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Urgently ask for a video or courseware about Babylonian astrology!

The earliest slave country of mankind was born in the East of the world around 3500 BC, and Babylon is the oldest known ancient country in the East. According to historians' inference, Sumerians living in this area had a relatively developed culture around 4000 BC, and not only invented writing, but also invented writing on the blackboard. After 3500 BC, Sumerians established many small slave countries in the south of the two river basins. After the decline of Sumer, the city of Babylon rose.

In the 8th century BC/KLOC-0, King Hammurabi of Babylon unified the two river basins and established a centralized slave country. In order to safeguard the interests of slave owners, Hammurabi made a code called code of hammurabi. It is the first relatively complete ancient written code in the world.

Babylon is the earliest civilization in the world-Mesopotamia (Greek means land between two rivers). ) Civilization (also known as "Two Rivers Civilization") originated in Sumer region (middle and lower reaches), a valley between Tigris River and Euphrates River. There are no natural obstacles to resist invaders in this area, so there are diverse national cultures. Mesopotamia was the seat of Babylon, which is in today's Iraq. Babylon, ancient China, ancient Egypt and ancient India are also called "four ancient civilizations".

[Edit this paragraph] A brief history

Mesopotamia (Greek: the place between the Tigris River and the Euphrates River) gave birth to the earliest civilization in human history-the ancient Babylonian civilization (China Xia Dynasty) in the 0/9th century BC; Because there is no natural barrier in this area, Babylon presents a diversified cultural development trend. The place between the Tigris River and the Euphrates River is called Mesopotamia, which means "between the two rivers". Every spring, the snow on the plateau melts, and these two rivers flood in Mesopotamia. Especially in the downstream area, the terrain is low and concave, almost completely submerged. A Babylonian myth that has been handed down to this day vividly reflects this situation: an ancestor of a Babylonian king dreamed that he met a fairy. God told him that the flood would flood the earth to punish human sins. Because he has always been devout to God, and God wants to save him. The man obeyed God's command, built an ark, moved his family to the boat, and took some animals and some seeds with him. Soon, dark clouds filled the sky, darkness covered the earth, storms hit, floods flooded all life, and only the ark floated on the boundless water. On the seventh day, the wind stopped and the river was calm. At this time, the ark floated to a mountain. The people on board released the animals from the ark, scattered seeds on the mountains, and life on earth began again. Many myths of human nations are influenced by ancient Babylonian legends. The story of the famous Noah's Ark in the West also evolved from this legend: a man named Noah built an ark according to God's command, and the whole family sat on it to escape the flood. After the flood receded, Noah released a pigeon. Soon, the pigeon came back with an olive Ye Fei that had just been unscrewed, and Noah knew that the flood had receded and everything was back to life. Later, westerners regarded pigeons and olive branches as symbols of peace. Of course, neither the immortal nor the dove of peace can bring real peace and happiness to people. To overcome the flood, people must rely on themselves. Babylonians learned to build dams, canals and rivers in the struggle against floods. After the flood subsided, like the Egyptians, they also enjoyed the benefits of regular flooding of the river. The flood brought a lot of silt, which made the soil on both sides very fertile. Coupled with strong sunshine and abundant water resources, crops are harvested every year. It is said that wheat was first planted in Babylon. The Assyrians who lived in the north of Babylon were very powerful.

The first dynasty of Babylon began about 1894 BC. In 2007 BC, the Amorites invaded the two river basins and destroyed the Ur Third Dynasty established by Akkadians and Sumerians. Around 1894 BC, the Amorites established a dynasty with Babylon on the Euphrates River as its capital. From then on, Mesopotamia was called Babylonia, and all the residents there were called Babylonians.

By the time of the sixth King Hammurabi (1792 ~ 1750), the cities in the north and south were conquered, a centralized autocratic system was established, and the code of hammurabi was promulgated, thus completing the unification of the two river basins. Then it experienced the second dynasty (from the middle of the 6th century BC/kloc-0 to BC 1530), the third dynasty (from about BC 1530 to BC157) and the fourth dynasty (from 65438 to BC/kloc).

[Edit this paragraph] Culture

It entered civilization in 3500 BC and reached its peak from 4000 BC to 2250 BC. The Old Testament called it "the land of Shinar". The fertile soil piled up on both sides of the two rivers is called "fertile crescent zone" in history (South America, which is as famous as the "Golden Triangle", is called "evil crescent zone"). Because the two rivers will not flood regularly like the Nile, it is necessary to observe the astronomical phenomena to determine the time. Su, who lives in the lower reaches, invented the lunar calendar, divided a year into 12 months and ***354 days based on the moon's profit and loss, and invented the leap month, placing 1 1 day different from the solar calendar. Divide an hour into 60 minutes and take 7 days as a week. He can also calculate fractions, add, subtract, multiply and divide, solve quadratic equations with one variable, and invent 10 decimal method and 16 decimal method. They divided the circle into 360 degrees until π was close to 3. Even calculate the area of irregular polygons and the volume of some cones.

(4000 BC) Around 3500 BC, Sumerians living in the lower reaches of the two river basins first invented hieroglyphics with ideographic and signified symbols, which made the two river basins enter a historical era. By around 2800 BC, Sumerian hieroglyphics gradually developed and were widely used by Babylonians, Assyrians and Persians, because most of these characters were engraved on bricks, stones or black basalt and clay tablets, and they were "reprinted with a pen" and shaped like wedges, so they were called cuneiform, also known as nails or arrows.

Ancient Babylon-Mesopotamia was very developed in mathematics and arithmetic. Around 1800 BC, Babylonians invented the hexadecimal method, and they knew how to solve quadratic equations with one variable.

The Hanging Gardens in New Babylon (which started 626 years earlier than parks) are one of the seven wonders of the world. Legend has it that this garden was built by King Nebuchadnezzar II at that time for his wife. It is said that the Hanging Garden is a mountain built in a dry desert. Trees are lush on the mountain, birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, and streams are gurgling. From a distance, flowers and trees seem to grow in the air, which is amazing. Nebuchadnezzar II hired a famous architect to build a huge rockery garden between two walls in Babylon. It is made up of stone pillars and stone slabs, with fertile soil and vertical and horizontal waterways.

And invented the solar calendar, dividing a year into 12 months ***354 days.

And invented the leap month, which made 1 1 day different from the solar calendar.

Divide an hour into 60 minutes, 7 days a week.

He can also calculate fractions, add, subtract, multiply and divide, solve quadratic equations with one variable, and invent 10 decimal method and 16 decimal method.

They divided the circle into 360 degrees until π was close to 3. Even calculate the area of irregular polygons and the volume of some cones.

They are one of the earliest known civilizations in the world, and they first invented hieroglyphics with ideographic symbols and signifier symbols. Because most of these characters are carved on bricks, stones or black basalt and clay tablets, they are called cuneiform characters because they are "heavy from the pen and deep in imprint" and form a sharp wedge, which looks like a wooden wedge.

Code of hammurabi is the first existing written code of ancient West Asia.

Later, the Nile civilization and the Indus civilization developed under the impetus of the two river civilizations.

The Greeks learned mathematics, physics and philosophy from there; Jews learned theology from there and spread it all over the world; Arabs learned architecture from there and used it to educate the whole medieval savage Europe.

It can be seen that the ancient Babylonian civilization can be called one of the four ancient civilizations, relying on more than just hanging gardens.

Later, the Nile civilization and the Indus civilization developed under the impetus of the two river civilizations. The Greeks learned mathematics, physics and philosophy from there; Jews learned theology from there and spread it all over the world; Arabs learned architecture from there and used it to educate the whole medieval savage Europe.

[Edit this paragraph] hanging garden

This hanging garden was built in 600 BC. It is a pyramid with four corners. The building made of asphalt and bricks is supported by arched columns. Green trees are planted on the steps all year round. The river looks like a hill from a distance under the artificial river next to the hanging garden.

The most magical part of the hanging garden is the water supply system. Because there is not much rain in Babylon, and the ruins of the hanging garden are thought to be far away from the Euphrates River, the researchers believe that there should be many water conveyance facilities in the hanging garden, as shown in the figure. The slaves kept pushing the handle with gears to transport the groundwater to the storage tank on the top floor and then return to the ground through the artificial river. Another problem is maintenance, because it is impossible for ordinary buildings to resist the erosion of the river for many years without falling down. Because there are not many stones in Mesopotamia, researchers think that the bricks used in hanging gardens are different. They added reeds, asphalt and tiles, and there are even documents that the stone was covered with lead to prevent the river from infiltrating into the foundation.

The road leading to the garden is inclined like a hillside, and several parts of the building are staggered upwards ... soil is piled up on these ... and the dream hanging garden is densely planted with various trees, which are pleasing to the eye with its huge body and other charm ... Although no one can see it from the outside, the pumping machine draws a lot of water from the river (to the river). -Siclus

[Edit this paragraph] Ancient school ruins

When the schools in Babylon came into being is still inconclusive. In 1930s, archaeologists excavated a school site about 2 100 BC in Mali, south of the Euphrates River. According to archaeological excavations, it is considered as the oldest known school. "It includes a passage and two houses. This big house is 44 feet long and 25 feet wide. The area of a small room is one third of that of a large room. The big room has four rows of stone benches, each row can seat 1 person, 2 or 4 people, with a capacity of 45 people. There are three rows of stone benches in the small room, which can accommodate 23 people. Much like a school classroom. There are no windows in the walls of the two rooms, and light enters from the roof. There is no podium or desk in the room, but there are many students' homework tablets. At the bottom of the wall, there is a shallow sink filled with earth, as if to make a clay tablet for writing. There is an oval pottery basin nearby, which may be used to store clean water, make a clay board out of clay, or place writing utensils. There are many shiny shells on the ground, which seem to be teaching AIDS for computing. The house is near the palace, not the temple; The clay tablets just excavated elsewhere are also stored near the palace, not adjacent to the temple; Some people infer that this is an old school. "

Schools in the two river basins aim at cultivating scribes. A scribe is divided into a senior scribe and a junior scribe. The former acts as an official, while the latter is engaged in various occupations, such as notary, handprint clerk, land survey registrar, military intelligence recorder, copywriter, calculator, secretary, etc.

In the ancient two river basins, a large number of clay tablets were excavated by archaeology. The earliest date shown on these clay tablets is about 3000 BC. They are written in Sumerian hieroglyphics. In the following 1000 years, hieroglyphics developed into cuneiform characters, which were widely popular in the Middle East and used by Babylonians, Assyrians, Hittites and Persians. Most of these archaeological discoveries are religious articles or documents related to real life, such as contracts, records, reports of civilian personnel, laws, regulations and announcements. There are also some materials about mathematics. Although the mathematical level of the two river basins was much higher than that of ancient Egypt at that time, these mathematical problems, like ancient Egypt, involved some practical problems. In later mathematical records (that is, Persian and Seleucid times), there are some astronomical charts and calculation steps about calendars and astrology. Obviously, the purpose of these two valley schools is to provide advanced teaching for different types of future officials.

A Sumerian article about 2000 BC describes school life at that time. This article was copied many times later, so it can be inferred that its description is representative. Judging from the adequacy of repeated use in this article, it can be judged that it was written by an adequate student, but the full text was written in Sumerian, because Sumerian was an academic language at that time and its status was equivalent to Latin in Europe later. Students come to school in the morning and bring their own lunch. The headmaster is the "father of the school", with a Sumerian teacher and an arithmetic teacher. The form of class is to copy the existing blackboard books. The subjects studied are Sumerian, arithmetic and bookkeeping. The school implements strict discipline, which is carried out by a handyman, a teacher and a playground supervisor. Students are often flogged several times a day for different mistakes, including being late in the morning, talking in class, standing up or leaving campus without permission, etc. It is not until evening that exhausted students can walk home and report their day to their father (usually an official). Go to bed early after dinner to ensure that you are full of energy the next morning. Sometimes, teachers are invited home, usually because the father wants his son to be the most outstanding writer and knowledgeable person, and he wants him to be better than other students and even people of noble birth.

In 2000 B.C., Hoseov Westerm was the place where advanced teaching was carried out in the two river basins. The students are all graduated scribes, and the research here is also of high level. However, the schools in the two river basins are different from those in ancient Greece, and their so-called profound knowledge also focuses on application value rather than theoretical exploration. Taking mathematics as an example, theoretical speculation has not been fully developed, and a large number of Babylonian mathematical papers involve specific issues.

Babylon created the earliest civilization of mankind, and its education was earlier than that of other countries. "Even earlier than Egypt, or at least almost at the same time as Egypt, there are schools. This is the cradle of human's initial school education and the starting point of human's formal education. " Of course, its higher education is still relatively vague.