Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What's the use of TGP staff in famine?

What's the use of TGP staff in famine?

There are many staves in the famine TGP version, but we don't know these staves very well, so playing in deep space brings the use of staves in the famine TGP version shared by player Arthur. Interested players, let's take a look!

Hello, I'm Arthur. This post mainly introduces some wands, three of which can be unlocked in the magic bar, namely, ice wand, fire wand and transmission wand, as well as transmission wand, deconstruction wand (I like to pronounce them as destruction wand) and summoning star wand unlocked from ancient underground relics, and there is also a relatively different wand-the wand of the moon visitor. Then let's see what they are for and what's magical about them.

The wand of ice and fire

First of all, everyone is familiar with the function of these two wands, one is bright and the other is frozen, which consumes a little brain damage and lasts for 20 times.

Material: fire stick = two nightmare fuels+a spear+a ruby.

Ice stick = spear+sapphire.

In fact, the cost is not expensive. As far as gems are concerned, in the relatively late stage (finding footprints in the later stage will increase the probability of the dog king), if you can breed the dog king, you can brush gems indefinitely (I have a post here). Don't worry about this at all. It is worth mentioning that there is a mod "Cool Bull", which will breed and domesticate different Niu Ge and produce different items. ......

Maybe the usage rate of popsicles is relatively high, and everyone likes it. For example, it is used to freeze walrus in winter to prevent it from running around, and kill the ice dog before killing it; Or freeze the boss, put some explosives under it and kill them; And so on, freezing some monsters and killing them cruelly (hmm). In addition, there will be many cases of spontaneous combustion in summer, and it can also be put out with an ice stick. As for you, different monsters have different resistance to popsicles. There is a mod "Show Me" with a complete explanation. This mod is actually a very good auxiliary mod, which can help to domesticate Niu Ge and so on.

Two or three teleportation wands

Transmission stick = two rubies+; Two living trees+four nightmare fuels

I believe everyone knows this staff member. I seem to have introduced it before. Here, let me introduce a little more. It is mainly used to transmit things. It is used with the transmission core (plus three purple gems) to transmit you and the target selected by your staff to the transmission core. Then if you don't send the core, or sapphire, you will send the target of your choice at random.

The teleporter can be a monster, a teammate or yourself. Number of uses-five times.

Three teleportation wands

Blinking wand = a cane+two orange gems+two nightmare fuels.

This has two functions: first, it accelerates the function of the walking stick, which is 25% faster, that is, the speed has become 1.25 times of the original. Second, it is instantaneous movement, while consuming 15 brain residual value. Times of use -20 times.

This is actually nothing to introduce, and some people don't like it, but it is still very good for underground surveying and mapping or action.

Four wands of destruction

The staff of destruction = two emeralds+two living trees+four nightmare fuels.

Relatively speaking, four jadeites are more expensive. Functionally speaking, breaking down some buildings or tools, for example, a straw rope can be broken down into three grasses. Number of uses-five times.

Although the cost is high, you can use it to brush something if you want. For example, fish scales, as we all know, can make six Longlin floors, and then we destroy them one by one, and we can get six fish scales at most! Well, if more than one person is online, it's faster to tap one more scale. Moreover, building a cellar, for example, requires a lot of wooden boards, Shi Zhuan, and 20 wooden boards and 20 Shi Zhuan have consumed a lot of manpower and material resources. If you build three or four or more, the workload can be imagined! Now a method, first build a cellar with building amulets (only 10 boards and 10 Shi Zhuan), then take a deconstruction scepter to decompose it for him (there are 20 boards and 20 Shi Zhuan), and then build two cellars with building amulets twice, so as to realize a second life, a second life and a third life! (honk, honk, this jadeite is in greater demand, 233)

Alternative discussion

1. Decompose articles containing animals, such as mole caps and miner's lamps. Get the answer-animals are broken down.

2. Decompose non-synthetic items such as walrus hats and thieves' backpacks. Get the answer-it can't be decomposed.

3. Decompose items containing precious stones, that is, most of these staves, and add some amulets and other items. Get the answer-if I go, the gem can't be decomposed, so I can only separate the items other than the gem.

4. Decompose the wonderful flowers and the staff of the lunar explorer. Get- rainbow gem, as shown below (sacred cow, used by goddess to mend the sky? )

However, I don't know what kind of eggs it has.

Staff, called the stars to explore the moon.

It's amazing that my staff visited the moon. I saw the old driver talk about this before, which is still very good. Here is a brief introduction. First of all:

Star summoner's staff = two topaz+two living trees+four nightmare fuels.

In terms of function, summon a "dwarf" small sun, and nearby units will be lit up; For players to bake food; Players can stay nearby for heating, lighting and recovering from brain injury. Available times -20 times.

So, what about the staff of the lunar visitors? Simply put, at the full moon, take your star-summoner's staff and insert it into the platform. After a period of time, it will become the staff of lunar visitors. Principle, as simple as that, but still need to do a series of preparatory work:

1) repair the platform with moonstone; There is usually a walrus nest near the platform.

2) Avoid crazy pigs or hounds destroying the platform during the full moon. (the specific method depends on everyone. I use a coffee table here, or a burnt coffee table will do. Is it extravagant? )

Well, the time of a full moon is basically only enough to build a visitor, and it is irreversible. The process is also quite cool and crazy. God, it comes with BGM effect. Everyone can try it.

Then, functionally speaking, it summons a bunch of "aurora", which is cold, contrary to the staff of Star Power; Players will also suffer brain damage when they are close, providing lighting. Times of use -50 times.

Easter eggs

Let's discuss the function of a wave of rainbow gems mentioned above. First, let's take a mole to test and throw it on the floor. The mole will steal it and prove that it is really a gem. If you dare to steal, you can't stand it, and you die. Then, we guess that this gem is used to fill a pit or something, to fill a pit on the ground-no, it is used to fill a pit after the queen bee came out-or not. Well, the basic guess failed. Then, let's continue to guess, put on the ceramic turntable and make colored ceramics? -I can't let go decisively ... then, there is no then. ......

The above is all about how to get TGP famine slats. I don't know. Do you already know more about staves?

Famine: Don't starve together. Integrated 3DLC+ Chinese MOD cracked version v226323.