Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Detailed Translation of Qiu Peng's Bird Fu

Detailed Translation of Qiu Peng's Bird Fu

One night, an owl flew to my house. I was surprised, so I made a divination, and the result said,' Wild birds fly into the house, and the master will March', so I asked the owl,' I said I was leaving, where am I going? Tell me whether it is good or bad, so that I can be prepared.

Who can say that everything has changed? Misfortune is the root of happiness, and happiness is the cause of misfortune. Sadness and happiness are always together, and good and bad are always inseparable. After that, I gave several examples of the transformation of blessings and disasters, and then concluded: "Blessings and disasters are like tangled lines, which are inseparable. ) Fate is unpredictable, because there are countless reasons for change. " After citing several examples, he said, "Heaven is not to be feared, and heaven is not to be grasped. Even if you know what will happen sooner or later, how can you be sure when it will happen? "

Comparing heaven and earth to a melting pot, nature is a melting pot. Yin and Yang make charcoal fire in which everything is melted (just like boiling copper water can't be controlled). Where are some rules? Ever-changing, endless. There is nothing to be proud of when you are born one day, and nothing to lament when you become something else. "Later, I talked about some detached attitudes and said," Living is like drifting with the tide, and dying is like resting and sleeping. It is as deep as an abyss, and it floats freely like a boat without fetters. Not dragged down by life, wandering in nothingness. Tao Gao Delong has nothing to worry about, and he knows life and death without worry. What's the fuss about such a trifle? "