Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - In rural customs, the house in front can't be higher than the house behind. Does it mean the edge of the house or the roof?

In rural customs, the house in front can't be higher than the house behind. Does it mean the edge of the house or the roof?

The roof.

Many customs and taboos can be circulated in rural areas. They will strictly observe it and try not to touch it. They have faith in their hearts, so they are very kind When they do something, they have more rules. As the saying goes, if you don't listen to the old man, you will suffer. There are many taboos and habits in the countryside. Although young people are not superstitious, they abide by local customs and taboos on many issues. For example, building houses in rural areas attaches great importance to Feng Shui.

When building houses in the countryside, people should pay attention to the height. Many people think that the higher their house is, the better. In terms of geomantic omen, this is also a bad structure. The fortune teller said that if you do this, money will be easily leaked, and fires and police attacks will easily occur. This tall house stands out. If the front is not covered, there will be too much sunshine at home, which will also affect the health and fortune of family members. Third, there is another key point in building houses in rural areas. I choose.