Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What kind of spirit did Dr. Pokemon give to the Seventh Degree Society in the platinum light?

What kind of spirit did Dr. Pokemon give to the Seventh Degree Society in the platinum light?

Zhou Mu?

A Zhou Mu.

Dr. Leeds gave a welcome speech. The name and gender are all decided by myself. Skip here.

Then enter the protagonist's dream.

After waking up in her own bed, my mother came to ask for the time.

Go out and take him to see Dr. Lilith.

After recognizing the slate, you will destroy it with righteous words.

After the two champions left, a soldier of the steam regiment jumped out to make trouble. The doctor asked you to choose an elf to fight it.

The initial elf is Lv.5, Charmander's clawing sound.

Lv.5 Bulbasaur burst into tears.

Squirtle wagged his tail from side to side.

All three people are carrying blue oranges.

Another Elf: Lv.2 Coyote

After the victory, I got the spirit I just used and returned to Ye Luo Town.

In the institute, I accepted the entrustment of Dr. Lilith: I went to Minai Lake to find Dr. Damu, and before I left, I took away five elf balls.

I got an electric shock on the second floor, Lv.5, lightning.

My mother at home regained her strength.

At the door is a teleporting NPC. You can also open two secret shops here with two main balls.

Trauma medicine can be found on the road *2

This man gave it to TM46 thief, who could steal the fruit from the tree.

The old man at the gate of Fiona Fang gave the ball to the seniors.

The shop added an elf ball.

This man gave TM0 1 an air fist.

Get protective gold coins in the house

I have a Lv.5 Katie dog here, which bites and growls.

The venue of the gorgeous competition, where you can get your pass.

Go straight to Lake Minai, where you can find: Super potion.

Meet the doctor and Xiaojin at the lake and subdue the stupid fish that attacked Dr. Lu.

After conveying Dr. Lily's words, Dr. Damu and Kim left together.

There is a water stone below, which can turn a stupid fish into a Milotic (a bug that can't evolve after the first pavilion is repaired).

Back to Dr. Lilith's research institute in Ye Luo Town, I chatted with two doctors and officially started my journey to challenge the Dojo.

Back to Fiona Fang City, I found Dr. Damu on the second floor of the TV Tower, and got a copy of Elf Picture Book and Red Royal Family (I need to leave my body blank).

At this time, the sand fox paradise can be entered, and there are four areas: frozen area, desert area, swamp area and field area. Tickets are 500

Turn left to 402 Road, where you can get props: magic candy, full potions, super potions and advanced balls.

I saw Dai Ya on the bridge, rescued the pitcher from the water and took him in by the way.

After World War I with Daiya, Dai Ya Elf: Lv. 1 1 bobo Lv. 12 shocked the kid Lv. 12 Charmander.

Continue to the left after victory.

The bug boy gave a reply potion.

Continue to go up, be stopped by Xiao Chi, and gain TM 17 steel-toed skill, which can be used to knock down elves in special trees.

I saw the owner of the Taoist temple at the entrance to the forest. After the conversation, I walked into the forest brewed in winter.

Props that can be picked up in the winter brewing forest: super potion *2, advanced ball *2.

Play with Xiaojin on the bridge.

Xiaojin Elf: Lu. 16 Shame Bud Lu. 17 Totodile Lu. 17 Little Duck-billed Dragon.

Go find the three angry hives. Report to the owner.

Three hives attacked the winter brewing market, and the Dojo could not be challenged for the time being. The only building that can be accessed is a PC.

Back to the intersection that I couldn't get through in the forest before, I found it was occupied by steam.

After defeating Sheila, the leader of the steam Group, the incident was solved.

Shiraz: Lv. 18 fluttering balloon Lv. 18 coyote Lv. 18 night skeleton Lv. 19 echoing balloon.

Back to the winter brewing market

There is a TM09 seed machine gun in the house on the left of PC.

Here, you can exchange the thread for the flying mantis (the thread is in the grass in front, and the flying mantis can touch the tree)

Above is the trainer school, with learning equipment on the first floor.

On the third floor, you can get Lv. 10, one of the three gems of the royal family.

There will be a battle with Xiao Chi at the entrance of Taoist Temple.

Little Red Fairy: Lv. 18 Pikachu Lv. 18 Turtwig Lv.20 Rioru.

Get HM0 1 after the victory.

The first field, the insect system. Three-in-one bees will jump out of the hive near the tree.

Owner's spirit: Lv. 18 Scorpio Lv. 18 cocoon Lv.20 Arduos Lv.22 queen bee.

Get ladybug badge and TM06 toxin after victory.

Leaving the winter brewing market, the fat man who exported gave wind speed shoes.

Props of route 404: full potion, TM35 flame jet, advanced ball.

This man strikes first.

After the war, I watched an elf fight against Yue Feng.

Romantic fairy: Lv. 17 little flame monkey Lv. 17 bad frog Lv. 18 lucky cat.

After the victory, the two trainers parted ways and we moved on.

The uncle on the bridge gave a good fishing rod.

No.405 bus can receive props: advanced ball.

You can get the indoor big milk jug (left empty), Lv. 10, and the impact cry defense volume.

Go on, fight Jin.

Xiaojin elf: Lv. 18 shame bud Lv. 18 Shroomish Lv.20 Totodile Lv.20 pitching Lv.2 1 hadrosaur.

After the victory, Xiaojin went to the winter brewing market.

You can buy Cleisthenes milk.

Continuing to study the sleeping Snorlax will activate the story of the honey shop owner in Dongniang City.

When you go back to the winter brewing market, you can buy honey above the city. Honey can be painted on yellow trees to lure elves.

If you use honey on your body, honey will pounce on you, subdue you, Lu 18, impact the instant amnesia defense and roll your belly.

Hà Thu Manor can receive props: TM43 mysterious power and potions.

The PC door in Heli Town proposed a war with Japan.

Sunward Elf: Lv. 17 Turtwig Lv. 17 Nidoran Lv. 18 curly ears.

After the victory, go right and leave the town.

Props that can be picked up by route 406: advanced ball, PP supplement, super potion, diving ball.

Get lucky eggs

Continue to the right, Daiya is coming to fight.

Dai Ya Elf: Lv.20 Gastly Lv.20 Ibrahimovic Lv.2 1 Bobo Pigeon Lv.22 Electric shock boy.

After the victory, Dai Ya left and continued his journey.

Came to emerald city, which has been occupied by the steam Group.

Meet Xiao Zhi and Koike at the door and get the uniform of the steam group.

Put a uniform in your backpack and enter the building on the right side of the computer (leave blank)

On the door on the right, you can find a Zoroaga, Lv.5, whose claws will stare at you.

There was a battle with Sheila before the left door entered.

Sheila Elf: Level 22, Haunter level 25, tendril cat level 26, echo balloon.

The red aquamarine was snatched away by the steam. Keep watching the plot. The master returns to the Taoist temple and can go to challenge.

Get Ibrahimovic eggs

Get lucky gloves

The second Taoist temple is the Ministry of Grass. Need to push the box here

Owner's spirit: Lu. 25 Ivysaur Lu. 26 shuttlecock cotton Lu. 26 Servine Lu. 27 Torterra.

After the victory, you can get the dark green badge and TM1900 million tons absorption, and you can surf with lava.

Get props on the 407 road: super-advanced potion *2, PP lifting agent, advanced ball, checkered ball.

The man sitting in the chair gave the leftovers.

Spend 600 yuan to buy a boat at the dock.

Arrive in the new town of Orly.

You can get the indoor LV from Kira Lv. 10/0 (leave blank) and stare at the sandstorm.

My sister in front of the PC gave me a second learning machine.

Take the right intersection and Koike will come to fight.

Red elf: Lv.25 Pikachu Lv.27 Forest Tortoise Lv.27 Tyrannosaurus Rex Lv.28 Lucario

There is no Taoist temple in town. Continue to turn right to Highway 408.

Props that can be connected to Route 408: advanced ball, potion, TM04 meditation, spirit membrane, TM 13 frozen light, super-advanced potion *2, hole-piercing rope *2, TM 18 praying for rain.

The little girl gave the dragon teeth.

There are poisonous needles here.

Get a super fishing rod in the house in Lingang city

Or the uncle on the right in this room gave a Lv. 10 Lapras, singing and singing, and the water gun was foggy.

The stone supplied by uncle on the left side of PC

On the left side of this house is the name of fortune teller, and people on the right can change toothfish into sea thorn dragon.

The owner of the museum was not in the Taoist Temple, so he chatted with people here and learned that he was Dawu, and then he arrived in Huang Qi Island by spaceship.

The people of the steam group awakened the ancient god beast balabala, and the plot is not much to say.

Go ahead, beat Sheila and the two leaders and watch the team battle.

Sheila Elf: 28-level Haunter 28-level tendril cat 28-level echo balloon.

Chief Elf: Lv.32 Arrow Tortoise Lv.32 Tyrannosaurus Rex Lv.33 Eel King

Then wake up at Dawu's house and go to the lighthouse to find the owner.

Beat a bunch of sailors and finally found the owner.

The third Dojo is the water system, which needs to be opened.

Master's Spirit: Lv.32 Octopus Barrel Lv.33 Stinger Jellyfish Lv.34 Tyrannosaurus Rex Lv.35 Stinger Dragon King

After the victory, you will get the marine badge and TM03 water wave, and rock crushing will be available.

Go down to Route 409 to get props: PP single supplement, silver powder, TM47 steel wing, advanced ball *2, special attack bonus.

See the ghost feather of the owner of the Taoist temple of the Ghost Department at the seaside and have a chat.

Turn right at the intersection, give HM06 gravel in Shannan, and then smash the stone at the intersection.

Further down, Kim will fight.

Xiaojin elf: Lv.30 poison rose Lv.3 1 orchid Lv.3 1 duckbill dragon lv.31mushroom.

Keep walking and come to Panasonic Park. Props that can be found in Panasonic Park: panacea, PP lifting agent, breathing headscarf.

The girl in the chair gave electric beads.

In the new city, the man in the chair gave the moon stone.

This man can trade Kirlia for Haunter.

News: Here's an NPC who uses the mind scale to recall skills.

The man in the chair on the right side of the PC gave Lv. 10 a balloon to reduce entanglement and shock (leaving room on the body).

People in front of the PC give Lv. 10 mini dragon, and bind dazzling electromagnetic waves (leaving space on the body).

The fourth Taoist temple is the ghost department, in the following way ... facing the pit of the characters.

Owner's Spirit: Lv.35 Echo Balloon Lv.37 Mismagius Lv.38 Night Man Lv.40 Gengar.

After the victory, he won the Ghost Badge and TM30 Shadow Ball, which Machamp can use.

See the ferry in front of the tower above the city.

Props that can be connected in the tower: PP tonic, commemorative ball, TM04 meditation, TM 10 awakening power, super-advanced medicine.

Meet the leader of the steam regiment at the top of the tower, have a fight and watch the plot.

Spirit of steam group leader: Lv.40 bronze bell Lv.42 April spirit Lv.42 Dragon King and Scorpion

The ferry took you to the PC and left.

Going down, you can pick up props at Road 4 10: Super potion, TM05, insect sprayer, advanced ball, TM44 sleeping (found by surfing).

After crossing the bridge, you can enter the twilight forest. You can get props in the twilight forest: advanced ball, super potion, small PP supplement, big PP supplement, TM09 seed machine gun.

Meet the sun and enter the battle.

Sunward Elf: Lv.39 Forest Tortoise Lv.39 Lightning Beast Lv.40 Big Milk Pot

When you meet Xiaochi on the bridge, ask for help to catch the baby dragon (PS: you need to stand on the right side of the baby dragon after talking to Xiaochi, otherwise there will be no response), and there will be a battle after you catch it.

Red elf: Lv.40 Xiaolong Lv.40 Lucario

Came to the new town of Emma.

I got a Lv. 10 Rioru at home, and the lightning flashed through his patience and punched him.

Bring HM04 Machamp to this house.

You can pick up TM 1 1 by the lake and clean it up, and you can get HM05 lava surfing after talking to your master.

There is no Taoist temple, turn right into the cave, and Xiaojin comes out to fight.

Xiaojin Elf: Lv.40 Duckbill Yanlong Lv.42 Cordola Lv.43 Hot Beast

Enter the Qilian cave and leave a vacancy on your body.

Props that can be picked up in Qilian Cave: power powder, moonstone, TM35 flame radiation, burn medicine, time ball, super-advanced potion, advanced ball, hard rock, TM49 snatch (obtained by climbing with both eyes).

An animal trainer named Lingling comes to ask questions. If he agrees with his point of view, he will get a one-headed dragon Lv. 15, and the wrath of the dragon will converge and bite the steel head (if you choose not, you will lose).

The feather fossil given by Shannan is the resurrected archaeopteryx Lv.20 (resurrected in Kuidian).

Continue to the right, Dai Ya is coming.

Dai Ya Elf: Lv.4 1 Shakira Lv.42 Electric shock magic Lv.43 Sword sea otter.

Out of the cave, come to 4 1 1 road. Props can be received: invariable stone, TM37 sandstorm, panacea, spirit membrane, super-advanced potion, thick bone stick.

Seeing Dr. Lilith on the road, he was asked to look for the third slate.

Continue to the right, Xincheng Kwai Store.

Let the house have soft sand.

Coal turtles can be exchanged for big rock snakes here.

The house on the right side of the shop sells drinks that increase the value of hard work.

If the Taoist temple can't get in, a person will come out and give tickets to the museum.

Go to the museum, and the researcher on the right can resurrect the fossils.

I found a steam group ahead, fought all the way, challenged the heads of two steam groups, and found that black and white jade was stolen.

Team leader of steam: Lv.42 echo balloon Lv.42 air combat eagle.

Lu. April Elf Lv.42 Espeon

Then go to the mine in the upper left of the city to find the mine owner. Props can be picked up in the mine: super potions, hole-piercing ropes, smoke beads, checkered balls, mental blocks and prefabricated claws.

The skull fossil was obtained on the second floor, and after the resurrection, it was Lu 20 dragons.

On the third floor, the shield armour fossil was obtained, and after resurrection, it was Lv.20 shield ankylosaurus.

Find the owner. After the dialogue, you can challenge the Taoist temple.

The fifth Dojo is the ground face. Be careful that the dark frame floor will fall off if you step on it.

Main Spirit of Taoist Temple: Lu. 43 Fire-breathing Camel Lu. 43 Niantu Doll Lu. 44 Steel Drill Mole Lu. 45 Warhammer Dragon Lu. 45 Furious Crocodile.

After the victory, you can get the Earth badge and TM26 earthquake, and surf is available.

The upper right corner of the city enters Lize Cave. Pickable props: piercing rope *3, golden sprayer, advanced ball *2, breathing headscarf, lightning stone, TM48 feature exchange (obtained by climbing with both eyes).

The fossil of the root branch was obtained, and it was Lv.20 tentacle lily after resurrection.

Seeing that the leader of the steam group was caught in the cave, Dawu surfed HM03.

You can get props at 4 12 road: super potion, magnet, water stone, TM 18 for rain.

Cut down the tree and make a small pond.

Little red elf: Lv.42 crustacean dragon Lv.42 flying mantis Lv.43 Lucario

If you receive a romantic challenge near the colorful city gate, you can refuse.

Romantic Genie: Lv.43 Flame Monkey Lv.43 Roentgen Cat Lv.42 Gabite

Come to colorful city and witness JC let go of the steam group.

Get miracle seeds in the house and HM02 flight on the second floor.

You can wear mountain rat for the rumbling stones in the house.

Forgetting skill house

Find the owner of the power plant above the city. TM25 lightning can be found in the power plant.

The sixth track is the electricity department, which needs to be turned on.

Master's Spirit: Lv.46 Electric Dragon Lv.46 Lightning Beast Lv.47 Zebstrika Lv.47 Roentgen Cat Lv.48 Electric Devil.

After the victory, he won the energy badge and TM 2.4 million volts, which can be used for flight.

Turn right and come to 4 17 road. Props can be received: electric beads, super potions, nest balls, TM47 steel wings (the one dropped above).

An elf breeding house can lay eggs.

You can't get through the front. Turn around and turn left.

Props can be collected from 4 13 of the road on the left side of the city: super potion, PP full recovery, advanced ball and curved spoon.

You can get props when you enter the ice storm cave: super potion *2, TM07 hail, thawing medicine, advanced ball *2, lucky egg and PP tonic.

If you get in the way, go straight to the wintering mountain.

Props that can be found in the wintering mountain: TM 14 snowstorm, silk scarf (increasing the power of common skills)

There is a cloud of steam on the mountain in winter. I met Herona at the mouth of the cave and invited you to stop the plot of the steam mass in the depths of the cave.

Spirit of steam group leader: Lv.5 1 Heluga Lv.565438+ October spirit Lv.5 1 desert dragonfly Lv.52 blood pterodactyl.

Go back the way you came, keep walking, and Xiaojin will invite you to fight.

Xiaojin Elf: Lv.49 Duckbill Yanlong Lv.49 Bosco Dora Lv.5 1 Hot Beast

Finally, I walked out of the cave and came to 4 14 road. Props can be collected on Road 4 14: TM46 Theft, Ice Melting, Diving Ball, Super Potion, Recovery Potion.

Dai Ya came to ask for a fight.

Dai Ya Elf: Lv.49 Bangila Lv.50 Electric Shock Devil.

In Xue Rou New Town, the little girl at the entrance can exchange the Mushu bird for the mosquito repellent frog.

The doctor of the seventh society in the house gave it to one of the platinum royalty.

At the door of the PC, I told the owner that he was in the mountains and wanted to go back and look for it.

The owner is in the open space on the left side near the entrance of 4 13 road. After the conversation, she was found on her way back. ...

Play late at the entrance of Taoist temple.

Little Red Elf: Lv.50 Blood Winged Flying Dragon Lv.5 1 Lucario

The seventh track is the ice department, and the skating rink is very simple, so I won't explain it.

Master spirit: Lv.5 1 long-haired pig Lv.52 Lapras Lv.52 Walrein Lv.53 Snow Giant Lv.54 Snow Devil.

After the victory, he won the glacier badge and TM 13 frozen light, and his diving skills were all available.

Get on the 4 15 bus and get props: super potion, spiritual block, panacea, TM43 secret power and diving ball.

There was always a last battle in a house the day before yesterday.

Sunward Elf: Lv.49 Torterra Lv.5 1 Sagittarius.

Let HM08 dive in the house.

Road 4 16 can be connected with props: silver ejector, super ball, super potion, advanced ball, water stone, TM4 1 (outside the steam group base).

Jianyi (the person who takes you empty at the beginning of the game) tells you that you know the location of the steam group base.

Surf to the steam base, put on the uniform in your backpack and enter.

Props that can be collected at the steam regiment base: PP tonic, HP lifting agent, master ball, super potion, TM 16 light wall, spirit block, curse amulet and advanced ball.

The cue ball is on the door to the left of the entrance.

Beat the top two leaders.

Elf, steam group leader: Lv.50 Abu Sol Road Lv.50 with balloon.

After understanding the ultimate goal of the steam mass, go forward and take the third slate.

You can go to Yulong City first.

Get the dragon teeth into the house

Take Lv. 10 young tooth dragon into the house and stare at the dragon's anger.

department store

Named soothsayer

Fly back to Ye Luo town, give the slate to Dr. Lily, and then continue to push the pavilion after listening to the story.

The hole on the right side of Yulong City can be used to go in and defeat the boss of the steam group in the depth.

Dragon Valley can receive props: advanced ball, TM 15.

Steam boss Elf: Lv.58 Bangila Lv.59 Garchomp

See how to catch the creator full of blood with the elf ball-|||. I can understand the plot without saying much.

Later, I came to the reverse world, found the leader of the steam group in the depths, and entered the battle.

Scattered Elves: Lv.59 Blood Winged Dragon Lv.60 Garchomp Lv.6 1 Three Evil Dragons

Then catch the first beast, Lv.50 Kiradina.

Use Kiradina's power to return to the real world.

It's time to challenge the Dojo, Dragon Department. You need to turn on the switch.

Master's Spirit: Lv.58 Spiny Dragon King Lv.60 Desert Dragonfly Lv.6 1 Garchomp Lv.63 Double Axes Fighting Dragon Lv.64 Fast Dragon.

After the victory, you can get the Dragon Claw badge and TM02 Dragon Claw, and the waterfall climbing is available.

~ ~ ~ All eight badges are collected ~ ~ ~

When I saw Xiaochi in the department store, I stepped forward and got HM07 to climb the waterfall.

~ ~ ~ So far, all eight secret biographies have been obtained ~ ~ ~

Yulong City has been climbing the waterfall and learned that Yue Feng is waiting for you.

Go straight to the left after the waterfall, looking for romance in the small house on the road.

Romantic spirit: Lv.60 flame monkey Lv.6 1 Garchomp.

Back to the original road, no one blocked the road at the mouth of the cave and entered the road to victory.

Props that can be taken on the road to victory: Recovery Potion, Super Potion *2, Advanced Ball *2, TM08 Giant, Flint, TM42 Empty Life, TM22 Sunshine.

Walking out of the hole, Xiaojin came to challenge.

Xiaojin Elf: Lv.64 Hot Beast Lv.64 Bosco Dora

Surfing used to dive in dark waters, go left until the end, and float by diving.

Xiaohong challenges on the steps.

Red elf: Lv.64 fire-breathing dragon Lv.65 Lucario

Supplementary content: the NPC added at the entrance of the alliance is a good thing, although the others are not so good.

After entering the Alliance PC, activate the Alliance Flying Point to restore physical strength, and add a little content before customs clearance.

~ ~ ~ Written before the end of a Zhou Mu ~ ~ ~

The plot of the newly added Lianhua Town soy sauce is as follows.

First of all, after the conversation, I found an npc who used the mind balance skill in front of the tower in Twilight Town.

Go back to Harmony Town, find Soy Sauce Jun again and learn about Tyrannosaurus Rex.

In Meiling Lake above emerald city, surfing can catch Lv.40 Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Give the scales of Tyrannosaurus Rex to Soy Sauce Jun, and you can donate them to Soy Sauce Jun..

After the donation, depending on the amount, Soy Sauce Jun will increase your chances of encountering strange things next time. It is said that 10W is one tenth, so you can use SL to meet your favorite flash elves.

A ghost potted plant Lv. 10 was taken to the top of the tower at dusk, cursing and hating a chasing trick.

~ ~ ~ That's it. Here's the last article of the week ~ ~ ~

Challenge the alliance ... before you and Xiao Chi fight at the door.

Dai Ya Elf: Lv.64 Sword Sea Otter Lv.65 Metagross

Master Zhi used to watch ... and went in to challenge the four heavenly kings.

Earth King Elf: Lv.65 Big Steel Snake Lv.65 Puppet of Mind Earth Lv.66 Torterra Lv.66 Hippowdon Lv.67 Furious Crocodile.

Water King Elf: Lv.67 Archaean Turtle Lv.67 Tyrannosaurus Rex Lv.68 Stinger Jellyfish Lv.68 Sword Sea Otter Lv.69 Blue Whale King

Evil King Elf: Lv.69 Heiluga Lv.69 Gentleman Crow Lv.70 Cunning Lizard Lv.70 July Elf Lv.7 1 Abu Solu

Iron King Elf: Lv.7 1 Emperor Penguin Lv.7 1 Bronze Bell Lv.72 Skarmory Lv.72 Bosco Dora Lv.73 Metagross.

Finally, challenge the champion to be brave

Champion Yi Yi Elf: Lv.74 Fire-breathing Dragon Lv.75 Lucario Lv.75 Blood Pterosaur Lv.76 Hammer Dragon Lv.76 Garchomp Lv.77 Double Axe Dragon.

After the victory, register the name and customs clearance guide, and a Zhou Mu ends.