Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Some information about stupid religions in Tibet

Some information about stupid religions in Tibet

Tibet's Primitive Natural Religion-Stupid Religion

"Foolish" has a long history as a belief view of primitive people in the early generation. "Stupidity" refers to people's initial vague understanding of all things in nature, and its core content includes "ghosts, gods, elves, souls, fate, fortune" and so on, all things related to mental hallucinations. Stupid religion has no independent doctrines, classics, temples and systematic theories, and its concepts and contents are expressed through divination, prayer, spells, illusion and various special rituals.

Around 10 century, primitive religions in Tibet and Buddhism introduced into Tibet fought for religious dominance for a long time. Since then, this religion, as the "defeated party", has not withdrawn from the snowy area, and its temples are still scattered in every corner of the plateau. The mountains, rivers, lakes, ghosts and gods and many elves that it reveres and worships are still worshipped by Tibetans in different regions.

Rao Xin Mibao was the first founder of stupid education. Legend has it that the founder descended from the sky in the form of colorful light and was conceived by his mortal parents. Rao Xin formulated systematic and complete theories and classics for the education of fools, and constantly established and improved corresponding classics and monasteries. Different from the early stupidity, Rao Xin created the education of eternal stupidity.

The completion period of stupid education should be in the era of Xiangxiong. In this process, the silly teacher got his place and absorbed the religious thoughts of South Asia and Central Asia. The fixed pattern of his myth is that the divine world is opposed to the demon world, and God finally defeats the demon.

Obviously, stupid education has an important and far-reaching impact on all generations. If you travel in Arizada, Pulan, Ritu, Keith Downing, Shuanghu, Wenbu and other places south of Naqu Salt Lake, you will find important relics of stupid religion from time to time, which are mainly reflected in early religious rock paintings and altars. Ritual festivals such as Manidui, Fengmaqi and Guo Wang Festival, which tourists are familiar with, all have the characteristics of ignorant education to varying degrees.

There is also a post about the secret method of this teaching, which the landlord can look at:

"Roar at lions and drink"-I heard that the stupid religion in Tibet is very powerful. Is it true?/You don't say. 》

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