Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Who are Harry Potter's teachers?

Who are Harry Potter's teachers?

Harry Potter's teacher is:

Phineas Nigel-former headmaster

Darius de venter- former principal

Armando dippet-former headmaster

Dolores umbridge, a former principal, senior investigator and former defense against the dark arts professor, has been fired.

Albus Dumbledore-former principal and former professor of the metamorphosis course.

Minerva McGonagall-President, former president of Gryffindor College, professor of deformation course.

Polma Sprout, Dean of Hufflepuff College and Professor of Herbology.

Severus snape-former dean of Slytherin College, former professor of Potions and Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Fritz Flitwick-Dean Ravenclaw, curse the professor.

Rubeus hagrid —— Professor of Magic Biology Protection

Celticburn, a former professor of conservation magic biology, has retired.

Claw hook-a substitute professor of conservation of magical creatures

Quirrell-Former Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor

Gilderoy Lockhart, a former defense against the dark arts professor, is on sick leave.

Remus lupin, a former defense against the dark arts professor, has been fired.

Alaste Moody, a former defense against the dark arts professor, has retired.

Binns-Professor of Magic History, deceased, in office.

Sibyll trelawney-Professor of Divination

Firenze-Professor of Divination

Victor-Professor of Arithmetic Divination

Sinesta- professor of astronomy

Hodge-Professor of Flying Class

Horace Lagerhorn-Professor of Potions and former Dean of Slytherin College.

Other faculty and staff:

Bobby Madam Pomfrey-a nurse in the school hospital

Argus filch-the caretaker.

Apollon pringle, former warden.

Rubeus hagrid-Site Manager and Key Manager


Extended data:

Harry Potter is a series of magical literature novels written by British writer J·K· Rowling from 65438 to 0997 to 2007, with a total of seven novels.

The first six books take Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as the main stage, and describe the story of the study, life and adventure of the protagonist, the young wizard student Harry Potter, during his six years at Hogwarts. The seventh book describes the story of Harry Potter's search for horcruxes and the destruction of Voldemort in World War II.

This series of novels has been translated into 73 languages, and the total sales volume of each version exceeds 450 million (as of 20 15), ranking among the best-selling novels in the world. The British edition was published by Bloomsbury publishing plc, and was published by Scholastic Publishing House after it was introduced into the United States, with some modifications. The simplified Chinese version is published by China People's Literature Publishing House, and the traditional Chinese version is published by Crown Publishing House. ?

Warner Bros. Film Company changed these seven episodes into eight, one for each of the first six episodes, and the seventh episode was divided into two. Harry Potter movies are the highest-grossing movies in the history of the world, with a total box office income of $7.8 billion.