Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Excuse me, who knows the common sense address of poetry? Please tell me, Coconut.

Excuse me, who knows the common sense address of poetry? Please tell me, Coconut.

Poetry is a literary genre with emotion as the main body. It reflects social life in a lyrical way, is highly concise and concentrated, and expresses thoughts and feelings in the form of rich imagination, rhythmic language and line arrangement. Poetry is a rhythmic, rhythmic and emotional language art form, and also the oldest and most basic literary form in the world. Poetry originated from ancient social life, which is a rhythmic and emotional language form due to labor production, sex and primitive religion. "Shangshu Yu Shu": "Poetry expresses ambition, song expresses Tao, sound is eternal, law and harmony." "Book of Rites. Le ":"Poetry expresses ambition; Song, chanting its voice; Dance, move its capacity; The three are based on the heart, and then the instrument follows it. " In the early days, poetry, song, music and dance were integrated. Poetry is the lyrics, which are always sung with music and dance in actual performances. Later, poetry, song, music and dance developed independently and became independent adults. Poems and songs are collectively called poems.

(A) the origin of poetry

Poetry is the oldest and most literary style. Labor songs and folk songs, which originated from ancient people, were originally the floorboard of poems and songs. At first, there was no distinction between poetry and song, but poetry and music and dance were combined into one, collectively called poetry. China's poems have a long history and rich heritage, such as The Book of Songs, Songs of the South, Han Yuefu and the works of countless poets. Poetry in Western Europe was written by Homer and Sappho in ancient Greece and Virgil and Horace in ancient Rome.

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The origin of poetry

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There are many theories about the origin of poetry, such as representative theory, game theory, witchcraft theory, labor theory, psychological expression theory and so on. Among them, the labor theory is the most recognized. Poetry can be regarded as the forerunner of all literary works. Before writing appeared in human society, there were oral ballads. Mr. Lu Xun believes that poetry originated from labor and religion for two reasons: first, singing while working can forget the hard work; Secondly, primitive people feared the gods out of awe, so they praised the strength and merits of the gods.

Poetry originates from the productive labor of human beings, which is specifically described in Huainanzi:

Today, those who hold big trees were called' bad promises' before, so it's time to respond. This move is also a song of persuasion.

Of course, at that time, because the production was still in the primitive stage, the language was underdeveloped, and the sound of "bad promises" issued by people in labor was monotonous, with no lyrics and no specific ideological content naturally expressed, so it could not be considered as a real poem, but just an original ballad.

It has gone through a long development process, from a ballad that only expresses sound to a poem that also expresses meaning. The chapter "Yin Chu" in Lu's Spring and Autumn Annals records a poem "Waiting for People", and the lyrics are:

Wait for someone!

It can be regarded as the simplest prototype of ideographic poetry. The word "Yi Xi" here, like "evil promise", only plays a phonetic role, while the word "successor" expresses the author's certain wish and has a simple but concrete ideological content.

With the further development of production, social life is becoming more and more diversified, and the expression form of poetry is naturally more perfect and the content is richer. During this period, poetry can not only express some personal wishes, but also reflect certain social life. In the Spring and Autumn Annals of Wu Yue, a song "Playing Songs" is recorded, and the lyrics are:

Broken bamboo, continued bamboo, flying soil, chasing far away.

In these eight short words, it reflects the whole process and vivid scenes of our ancestors hunting in primitive times. This ballad is not only complete in content and vivid in plot, but also neat in sentence structure, with every two sentences rhyming, which generally meets the general requirements of poetry.

Secondly, talk about the origin of poetry from religion. In primitive ballads, we can find many works that pray for heaven. For example, there is a wax poem in the Book of Rites, which is said to have been changed by God in farming:

The soil is bad for its house. Water belongs to its valley.

Don't make insects. The plant belongs to its house.

Literally, this ballad is obviously a prayer sent by the working people at that time to the "Heaven Emperor" because they were unable to overcome the floods, droughts and insect disasters, hoping that the disasters would not harm crops and let everyone live a comfortable life.

Oracle Bone Inscriptions was written in Shang Dynasty. Because he divined good and bad luck through religious witchcraft, he was called "Oracle bones". In Oracle Bone Inscriptions, which has been sorted out, there are similar poems:

It's raining today, but it rains from the west? Is it raining in the east? It rains from the north? Is it raining in the south?

From the content, these Oracle Bone Inscriptions are not only complete in words, but also very obvious in meaning. From the form of expression, it basically has the form of poetry. If we compare the Yuefu folk song "Picking Lotus Songs" in the Han Dynasty, we have more reason to say that it is a poem:

Lotus can be picked in Jiangnan, so there is no lotus leaf. Fish frolicking among lotus leaves;

Fish hits the lotus leaf east, fish hits the lotus leaf west, fish hits the lotus leaf south, and fish hits the lotus leaf north.

It should be noted that when we say that poetry originated from productive labor and religion, we do not mean that the two are separated and unrelated. On the contrary, their relationship is very close. "Lv Chunqiu Ancient Music" has such a record:

In Ge's previous life, the three of them sang eight songs with the bull's tail: first, carrying the people, second, mysterious birds, third, grass at the end of the year, fourth, dividing the grains, fifth, respecting the sky, sixth, winning the merits of the emperor, seventh, respecting the earth, eighth, and sharing the animals together.

The specific contents of the eight poems mentioned here have been lost, but judging from their names, they are not only directly related to productive labor, but also closely related to religious superstitions at that time.

In particular, the lyrics of such names as "respecting heaven" and "respecting earth" clearly reflect people's attention to natural conditions (such as climate and soil) and have a strong color of religious superstition.