Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Who knows who the top ten talents are? (It's best to know)

Who knows who the top ten talents are? (It's best to know)

10. Mrs. Starr's IQ: 180 Full name-Saint Anne-Louis-Germain-Nicole, Braun-de-Starr-Holstein, referred to as Mrs. de-Starr. Madame de Starr, a French and Swiss woman writer, is very talkative. She generally described the culture of Europe at that time and built a bridge for the development of historical thoughts from neoclassicism to romanticism. She runs a salon for the first batch of intellectuals and has a high reputation. Her works include novels, plays, moral and political topics, literary criticism, history, autobiography and a considerable number of poems. Her most important literary contribution is as a pioneer of the romantic literary movement. Mrs de Starr's IQ is comparable to that of rene descartes. I chose her instead of rene descartes to make at least one woman appear on this list. 9 Galileo Galilei IQ: 185

Galileo was an Italian natural philosopher, astronomer and mathematician. He laid the foundation of kinematics, astronomy and material mechanics and developed scientific research methods. His law of inertia, free-falling body motion and parabolic motion led to a fundamental change in the research methods of physical kinematics. He insisted that the study of natural science should use the rigorous thinking of mathematics, and changed natural philosophy from oral and qualitative research into mathematical research. He proposed that experiments are the most reliable way to discover the truth of nature. Finally, his achievements in observing celestial bodies through telescopes completely rewritten the history of astronomy, paving the way for people to accept Copernicus' Heliocentrism. However, his Copernican theory firmly supported and pointed out the mistakes in the Bible, which led him to be tried by the Inquisition. 8 bobby fischer IQ: 187 Bobby is the abbreviation of American chess player Robert James Fischer, 1958. He won the title of the youngest chess master in history. His brilliant chess skills in his youth aroused the American public's interest in chess, especially when he won the championship with 1972. Fischer learned to play chess when he was 6 years old. 16 years old, dropped out of high school and joined international astigmatism. 1958 won several championships in the United States. In the world series of 1970- 197 1, Fischer won 20 games in a row, which was close to the former world champion Tigran Petrosin from the former Soviet Union, and Fischer won the last game. In the World Championship Challenge held in Reykjavik, Iceland from 65438 to 0972, Fischer defeated former world chess champion boris spassky and became the world chess king. To this end, Fisher won $65,438+$05,600 of the total prize of $250,000 as the winner. 7 Ludwig Wittgenstein IQ: 190

Ludwig josef johann wittgenstein was born in Austria and became a British citizen. He is regarded as the greatest philosopher in the 20th century. Wittgenstein's two most important works, On Logical Philosophy (1921; The English versions of On Logical Philosophy (1922) and Philosophical Research (1953, published after the author's death, Philosophical Research) caused the second literary wave and guided the later development of philosophical system, especially in the field of analysis. His personality charm has a strong influence on artists, playwrights, poets, storytellers, musicians and even filmmakers. His influence goes far beyond his academic career. 6 Bryce Pascal IQ: 195

Blaise Pascal is a French mathematician, physicist, thinker and essayist. He laid the foundation for the development of modern possibility theory, discovered Pascal's pressure formula, publicized pious teachings, and taught people to practice spiritual beliefs instead of rational beliefs. The establishment of his intuitionism and existentialism had an important influence on later philosophers such as Jean Jacques Russo and henri bergson. 5 john stewart Muller IQ: 200

John stewart Mill is a British philosopher and economist, and a representative of positivism and utilitarianism. He is an outstanding international jurist in the reorganization of the world order in the19th century, and has always been interested in logic and ethics. In life, Mill is an extremely simple person. The influence of his works on Britain among his contemporaries cannot be surpassed. With the spirit of free exploration, he raised the biggest contemporary problem, and his value is beyond doubt. In addition, his philosophical system has a lasting influence, and people have many different views. 4 gottfried-Wilhelm von Leibniz IQ: 205 gottfried-Wilhelm Leibniz is a German philosopher. His ancestors were Sorbian and his languages were Latin and French. Leibniz received education in law and philosophy. Leibniz once served in two German big noble institutions (one of which became the Royal Academy during his tenure) and played an important role in European politics and diplomacy. Influenced by Newton, he invented differential algorithm and integral algorithm, which were widely used. He invented the binary counting system, which became the basis of almost all computer systems today. In philosophy, he is always mentioned together with optimism. For example, he concluded that our world is "the best possible world" in the metaphysical sense. 3. Emmanuel Swedenburg IQ: 205.

Emanuel Swedenburg is a Swedish scientist, mystic, philosopher and theologian. Wrote a lot of manuscripts about the supernatural world. After his death, his followers set up the Swedenburg Research Association to study his thoughts. These research groups have formed a new belief system, or Protestantism, also known as Stevenson. 2 Da Vinci IQ: 205

Leonardo da Vinci, an Italian painter, producer, sculptor, architect and engineer, was probably more talented than anyone in the Renaissance. His Last Supper (1495-98) and Mona Lisa (c. 1503-06) are widely circulated and far-reaching paintings during the Renaissance. His notebook shows his scientific exploration spirit and highly original machinery, which is centuries ahead of his contemporaries. Leonardo's unique brilliance during his lifetime, especially his spirit of guiding his thoughts and behaviors with curiosity, has been preserved to this day after heavy screening in history. 1 Johnny Wolfgang von Goethe IQ: 20 1

Goethe, a German poet, playwright, novelist, scientist, politician, drama director and amateur artist, is the greatest figure in the history of modern German literature. Goethe is the only person in the history of German literature who has a wide range of knowledge and enjoys an international reputation comparable to that of a great German philosopher (who often expounds his works and thoughts) and a composer (who writes his works into music). In a country whose mother tongue is German culture, his position cannot be surpassed. From the end of 18, his works were called "classical literature". From the perspective of Europe as a whole, he is the most important and representative figure in the romantic movement, and his works are widely read.