Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - Is the constellation shape of astronomy fictional or real?

Is the constellation shape of astronomy fictional or real?

In order to facilitate Taoist astrologers to recognize stars, people divide several regions with different sizes according to the natural distribution of stars in the sky, and each region is called a constellation. Connect the bright stars in the same constellation with lines to form various figures. In shape, they are similar to animals and utensils. There are nearly 6,000 stars visible to the naked eye, each of which can be classified into a unique constellation, and each constellation can be identified by the shape of a bright star.

Basically, dividing stars into constellations is a random process. Different civilizations have different constellations made up of different stars-although some constellations made up of more conspicuous stars are roughly the same in different civilizations, such as Orion and Scorpio. The International Astronomical Union divides the sky into 88 official constellations with precise boundaries, so that every star in the sky belongs to a specific constellation. Most of these official constellations are based on the ancient Greek traditional constellations handed down from the Middle Ages. Constellation plays an important role in astronomy, and astrology also uses the image of the zodiac. However, if astrology does not use real scientific methods, it will generally be considered as pseudoscience.

Western constellations originated in Babylon, one of the four ancient civilizations. It is said that the so-called zodiac 12 constellation has more than 20 constellation names, and Mesopotamia was born about 5000 years ago. Since then, the Babylonians have continued to divide the sky into many regions and put forward new constellations. Around 1000 BC, 30 constellations have been proposed. Ancient Greek astronomers supplemented and developed the Babylonian constellation and compiled the ancient Greek constellation table. In the 2nd century A.D., Ptolemy, an ancient Greek astronomer, synthesized the astronomical achievements at that time and sorted out 48 constellations. Connect the main bright stars in the constellation with imaginary lines, imagine them as images of animals or characters, and give them appropriate names in combination with fairy tales. This is the origin of the constellation name. Most of the 48 constellations in Greek mythology live in the northern sky and north and south of the equator.

In order to facilitate research, people divide the starry sky into several regions, which are called constellations. China divided the sky into three walls and twenty-eight nights a long time ago.