Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Who does the magic wand usually refer to?

Who does the magic wand usually refer to?

A magic stick refers to a liar who cheats money by engaging in superstitious activities. The specific interpretation is as follows:

Pronunciation: shé n gé n?

Express meaning: a liar who pretends to be a ghost and plays tricks

Part of speech: usually used as a noun in a sentence, such as subject or object.

There are too many people eager for success in this country. They didn't succeed themselves, but they created countless spiritual successes.

Synonym introduction: witch

Pronunciation: shén pó

Express meaning: refers to the common name of a witch with superstitious propaganda.

Part of speech: usually used as a noun in a sentence, such as subject or object.

Example: She is a hateful witch and has killed many people.