Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - Princess Ge Feng of the Twelve Constellations

Princess Ge Feng of the Twelve Constellations

The princess represented by the girl of the twelve constellations

Aries girl is a princess of jasmine type.

Speaking of jasmine, you may not understand it for a while, but you will remember Aladdin's story, right? Molly is a clever and brave princess beside Aladdin. Although she is a princess, she fell in love with the agile and handsome Aladdin at first sight, and did not hesitate to leave her princess status and elope with her lover. Although there were many tests on the way, it only strengthened their love!

Just like jasmine, the owner of Aries and Scorpio will take the initiative to pursue his favorite object, even if he gives up his original background advantage. Aries Scorpio likes handsome boys, but considerate objects will suit her better. Have you noticed that Molly neglected to sell old magic lamps for a while? If you don't deserve a more careful object, I'm afraid the life of Aries and Scorpio will be chaotic!

Aries and Scorpio will persistently pursue what they love until the next goal appears! Of course, sometimes new goals appear at the wrong time, which makes her give up the original preset, but that kind of momentum still exists. Of course, sometimes new goals appear at the wrong time, which makes her give up the original preset. But that momentum has always existed until the old age. This spirit is admirable!

A girl in Taurus is a princess of the Weaver Girl type.

The weaver girl is the daughter of the Emperor of Heaven. She is not only clever in character, but also skilled in craftsmanship. She is good at weaving, and the busiest thing every day is to weave beautiful clouds and sunset. She is absorbed in her work and seldom associates with others. She has no friends, let alone find someone to fall in love with. Seeing that the Weaver Girl worked so hard, the Emperor of Heaven found a cowherd who worked as hard as the Weaver Girl to marry her.

The two people who tasted the taste of love for the first time, after being together, played around every day and lived an inseparable love life, completely forgetting their original jobs. He was very angry after the heavenly emperor said. He simply separated them and stipulated that they must return to their respective jobs on the seventh day of July every year to meet again. Therefore, the romantic legend of Tanabata was created.

Just like the Weaver Girl, Taurus Scorpio will pay full attention to obedience before the emotional sinus is opened. She will listen to the teaching of her parents and teachers and strive to meet the expectations of her elders. The unruly master of Taurus and Scorpio, no matter how dissatisfied he is, will try his best to reach the bottom line expected by the teacher on the surface. However, once in love, the owner of Taurus Scorpio will put all his energy on each other, happy for him, obsessed with him and heartbroken for him.

Because Taurus Scorpio is extremely loyal to love, the lover's shortcomings in personality or long-distance love are still within her tolerance. If the other person betrays her, she has absolutely no room for change. The master of Taurus and Scorpio is easy to make up his mind. If he meets someone who makes a little progress, he will motivate himself to catch up with each other's progress. However, if you meet a lazy and playful object, the owner of Taurus Scorpio will also be lazy.

If you encounter lovelorn love, it will completely ruin the life rhythm of Taurus and Scorpio. They will choose to suffer alone, and even start to give up on themselves. Aside from the original self-confidence and professional ability, even the work has become a walking corpse. Of course, only when the owner of Taurus Scorpion is hurt by the object he values extremely and really loves will he end up like this. If it is only the object that the owner of Taurus and Scorpion associates for a period of time because of loneliness, it will certainly not hurt her so deeply.

Gemini girl belongs to Princess Gege of Zhu Huan.

Gemini girl belongs to Princess Gege of Zhu Huan. Do you still remember the little swallow and Wei Zi Gege described by Qiong Yao in Princess Zhu Huan? Qiong Yao once described the swallow as a rebellious, frank and bold figure, while Wei Zi Gege was a sentimental, gentle and graceful woman. The two exchanged identities because of the agreement, but they made a lot of embarrassing things by mistake. In fact, there are no two Gemini scorpions with identical personalities, because Gemini is too changeable and smart.

People who don't know her will think that she looks a little cold, but with different familiarity, everyone's evaluation of her is also very different. Some people will say that she is as noisy as a swallow, some people will say that she is as introverted as Wei Zi Gege, some people will say that she is eccentric, and some people think that she is actually a caring elder sister.

No matter how different your impressions of Gemini and Scorpio are, you care about your friends, but the owner of Gemini and Scorpio is * * *. Don't say why there is only one princess in other constellations, and don't say why I am the exclusive Gemini scorpion master, because Gemini has too many faces: she may like to coquetry, she may be domineering, and even show a ruthless side. She can play a role exchange game with herself. The shape difference between the day before and the day after is just a small case. Sometimes even the Gemini scorpion owner himself can't understand how it can be so exaggerated.

The girl in Cancer is a mermaid princess.

The mermaid in fairy tales has a loud voice, a loving family, a prominent position and inexhaustible property. Before the prince appeared, she was a noble and carefree happy scorpion owner all day. However, because of a storm, she saved a prince at sea and completely changed her life!

Does this story sound familiar to the owner of cancer scorpion? The story of mermaid is simply the embodiment of the scorpion Lord Cancer in fairy tales! No matter whether the owner of the cancer scorpion is a delicate and noble princess in the family, once he meets the person he loves, he will be willing to sacrifice everything and devote himself to his lover. It is not a pity that the advantages and principles you had before were abandoned after you met your lover. No wonder mermaids are willing to trade their most beautiful songs for their walking legs so that they can see the prince again on the shore. Even though she endured the pain of her feet and the bitterness of being misunderstood, she insisted on accompanying the prince for a while. Finally, even if killing the prince can bring back the possibility of happiness, she still chooses to sacrifice herself to fulfill the comfort of the prince.

That's right! Cancer Scorpio is so stupid and kind. It is this stupidity that always makes relatives and friends around her worry about her falling in love. Even if the lover's condition is not so good, once she falls in love, she will devote herself wholeheartedly and turn a deaf ear to the painstaking advice of others. Cancer Scorpio is a man with many principles, but those principles are useless in front of his lover. She even sacrificed her original interests and routines to cater to each other's preferences. Of course, she still attaches great importance to her family, but in order not to worry about her family, she will choose to secretly date a lover who is opposed by her family. In this way, the cancer scorpion owner who has given everything for love will only recognize the reality and give up this relationship if the other party has done something that hurts her several times. Otherwise, as long as she falls in love, it is impossible to shake her decision unless she is sober.

The girl in Leo is a princess of Mulan type.

Leo girls are generous and enthusiastic. She looks strong and arrogant. In fact, she has a stronger spirit of humanistic care than anyone else. She is full of sense of justice. What she can't stand most is witnessing social injustice. Seeing helpless, old, weak, lost passers-by and sick stray animals on the road, she definitely tried her best to help without thinking. If let her know that there is power bullying the weak, she will definitely stand up without saying anything. Although Leo girls are willful at home, they are usually the first to stand up when they are bullied at home.

Mulan, a famous female warrior in ancient times, is undoubtedly a typical representative of Leo girls. In order to protect her father, she can join the army instead of him. She can kill the enemy for honor and return home in triumph. She improved the long-standing bad regulations of the army with a fair attitude. She is smart and enterprising, updating and creating many more efficient combat strategies. She is a brave subordinate and a conscientious manager.

As Mulan type princesses, Leo girls are more desperate in the face of love. The distinctive personality and bright clothes have already made Leo girls the focus of attention. However, they are dominant, and they still prefer to personally hand-pick their lovers. Although Leo girls are independent, they are romantic by nature, and still firmly believe that there will be a prince in their lives and they will have a relationship with her that is envied by the whole world. Even if they get married, they will still be happy forever.

Most of the objects that Leo girls like have the image of a prince, either handsome or talented and humorous. Leo girls who believe in fate are obsessed with collecting every similar little tacit understanding. If the other person and she like the same food, the same skin color, the same idol, or even take the same bus, she will think that this is a clue to their fate, and then boldly confess. And their sincere and creative ways of expressing love often achieve a very high success rate.

Opening with a vigorous confession will often bring unusual love development. No matter the result of the relationship is good or bad, it can also make Leo girls unforgettable. Because no matter what background the Leo girl comes from, she will spend her whole life writing her own princess legend.

Virgo girls are princesses and pea-shaped princesses.

There was a king who held a grand wedding to help the prince choose a partner. However, one of the princesses who came to the party satisfied the royal family. Until a stormy day, a beautiful girl who claimed to be a princess came in the rain, and the princess's fresh temperament made the prince fall in love. However, the royal family still questioned her identity as a princess, so the queen came up with a clever plan to let the princess spend the night being tested.

The next day, the queen deliberately asked the princess how she slept, only to find that the uneven bed made her lie with backache and insomnia all night. The queen confirmed the identity of the princess, because only a real princess can feel the peas under several mattresses. The peas in this story are still on display in the museum!

Virgo Scorpio is the spokesperson of the princess and the pea in real life. They are thoughtful, and it is easy to detect that small things in daily life are wrong. Although he is not good at comforting, he is definitely the best listener among friends. They are very cautious. When they see that their friends are in trouble, they will not take the initiative to ask unless the other party comes to talk to her about their troubles. Good at analysis, after listening to a friend's description, I can always put forward the crux of the matter and the possibility of the development of the event.

Come on, Virgo Scorpio is absolutely perfect. They don't need to hear too flattering words, as long as you return sincere and long-term affirmation and trust. Their personalities may be a little shy and timid, and they will be too rigid with their friends. However, for the object she identified, the feelings are absolutely persistent! Don't worry, she will betray you casually.

But be careful of her personality, she often swallows her own uneasiness into her heart, which is easy to cause neurotic personality. Moreover, she has an invisible scale in her heart, which will secretly grade her friends and lovers until she can't bear it. Like a princess and a pea with a small pea as a thorn in their back.

The girl in Libra belongs to Snow White.

Snow White's beauty is a gift, but because of her beauty, she was jealous by her stepmother and was taken to the suburbs to be killed by her stepmother. But Snow White is so beautiful and naive that the soldiers who want to kill her are soft-hearted and can't help but let her live. The lost Snow White met seven dwarfs in the forest and lived a leisurely life. But when stepmother learned that she was still alive, she came to design and kill her many times. Finally, Snow White, who was in a coma, woke up after the prince's affectionate kiss. ...

Does Snow White's story make Libra Scorpio sad? You like to immerse yourself in your own world since childhood, which is very different from the values and attitudes of people around you. You have a gift for art. When you are addicted to painting and artistic work, you can even forget to eat and sleep. I'm a little confused in my life. I forget to bring something every time I go out, otherwise I'm often careless in exams. People around you don't know how many times you have been mentioned. You always forget on the spot.

Although you are a little confused, your popularity is not bad, because you have good communication skills. It's just that when you meet someone who is obsessed with you, it's easy to get dizzy and be led by others. It's not so much that you have no opinion, but that you are used to keeping your decisions in mind every time. You often struggle between what you should do and what you want to do. You may only plan to buy a pair of shoes before going out, but you will accidentally lose several expensive shoes because of the praise and encouragement of your friend's shop assistant. By the way, you also bought several sets of clothes to match your shoes to make yourself more beautiful. You often regret that what you bought can't be used, but you will be tempted to make the same cycle next time you go shopping.

You are obsessed with beautiful things, and especially like people who are good-looking and have extraordinary conversation. But in the future, people will often alienate and break up because of poor communication. You have too many beautiful fantasies about this world, and you always want to sleep and be awakened by a kiss, and live a happy life from now on. Although romance in life is all right, you must restrain your hopeless financial habits first, otherwise you may be defeated by your unnecessary and expensive trophies before the prince finds you.

Scorpio girls belong to Princess Durando.

Why is Scorpio Princess Durando? I wonder if you have heard of this opera written by Italian playwright Puccini? The beautiful and shrewd Princess Durando gave three puzzles to the prince who came to ask for relatives and friends, and set the cruel rules of marrying if he guessed right and killing if he guessed wrong. Many princes who came to propose marriage died under the problem of Princess Durando. Although many people died, because of Princess Durando's peerless beauty, there are still many princes who defeated her.

Finally, a strange prince guessed Princess Durando's answer, but Princess Durando was curious about this mysterious prince. Princess Durando ordered the whole nation not to sleep that night. If the prince's name is not found, they will all be beheaded. It was not until the end that the name of the mysterious prince was revealed. His name is love. Beautiful and cruel story, isn't it? The personality of the Scorpio owner is as beautiful and cruel as this story. Scorpio's preferences are extreme. They like women's clothes and personalized decorations. They will fall in love with the object whose appearance is impeccable, and they will also look at the person whose appearance is inconspicuous but whose personality is warm.

They are mysterious, so mysterious that they have a strange smell. Some people think that her personality is simply incomprehensible, while others think that she is a somewhat naive girl. In fact, whether it is mysterious or naive, it is just the protective color of Scorpio facing the world. It is precisely because of their pure nature that they are forced to be fully armed and strong. Just like Princess Durando, she is not cruel by nature, but in order to get back at Princess Luo Ling, the ancestor captured by foreign countries, and deliberately ask questions to embarrass foreign suitors.

Scorpio's cruelty is principled. She won't retaliate or make things difficult for others for no reason. If you feel that you are rejected by Scorpio owners for no reason, it may just be because they are not friendly, or you should ask yourself if you stepped on their mines. You might as well release goodwill to them first, maybe if the misunderstanding is solved, you will have a loyal Scorpio good friend!

Sagittarius girl belongs to Princess Romance in the Wind.

Who can better represent the image of Sagittarius Scorpio than Princess pocahontas? I believe that anyone who has seen the animation of "Romance in the Wind" will be deeply impressed by the intellectual and wild Princess pocahontas in the story! Princess pocahontas, the chief's daughter, always throws her long hair and runs freely between Yuan Ye and the waterfall. She loves nature and is always full of energy. No one is allowed to despise nature and destroy ecology.

Such a straightforward and naive character made foreign colonists fascinated by her in every way. Although there is a gap between them in language and culture, they still can't stop their deep attraction. For the sake of love, facing the conflict, Princess pocahontas did not hesitate to stand up and bravely defend her love!

Although love is not the most important part of Sagittarius Scorpio, Sagittarius Scorpio will protect it at all costs in order to defend its ideals and dignity.

Capricorn is a princess of Cinderella type.

Cinderella's position in the family is very low. Not only did her stepmother and sister bully her, but she wanted to go dancing and was too inferior to go out because of her status and dress. Without the help of the fairy, she wouldn't have a chance to dance with the prince at the ball. Because she hurried home, she lost a glass shoe, which became a clue for the prince to find her. At the end of the story, I finally got happiness and lived a fantastic life.

Cinderella's description is almost a copy of Capricorn Scorpion Master. The owners of Capricorn and Scorpio may not be born in poverty, but they must be more bumpy than ordinary people on the road of life, because they can bear hardships, have patience, will not protest immediately when they are treated unfairly, and often will endure to the point where others can't stand it. If you are lucky, you will meet a fairy who will help her get justice and relieve her boredom. Otherwise, you will have to endure the ending of hard work but no considerable return, and the ending of loving someone very much but always being disappointed.

In fact, the master of Capricorn is still full of confidence in himself, but he often wears away his original confidence because of the test of reality.

Capricorn Scorpio owners are cautious, making friends and falling in love are passive, unless the other party takes the initiative to contact and pursue, they will not know that they are attractive.

They believe in fate and believe that as long as they keep working hard, they should have good results. But just like Cinderella's story, the master of Capricorn and Scorpio still needs the support of noble people. Otherwise, with their low-key personality, they may be squeezed and used, or they can only be depressed in a small corner, and the road to happiness is far away!

Aquarius girls are Chang 'e princesses.

Let's start with the story of Chang 'e: Hou Yi shot nine suns and saved countless warriors. On the way back, she saw a woman running in the rapids. After shooting a woman's bun with a bow, because the woman begged for mercy, she stayed under the arrow and accidentally started a fate. And this woman is Chang 'e! Emperor Yao praised Hou Yi and gave them a wedding. Jin Niang of Yaochi also thanked Hou Yi for helping to build the Fairy Palace and gave him an elixir. Chang 'e has been away from home for many years. One day, she saw the elixir glowing under the beam, so she was curious and took it off and ate it, but it floated slowly, so she flew to the Guanghan Palace on the moon and stayed here for many years.

After the story is finished, do you think Chang 'e inside makes you feel familiar? Aquarius Scorpio especially likes talented people, because the other person knows more than her and can do more than her, which can satisfy her rich curiosity. The owner of Aquarius doesn't like to follow the rules, and running around is the reverse thinking she often takes in her life. Aquarius scorpions have an independent personality, but they can't display their talents in the workplace when they stay alone in an empty boudoir, which makes them very painful.

They love freedom and are full of experimental spirit. If she heard of any way to realize her dream, she wouldn't consider giving it a try first. Even if you die in pain or loneliness, you will continue to try next time. If her idea is rejected and can't be implemented, she will still think that she is right. Although she has compromised on the surface, she will continue to persist in her heart. Even if they often bear other people's strange eyes, they will still interpret it as a sigh that is too high to be cold.

The girl in Pisces is the sleeping beauty princess.

I'm not talking! The story of Sleeping Beauty is based on the owner of Pisces! Recall this story: a beautiful princess was born, and the invited fairies sent their blessings, but an evil witch who was not invited cursed her because she was not taken seriously. In fifteen years, the princess was stung by a spindle because of curiosity and fell into a coma. The princess was not awakened until the prince kissed her.

Do you think Scorpio Pisces often makes people angry because of confusion (forgetting to invite) and makes others jealous (cursed) because of femininity? Did you get into unnecessary trouble (being stabbed by a spindle) because of curiosity? And the owner of Pisces is most looking forward to a romantic encounter. If only a handsome and considerate prince could lead her out of the boring and unfortunate life.

Pisces Scorpio usually holds a negative attitude towards love. Although suitors flock to her, she always feels as if she is not qualified. If there is an object that makes her fall in love at first sight, she will go beyond the prince, actively pursue kindness, and try to kiss the silly goose prince. If she really loves someone, who cares if he is handsome? Being able to make her move is the only condition of love.