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How many Tibetan passwords are true?

Bonism is also called "Bonism" because its followers wear black scarves, commonly known as "black religion". It is a primitive religion that was popular in Tibetan areas before Buddhism was introduced into Tibet.

Bonism first developed in the southern part of today's Ali region, which was called Xiangxiong in ancient times, and then spread widely to the whole Tibetan area from west to east along the Yarlung Zangbo River. Its ancestor was called "Xing Rao", which means the highest wizard. From the content, Bonism is an animistic belief, and its objects of worship include natural objects such as heaven, earth, sun, moon, stars, thunder and lightning, hail, mountains and rivers, earth and rocks, vegetation and animals. Bonism can be said to be the local animism in Tibet.

The primitive Boni religion divided the world into three parts, namely heaven, earth and underground. The god in the sky is Jun, the god on the earth is Nian, and the god on the earth is Lu.

, also known as the dragon.

The gods play an important role in Boni. It is said that Nie Chizanpu, the first king of the Tubo dynasty, was the son of the gods and descended to the world along the ladder. Nie Chizampu and six Zampapu after him, after completing their human life, returned to heaven along this ladder. The eighth Zhi Gong Zan was killed in the contest with Minister Rong, and the ladder was cut off. From then on, Zampapu could never go to heaven again. Zhigong Zaba was the first Zaba in the Tubo dynasty to leave a body in the world, and since then Zaba in the Tubo dynasty has a mausoleum. In the classics and legends of Bonism, it has been suggested that the earth has nine layers from the inside out and the sky has nine weights. Later, the story about cloud nine developed to thirteen. Contrary to the western Christian cultural concept, "Thirteen" is considered as an auspicious number in Boni religion.

The activities of Bonism are mainly carried out by wizards, and drums are closely related to the practice of wizards, which has always influenced Tibetan Buddhism to list drums as one of the important instruments. Wizards have great prestige and status in society, from weddings and funerals, farming and grazing, to the alliance of soldiers, the burial and mausoleum of Zampa, and the succession of New Zampa are all decided by Bon witches.

With the expansion of Bonini wizard's power, Zampa's power was gradually weakened. As usual, the wizards who influence national politics are all children of big noble. Wizards always support the aristocratic forces and attack the royal family on key issues under the guise of God's will. Therefore, the contradiction between the Tubo royal family and Bernism has become increasingly acute.

At the beginning of the 5th century, Buddhism was introduced into Tibetan areas. Buddhism has been supported by the royal family since the Songzan Gambo period. In 755 AD, after Chisong Dêzain ascended the throne, he proposed that representatives of Buddhism and Bonism should debate the advantages and disadvantages of the two religions. At the end of the debate, Chisong Dêzain, who was obviously inclined to Buddhism, announced that he thought Buddhism was reasonable and he himself believed in Buddhism. Bonism is unreasonable. Then, he gathered people who believe in Bonism and pointed out three ways for them: first, convert to Buddhism; Second, give up religious career and be a taxpayer of Tubo dynasty; Third, if you don't want to change your religion and become a civilian, you will be exiled to the border. Since then, Bonism has been greatly suppressed.

In the 9th century, after Rondama ascended the throne, Buddhism was banned, and once suppressed Bonism began to revive. However, Bonism also felt its own weakness and evolved in the direction of imitating Buddhism. Bonism had no leader at first. In the reform, it was found that there was a Buddhist leader, Sakyamuni, and the legendary Bonism leader "Xing Huan" was created. In addition, Bonism also translated Buddhist classics into Bonism classics. However, Bonism has also adopted some practices that are contrary to Buddhism. For example, Buddhism turns to merit clockwise for the holy land, Bonism turns to merit counterclockwise, and so does the prayer wheel.

With the dominance of Buddhism in Tibetan areas, the power of Bonism has been gradually weakened. Now, there are still believers in northern Tibet.

As for Rondama's extermination of Buddha, it is true. When Buddhism was introduced into Tubo, it was resisted by the traditional forces of Buddhism from the beginning, and the struggle with Buddhism lasted for more than 200 years. Chi Zude praised Daxing Buddhism, reused monks in the dynasty, and even handed over all state power to monks, which caused great indignation among the nobles. Therefore, they actively planned the activities to destroy the Buddha. Songzan Gambu, Chisong Dêzain and Chizu Dezan are collectively called the "Three Great French Kings" in Tibetan historical books. After Chisong Dêzain's death, his son Munizamp (reigned 797-798) succeeded to the throne. In order to consolidate the centralization of the royal family, he advocated Buddhism like his father. According to historical records, he was poisoned by his mother's lying on his side in 798 AD, and there were two harada: one was probably ordered by a noble minister who believed in this religion and opposed Buddhism to lie on his side. Another possibility is that after Chisong Dêzain's death, his three sons competed for the throne of Zampa. After Munizup's death, his younger brother Chidesongzan (798-8 15 reigned) came to power. On the basis of his father's development, he built temples, translated Buddhist scriptures, gave special treatment to monks, made members of the royal family become monks (his eldest son, kurama), and monks intervened in political affairs. However, his Buddhism still met with great resistance, and many royal nobles achieved Chide Songzan with the so-called "down", that is, the demands of the people (local Christians). The contents of these requirements are roughly as follows: "From the perspective of divination and dreams, you should not believe in Buddhism. If you believe in Buddhism, your work will suffer and your country will suffer. The Buddhist Dojo in the palace should be put aside and banned. It is wrong to believe in Buddhism. " This is obviously a challenge from the nobles who are trying to restore and support this religion. However, Chi Desong Zan rejected these requests. In order to curb the development of anti-Buddha forces, he once again led the princess, the prince of a small country and the noble ministers to swear to respect Buddha.

After the death of Zidesongzan, he was succeeded by his fifth son, Zizudzan. Chi Desong praised * * *' s five sons, who became monks on earth. The second son and the third son both died young, and the fourth son was Rondama. According to Tibetan historical records, Longdama is a man who loves wine and meat, and he is fierce and ungrateful. Rondama's real name is dharma (also translated as dharma). Because he opposes Buddhism, Christians say that he is the lower bound of Niu Wangmo, so adding a "cow" in front of his name becomes Rondama to show disgust. The royal aristocrats headed by Rondama opposed Buddhism, and first pointed the finger at the monk's eldest brother Zangma. They attacked kurama as a monk, but he didn't obey the rules and regulations, forcing Chizu Dezan to exile him far away. Then these nobles spread rumors that Bei Ji Yun Dan and Wang had an affair with Sabei River, which made Chi Zude execute "Han Zhan Bu" in a rage and the princess committed suicide. After cleaning up his cronies, these noble ministers staged a coup and hanged Chizudzan when he was drunk.

Rondama (reigned from 838 to 842) succeeded Zampa in 838. Rondama was able to ascend to the throne of Zampa, except that Chizu Dezan praised the new system of "raising monks in seven households" to increase the number of monks, and the people severely taxed miscellaneous taxes, which affected their livelihood and resented Buddhism one by one. Moreover, the Buddhism he founded is the essence of late Indian Buddhism, that is, Mahayana, which is not acceptable to the general public, and it is also a reason. What's more, when translating classics, it is forbidden to translate secret books, which is also incompatible with Tibetan local religion. For all these reasons, the Rhondama movement, which destroyed Buddhism, was promoted. The eradication of Buddhism in Langdama is the second movement to ban Buddhism in the history of Tibetan Buddhism, which is much wider than the first one, and the revenge on Buddhism is more serious. Langdama first stopped building, closed Buddhist temples and destroyed temple facilities, and stopped all Buddhist temples that had started construction during the Qi Zudezan period. Famous temples and holy places such as Sanye Temple and Jokhang Temple were closed, Jokhang Temple was used as a cowshed, and all places for Buddhist activities were banned. Many Buddha statues were taken out of the temple, nailed and thrown into the river. The statue of Sakyamuni brought by Princess Wencheng of Jokhang Temple is said to have been thrown into the river, and it was buried because it was difficult to move. And because Princess Wencheng brought the Buddha statue from the mainland, which made Tubo have Buddhism, Princess Wencheng was said to be the reincarnation of Luo Cha ghost. After the murals in the temple were erased, there were pictures of monks drinking and having fun. Then Buddhist scriptures were burned, a large number of Buddhist scriptures were burned, and a few were secretly buried in caves by monks for preservation. This is an ancient book called Zang, which was discovered later. Some Buddhist scriptures were taken away by some monks and fled to remote places. Buddhist monks were suppressed at the same time, and the situation of monks was terrible. They can't live in Tubo at all, so they have to find another way. Indian monks escaped, and some Tibetan Buddhists also fled to India. For example, a part of the "Seven Sensations" of Chidesongzan's earliest becoming a monk, Niangdie Zengsangbu, also fled to India. It is said that they were still hunted halfway. Monks who stayed in Tubo were forced to return to the secular world or abandon Buddhism to seek their roots. If they don't want to give up their religious beliefs, they have to go hunting with hounds and bows and arrows. They were also forced to take drums, the tool of this religion, to participate in the worship ceremony of this religion, which was absolutely forbidden by Buddhist monks. Long Dama is aimed at the three treasures of Buddhism: Buddhism, Dharma and Monks. Although it didn't last long (838-842 AD), it dealt a heavy blow to Buddhism, so that nearly a hundred years after the Langdama era was called the "period of extinction of Buddhism" in the history of Tibetan Buddhism.

Langdama's extermination of Buddha coincided with the "difficulties in meeting the prosperous laws" of Wuzong in Tang Dynasty. Although the reasons for the demise of Buddhism in the two places are the same, Tibetan Buddhism has not been circulated for a long time and its foundation is not deep, so it has been hit harder than the "Huichang Law Difficulty". In 842 AD, a monk named Sijiduoji assassinated him in Lajing (now Luozha County, Tibet). On this matter, there is a vivid description in Tibetan history books: the auspicious King Kong was practicing Samadhi in a cave in a valley, and suddenly a Dakini appeared in front of him and said to him, "In Buddhism, the person who can hide soil and show merit is yours. King Rondama tried to exterminate Buddhism by cruel means. Now it's time to kill those who break the law. I am with you, so don't be afraid. " Dakini hid what she said. Lucky King Kong was greatly saddened to learn that Rondama had committed the crime of breaking the Buddha. If he hadn't killed the king, he would have continued to commit a felony, which would also increase the bitter retribution in hell in the future. In order to prevent him from violating the Buddha, he was mercifully killed. Lucky King Kong found a white horse, painted it black with pigment, put on a coat with black face and white lining, hid the bow and arrow near his body, rode to Potala Palace and performed a wonderful dance. At the right time, King Rondama was in front of the palace, reading the words on the "Nephew and Uncle Alliance Monument", and auspicious vajrapani danced, bowed his head and bowed three times. Say that finish, he aimed at the king's chest, suddenly shot an arrow. With a scream, the king pulled out an arrow with both hands and fell to the ground and died. Auspicious King Kong immediately put on his coat backwards and ran away from the wild horse while everyone was in chaos. On the way, he passed a lake and washed away the black painted on the horse. He turned into a man dressed in white and riding a white horse, escaped the eyes of the chasing horse and reached a safe place. However, after Rondama's death, Buddhism did not revive. On the contrary, because the king was assassinated by the Lama, his cronies even took it out on Buddhist monks and believers, or they were killed or fled by themselves. None of the monks in Tibet were spared. Buddhist culture has been eliminated, and the general culture is also unlucky. Moreover, after Rondama's death, due to the dispute between his two sons, namely, Yong Dan adopted by big princess and Ou Song born by the little princess, the ministers were divided into two factions. Since then, the Tubo three houses have been divided into two, and they have been fighting for years, and the war is flying. Tubo generals everywhere are also fighting in their own way, and some tribes that used to belong to Tubo are also out of the jurisdiction of Tubo. Then the slave uprising broke out, sweeping across Tibet, and the Tubo dynasty collapsed with the decline of Buddhism in such a situation.

In this hundred years or so, even if someone tried to restore Buddhism, Buddhism was almost forgotten among the Tibetan people because of civil strife. Therefore, in the history of Buddhism, the period from Songzan Gampo, where Buddhism was introduced into Tubo, to Hudama, where Buddhism was banned, is generally called "Hong Qian Period". After Long Da banned Buddhism, once suppressed religions began to revive. From the mid-9th century, after nearly a century of chaos, until the late10th century, the whole society in Tibet gradually stabilized and Buddhism was revived and developed. However, although the Tibetan society in this period was stable, it was politically decentralized, which was reflected in Buddhism, and even the revival of Buddhism was decentralized and spontaneous. There are different schools of monks who go to Tibet, and Tibetan monks who study Buddhism abroad also have their own learning methods. Although Buddhism was restored at this time, it was a bit chaotic. After Master Adixia entered Tibet, he played a great role in the systematization and standardization of teaching and practice, but failed to unify Buddhism. Tibetan monks who fled to other places during the extinction of Langdama Buddhism insisted on preaching and translating scriptures, although they were in different places. One of the most famous is Fa Cheng who fled to Dunhuang. He translated his mother's Dalagni Sutra and Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra from Sanskrit into Tibetan. Translated from Chinese into Tibetan, such as Lengga Gillian Duoluobao Sutra, Jin Guang Ming Sutra, Yin Yu Sutra, Guanyin Bodhisattva dzogchen, etc., there are thousands of hands in their eyes, which are harmless to compassion and Dalagni, and they wrote The Death of the Tathagata, which records the rise and fall of Tibetan Buddhism. He also taught yoga to Tan Xun, Fu Hui and others, showing the indomitable spirit of Tibetan monks.

Pagbalha Temple, Light Army, etc. It has yet to be verified. I don't even know if there is such a person in Fuma. ...

Sifang Temple and Goba people are hard to say. There should be some, but there is no way to prove it. ...