Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Thinker Zhuangzi saw the original and translation of the empty skull.

Thinker Zhuangzi saw the original and translation of the empty skull.

Chu in Zhuangzi is purely a myth, or a kind of chaotic god in Machamp. Zhuangzi saw an empty skeleton on his way to Chu. What is this thing? Skull. Ha, speaking of which, are those children who don't usually read ghost stories a little scared?

When normal people see this skeleton, they will feel gloomy, afraid and feel that they are not doing well. After all, these are taboo in China. Keep a certain distance from others. Some people in China believe in ghosts and gods, and they will also reflect on what they have done and whether they have been wronged by you damn fool. In other words, most people don't like to see this, and they are a little afraid to see it.

But we can't underestimate Zhuangzi. Who's Zhuangzi? Who is Zhuangzi afraid of? Skeleton wants to scare Zhuangzi (maybe this is more fun? Who knows), but Zhuangzi taught the skeleton a lesson. How can I put it? The snake hit seven inches. Zhuangzi asked how people died. And guess really, every word is the heart. Then I used the skeleton as a pillow and slept on it.

In the middle of the night, the skeleton came to Zhuangzi, dreaming. Skeleton said, you guess those, are tired of being a man. How hard it is to be a man. I tell you, the most special freedom. do you want to hear it ? Zhuangzi expressed interest, so Skull gave it to Zhuangzi, with a happy tone.

Hearing this, Zhuangzi didn't say how you died. Am I right? He just wants to test the ghost and ask it if you want to be human again, do you still want to do it? The skeleton said, I don't want to, because being a ghost can be king.

What does Zhuangzi mean by general water fishing?

The autumn waters in Zhuangzi's books are very classic. There is a little fable in the article, which tells the story that Zhuangzi refused to invite Gao. Zhuangzi was fishing in Pushui, and the King of Chu sent two messengers to Pushui to invite Zhuangzi.

The messenger said to him, our king has entrusted you with the task of managing the country, and I hope you will take the trouble to accept it. He didn't get up and went on fishing, but said to the messenger, it is rumored that there is a turtle in your country, which has been dead for a long time. Your king wrapped the tortoise in brocade, treasured it in a box and enshrined it in a temple. Excuse me, is this turtle willing to die with his eyes closed, or is he willing to live and crawl freely in the mud? The two messengers answered, of course, they are willing to climb in the mud. Zhuangzi said loudly at this time, you go home, I just want to live in the mire like a turtle.

Zhuangzi once traveled around the world and lived freely. Later, he refused the official position of the king of Chu and wrote books in seclusion. Zhuangzi's people, like his thoughts, opposed people's pursuit of fame, which was very rare in ancient times. Most of his articles are fables, and a few short metaphors will vividly show the meaning to be expressed. In his view, being an official in the imperial court and seeking fame is like wearing the clothes of a powerful person and being in a powerful place, but living as naturally as dying. Although the material conditions are scarce, it can make you comfortable physically and mentally. He has a famous saying that mourning is greater than death, and spiritual pursuit is more important than material pursuit, which can also be reflected here.

Actually, he's really great. How many scholars study just to get the favor of the incumbent and show off their wealth as officials? But he was indifferent to the official position sent by a king and regarded it as dirt. After reading this story, he admired Zhuangzi's moral character even more.

Translation and Introduction of Thinker Zhuangzi's Essays

There are several fables about foreign objects, such as Zhuang Zhou's poor borrowing food, childe catching big fish, Confucian scholars robbing tombs, white turtle divination, dialogue between Lao Laizi and Kong Qiu, discussion between Keiko and Zhuangzi, and finally Zhuangzi's words.

People's ideas do not have an accurate conclusion. The king wants his servant to be loyal to him. There are many examples of Zhongliang being framed, murdered and driven crazy, and flattering traitors can't escape bad luck. Parents want their children to be filial. Filial children may not be loved by their parents. So people always fall into two emotions: sadness and happiness.

Everything is inevitably in conflict. Pretending to be indifferent, inner anxiety, and eventually a mental breakdown. Zhuang Zhou used the story of five grains to illustrate the hypocrisy and indifference of the rulers. Childe finally caught a big fish, not everyone can imitate it easily, and no one knows the realm of governing the country by avenue. How can he reach the height of governing the country well? Isn't the thief of Confucian scholars the hypocrisy of so-called superficial etiquette and benevolence? Lao Laizi taught Kong Qiu not to covet fame and show off his knowledge, but to follow the development trend of things, instead of artificially implementing the ritual system for success. The meaning of white turtle divination in Song Dynasty shows that being really smart can't make you, even if you have wisdom, you will inevitably be framed. You should give up these so-called cleverness to truly show great wisdom. Keiko thinks that what Zhuangzi said is big and useless. Zhuangzi explained the meaning of real uselessness and usefulness.

Zhuangzi said that true freedom is not necessarily empty. Only when it is empty can it be smooth. Everything is relative, and we should forget these worldly troubles and truly reach the realm of emptiness.

In which era did Zhuangzi live?

What is pre-Qin? Pre-Qin is a time name, which refers to the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. A hundred schools of thought contended in the pre-Qin period. A hundred schools of thought contend refers to many scholars, thinkers and philosophers.

Of all the thinkers, only a few get the most support. The first one in chronological order is Confucianism, and it is also the one that is highly praised by the most people. Confucius and Mencius, two famous cultural figures, are representatives of Confucianism.

The second important position is Taoism. The earliest time of Taoism should be the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, which is later than the first one. The founder of Taoism is Laozi. In his theory, there are both subjective thinking and objective thinking, and there is also a special world view, that is, the individual-centered world view. After the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, it developed into the Warring States Period. Zhuangzi in the Warring States Period was more advanced than Laozi. He used the relativity theory of things and the philosophical argumentation theory. During the Warring States Period, besides Zhuangzi, others studied and developed Taoism. It also combined with other schools to form a new theoretical system, which was adopted by the rulers of the Han Dynasty.

There are many theories in the thought of a hundred schools of thought contending. At that time, countries were constantly fighting for strength and competitiveness, so the rulers were confused and had the need to seek advanced ideas to guide and improve their own countries. Where there is a market, there are producers. Shang Yang is the thought provider who serves this demand. His research results were accepted and adopted by the ruling class, and the effect was quite good. There is also a Han Feizi who tried to borrow other people's achievements and add his own creation, so he also produced a good theory.

Zhuangzi is the representative of Taoism in this period.

How did the thinker Zhuangzi die?

Using modern buzzwords to evaluate Zhuangzi is an absolute "Gao Fushuai", born in a noble family with royal blood. Zhuangzi, who has absolute innate advantages, did not embark on the road of a dude, but worked hard to become a big shot. When a great man is alive, life is bright, and when he leaves this world, he is doomed to "not take the ordinary road."

During the Warring States Period, the average life expectancy of people was only forty or fifty years old, while Zhuangzi lived to be over eighty years old, which was a long life at that time. Zhuangzi can live such a big age because he can get through it. He believes that life and death is a natural cycle in the world, regardless of personal willpower. For natural things, there is absolutely no need for pain and sadness.

Zhuangzi felt that time was running out, so he told his disciples what happened later. He suggested that he didn't need funerary objects after his death and let him leave for nothing. On weekdays, the disciples have long been accustomed to the teacher's imaginative way of thinking, but when this idea came out, it was really shocking. During the Warring States period, the culture of funerary objects was popular, and it was believed that funerary objects could ensure people to live a rich life in the next cycle. And everyone in such a good position in Zhuangzi, funerary objects must be indispensable. Zhuangzi saw through the disciple's mind, smiling without a word, pointing to heaven and earth, and everything in the world was buried in his heart.

Zhuangzi's green funeral was avant-garde enough in the society at that time, which attracted people's constant discussion. Some people say that Zhuangzi knocked on the basin and sang after his wife died, and then saw that he was insane. Some people say that Zhuangzi pursues the harmony between man and nature advocated by Taoism. Even though it is controversial, Zhuangzi has always been himself from birth to death, and has not changed from beginning to end.

The story of Zhuangzi and Keiko

In ordinary life, we all like to make friends with like-minded people, or have the same hobbies, or have similar or consistent world outlook and outlook on life. If we talk about the classic model of good friends, we will think of Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi, or Lian Po and Lin Xiangru. Few people will regard Zhuangzi and Keiko as like-minded friends or role models among friends. In fact, however, they are indeed lifelong friends.

It is incredible that Zhuangzi and Keiko can become lifelong friends. First of all, Zhuangzi is the successor and promoter of Taoism, and he has been speaking for Taoism all his life. Keiko is a master of this famous school. He pursued and believed in celebrities all his life, hoping to make them carry forward. Their life beliefs and pursuits are completely different.

Secondly, although Zhuangzi was famous for his ancestors, it is said that his ancestors were once the monarch of the Song Dynasty, but in Zhuangzi, that generation was poor. Zhuangzi often studies knowledge on an empty stomach, which can be described as a family. Keiko is a country, one person is above ten thousand people, and money, beauty and jewelry are not problems for him. It's hard for a poor person like Zhuangzi to meet a powerful person like Keiko, and it's really unusual to develop into intimate friends.

Finally, Zhuangzi is a typical otaku because of his quiet personality and his indifference to wealth and fame. Keiko's personality likes excitement and has great enthusiasm for the pursuit of wealth, so she is a typical social maniac.

In this way, it is not easy for two people who are not matched, but they have become lifelong friends. But they are indeed a very strange pair of close friends in history.