Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - Does Pisces match Cancer?

Does Pisces match Cancer?

There is no absolute thing in the world, there are exceptions, but the following explanation belongs to the public. It might help if you look at it.

Pisces and Cancer people work, play or communicate together according to the harmonious rhythm of 5-9 days of house vibration. The relationship between most cancers and Pisces is relatively harmonious, except for those constellations that conflict greatly in the solar chart. They often suddenly have a wonderful mutual attraction. They know each other better than others and of course know themselves better. Dominated by the moon (Cancer) and Neptune (Pisces), all three (Pisces is symbolized by two Pisces) are subtle, sensitive, melancholy and changeable.

Pisces people are controlled by mood swings. Their mood changes in a complicated way with the ebb and flow of the tide. Trying to determine the mood of Pisces at a certain moment is as difficult as trying to distinguish the color of mother of pearl. Is it pink, white, light yellow, blue or silver gray? You were about to confirm when the light flashed and the color changed. Because Pisces' mood is dominated by the mystery of tides, we can also say that their mood is indirectly influenced by the moon.

Cancer people are directly influenced by the moon. This makes their mood even more elusive. Pisces men or women can guess the mood of cancer people quite accurately by looking at the periodic changes of the moon in the astronomical calendar. However, it is difficult for cancer people to guess the emotional changes of Pisces people at a certain moment-whether that person is a friend, business partner, relative, lover or partner. This creates an interesting guessing game between Pisces and Cancer. Although this kind of game sometimes makes it difficult for them to forgive each other's mistakes, it adds a lot of fun to their monotonous life of earning money to support their families and arguing about how to spend money. And the accident caused by that guessing game is just mood swings?

Although the 5th-9th Palace is harmonious, it cannot guarantee absolute and lasting harmony in a harmonious atmosphere. There are still some contradictions and conflicts, both in the relative aspect of their birth images and in some aspects of their personality, which need a certain degree of compromise.

The problem of money is likely to cause great conflict between the two water-related constellations. Generally speaking, Pisces regards money as an essential and annoying thing. They regard money as the devil they have to deal with, and try their best to deal with it as little as possible. People dominated by Neptune often don't care about money, spend money lavishly, and are not very enthusiastic about accumulating wealth. They will never count money carefully, save money, calculate profits or care about losses. This little thing related to money is too lacking in creativity and imagination for them, and it is too boring.

On the contrary, compared with Pisces, people in Cancer have many problems about money. For a typical cancer person, the jingle of coins is soothing music, and the jingle of folding paper money is almost as beautiful as a symphony. Cancer people are good at calculating profits, but no matter how hard they try, they can't instill that theory into Pisces. Caution and frugality are the key words of cancer people. All people ruled by the moon have a subconscious fear of poverty, which makes some cancer people have strange and funny hobbies.

If prudence and frugality are the characteristics of cancer people, then casualness, generosity (and sometimes even luxury) are the characteristics of Pisces people. The only mysterious and free life that can interest Pisces. Pisces people's attitude of "live and let others live" is similar to Aquarius people's, perhaps more clear. Pisces will not tell others how to live, but it is undeniable that some Pisces are curious about the private lives of their relatives and friends, especially about their gossip, but they never pry into other people's privacy. Cancer people like to know other people's privacy, but they will not spread it out in the future, but will shrink into the crab shell and keep nothing from you. However, Pisces can discover the secrets of cancer people better than any other active constellation (except Scorpio) because they are very compassionate listeners. Compassion plays a great role in communication with cancer people. No one will have so many nightmares and so sad memories like people in Cancer. He will talk about his mother (no matter how she treats him, whether she is a sinner or a saint) and complain that she "doesn't understand me". Painful tears, happy laughter, humor, sobs, and all kinds of contradictory feelings can be found in conversations with cancer people.

By the time he finished, the love heart of Pisces had dried up. Pisces is not only polite to Cancer, but really cares about him. Although people in the zodiac are very touched by the warmth and comfort of Pisces, they have never been as grateful as people in Cancer.

One of the main dangers of quiet and unusual communication is alcohol, or procrastination and escapism. The heavy social life makes Cancer and Pisces addicted to wine, so they should resist the confusion of wine. They should also stay away from mysterious techniques such as magic, hypnosis, seance, etc., because it is easy for them to fall into those seemingly exciting things because of the influence of water, but the ending is often unfortunate.

Because cancer people are extremely homesick, Pisces people often take the initiative to ask them out to travel for a change. Cancer people are sometimes attracted by things outside, but they lose their way and can't go home. At this time, even the moon in charge of cancer seems unwilling to help. It hides aside, not illuminating the way home for the "cancer" and making them regret it. In any case, cancer people are extremely uncomfortable with roaming life, because they naturally like to stay at home and live with their families.

Money can keep a typical cancer in a trance for a long time. The ambition of making money and accumulating wealth lures them to warm homes and leave familiar places. But their hearts stayed and kept calling in their dreams-calling them home.

Pisces people don't fall in love like cancer people. Although they also like the security of staying at home. But if Neptune frequently sends them signals to stay away from home, they will go far away. They would rather risk drifting in the vast ocean than waste their creative imagination in boredom.

Sometimes, Cancer and Pisces will travel together. But at night, Cancer's heart will call him back (especially when the moon is full), and Pisces will probably go back (just to please Cancer), but reluctantly. For people controlled by Neptune, change is the key to life. Pisces people weave their dreams with fantasy silk thread, but they are often bound by other people's or secular responsibilities, so they have to put aside their dreams and expect them to come true on a beautiful morning. Strangely, when the opportunity comes, Pisces people often hesitate and doubt whether their dreams will last long. As a result, I missed the opportunity to realize my dream. He (she) has to face an ordinary life again and wait for the next chance. Pisces people will not stop waiting and expecting.

While Pisces is waiting, life will never be monotonous. He will hear wonderful stories about cancer. Cancer will guide him to seize the next opportunity, even a mirage. Pisces will be happy because he taught Cancer not to worry about the future.

Cancer (female)-Pisces (male)

The element of water has a deep influence on the love between cancer women and Pisces men, so no matter how many years they have been together, their love still has a fantastic artistic conception. If they are temporarily separated by disputes, they will feel lonely and empty, and they will miss each other deeply. Cancer and Pisces lovers who just broke up are extremely sad and depressed.

They shouldn't be so sad, because they have many opportunities for reconciliation-as long as she is no longer angry, he will no longer escape from himself. Running away from yourself is like running away from your other half forever. You can only fail. If there is more than one conflict between their birth constellation and their main stars, Mars and Saturn, they may be separated forever, but their memories will never be erased. ...

The most mysterious element in mercury. It is extremely important for savvy Cancer Pisces couples, which is a test of their sensitivity to the macro and micro world. Sensitivity to the micro-world is a sign of their love and marriage.

The feeling of losing water is the feeling when you lose the most precious thing, that is, the feeling of losing each other by the Cancer Pisces couple. What if he loses her? What should he do if her happy tears turn into painful "acid rain"? Without him, she would be at a loss. Cancer women and Pisces men have extremely strong feelings under the quiet appearance of silence. When the great pain of separation really hit, they were completely desperate.

Cancer women and Pisces men in love try to avoid the personality gap between them unless they no longer love each other. Fortunately, couples like them have little personality differences and are easy to reconcile, as long as they can understand each other. Because they all like happy endings, let's talk about their problems first, and then talk about the aspects that are beneficial to their love.

Cancer women like to accumulate wealth. She deposited a lot of money in the bank. She likes to put money in her pocket and watch them increase little by little. If she is a typical cancer, then she is not just saving money. She will scold him for not being interested in saving money, accuse him of giving money to his friends casually, and accuse him of wasting money on his dreams. In her opinion, he tips servants, doormen and porters too much. If his birth month or constellation is in Cancer, or his birth month or constellation is in Pisces, then he will not be so extravagant and she will not be so stingy. If so, the "scarecrow" of money won't look so terrible. Otherwise, he must understand that she is not really stingy, but just wants to seek security in this uneasy world. And she must also understand that if she cares too much about money, she will stifle his creative freedom and rich imagination. Moreover, they have to separate bank accounts and manage their own accounts (even so, she will be very concerned about his monthly income).

Another scarecrow hid in the moonlight. Things in the moonlight make people feel different, because people look at them with different eyes-two eyes and the third eye of perception. This scarecrow is called "Emotion". At this point, cancer women and Pisces men complain to each other. When he was lost in thought, the knife was confused because he wouldn't tell her what he was thinking. And when she shrinks into the crab shell when the moon is lacking and falls into inexplicable anxiety, he will also be depressed. Because he is a "sponge of the soul", he absorbs all the emotions around him, and emotions reflect the changes of the moon like a photo negative, changing with the moon. So she reflects his calmness, and he will "absorb" her melancholy. He will be curious when she meditates. They all like to keep secrets, and they also like to know other people's secrets. They are both good at prying into each other's secrets. Meanwhile, I kept my secret. Once they realize this, they can't help laughing. Her sense of humor is a good way to solve their problems.

Generally speaking, there will be no "sex scarecrow" when they have sex. Cancer and Pisces are a perfect couple in physiology. Through sex, they can enjoy that kind of rare happiness-not just giving, not just taking-but communicating wholeheartedly. This kind of fun is beyond the reach of many couples. Their needs, desires and enthusiasm are as harmonious as telepathy, which finally brings them long-term peace and makes them no longer tremble with excitement. After that, their eyes were lingering and obsessed, as if the magical memory was too wonderful to describe, and they only used eye contact.

He listened to her gently pour out his worries and fears, and she warmed his melancholy heart with gentle care. Remember that water can help them maintain a good relationship. Remember how much they need each other. The couple are extremely sensitive to each other's ideas. They can understand each other's thoughts, but because of her reflection and his absorption, it is easy to have conflicts between thinking and emotion. If they allow this contradiction to worsen, then the dark clouds of tension will fall on them, and contradictions and selfishness will ruin their happiness-just like acid rain in nature, destroying plants and fish. And once their love starts again like water, like the fragrance of grass after a summer rain, it is worth cherishing.

Cancer (male)-Pisces (female)

All lovers and partners controlled by the 5-9 horoscope have extreme telepathy. Couples born in water-related constellations are influenced by the atmosphere of 5-9, and the connection between them is often incredible. They will contact each other in happy days, which is wonderful and intoxicating. In the gloomy days of temporary separation (unless there is any serious conflict in birthdates, 5-9 couples will not be separated forever), their feelings can only be painful.

What's worse, the induction in their hearts enables them to know each other's thoughts and actions quite accurately. The other person's thoughts often make them happy, while the other person's actions will disappoint them, because after an argument, they will try their best to show their care to each other. Both Pisces and Cancer are very talented actors. They are good at pretending, and the actions they pretend often make each other unhappy. In addition, both Pisces woman and her cancer lover have rich imaginations, so that the imagination of her Neptune and his moon is combined, sometimes covering up the real sensing information, causing illusions and unnecessary troubles.

Every cancer man likes (even asks) to be cared for as he was a child, and it is really naive to ask others to spoil him like an aunt. If he can pick up socks by himself, clean them by himself, be independent emotionally and in other aspects, and be cautious in handling critical situations, he will be deeply loved by people. He will ask the woman who courted him or married him to be gentle, considerate and faithful. In return, he will undertake some housework. At the same time, whenever there is any emotional crisis-between parents and children, between lovers and couples-he will try to solve it. They will live happily together forever.

However, if he was spoiled by his mother when he was a child, he would ask the woman he loved to dare to spoil him from time to time, not only to be gentle and considerate, but also to be faithful to him, and to pack his socks; Can't let him undertake any housework, but also cook for him and wait on him; And praise and appreciate him, even if he is wrong, don't blame him; We should protect him from the enemy and give him emotional support; No matter what their differences are, they can't be asked to take responsibility and solve the problem.

Fortunately, in most cases, Pisces women can successfully achieve this kind of considerate care, although it means that she will lose her personality and lifestyle. She always puts her dreams under his demands. After every quarrel, she always tries her best to reconcile and eliminate misunderstandings. When she was sad and confused, he cried on her shoulder more often than she cried on his shoulder. With her patience and compassion, with her selflessness, she will gradually make him emotionally mature and let him treat her as an emotional person who needs to be understood occasionally. If he doesn't understand her needs, then once she realizes the reality, she will find herself in a similar predicament as her mother. Women ruled by Neptune can easily cross the boundaries between tolerance and abuse, loyalty and pain.

In addition to the above, there is also a kind of cancer man. They were abandoned to some extent, maybe he was an orphan or adopted son; Maybe his parents are too busy to take enough care of his cancer children; Perhaps the quilt mother is indifferent, and he often cries himself to sleep. He longed for the emotional expression of his parents-for example, a bedtime story, a hug from his parents and a kiss before saying good night. Maybe he was born in poverty, and even in his dream, his parents were talking about money and calculating expenses, which made him feel that his existence and his birth were the burden of his parents and made him feel guilty.

If the childhood experience of the cancer man that Pisces loves is really like this, then the burden of Pisces women will be very heavy. She should not only be a good housewife and a lovely and perfect goddess in his mind, but also be his psychologist, psychiatrist, best friend and his parents. She should be three pure angels. Even if he is like a demon, he will never hate him or turn his back on him. In a word, she must heal his wound yesterday with persistent patience and sympathy, and heal his pain with the wonderful power of love. One day, he will wake up and find himself slowly but truly gaining a long-term self-confidence. Only in this way can he love her as selflessly as she loves him-this is an unchanging law of life: to love others, we must first respect and love ourselves.

Because of their 5-9 house, a Pisces woman will never panic when she understands the two kinds of people mentioned above. She is born to understand the complexity of interpersonal relationships better than others. She is good at accepting difficult problems-big or small-and solving them calmly and patiently. Her inner peace and tranquility and her resigned nature enable her to solve problems in an orderly way and never be overwhelmed by difficulties. Besides, what can she do? She tried her best to clear the obstacles in her life, and after doing her best, she would continue to worry. For her, it's just in vain. Pisces never grieves for anything, but it doesn't mean that she doesn't cry in despair, fear and anxiety. But soon, there will be that kind of casual resignation on her face, and she will restore her calm and happy self. Letting one's fate be resigned is by no means, it just means accepting the facts, turning to a smarter goal, and finally achieving that goal.

She also has a Neptune intuition, which is insight. She can see the light of cutting and polishing diamonds-her imagination has helped her a lot. She can also see the advantages of the cancer man she loves: strong plasticity and potential, and regard him as a lifelong companion. She likes to be with him, because he doesn't want to argue with others, and he is not too picky (except that his mood fluctuates because of the change of the moon). His tenderness moved her, and his firm confidence and strong sense of responsibility made her feel at ease about the future, his love and her life. He is gentle and quiet. She is gentle and quiet. Their similarity made her feel peaceful and quiet. At the same time, he is modern and has a good sense of humor. He made her laugh and cry; He can tell many interesting stories, and his cleverness and wit fascinate her. His capriciousness made her unpredictable. He is the perfect combination of stability and uncertainty. He can make life full of new ideas and make love last forever. Besides these, he is a careful and charming lover. He can read her mind (just as she can read his mind), and he always seems to know when she needs his care most and when she wants to hide in their intimate world most.

Like other lovers, they don't have to say anything to know when crabs should have sex and calm the restless torrent. If he can't make her understand how much he needs her, if he puts too much energy into nameless troubles, she will shut herself up and show temporary indifference. This brings problems to their physical harmony. But if he can be gentle at the right time, then she will be as ecstatic as a flower in the rain. And when her attitude becomes a little mean and tough after their quarrel, he should hide in the crab shell and pretend not to be interested. Pisces rarely uses harsh words, so once her words become less polite, he will be shocked and feel rejected and abandoned. However, these are not big problems. Before long, the strong magnetic force between Cancer and Pisces will attract each other and make them become a whole again.

Cancer and Pisces have different degrees of stubbornness. Pisces woman's stubbornness is that she never believes in eternal failure. She has a hunch that when the tree of experience bears rich fruits, those gloomy days of failure will end in a strange and contradictory way, leading you to happiness. Cancer man's stubbornness is that he will never give up anything he wants. His "crab claws" will firmly grasp what they want, dreams (or people)-no matter how far away, no matter how far away, they can't escape his "crab claws". No matter how Pisces struggles, it is difficult for her to get a permanent relief.

But she usually doesn't try to escape the control of Cancer Man. She thinks it's great that someone needs herself so much. That's true. This is the most wonderful thing for a typical Pisces woman to come to work. However, sometimes she feels it necessary to explain to her lover that being needed is a good thing, but not being owned is suffocating. At this time, controlled by the moon, he will turn around and cry silently, feeling lonely and feeling that she has abandoned him. He never thought about it. It was his "cancer character" that violated her and forced her to say so. So she had to say, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you." You are my favorite person in the world. Come on, let's make a wish together! He quickly became happy again, grabbed her firmly again and said happily, "OK, let's go! I bet I can guess what you want. " She smiled softly and said, "Of course, you can always know my secret. I also know what you want to wish for. " He was ecstatic and whispered, "Don't tell anyone." She promised and swore never to tell anyone. So they came to a meadow, looked up at the sky and sang their wishes.

But he didn't know that his guess about her wishes was actually wrong. There are many things that people controlled by Neptune will never tell those controlled by the moon. Pisces women always keep secrets. Her cancer lover looks smart, but he doesn't know her secret.

Now, I'll tell you a secret that both of them keep together: they-Cancer man and Pisces woman-guess each other's thoughts in order to ensure that the other party will never lose interest in themselves.