Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - DreamWorks 4 * * *, how many endings are there?

DreamWorks 4 * * *, how many endings are there?

■ Mrs. Rich

Because of her father's opposition, her daughter ran away from home and eloped with rich Chris.

At present, I have given birth to a child and look very happy.

Although I hate the man she married, I still wish her well.

~ end condition ~

Tip: Charm is the key, and then related events must be triggered.

■ Marry a mysterious businessman

Unable to stand living in poverty, my daughter ran away from home.

And found a squeezing object that she can spend money like water.

Really sympathize with his tears ... For the sake of his daughter's happiness, I can only ask him to forgive me.

~ end condition ~

Tip: Apart from charm and poor family, the fuse of an event is the key point.

■ Singer

My daughter stepped onto the stage and became a singer.

She blew away the sadness of the war with her songs and brought a happy atmosphere to the people of the kingdom.

This is also a good way to work for peace.

~ end condition ~

Physical strength: more than 200 charm: more than 600 self-esteem: less than charm.

Feeling: popularity above 300: infernal affairs above 300 is low.

When the Harvest Festival came, he made his debut as a singer.

■ Nuns

Because of his deep religious belief, he defeated the blood of the devil in his body.

My daughter left home, went to church and became a nun.

Engaged in serving God, listening to people's thoughts and serving the society.

~ end condition ~

Intelligence: above 300; Charm: more than 200; Morality: more than 400

Fame:/kloc-more than 0/00 sin: less than 50 churches have worked more than 3 times.

Low degree hell

■ fraudsters

My daughter sneaks into the casino on the black street every night and gambles with others.

It's a pity to use the cleverness of this place to make money by gambling and fraud.

~ end condition ~

Intelligence: above 400; Charm: above 250; Morality: below 99.

Fame: sin below 299: low trust in father above 260.

Low degree hell

■ artist

After years of study, my daughter has developed towards the art road and finally achieved results.

His works are not only very popular with the public, but also he won the royal prize for his artistic skills.

This lifestyle farthest from the battlefield may also be good.

~ end condition ~

Intelligence: above 300; Self-esteem: above 450; Feeling: more than 700.

Art courses have reached advanced level or above, and the degree of purgatory is low.

From April to May of the eighth year, I visited キューブ a certain number of times.

High values of charm, temperament and sensitivity.

■ Soldiers

Because of the long-term relationship with the inferno war, my daughter joined Wang Guojun and went to the battlefield to fight the inferno.

Until the victory of mankind and the end of the war, we must continue to fight …

My daughter's safety is really worrying.

~ end condition ~

Physical strength: above 300; Self-esteem:/kloc-above 0/00; Morality: below 399.

Martial arts ability: above 350, low level of inferno.

■ Fortune teller

My daughter with good magic ability became a fortune teller.

Because of the wonderful precision of divination, it has always been regarded as a master by customers, and the guests are in an endless stream.

It can not only make everyone happy, but also not involve others. Maybe there is no need to be too opposed to this job.

~ end condition ~

Intelligence: more than 300 senses: more than 300 magic abilities: more than 350.

Low degree hell

■ Maid Hotel Manager

My daughter works in a particularly new hotel and is very enthusiastic.

It is said that civilians should enjoy the aristocratic atmosphere and serve guests in maid clothes every day …

Since it is the way my daughter wants to go, she can only silently guard it.

~ end condition ~

Charm: more than 400 morals: less than charm and more considerate: 100.

Working in maid hotel for more than 3 times, the degree of hell is low.

■ Prostitutes

The daughters all live a life of upside down day and night, flashy and erosive.

I work in a suspicious hotel outside at night and often come back smelling of alcohol.

Although I want to give her a good scolding, maybe she will run away from home again …

~ end condition ~

Charm: over 300; Self-esteem: above 200; Morality: below 200.

Temperament: more than 300 crimes: more than 50 people have low trust in their fathers.

Working in a suspicious hotel for more than 3 times has a low degree of hell.

■ Ordinary marriage

The daughter seized the happiness of ordinary people and stepped into the auditorium to get married.

The target is a nice young man that everyone here knows.

Father can also let go of his worries.

~ end condition ~

Charm: above 200, considerate: above 400, the degree of fire demon is low.

■ Back to the underworld

My daughter, who was very disappointed with mankind, left without saying goodbye and quietly returned to the underworld.

I heard that I found my place there, and I seem to be doing well.

Although it failed to give her human happiness, it was also a helpless thing.

~ end condition ~

High degree of purgatory, low trust in father.

■ Free industry

My daughter lives at home as usual.

No marriage, no fixed job, going out to work every day.

It seems that dad's worries will not end for the time being …

■ Princess

After careful cultivation and meeting with the other half of fate,

My daughter realized her dream of growing up, married the prince of the kingdom and became a princess.

The people of the whole country wish her happiness forever.

~ end condition ~

Princess ending

Intelligence above 450

The popularity should reach a certain level.

One thing happened.

Don't need martial arts? Magical value

Event list

meet with

Reopening (People's Republic of China (PRC) was founded in the fifth year)

Street: The mob retreated.

Street: flower viewing

Plaza: shopping

Plaza: Fan Hua Street → Jewelry Store.

Square: Meet strangers.

Square: Take a walk.

Square: church

Square: how quaint

Square: Meet someone special.

Square: Meet someone special.

Square: flute sound

How quaint: A map.

Street: Magic Dialogue

Plaza: Restaurant.

Square: competition venue

Christmas: Grade 6 or Grade 7?

Bohr ダンス: The Eighth Anniversary of the Founding of People's Republic of China (PRC)

Physical strength 630 knowledge 488 charm 693 self-esteem 504 morality 749 temperament 749

Sensitive 504 Consider 5 13 popularity 727 martial arts ability 69 magic ability 230 industry 0 fatigue 53

■ A brave man in the human world

The daughter entered the underworld, defeated the devil and ended the war.

But she disappeared and became a legend like her mother.

Now my daughter is a hero admired by the people of the whole country, and even the portrait has become a new symbol of the gods …

~ end condition ~

Martial artist ending

More than 400 martial arts

Magic power exceeds 500

Event list

Event table

5 ~ 6 years

Plaza: conference (after the fifth year 10)

Square: Eat.

Square: playing with kittens

Pro: Fall to the ground while sleeping.

Fan Hua Street: Shopping together.

Downtown: I can't know the value of painting.

Market: play.

Street: hate church

Dragon Valley: Meet the Dragon

If you want to go to the Dragon Valley, you should meet the dragon on the black market.

Physical strength 820 knowledge 3 16 charm 666 self-esteem 4 19 morality 342 temperament 50 1

Sensitive 656 understanding 359 popularity 7 13 martial arts ability 52 1 magic ability 297 karma 197

■ Queen

My daughter was brought up very well. When she grows up,

Even the king took the initiative to abdicate and inherited the throne of this country.

After taking office, the centripetal force of the kingdom will gather more, and I hope she can guide the country to a better future.

~ end condition ~

Tip: To be a queen, most of your abilities must be very high, especially your intelligence, temperament and popularity.

Avoid engaging in improper work.

■ Devil

Knowing the real reason of this war,

Daughter gave up her human identity, returned to the underworld and became the king of the inferno.

In order to keep the demon forest, be hostile to Wang Guojun and continue the war …

~ end condition ~

The devil's end

Magic over 600

Full value 500↑ No sticker

Magic 600 = Devil

Moral? Self-esteem temperament is between 500 and 550.

Industry 0 Magic 620 Martial Arts 6 10 Other 550 or above

■ court magician

This daughter is highly regarded as a magician in the palace.

Now he is very active in the palace, which can be said to be the highest achievement of the wizard.

Times are changing, and the trend is blowing from fencing to magic.

~ end condition ~

Physical strength: above 300; Intelligence: above 620; Self-esteem: above 500.

Moral character: above 500; temperament: above 500; popularity: above 500.

Magic ability: more than 700, low level of infernal affairs.

■ Marry Dad

When her daughter grew up, she took the initiative to talk to her father about her long-hidden love.

Although they used to be father and daughter, they are not related by blood, and they can live happily ever after.

~ end condition ~

Tip: Of course, you must have a high degree of trust in your father, and you must be able to ignore the secular vision. Other ability values should also have a certain level, and the combat value can be ignored.

■ overview

The long-term distance war has put her daughter on the battlefield.

And her martial arts talent shone brilliantly on the battlefield and was eventually appointed as a general.

I hope she can break the deadlock in the war with inferno and return home in triumph.

~ end condition ~

Physical strength: more than 600; Intelligence: above 500; Self-esteem: more than 400.

Moral character: over 400 popularity: over 500 martial arts ability: over 700.

Crime: low infernal affairs below 99.

■ Princess of the underworld

The encounter between my daughter and the prince of the underworld may be fate.

Now my daughter has returned to the underworld, married the prince of the underworld and became a princess of the underworld.

Later, the two men ruled the underworld together, and the war continued. The road ahead may be very difficult …

~ end condition ~

Tip: temperament and intelligence are the key points, and femininity is also indispensable.

Of course, it is also necessary to trigger related events, gain the trust of the prince of the underworld, and demonize.

■ Bishop

The daughter entered the church under the guidance of the bishop and gradually emerged.

When the Bishop retired, he inherited the highest position in this religious circle.

She seems to have the blood of hell in her body, which is a very dramatic change.

~ end condition ~

Intelligence: above 480; Charm: more than 200; Self-esteem: more than 300.

Moral character: above 750; temperament: above 300; popularity: above 480.

Crime: 1 the following church worked for more than 5 times, and the degree of purgatory was low.

Suspicious hotel worked 0 times.

■ Countess

My daughter was brought up carefully, and soon after she came of age,

Was taken in by the count and became the count's bride.

I'm sure you can live comfortably and happily in the future.

~ end condition ~

Intelligence: above 420; Charm: more than 500; Moral character: above 430.

Temperament: above 680; Considerate: more than 400; Popularity: over 400.

Low degree hell

■ Minister

As a clever and capable daughter, she began to go into politics and became a minister.

I am very proud to see her openly discussing state affairs with the king.

I hope she will continue to do her best for the kingdom in the future.

~ end condition ~

Intelligence: over 700 charms: over 350 self-esteem: over 400.

Morality: more than 350 feelings: more than 300 popularity: more than 450.

Low degree hell

■ Marry a young dragon.

The daughter and the dragon prince who became human walked on the red carpet.

Although an unexpected object, the dragon prince seems to be a man who listens to his wife.

My daughter should have a good life in the future.

~ end condition ~

Tip: To marry a dragon prince, you must be charming and lively.

Of course, it will also trigger related events to increase the trust with the dragon prince.

■ The boss of Black Street

The rebellious daughter not only ran away from home and entered the underworld,

Became the boss of the black street, ruled the black street,

It is a regrettable result to be an unscrupulous villain.

~ end condition ~

Tip: I have a bad relationship with my father, and I am guilty of heinous crimes. My morality is low, and my brain and skills are not too bad.

■ The king's favorite concubine

Because of her outstanding beauty, her daughter was taken into the palace and became the king's side room.

But the environment is corrupt, and she is extremely luxurious because she is favored, and the whole person has changed.

Now the national treasury is in crisis because of her profligacy …

~ end condition ~

Charm: above 480, self-esteem: less than morality: below 299.

Temperament: above 350, popularity: above 400, low trust in father.

Low degree hell

■ Magistrate

My daughter went to the palace and became a judge of arbitration law.

Civil servants are closer to their daughter's temperament and ability than military attache.

In the future, I will serve the kingdom as a civil servant.

~ end condition ~

Intelligence: more than 520 charm: less than self-esteem: more than 500.

Morality: more than 490, feelings: lack of self-esteem, popularity: more than 300.

Crime: low hellness below 50.

Suspicious hotels and casinos have worked 0 times.

■ Magician

Because of the study of magic in the process of growing up, my daughter insisted on developing in the direction of magic.

My daughter became a magician in spite of her father's opposition.

At present, the father and daughter are still arguing with each other.

~ end condition ~

Intelligence: above 500; Self-esteem: above 300; Moral character:/kloc-above 0/00.

Fame: more than 300 magical abilities: more than 650, low infernal affairs.

■ Marry a jeep

Because of their relationship with the housekeeper Jeep, they finally developed Ai Miao and walked on the red carpet.

After that, they will be with their father, which may be a happy ending.

~ end condition ~

Tip: Have high feelings and considerations, and have high trust in Jeep.

■ Knight's wife

With the blessing of relatives and friends, my daughter married a decorated nobleman.

The object is my father's once proud subordinates.

The daughter found a good home and got ordinary but irreplaceable happiness.

~ end condition ~

Charm: over 300; Self-esteem: above 400; Temperament: over 600.

Considerate: over 200 popularity: over 300 fire demons are low.

■ Civil servants

My daughter, who studied hard and passed the court exam, is now a civil servant.

Currently working as an accountant in the palace. I go out early and come back late, and live a very busy life every day.

Even so, she still smiles vigorously, probably because it is her dream.

~ end condition ~

Intelligence: above 490. Charm: less than self-esteem. Self-esteem: above 480.

Morality: more than 300 feelings: less than self-esteem; Popularity: more than 300.

Low degree hell

Probably pull ~!