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What are the Greek myths? (The more complete, the better)

Greek mythology and the twelve constellations

Legend of Constellation-Aries

King Atamas of Filja married Princess Nipera, and they gave birth to twins. However, the king had an affair with Princess Ginova of Tebe, drove Princess Niepera out of the palace and made Nova his new wife. When Princess Khynova had a child of her own, she decided to kill the only twin left by her predecessor, Princess Niepera (the elder brother is Prica and the younger sister is Hurley). She bribed the fortune teller to complain to the king: If the children born to the former princess are not sacrificed to Zeus, the gods will be furious and there will be famine this year. When Nipola knew about it, he asked Zeus for help, so Zeus sent the golden ram in the sky to the other side of the sky with his two brothers and sisters. Because the speed was too fast, my sister fell into the sea, and the ram looked back at my sister and guarded my brother, thus forming today's Aries.

Legend of Constellation-Taurus

Across the Behnas River in Mogna, King Behnas has a beautiful princess Europa. One day, the princess and the maids went to the wild to pick flowers and play. Suddenly, a snow-white cow appeared and looked at Europa with extremely gentle eyes. In fact, this cow was changed by Zeus who admired the beauty of the princess. At first, the princess was really surprised, but she went to the tame cow and touched it gently. Because the bull is very clever and docile, the princess climbed onto the bull's back and tried to ride it. Suddenly, Niu Ben ran and finally jumped into the Aegean Sea. The princess clung to the cow and all the creatures in the sea came out to pay tribute to Zeus. The princess finally knew that the cow was the incarnation of Zeus. When she arrived in Crete, she married Zeus, and Zeus, who became a cow, and Princess Europa lived a happy life.

Legend of Constellation-Gemini

Zeus, who was infatuated with the beauty of Spartan princess Leda, turned into a swan to approach her, and they gave birth to twins-the son of borax and the son of man, Caster. Both of them are brave and adventurous warriors, and they often make great achievements together. They also have a pair of twin cousins-Iddas and Lincks. One day, four people are going to catch cows. When they caught a lot of cows and prepared to share them equally, greedy Iddas and Lincks took advantage of borax and Caster's surprise and snatched them back. The enraged twins had a big fight, and Iddas shot casto with an arrow. Borax is very sad. He wants to go to heaven with Kaster, but he can't because he has eternal life. His grief touched Zeus, so he set up a constellation for them, living in the kingdom of heaven and the country of death respectively.

Legend of Constellation-Cancer

Zeus and alcmene, a girl on the earth, gave birth to a son Heracles. He later married the princess of Derbyshire, gave birth to a child and lived a happy life. Due to the spell of Hera, the queen of Zeus, Heracles personally killed his wife, and he was ready to commit suicide himself. In order to make him atone, Zeus was appointed king of Jeristos. He had to go through ten adventures, and the second time he conquered Xu Dela, a monster who lived in the swamp. Xu Dela is a giant snake with only nine heads, eight of which can't be killed. It hides in a cave near the swamp. Heracles threw a torch at it, which angered Xu Dela. At this time, Sheila let cancer bite Heracles's foot. As a result, cancer was shattered and Xu Dela was conquered. Hera set up cancer in the sky because she was sad about its death.

Legend of Constellation-Leo

Hercules, the son of Zeus and alcmene, was appointed king of Jeristos. He had to perform ten arduous tasks. The first task is to subdue the immortal cannibal lion in Neme Valley. The lion only eats livestock and villagers, and everyone is afraid. Someone came to subdue him before, but no survivors were seen. Hercules came to Neme Valley and lost his way for many days before he found the trace of the lion. Hercules tried to shoot an arrow, but the lion's skin was too hard to work. The sword also bent, so he made a thick stick from an olive tree and hit the lion hard on the head. At this time, the lion who was not afraid of bows and swords was also afraid of the angry Hercules. Hercules strangled him and was finally repelled by him. To commemorate this lion, the goddess Hera set up a lion constellation in the sky.

Legend of Constellation-Virgo

Demeter, the goddess of agriculture, and Zeus gave birth to a daughter named Persephone. One day, when Persephone was picking flowers in the wild, a beautiful flower that she had never seen before was in full bloom. Just as she reached for it, the ground suddenly broke into several pieces and fell down. Mother Dmitry vowed to find her missing daughter and look everywhere. Helius, the sun god who witnessed everything, told Demeter that because Hades wanted to marry Persephone, he brought her back to the ground, and Demeter withered plants and made the earth barren because of grief. Zeus saw the seriousness of the situation and pleaded with Hades, but when Hades was leaving Persephone, he gave her pomegranate to eat. Persephone was happy to eat four because he could leave. As a result, he was forced to stay in the underworld for a year and four months. These four months have become the winter when everything is not suitable for farming today. When Persephone returned to the world, it was already spring, and Persephone was the embodiment of Virgo.

Legend of Constellation-Libra

This is the balance used by the goddess of justice, Storez, in judging good and evil for mankind. Astoria had a balance in one hand and a sword to cut the magic in the other. To be fair, I was blindfolded. In the past, God and human beings lived peacefully on the earth. Although God has eternal life, human life is limited. Therefore, the lonely God has to constantly create human beings. But at that time, there were many people fighting and evil deeds were rampant, and the gods returned to heaven after being disappointed with mankind. Only the goddess Storez is reluctant to go back and stay on earth and teach people to be good. Nevertheless, mankind continued to fall, so the war began, and fighting and killing began. Finally, even Storez gave up human beings and returned to heaven. Libra, who loves justice, peace and justice, is on high.

Legend of Constellation-Scorpio

In ancient Greece, Poseidon's son Orion was a famous warrior, not only a beautiful boy, but also a strong man, so he was quite popular with women. He is also quite proud. He once boasted that there is no better person in the world than me! The goddess Hera was very unhappy when she heard this, so she sent a poisonous Scorpio to catch Orion and exile him to his original place. Scorpio crept up on the unsuspecting Orion and stabbed him in the heel with a poisonous needle. Orion died before he could respond. Because of this feat, there are scorpions in the sky. Even now, as long as Scorpio rises in the east, Orion dares to hide in the western horizon and sink.

Legend of Constellation-Sagittarius

Once upon a time, there was a race of half-man, half-horse, a savage race whose upper body was a man and lower body was a horse. However, among a group of cruel people, only Kai Long Xing, the son of Cronus, the God of Harvest, is a clever centaur. He not only knows music and divination, but also is a teacher of Hercules. One day, Hercules had a conflict with his people. When he was hunted, he fled to Kay Long Xing's home. Angry Hercules aimed at the centaur and shot arrows frequently, but he didn't know that the teacher Ka Rong was among them, and he also shot him in the foot. Because the arrow was stained with the blood of the monster Xu Dela, and Kay Long Xing was immortal, he could not be liberated from the pain. He gave Prometheus his immortal body and died peacefully, becoming Sagittarius in the sky.

Legend of Constellation-Capricorn

Pastoral Pan is the son of Hermes, the messenger of the gods. He looks very strange, with goat horns, hooves and beard. He is a very good musician. Because Pan can play wonderful music and bring joy to the gods, he is often invited to attend banquets. Once, when he was invited to attend and play for the gods, Di Feng, a monster, suddenly appeared and fell into chaos. Di Feng rushed into the party and all the gods fled. Pan also turned into a fish and jumped into the Nile in a hurry, because he suddenly heard Zeus' cry and hurried to save Zeus, but he mispronounced the spell, only his lower body became a fish tail and his upper body was like a goat. Zeus pitied him and turned him into a Capricorn.

Legend of Constellation-Aquarius

Herb is the daughter of Hera, the sister of Zeus, the father of the gods. She is the waiter and cupbearer at the banquet of the gods on Mount Olympus. At a banquet, Herb sprained his ankle and his position as a sommelier remained vacant. Later, Zeus finally took a fancy to a handsome young Trojan prince-Ganymede. The gods also agreed that he should be a sommelier, so Zeus sent messengers to invite him. However, Ganymede loves freedom and is bohemian. He never agrees to Zeus' invitation. Zeus was very angry when he found out. He not only took Ganymede back, but also forced him to be a waiter forever, and the water in the Aquarius became the source of wisdom for the gods. This is the origin of Aquarius.

Legend of Constellation-Pisces

One day, because of the fine weather, the gods held a banquet by the river. Music-loving gods happily sang and played musical instruments, and the atmosphere was quite warm. Suddenly there was a shrill cry. This is Di Feng, a monster with big wings and a hundred snakes under his shoulders. When the gods saw something bad, they ran away. Zeus became a bird, Apollo became a crow, Hera became a bull, and all the gods fled like animals. Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, and Errol, the god of love, died like a fish with her son and fled into the Euphrates River. At that time, they decided to tie their tails together with ribbons and never separate, thus successfully escaping from the monster. In this way, mother and son are connected by their tails and will never be separated. This is the origin of Pisces.