Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What unit is Zhaotong?

What unit is Zhaotong?

The capital of a country

"Jing" is a numerical unit used in the cultural circle of Chinese characters, and its meaning is different from ancient times to modern times and regions. Jing is also one of the names of large numbers 10 16 in China numerals. At present, Japan and South Korea use 10 16, which means ten trillion, but it is rarely used. There is no relevant specification in Chinese mainland, and it is basically not used. Large numbers like "Jing" are often expressed by scientific notation.

One, ten, hundred, thousand, ten thousand, one hundred million, trillion, Beijing, Hong, Hong, Gou, Jian, Zheng, Zai (the largest number recorded in traditional arithmetic books) and Ji (the largest number recorded in some non-arithmetic classics).

Extended data:

At present, in the international system of units, the prefix Mega, which means a million factors, is "trillion" in People's Republic of China (PRC), and the corresponding prefix of the Republic of China (Taiwan Province Province) is "million"; Tera, the prefix representing trillion factor, is a symbol in the laws and regulations of the Republic of China, Japan and South Korea, and the corresponding prefix in People's Republic of China (PRC) is Tara.

In addition, other English units prefixed with Mega have adopted the translation methods of prefixes in the International System of Units, such as Megapixel and Megabyte, which are now translated into Megapixel and Megabyte respectively in Chinese mainland and Megapixel and Megabyte in traditional Chinese. Radio and television frequencies, megahertz, Chinese mainland and Taiwan Province provinces are all named after megahertz.