has reached 1 light-year. The middle part of the blue-green color is composed of gas, which is the result of strong ionization of the red giant under the action of ultraviolet light. The outside of the air mass is weakly affected by ultraviolet rays, so the outside color of the air mass is close to yellow and orange.

Nebula is a cloud composed of dust and gas, and its proper name is Mz3. Looking through a telescope, we can see that it is shaped like an ant, located in the Milky Way galaxy, 3000-6000 light years away from the earth.

1July 20, 997, by University of Washington astronomer Bruce? Beric and astronomer Vincent of Leiden University? Ike discovered when studying the images of the Hubble Space Telescope. Mz3 is called "Ant Nebula" because its image is very similar to the head and chest of ordinary ants.

Cat's Eye Nebula is a planetary nebula located in Draco. What makes this nebula special is that its structure is almost the most complex of all recorded nebulae. The Cat's Eye Nebula has many structures, such as knots, spouts and arcs.

This nebula is 1786 February 15 by William? Herschel discovered it first.

To 1864, British amateur astronomer William? Huggins made spectral analysis for the Cat's Eye Nebula, which is the first time that spectral analysis technology has been applied to this nebula.

Modern research has uncovered many secrets of the Cat's Eye Nebula. Some people think that the complex structure of the nebula comes from the eruption material connecting the main star in the star system, but so far there is no evidence that there is a companion star in the central star. In addition, there are significant differences between the two measurements of chemical substances in the nebula, and the reasons are still unknown.