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Hippocrates (a famous Greek doctor)

Hippocrates (460? -377? The greatest doctor in ancient times was regarded as the father of medicine. Hippocrates may have been born in Kos, Greece. Before he settled in Kos to practice medicine and teach medicine, he traveled a lot. He died in Larissa, Greece; Little else is known about him. His name is associated with the Hippocratic oath, although he may not be the author of this document. In fact, of about 70 works in Hippocrates' collection, Hippocrates may actually have written six of them. The Hippocratic collection may be the remains of the medical library of the famous Coase Medical College. His teaching, detachment and ability of direct clinical observation may have influenced other authors of these works, and to a great extent, made ancient medicine get rid of superstition.

Hippocrates (about 460 BC-about 377 BC), a great physician in ancient times, was known as the father of medicine. His birthplace is probably Kos, Greece. Before he settled in Kos Island, he traveled around the world to practice medicine and teach medicine. Little is known about him except that he died in Larissa, Greece. Although his name is associated with the Hippocratic Declaration, it is highly unlikely that he himself is the author of this article. In fact, Hippocrates himself may have written only about six of the 70 documents in the selected works of Hippocrates. The collection of Hippocrates is probably the famous library of Coase Medical University. His teaching, objective judgment, ability to give guidance and clinical observation are likely to have an impact on the authors of these works, which is very important for ancient medicine to stay away from superstition.

The more important work collected by Hippocrates is Air, Water and Place (5th century BC), which does not attribute diseases to the origin of God, but discusses their environmental causes. It suggested that factors such as the weather in the town, drinking water and the location along the downwind route can help doctors determine the general health status of citizens. The other three books-Prognosis, Cohen Prognosis and Motto-advanced the revolutionary view at that time that doctors could predict the progress of diseases by observing enough cases.

In the far-reaching works of the Selected Works of Hippocrates, there are discussions about the atmosphere, water and living environment (5th century BC). These discourses no longer attribute diseases to theological reasons, but discuss the causes above the environment. In the book, the factors such as urban climate, drinking water and location along the downwind direction are expounded, which helps doctors to roughly explore the health status of citizens. The other three works-omen, prognosis and proverbs-were put forward earlier than later, that is, doctors can predict the development of diseases through full observation of them.

The concept of preventive medicine, first formed in the diet and health preservation of acute diseases, emphasizes not only diet, but also the general lifestyle of patients and how it affects his or her health and rehabilitation. Sacred disease, a paper on epilepsy, reveals the basic knowledge of ancient Greek anatomy. Epilepsy is thought to be caused by lack of air, which is thought to be brought to the brain and limbs by veins. In joints, the use of the so-called Hippocratic bench is described as the treatment of dislocation. Also interested are head wounds, women's diseases, and the dismemberment of Fiotos in the uterus.

The viewpoint of preventive medicine was first put forward in Health Care and Acute Health Care, which not only emphasizes diet, but also emphasizes patients' daily life style and how they affect patients' health and rehabilitation. Diseases Related to Religion is a monograph on epilepsy, which reveals the original anatomical knowledge of ancient Greece. The book thinks that epilepsy is caused by insufficient gas supply, and that gas is brought to the brain and limbs through some textures. In the article about joints, it is said that the so-called Hippocratic chair can be used to treat dislocation. At the same time, there are concerns about head injuries, women's diseases and the separation of the fetus from the uterus.