Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - Where have you been 10 to be considered as traveling all over Africa?

Where have you been 10 to be considered as traveling all over Africa?

Africa is the oldest human settlement. 60,000 years ago, our ancestors traveled all over the world from here. This should be the most familiar "mother continent" for mankind, and it is also a hidden gem on the earth. The more I go to Africa, the more I find that I don't understand Africa.

It is different from any world you have experienced. This is why more and more travelers explore this mysterious continent.

Africa is so big and diverse that it can meet the needs of every kind of traveler-

Archaeologists, history lovers, animal lovers, climbers and beach walkers. ...

Africa has brought you crazy adventures.


According to the experience and suggestions of Bobo's African fans, 10 must-see scenic spots in Africa were selected. Only when you have been to these places can you be called to travel all over Africa.

Pyramid of Giza, Egypt

Highlight: The most mysterious building.

I believe that for everyone who dreams of traveling around the world, the Egyptian Pyramid is definitely a scenic spot that must be punched in. It is not only the symbol of ancient Egyptian civilization, but also the wealth of people all over the world. Known as one of the seven wonders of the world, it was listed in the World Heritage List as early as 1980.

The pyramids of Egypt have a history of more than 5000 years. Even before the completion of the Eiffel Tower in 1889, it was the tallest building on the ground. Most of them are located in the desert of Giza Plateau in the southwest of Cairo, among which the most famous are the three generations of pyramids-Khufu, khalaf and Menkoala.

Among them, pyramid of khufu is the largest. It covers an area of 13. 1 mu, and is built by nearly 2.6 million huge stones weighing at least 2.5 tons, each weighing more than 6.25 million tons. Assuming that 10,000 masons can push ten boulders weighing 10 tons every day, it will take nearly 700 years, but in fact, a pyramid can be built in only 30 years.

This is a magnificent building that was difficult to build from the Egyptian population, handling technology or architectural knowledge at that time. Therefore, the construction of the pyramids has always been an eternal puzzle that all archaeologists can't figure out if they want to break their heads. Everyone even suspects that they have the help of aliens.

However, due to the great fame of the pyramids, there are too many tourists here, and there are also many problems, such as the harassment of swindlers and beggars. How long does it take to visit the pyramids?

Zanzibar, Tanzania

Highlight: authentic Swahili culture.

About 50 kilometers east of Tanzania, an East African country, there is a beautiful island-Zanzibar Island, which can fascinate all travelers. This island independent of the world is a bright pearl in the Indian Ocean. It is located near the equator, surrounded by beaches and warm in all seasons. It is a famous tourist attraction in Africa.

Zanzibar Island is a colony in history. It was occupied by Portugal, Arabia and Britain. It is a transit point for the slave trade and a fortress for trade and transportation in Africa and other regions. African traditional black culture, Islamic culture and Indian culture converge here, and the three cultures blend with each other, giving birth to a unique Swahili culture. Zanzibar Island is also a world-famous fragrant island. The clove produced here accounts for 4/5 of the world sales, so it has the title of "the most fragrant place in the world".

Stone Town on the island is a must. The Stone Town in Zanzibar is an outstanding example of many coastal commercial cities built by Swahili people in East Africa, and was listed on the World Heritage List in 2000. There are well-preserved ancient town buildings here. Through deep alleys, you can meet noisy markets, historic mosques, ornate Arab houses and wooden and stone gates engraved with exquisite patterns.

In addition to Stone Town, the prison island crawling with elephants and turtles and the unique rock restaurant are also worth visiting.

Botswana Okavango Delta

Highlight: Aquatic Wildlife Kingdom

The Okavango Delta covers an area of over 15000 square kilometers, almost as big as the whole of Beijing. It is the largest inland delta in the world. Located in northern Botswana, it is listed as a World Heritage Site, formed by the Okavango River flowing into kalahari desert, and it is a treasure house of life embedded in the wild desert.

All animals here live on water, and even lions who hate water learn to swim here. July to September is the busiest season in Okavango every year, because it is in the dry season. Animals living in kalahari desert come from all directions and gather here because they can't find food. Okavango is rich in water resources at this time.

Okavango, R. Also known as cubango

Okavango is not only a paradise for animals, but also many interesting projects for you to experience, such as taking a canoe with local characteristics to shuttle through narrow waterways to experience water hunting, choosing a group of excellent horses to gallop in the shallows, sitting in a helicopter and feeling animal migration from God's perspective, and so on. Want to know more about Okavango, poke here.

How do rich people play in Africa? Hunting on horseback in the country of diamonds and watching lions by helicopter are only once in a lifetime.

Buwendi National Park, Uganda

Highlight: Tracking mountain gorillas in African virgin forests.

With the end of "The Rise of Planet of the Apes" some time ago, Caesar and his ape kingdom stayed in the movie forever, but fans don't have to be sad, because we can experience the real version of the orangutan kingdom in Bowendi National Park.

Buwendi National Park is located in the southwest of Uganda, covering an area of more than 30,000 hectares. The whole park is covered by lush mountain rainforests with beautiful scenery. It was listed on the World Heritage List in 1994. It is famous for its biodiversity, where you can find all kinds of birds and butterflies, as well as many endangered species, including mountain gorillas and chimpanzees.

Mountain Gorilla

Mountain gorillas are a kind of rare animals on the verge of extinction. At present, there are only about 800 gorillas in the world, and about half of them live in Buwendi Park. Because of their rude appearance and huge size, they look very scary. But in fact, they are very peaceful herbivores. Only when threatened or stimulated, will they beat their chests, growl and become angry rebels. So far, there has been no case of gorillas killing humans, so they are called "gentle giants".

Tracking mountain gorillas is the most exciting wildlife viewing experience in the world, only once in a lifetime. In Bowendi, the chance of meeting gorillas is almost 100%. With any luck, it only takes 30 minutes to see it. They spend most of their time wandering in the forest, chewing leaves or sleeping. They are lazy and arrogant. Don't panic even if they meet gorillas. I'm sure they will just ignore you. However, because gorillas are very rare, Buwendi has strict restrictions on the number of people participating in this project, and the price is relatively expensive, because it will be used to protect gorillas.

Ngorongoro volcano, Tanzania

Highlight: Xanadu of African wildlife

Ngorongoro volcano is the largest and best preserved volcano in the world. In its last eruption 2.5 million years ago, it spewed out all the lava, causing the top of the volcano to collapse into a depression, like a huge bowl embedded in the earth. Ngorongoro's unique terrain has created a beautiful paradise for animals living here. The crater has a diameter of18km and a depth of 700m. Animals inside can't get out, and animals outside can't get in.

But Xiao Bu thinks that even if the animals can go out, they will eventually choose to stay here, because Ngorongoro is so beautiful: there is a complete ecosystem, forests, grasslands, hills, swamps, rivers, lakes, etc., even in the dry season, there is plenty of water, so there is no need to eat and drink when living here!

At the mouth of Ngorongoro volcano, you can see a wide variety of concentrated animals. There are more than 30,000 kinds of animals living in about 260 square kilometers of land, including more than 50 kinds of large mammals, including lions, elephants, zebras, rhinoceroses, hippos, giraffes, monkeys, baboons, warthogs, hyenas, wildebeests and various antelopes. More than 200 kinds of birds, including ostriches, wild ducks and guinea fowl. It is the epitome of the wildlife kingdom in East Africa!

ngorongoro crater

Ngorongoro not only has many animals, but also beautiful scenery. In the rainy season, it has become a sea of flowers, and large areas of morning glory, lupines, daisies and alfalfa are competing to open, giving you the illusion of coming to fairyland. Poke here to take you across to Ngorongoro.

This "big bowl" made up by the hand of God is even better than a fairyland, which actually contains the whole animal world in Africa.

Namibian namib desert

Highlight: The oldest desert in the world.

Speaking of desert, everyone will think of Sahara, where the romantic love between Sanmao and Jose happened. In the southwest corner of Africa, there is a desert even older than Sahara-Namib. Namib desert was formed more than 60 million years ago, which is equivalent to the grandparent level of the Sahara Desert (formed 2.5 million years ago).

Namib desert is distributed along the coast, mainly in Namibia, with a total length of more than 2,000 kilometers, which is equivalent to the distance from Beijing to Guangzhou. A large area of red sand sea collided with blue sea water, which produced excellent visual effects and was described as "half sea water, half flame".

namib desert

Namibu means "a place with nothing" in Nama language, but in Xiao Bu's view, there are many "treasures" hidden in this desert. For example, there is a magical plant "Millennium Orchid", which can survive in the cruel desert for two thousand years with only two leaves; For example, in the depths of sand dunes, there is a valley of death like an abstract painting, and the dead trees that have long died but stand still take you to feel the vicissitudes of life; For example, there is the most beautiful and oldest sand dune No.45, which describes the magnificence and greatness of nature. ...

Victoria Falls, Zambia

Highlight: The largest waterfall in Africa.

Victoria Falls, Niagara Falls and Iguazu Falls are called the three major waterfalls in the world. It was listed in the World Natural Heritage List in 1989, and it is the largest, most beautiful and spectacular waterfall in the world: Victoria Falls is over 1700 meters wide, and its highest point reaches 108 meters, which is twice that of Niagara Falls. It is famous for its majestic momentum and monstrous water waves, attracting tourists from all over the world to flock to it not far from Wan Li, just to see the real thing.

1855, the European explorer David Livingston discovered it on his trip and named it after Queen Victoria at that time. However, the locals call it "Mosio Tunia", which means "Thunderbolt Fog", which is the most appropriate description of it.

The water source of Mosio Tunia comes from Zambezi River. The river is calm on the broad and flat plateau, but once it crosses the cliff, it becomes warm and wild in an instant: thousands of cubic meters of river water turn into silver snow waves every second, and fall down the cliff into deep canyons. The water waves are billowing and rough, rolling up thousands of accumulated snow and fog; At the same time, the thunderous roar resounded through the sky, which made people cry.

Omo River Basin in Ethiopia

Highlight: diverse primitive tribes and prehistoric cultural sites.

If you are a person with a strong curiosity about the mysterious tribes in Africa, then you should definitely visit the Omo River Basin in Ethiopia. Ethiopia is the only country in African history that has not been really colonized, so its local culture is less disturbed by the outside world, while the Omo River basin under the cover of mountains and grasslands is more "quiet" and more "primitive".

The Omo River originates from the central plateau of Ethiopia. It winds through mountains and valleys to the southwest border of Ethiopia and finally flows into Lake Tukana. There are many indigenous tribes along the river, including Kara tribe, Murilo tribe, Hama tribe, Suri tribe, Nyongjiatong tribe, Kuigu tribe and Dasanek tribe, with a total population of about 200,000. Herdsmen are swimming in the jungle with their herds, and farmers are rowing canoes back and forth on the river. On both sides of the river bank, the rainy season is covered with green crops, and the dry season is full of harvested crops.

Omo river basin

These tribes still maintain a complete tradition, and their ways of migration, war and peace talks have long been washed away in other places. You can see many shadows of ancient Africa here. For example, the fallen women in the west of Moore dress themselves up with ceramic lips, which is a beautiful symbol. Another example is the seasonal duel of Suri tribe, where the warriors wear sheepskin armor and hold spears, tossing and turning and attacking each other. In the Hama tribe, women are willing to have their blood drawn at some ceremony, while boys run on the backs of a group of cows at the "jumping cattle" ceremony to prove that they have grown up.

Kilimanjaro, Tanzania

Highlight: Conquering the first peak in Africa

"In front, as far as he can see, he saw it as vast as the whole world, so lofty and magnificent, incredibly white in the sun. It is the square top of Kilimanjaro ... "This is Kilimanjaro in Hemingway's eyes.

Kilimanjaro is located in the northeast of Tanzania, of which Uhuru Peak at an altitude of 5,895 meters is the highest peak in Africa, so Kilimanjaro is the highest peak in Africa, known as the "roof of Africa" and "king of Africa", and was listed in the World Cultural and Natural Heritage List on 198 1.

I believe that climbing Kilimanjaro is an important item on the wish list of countless people. People hope to hone themselves by conquering it, but climbing Kilimanjaro is not a hard and boring process: from bottom to top, you can experience hot, warm and cold scenery: from tropical rain forest to volcanic ash desert to the top of the snow-covered sea of clouds, the vegetation, landforms and animals around you are constantly changing, and Kilimanjaro can bring you different surprises every day.

Mount Kilimanjaro (the highest peak in Africa)

In addition, Kilimanjaro looks majestic and inviolable, but it is the easiest mountain to climb in seven continents. Although it is nearly 6000 meters high, the hillside is gentle and the area is large, which means that a person with good physical strength can complete the summit without any professional experience.

Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya

Highlight: Witness the natural wonders of the world-"natural barrier"

The great migration of wild animals in East Africa is one of the natural wonders of the world, and it is called "the biggest migration of life on earth". More than 2 million animals, including wildebeests, zebras and gazelles, have been walking for a year in search of food on the East African prairie. The most spectacular scene in this process is "crossing heaven". Thousands of wild herbivores jumped into the crocodile-infested Mara River without looking back, just to chase the fresh and juicy grass opposite and play the climax of life praise. This is also the picture we will see from CCTV news every summer vacation.

This famous scene took place in Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya, because from June to July every year, when a huge ethnic group enters Masai Mara from Serengeti in Tanzania, the Mara River is a necessary checkpoint. There are lions and cheetahs before and after, and there is a Nile crocodile that only eats once a year in the middle. While the immigrants defeated them, they completed another change in their lives.

In fact, there is more than one "paradise crossing" in Masai Mara in Kenya. This is the best wildlife sanctuary in Africa. Here you can not only see wild animals that only appear in documentaries, but also enjoy the magnificent scenery of African grasslands and experience the rich and colorful local culture. This trip is sure to bring you an unforgettable experience. ...