Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Philosophical interpretation of hexagrams

Philosophical interpretation of hexagrams

His name is 3:7, and 3:7 is his code name. "gà u" is a synonym for "Hou". 3.7 The main divination is three stubborn, stubborn as the wind, and its characteristic is shun; The guest hexagrams are seven dry hexagrams, which are like the sky and have strong characteristics. The host wanted to avoid meeting a terrible guest, but he had to meet again.

Before divination, it is necessary to objectively, comprehensively and accurately analyze the situation of both the subject and the object, and at least meet one of the following conditions, so that divination has reference value:

1. The host is like the wind, and the guests are like the sky.

2. Main Yang No.3 and Keyang No.7.

3. The main action is yin, the quality is yang, and the state is yang; The movements, qualities and attitudes of the guests are all yang, yang and yang.

Never use any random number to start divination, otherwise this divination cannot be used as a decision-making tool. In the picture on the right, there is an arrow pointing from the first hexagram to the fourth hexagram, indicating that the first hexagram and the fourth hexagram are in a harmonious state of yin and yang and correspond to each other. This pair of hexagrams is the lower hexagrams of the main hexagrams and the guest hexagrams, representing the actions of the main and guest parties respectively. The host is yin, the guest is yang, and one yin and one yang are in a harmonious state. This pair is sky blue, and sky blue means inappropriate. In other words, the passivity of the host is a potential factor that is unfavorable to the host, and the initiative of the guest is also a potential factor that is unfavorable to the host. This harmonious relationship makes these two potential factors that are unfavorable to the main party become practical unfavorable factors to the main party. Under the current situation, the main party is already under the control of the guest, and the main party has to be at the mercy of the guest.

As for the other four, there are red ones and sky blue ones; Some are in place and some are not; The correct position represents the potential factors that are beneficial to the main party, and the wrong position represents the potential factors that are unfavorable to the main party. Whether it is in place, as long as there is no correspondence, is a potential factor, and whether it is beneficial to the main party depends on how the main party handles it. Therefore, at present, the only real unfavorable factors are initiative and guest action. The guest's action is not decided by the host, so there is only one unfavorable factor that the host can change, that is, the host's passivity. Both the second and the third are positive, indicating that the main party is extremely strong. This passivity is the passivity that appears after the strength of the main force reaches extremely strong, and it is the beginning of decline. The main divination is three hexagrams, which means that in the process of things' own changes, they have crossed the peak and started to decline. If the main party wants to reverse the current unfavorable situation, it must cheer up, restore its prestige and actively create new achievements.

The word "female" in the hexagram refers to the guest, and the guest is very strong, so the host should avoid establishing intimate relations with the guest. The first three words of the hexagram indicate the state of the host and guest, and the host and guest are forced to contact the guest and are "bound to the golden platform"; Owners should protect their own interests, "including fish"; The main side is damaged and the buttocks are "skinless". The last three remarks explain the situation of the guests, who take the benefits of fishing for themselves, "including no fish"; Customers skillfully let the interests of the main party fall into the hands of customers, "covering the melon with gas"; Meeting between guests and hosts is hard to avoid. Delete the judgment words in the wording. Six poems are a complete prose poem around the theme of "Hey". The following is its translation.

The sow tied to the metal brake pad walked back and forth uneasily (as if by him).

There is fish in the bag, which is not conducive to entertaining guests (such as him).

There is no skin on the buttocks, so I hesitate to act.

There is no fish in the bag.

(He) wrapped the melon in medlar; (He) has a texture, like a meteorite falling from the sky (useless).

Meet (him) at the corner.

The following explains the hexagrams one by one. [Original hexagrams] If a woman is strong, don't bring it.

This woman is strong, don't marry her.

[Explanation] The host party is represented by six hexagrams, and the guest party is represented by seven hexagrams. The positive ratio between the main divination and the guest divination is 6:7, and the guest divination is stronger than the main divination. If the main party is closely integrated with the customer, the main party will be subject to the customer. The word "female" in hexagrams refers to the Hakka side, and "strong woman" refers to the strength of the Hakka side. "Take a woman" means marrying a woman, "don't take a woman" and don't marry a woman, which means suggesting that the host side should not be too closely integrated with the guest side. [Original] Tie the gold standard, Zhen Ji; If you have friends, you will be happy when you see a murderer.

Tie it to the metal brake pad and stick it on it. It is dangerous to move forward, and the sow moves back and forth uneasily.

[Explanation] The first theme is the theme of the main divination, which represents the action of the main party. Yin means that the main party is passive, such as defending, retreating, not wanting to take risks, not wanting to explore or open up new areas of development, just wanting to maintain the status quo, and so on. The main party is driven by the active customer and must obey the customer. "Jackal", sow, symbolizes the main party and is strong and obedient. "Wandering", wandering to the face. The host is firmly tied together in the relationship with the guests, just like this "jackal" is tied to a golden jackal. It is auspicious for the host to keep the status quo, not to let the host's interests suffer and not to harm the guests' interests. If the host tries to harm the interests of the guest, the host will be in danger. "If a friend comes, his profit will be cut off." The main party is passive and has no clear action goal, such as "making mistakes".

[Structural analysis] The first position is Yang, and this is Yin. Yin is in Yang, which is inappropriate, but it corresponds to Siyang. Corresponding to the first one is the fourth one, and the fourth one is the yang one, indicating that the guests are active. In action, the subject and the object are in harmony, and the yin master is bound by the yang guest, just like "binding the golden platform." Because of this harmonious relationship, the host side avoided the conflict with the guest side, which is an "original". The passivity of major political parties reflects the trend of decline. The positive ratio of the main divination to the guest divination is 3:7. If the host party opposes the guest party and it is not good for the host party, it is "seeing evil." At present, the quality of the main party is still very good, but it is very passive, like a sow, losing its way forward. [Original] There are fish in the bag, not strange; Not good for bing.

There are fish in the bag, not strange; It is not conducive to entertaining guests.

[Explanation] The second symbol is the symbol in the main divination, which represents the quality of the main party. Yang indicates that the main party has good quality, such as capital, status, power, strength, technology and so on. The good quality of the main party is what the main party should have, and there is nothing to blame. "bin" (bρn), submission, submission: the vassal salt guest follows. The host side should protect its own interests, which is not conducive to letting its good quality be handled by the guest side.

[Structural analysis] The second position is the yin position, and this position is the yang position. The yang position is in the yin position, which is inappropriate and does not correspond to the five yang. Yang Yan said that the quality of the main party is good, just like "fishing." This kind of good quality may be stolen by guests, which is a potential factor against the host. However, because it does not correspond to the fifth, this potential factor has not become a realistic factor against the host. It is natural for the host to protect his good quality, and it is also "blameless" to prevent his own interests from being stolen by the guests. [Original] The buttocks are skinless and the lines are repeated; Shirley, don't blame me.

[Translation] There is no skin on the buttocks, and the action is hesitant; Strict, no big blame.

[Explanation] The third trick is the trick on the main hexagram, which represents the attitude of the main party, and Yang indicates that the main party is tough. The host's tough attitude conflicts with the guest's tough attitude, which makes the host suffer. After the main party suffered losses, it hesitated to take action. "Its actions are repetitive." This situation is more serious and there is no big responsibility. "Hip" (tún), hip: hip. "Second time", hesitating.

[Structural analysis] The third position is Yang, and this is Yang. Yang is in Yang, but it does not correspond to Six Yang. Because of the conflict between the tough attitude of the host and the tough attitude of the guest, the host was hurt and lost. Shirley ". The third idea is a supplement to the second idea. These two ideas are both positive, which shows that the main party has a very good quality and strong strength, and it is appropriate to rely on its own strong strength and take a tough attitude to safeguard its own interests. "There's nothing to blame. "If there is no fish in the bag, it will be fierce.

There is no fish in the bag, which makes it dangerous.

[Explanation] The fourth way of thinking is to act on behalf of customers, which means that customers actively seek and expand their own interests, such as innovation, entrepreneurship, investment, attack, job hunting, showing love, and so on. The guest has an empty bag, but there is no fish in it. If the guest throws fish into the bag on his own initiative, he may put the main fish into the guest bag, which will put the main party in danger.

[Structural analysis] The fourth position is the yin position, and this is the yang position. The yang position is in the yin position, which is inappropriate, but it corresponds to the yin position. Improper location shows that the customer is active and is a potential factor against the main party. The customer tried to steal the interests of the main party, "there is no fish in the bag." It is necessary to show that the initiative of the guest is in harmony with the passivity of the host, which is beneficial to the guest, unfavorable to the host and "aggressive" to the host. [Original] Wrap melons with gas; There are chapters and meteors falling from the sky.

[Translation] The melon was wrapped in medlar; Very textured. A meteorite fell from the sky.

[Explanation] The fifth symbol is the symbol of the guest's divination, which represents the quality of the guest, and Yang indicates that the guest's quality is good. The guest side actively expands its own interests, hides its excellent quality, and lets the interests of the host and guest side naturally fall into the hands of the guest side. "Qi" (qǐ), wood name, Lycium barbarum, Solanaceae, deciduous shrub. Zhāng, a passage in the Song Dynasty: a chapter is a logic. "Seal included" means that the quality of the guests is very good. Because the quality of the guests is good, it seems that the host can get benefits, but in fact the host can't get benefits, like getting a stone from the sky, which has no practical use.

[Structural analysis] The fifth position is Yang position. This position is Yang position, and Yang position is in Yang position, but it does not correspond to. Being in place shows that the good quality of the guests may be beneficial to the host, which is a potential factor in favor of the host. It should not be said that the quality of subject and object is not harmonious. This potential factor beneficial to the host has not become a realistic factor beneficial to the host. For the guests, it is "building a melon with gas", and for the host, it is "a meteorite falling from the sky". What falls from the sky is nothing but useless stones. [Original] Its horn; Don't blame stingy.

Meet at the corner; Excessive, beyond reproach.

[Explanation] The sixth slogan is the guest's slogan, which represents the guest's attitude, while Yang indicates that the guest's attitude is tough. Both the subject and the object are equally tough and contradictory, just like two people meet at the corner; What a coincidence, the main party is blameless.

[Structural analysis] The sixth position is the Yin position, and this position is the Yang position, which is inappropriate and does not correspond to the Sanyang position. Improper location shows that the tough attitude of the guests is a potential factor against the host. Although the host doesn't intend to, he has to get along with tough guests. Hey. "It doesn't need to be pointed out that in attitude, the host and the guests are not harmonious, and the host responds to the guests with a tough attitude. This potential disadvantage to the host has not turned into a real disadvantage. For the owner, it is "blameless".