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Can I eat watermelon in winter?

Winter is coming, can watermelons still be eaten? I remember when I was a child, it was very hot every summer, and it was almost dog days. The local watermelons in Nanjing are just on the market, and the quantity is not much. There is often a long queue to buy watermelons. Watermelon was rare before early autumn. On that day, my mother always prepared a watermelon for beginning of autumn to eat, saying it was called "gnawing at autumn", which means that autumn has come and the weather is cold, so I can't eat watermelon in the future. Nowadays, with the development of economy and transportation, watermelons and fruits planted in greenhouses or all over the country can be seen at fruit shops and fruit stalls all year round. The material is extremely rich. While people are eating and drinking, has our body become able to accommodate different foods in different seasons and regions at any time? Both western medicine and Chinese medicine have put forward their own views on how to guide people to eat well and healthily. Western medicine only looks at the ingredients contained in food itself, and guides modern people's diet through content and presence or absence. For example, watermelon contains 93.6g of water, 0.6g of protein, 0.4g of fat, 5.0g of carbohydrate and 0. 1 g of crude fiber. Litchi meat contains 84.8g of water, 0.7g of protein, 0.6g of fat, 0.3g of carbohydrate13.3g of crude fiber, 255.4kJ of heat, 6mg of calcium, 34mg of phosphorus, 0.5mg of iron and 0.93mg of potassium/kloc-0. And the water content of watermelon. Chinese medicine's understanding of diet and Chinese medicine theory are integrated, and a complete dietotherapy theory has been established throughout. "Medicine and food are homologous". Food, like medicine, is cold, hot, bitter and salty, and food returns to the meridian. Taking watermelon as an example, Chinese medicine believes that watermelon is cold and can relieve summer heat, stop diarrhea and induce diuresis, but eating too much is easy to cause abdominal pain and diarrhea. Litchi is warm, nourishing blood, promoting fluid production, regulating qi and relieving pain. However, if you eat too much litchi, it is easy to get angry, your tongue will get sore, and when it is serious, you will get nosebleeds. All of them are fruits, but their effects on the human body are completely opposite. The five flavors of food are sour liver, pungent lung, bitter heart, salty kidney and sweet spleen. Five flavors entrance, each goes his own way. For example, spicy food is easy to enter the lung meridian. For example, eating spicy food when it is cold can disperse the cold and make it difficult to catch a cold and cough. However, excessive spicy food can cause manic cough. Because the lung dominates the fur, the lung heat is too heavy, and the skin is prone to boils, so Chinese medicine has a more detailed and humanized understanding of food, presenting the character, temper, specialty and shortcomings of food to you one by one. Another point is that Chinese medicine attaches great importance to the unity of man and nature. Living between heaven and earth, people should constantly adapt to the changes in temperature, that is, spring, summer, autumn and winter. Eat more cold food in hot days and warm food in cold days, and keep balance and harmony with nature at all times. If you eat dog meat in hot weather, you will get sick immediately. Hot nose, sore throat, dry stool, chest tightness and upset; Eating watermelon when it is cold will cause stomach pain and abdominal pain, and even diarrhea and low back pain in severe cases. This is the truth that those who go with it prosper and those who go against it perish. How to eat, eat healthy and not get sick? One is the weather, and the other is the nature of the food. But in Hainan, Guangzhou and some southern areas, the temperature changes are not obvious within a year, and there is no winter, so you should eat according to the local climate conditions. This is the truth that one side of the soil and water can support one side. And we Nanjing people, if we want to eat the cold fruit in the south, it is no problem to eat it in summer. In winter, in cold and humid Nanjing, we should stop eating cool fruits. Any food is good, depending on what season you eat, where you eat it, and what kind of people eat it. Winter is coming, can watermelon be eaten? The answer is that you can eat them in hot places in the south. You can eat some hot or spicy food. Children, the elderly and people with spleen and stomach deficiency and cold waist and limbs should not eat fruits with cold taste such as watermelon in winter. It is more appropriate to eat fruit with flat or warm nature. It's not just fruit. All the foods we eat every day, such as cereals, meat, vegetables and some other foods, are warm, cold and flat. When winter comes, we should eat less cold food to help people spend the winter safely and healthily. Here are five common foods for your reference: the quality of cereal diet is average: rice, corn, highland barley, rice bran (rice bran), sweet potato, sesame, soybean, rice cowpea (white bean), pea, lentil, broad bean, red bean and black bean. Temperature: glutinous rice, western Gu Mi (sago), sorghum, oats, rice sprouts and kidney beans. Coolness: millet, wheat, barley, buckwheat, coix seed, mung bean. Balanced meat diet: pork, pig heart, pig kidney, pig liver, eggs, geese, donkey meat, wild boar, hedgehog meat, pigeon meat, quail, crow meat, snake meat, locust (grasshopper), donkey hide gelatin (donkey hide gelatin), milk, yogurt, human milk, soft-shelled turtle (slightly cold) and nail fish (slightly warm). Cold nature: duck eggs (slightly cold), horse meat, otter meat, crabs, sea crabs, clams (sand clams, sea clams and meretrix meretrix), oyster meat, river snails, earthworms, river snails (cold), river snails, mussels, clam meat (clam) and mullet. Balanced fruit diet: plums, bonuses (sand fruits), pineapples, grapes, olives, sunflower seeds, torreya grandis seeds, pumpkin seeds, gordon euryales (cockscomb fruit), lotus seeds, coconut juice, arborvitae seeds, peanuts, ginkgo, hazelnuts and hawthorn. Temperature: peach, apricot, jujube, litchi, longan, bergamot, lemon (lukewarm), kumquat, bayberry, pomegranate, papaya, betel nut, pine nut, chestnut (chestnut), walnut kernel and cherry. Coolness: apple (slightly cool), pear, citrus, orange, strawberry (slightly cool), mango, loquat, Siraitia grosvenorii, water chestnut, lotus seed core and lily. Cold: persimmon, dried persimmon, grapefruit, banana, mulberry, carambola, fig, kiwi, sugarcane, watermelon, melon (cantaloupe), bitter gourd and water chestnut. A balanced diet of vegetables: yam, radish (slightly cool), carrot, Chinese cabbage, chrysanthemum, kohlrabi, green vegetables, chicken head, lobster sauce, bird's nest, cowpea, potato, taro, ginger, jellyfish, auricularia auricula (slightly cool), mushroom, oyster mushroom, throat mushroom and gourd. Temperature: onion, garlic, leek, coriander (coriander), potherb mustard, onion, toon head, pumpkin. Sexual heat: Chili is cool: tomato (slightly cool), celery, eggplant, rape, kohlrabi, water bamboo, amaranth, Malantou, chrysanthemum brain, spinach, day lily (day lily), lettuce (lettuce), cauliflower, wolfberry head, mugwort leaf and tofu (lettuce). Cold nature: arrowhead (slightly cold), purslane, water spinach, auricularia auricula (watercress), water shield, Nostoc flagelliforme (asparagus), water shield, bamboo shoots (slightly cold), caviar melon, kelp, laver, laver. Other diets are mild: white sugar, rock sugar (slightly cool), soybean milk, Lycium barbarum (slightly warm), Ganoderma lucidum, Tremella fuciformis (slightly cool), corn stigma, Polygonatum sibiricum, Gastrodia elata, Codonopsis pilosula, Poria, hay, Endothelium Corneum Gigeriae Galli and Ziziphus jujuba seed. Temperature: Ginger, Amomum villosum, Zanthoxylum bungeanum, Perilla frutescens, Fennel, Clove, Illicium verum, Fennel, Kaempferol, Wine, Vinegar, Black Tea, Alkaloids, Coffee, Vegetable Oil, Sesame Oil, Peanut Oil, Soybean Oil, Brown Sugar, Maltose, Osmanthus fragrans, Pine Pollen, Cordyceps sinensis and Purple. Sexual fever: pepper, cinnamon. Coolness: green tea, honey, royal jelly, hops, Sophora japonica, chrysanthemum, mint, boat-fruited Sterculia, white peony root, adenophora, American ginseng and cassia seed. Cold: soy sauce, batter, salt, honeysuckle, balsam pear tea, kudingcha, thatched grass root, reed root and alum. Note: 1, food with a flat sex can be eaten all year round. 2. Warm food can be eaten in other seasons except summer. 3, cool food can be eaten often in summer, eat in other seasons, be sure to eat with warm food. 4, try to eat less cold food, if you want to eat, you must add pepper, pepper, ginger isothermal food to eat together.

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