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Who was the greatest god in ancient Greece? What is the story of his life?

Hercules is the greatest hero in ancient Greece. He embodies the strength and wisdom of human beings to conquer nature and the excellent qualities of ancient Greeks such as diligence, courage and wit.

Hercules is the son of Zeus and alcmene, and alcmene is the granddaughter of married Poerxiusi. Zeus made love to alcmene in the image of alcmene's husband Amphitryon. In order to prolong his pleasure, Zeus extended one night to three nights. The next day, when the real Amphitryon came back, alcmene was puzzled. The couple learned from the blind prophet tiresias that Zeus was a ghost.

Nine months later, alcmene gave birth to twins-Hercules and Evy Cox. In order to make Hercules, the first born, become the most powerful person and eventually become a god, Zeus deceived Hera to breastfeed her newborn, making Heracles become an immortal god after drinking her milk.

Hercules had a happy childhood, and most of the time he was safe. Hercules began the happiest life. He and his wife had three children and lived a quiet and peaceful life. He even fantasized that one day he would inherit the throne of Thebes. However, Hera did not forget the resentment in her heart. She drove Hercules insane, and then drove Hercules crazy and killed her son. When Hercules woke up and realized what he had done, he simply didn't want to live any more. Later, he decided to go to Delphi and ask Apollo if there was any way to atone for his terrible crime. The Oracle gave him a clear direction: he had to leave Tirins to serve Eurystheus in Mycenae; And he had to stay and work there for a long time and obey the orders of Eurythius Hughes. If he can do it correctly, he will become an immortal god in the future. Hercules, eager to atone, accepted it without hesitation.

Euripides Hughes did not welcome this newcomer with royal blood, because his father Amphitryon was once the king of Mycenae, but he was deposed after accidentally killing a relative. Eurystheus felt that he was facing a competitor. But he soon found that he could get rid of this potential opponent by taking advantage of the opportunity that Hercules had to come here to atone. The frightened king thought and thought, racking his brains, and the last idea flashed into his mind: Nimia lion.

The second task entrusted by Eurydice Hughes to Hercules was to kill Xu Dela, a nine-headed water snake, at the mouth of Argos Bay, 50 kilometers south of Mycenae.

Eurydice Hughes expressed contempt for Hercules' success because he laughed at Hercules for taking Olaus to help him. Then, he gave another task to catch roe deer on Ccrynelan, a beautiful animal, Jinjiao's bronze hoof. This task mainly tests the agility of Hercules' legs. It took Hercules a whole year to finally catch it and bring it back to Mycenae.

The fourth task was issued soon, and Hercules had to capture the wild boar in Mount Hermantos alive and bring it back to Mycenae. Hercules found the wild boar in the snow, caught it and brought it back to Eurythius Hughes.

King Eurydice Hughes gave the fifth task. The task is to go to the Kingdom of Elis to clean the cowshed for its ruler Augeas. He has a large number of livestock, and his cowshed is not cleaned all the year round. The task given to Hercules this time is to thoroughly clean up the cow dung accumulated for many years in one day.

Before carrying out the task, Hercules first found Ogias and asked him to take out one tenth of the livestock as a reward after completing the task. The king agreed. Hercules dug loose the foundation on one side of the cowshed, and led the river water through a canal to flow through the cowshed and wash away the feces inside. When he washed the cow dung clean, he asked the king to pay him the reward agreed in advance. But Ogias refused to honor his promise on the grounds that the cowshed was washed away by the river. Because of this rude neglect, Hercules kept these firmly in mind.

As soon as he returned to Mycenae, the sixth task was given to him. In the swamp of Lake Sting fallows, there is a strange bird with iron wings, iron mouth and iron claws, which is very fierce. They often peck human flesh with their iron mouths. Euripides Hughes asked him to get rid of this strange bird.

Hercules successfully completed the task again, but this time Eurys Hughes decided to arrange him to go to a more distant place in the seventh mission. At that time, Crete was suffering from the plague brought by white cattle drifting from the sea. Heracles's task is to clear the plague on the island and bring the bull back. Hercules got the bull back as easy as blowing off dust. When Eurystheus saw the bull, he ran into the palace and jumped into the huge jar. He ordered Hercules to release the bull quickly.

Hercules' next task awaits him in a distant place. He must cross the Bosphorus Strait to the south bank of Caspian Sea, which is the legendary home of Amazonians in Central Asia. Admete, the daughter of Eurythus Hughes, has always liked a famous belt, which was given to Hippolyta, the queen of Amazon by Ares. Hercules' task is to seize this belt from the queen. Hercules brought more assistants this time.

When Hercules returned to Greece with a group of strong cows, he found another western mission waiting for him. First, he must find the sacred garden in Hesperides, which is a wedding gift from Mother Earth to Hera, and he must pick some golden apples from it. It is not easy to find the sacred garden, because no one knows it. But there are many things to grind. Finally, he learned from nereus that golden apples can only be picked with the help of Atlas, the giant who supports the sky. Atlas offered to help because Hera's designated guardian of Hesperides was his daughter. If Hercules can take over his burden and hold up the sky for him, he can also pick golden apples for Hercules himself.

The twelfth and final task was given after Hercules picked the golden apples. Euripides Hughes gave him a challenge, because Eurystheus recalled God's promise that the hero would become God after long and hard work. So this time, he sent Hercules to accomplish a task that could not be accomplished on the ground: he had to go to hades to bring back the three-headed watchdog, burroughs.

Hercules came to Oreusnian, where the priests were proficient in the secret methods of yin and yang. Knowing these secrets, Hercules asked Athena and Hermes to tell him the way to Hades. In hades, he rescued theseus, who had arrived in hades before him. Then Hercules met Hades, the keeper of hades, and he agreed that if Hercules could subdue the hellhound without weapons, he could borrow it. This terrible dog has three heads and a row of poisonous snakes around its neck, but Heracles's lion skin protects it.

The fierce dog finally gave in, and Hercules tied it with a rope and dragged it back to earth. Eurystheus almost fainted when the dog appeared in front of him. He was glad to relieve Hercules of his hard labor and let him leave forever.

Hercules, who finally completed twelve arduous tasks, finally ended his hard labor and was free. Hercules had many great achievements later. After suffering, I finally became a god on Olympus and married the goddess of youth.