Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Which country still has a royal family today (specific information and pictures)

Which country still has a royal family today (specific information and pictures)

Britain, England





the Netherlands

Saudi Arabia






wait for

From here, you can learn about the princess's life and many pictures.


This is the assassination of the king of Nepal, and there are also pictures.

/new page/rd/ Nepal/

This is about the king of Saudi Arabia, with many pictures.

/system/2005/08/02/00 1083440 . shtml

The following is the content of the King of Jordan.

/ziliao/2003-02/2 1/content _ 73950 1 . htm

The following is the content of the King of Cambodia.

/world/ZL/human/pol/human _ pol _ khm king . htm

Let's repost it comprehensively from the street cultural community /bbs/dispbbs.asp? BoardID = 206 & ampID=278 13

Royal Residence

This is a special group of people. Although their power has been lost for more than 300 years, they still enjoy rights different from ordinary people. They exist for a good reason: as symbols of the people. Although they live in the palace, they always get people's attention. They are called royalty.

Perhaps without the excitement of competing for the throne, the modern life of the royal family always looks like a big family: the same laughter, disharmony and contradiction ... kindness and resentment, love and hate, constant cutting and chaos. A search for key words reveals that this sad and happy record is quite intriguing.

Beauty is unlucky-collocation: British royal family

Some people say that beauty is unlucky, and Diana, who married into the British royal family, is even more unlucky. Empty, dignified and beautiful, but I didn't get the love that women want most until I died. But it is undeniable that there are still many people who "like" Diana, because as long as they get the "clues" of Diana, some people's wallets will swell up and it is not worth making a fuss about making a fortune. As a result, some British tabloid reporters simply regarded stalking Diana as a "golden rice bowl", only blaming them for being too "dedicated" and forcing an excellent Diana to "the road to heaven" early.

The people of Sri Lanka have been dead for more than five years, but those who want to get rich have not broken their financial path. Any news about Diana can still get a good price. In June this year, the British royal family decided to open an autopsy on another day to trace the truth of the cause of death. Poor Diana died peacefully. It is said that the autopsy results will take five years to come out. With such "fine" work, it is estimated that every cell can analyze a wonderful story. How can this not make the paparazzi who are waiting for Diana's "materials" ecstatic-at least they can have food and clothing for the next five years.

However, this is only a huge sum of money. If anyone has some Diana articles, letters and the like, they will send them. For the sake of money, Paul burrell, Diana's most trusted housekeeper, revealed the "secret" that had been treasured for many years. It is not enough to earn enough pounds. She also "exports" to the United States to earn extra money. Diana's old lover james hewitt is even more unique. The exit is: "Give me100000, all her letters are yours!" Betrayed by loved ones, betrayed by trusted people, I am afraid that people will only be "aphasia" when they fall into this situation.

After all, Diana's "legacy" belongs to only a few people, but it doesn't matter. If you have the ability to get a hair from Diana's youngest son, Prince Harry, you won't worry about running out of money, because recently someone suspected the blood source of the little prince and wanted to have a DNA test. It seems that anyone close to Diana is either prone to trouble or in trouble.

In short, the word "Diana" was fried in 2002 and will definitely be fried again in 2003. No matter what new tricks are concocted, the world has long been used to it.

Modern Cinderella-Collocations: Dutch Royal Family, Danish Royal Family

It's all because Andersen wrote fairy tales so well that almost every girl had a dream of Cinderella, but when she woke up, there were neither glass shoes nor Prince Charming, and she was still her normal self in the mirror. But after all, some people can "dream come true". Last year, the Crown Prince of Norway married an unmarried mother to be a princess, which made a good start for the wonderful drama Cinderella Now. This year, two "Cinderella" put on glass shoes.

Argentine girl Maksima Solequietta met Prince William of the Netherlands at a dance three years ago. After dancing a song, she won the prince's love. This opening is simply a replica of Cinderella's fairy tale. On February 2, 2002, a pair of auspicious days, Cinderella of Argentina finally entered the Dutch Palace wearing glass shoes. It is said that there are many thresholds along the way. Her nationality, beliefs and family background are all regarded as "problems". Fortunately, the wind of "free love" has also blown into the palace compound. Prince William issued a declaration of "love beauty rather than the throne", and finally helped his beloved girl ride a white horse.

The royal families of Norway and the Netherlands all flew into Cinderella, so it seems a little unreasonable that Denmark, the "fairy tale kingdom", didn't have a "modern version". Don't worry, Danish Crown Prince Frederick is also playing. On September 25th this year, he got engaged to mary donaldson, an Australian girl, and set the wedding date for May 24th next year. I don't know why, this Australian Cinderella hasn't been able to meet her in-laws yet. This can make the Danes anxious, and the true interpretation of a romantic "Prince and Cinderella" can't be so yellow. It is said that a mainstream Danish newspaper even published an article asking for an interview with the Queen, but so far, the Queen has not nodded. It seems that this beautiful thing is still a little hanging.

In fact, the love between Prince Charming and Cinderella is not special. It is only because of their different identities that they show "story". In 2003, Cinderella will start another life. I hope they don't follow Diana's old path.

It's hard to be happy-matching word: Japanese royal family

It is said that the Japanese royal family is the oldest surviving royal family in the world. With a long history and many natural rules and taboos to the outside world, the Japanese royal family always gives people a strange impression.

Crown Princess Masako is an exception in this royal family. She is highly educated, not only proficient in many languages, but also smart and capable. She used to be the most promising female diplomat in the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Such an intellectual woman at least makes people feel less cold. But since she married the Crown Prince of Japan, all her talents seem unimportant. Her task is only one: to give birth to a child, preferably a boy, to the Japanese royal family. The Japanese royal family has been "burning incense" since the war. The third generation is all princesses, and there has not been a male in 37 years. This "strange phenomenon" has now become a heart disease in Japan, because Japan does not recognize the female emperor. If this situation continues, the rules of our ancestors will not change. Poor Masako, a daughter who waited eight years to be born. Princess Aiko is one year old this year. As a mother, Princess Masako's face is not so nervous, but that smile is almost the same, which always makes people feel a little fake.

It never rains but it pours. 165438+1At the end of October, when the Prime Minister's cousin Takahara died of a heart attack, Japan lost another heir to the throne, and even Prime Minister Koizumi could not help sighing. Now, Japan has begun to seriously discuss the issue of "female emperor". The result of the discussion is estimated to be impossible in 2003, but it is not a bad thing to have more fresh ideas.

There are many disasters-matching words: Saudi royal family

There are no accurate statistics, but if ranked by capital, the Saudi royal family must belong to one of the richest royal families in the world. But the wealthy Saudi royal family had no luck in 2002. From the beginning of the year to the end of the year, nothing good seems to have happened.

First, the prince Ahmed bin Salman abdalla, who loves horse racing, was inexplicably involved in a alimony lawsuit against a famous horse racing. Before he knew the content of the lawsuit, the prince with good business sense died of a heart attack in late July. His cousin, Prince Sultan, was speeding on his way to the funeral, resulting in an accident, and his hind feet followed. A week later, there was bad news. 25-year-old Prince Fahd turky kabir died of thirst while traveling in the desert. The Saudi royal family suffered "Black July" and lost three princes in eight days. However, according to Saudi government figures, there are 2,700 princes and princesses in the polygamous Saudi royal family. In this way, the disaster of the incident is greatly reduced.

"salary reduction" is no problem. If we offend America, we will be in big trouble. In 2002, the relationship between the United States and Saudi Arabia suddenly broke out in the cold winter, only because19 "9.11"was a hijacker and 15 was a Saudi national. It never rains but it pours. The royal family is also involved in this mixed water. The evidence from the United States conclusively claimed that the Saudi princess provided financial assistance to the hijackers, and whether the princess's kindness was used or not, the United States killed Saudi Arabia with a stick. It seems that it is not enough to have money, but also to spend money wisely, otherwise, we don't even know that we are in trouble.

The troubled Saudi royal family, I wonder if the situation in 2003 will come to a big reversal?

Go home and have a look-matching words: Afghan royal family, Italian royal family

Want to go home? It's too easy. No matter how far away from home, just buy a train ticket or plane ticket, and in another hour, you can stay at home and eat the meal cooked by your mother comfortably. But this is the simplest thing for ordinary people, but for some people, it has become the biggest dream of life.

Former King Zahir of Afghanistan originally planned to spend the rest of his life in Italy, because the door of Afghanistan has been closed to him since the palace coup 29 years ago. It is said that Lao Wang made a good "pension plan": playing with cameras, listening to music, playing chess and raising pigeons every day. If it weren't for "9. 1 1", 88-year-old Zahir estimated that there would be no suspense in his life. It happened that history gave him a chance to realize his dream at the last moment of his life: the collapse of the Taliban-the reconstruction of Afghanistan-and the old king finally went home in April this year! To this end, Zahir wants to thank George W. Bush, but he also has to secretly thank the "devil" bin Laden. If even "Uncle Sam" didn't dare to challenge, how could Zahir take advantage of "the benefits of fishermen"?

Compared with the Afghan royal family, the Italian royal family is not so "lucky", and the road to return home can be opened through bit by bit struggle. No wonder they colluded with Nazi dictator Mussolini and killed so many Italian Jews. Male descendants of the royal family are not allowed to "go home", which is clearly written in black and white in the Italian Constitution. It is really "a small step, too late to regret." For more than 50 years after the war, they protested, struggled, talked and even finally expressed their loyalty. Until July this year, they finally ushered in the dawn of going home-lifting the ban. Recently, the former prince's family of three successfully set foot on their homeland, and finally they can have a decent year this year.

It is not easy. In the coming year, I hope they can live a good life in the land they have been longing for. Ordinary people should always go home when they have time.

Grab a Civilian-Match Word: Swaziland Royal Family

It's 2 1 century, and it should be more civilized. Unfortunately, this is just wishful thinking. Grab a cloth, which can only be seen in history books or TV series, really happened in Swaziland, a small country in southern Africa this year.

The king who robbed relatives was called Mswati III, which sounded a bit dictatorial. It is said that when he was a crown prince in the 1980s, he went to Britain to drink "foreign ink", but western-style democratic education seemed to have no effect on the Crown Prince, and his mind was full of the idea of "polygamy". After he ascended the throne, the king held a nationwide ceremony to choose a concubine every year. Once elected to the palace, it is by no means a good thing. Being a princess in Swaziland will not be as lucky as Cinderella, on the contrary, it will be a little sad, because you never want to go home again in this life.

This year, the king took a fancy to Zena, a girl of 18 years old, and before that, he had 10 concubines. Of course, the girl didn't want to. The girl's mother, a great woman with self-awareness, angrily took the king to court for forcibly robbing a civilian. Judges in Swaziland are embarrassed, because compared with the late old king sobhuza ii, who had 99 concubines, King III had 10 concubines, which is not too much! Besides, the king's "rules" are not something they can break. Looks like poor Zena is doomed.

I wonder who will be next in 2003.