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Chen ce chuan classical Chinese

1. Translate the classical Chinese "Chen Ce Chuan" Lunong wrote an article about people.

A man named Chen Ce once bought a mule and one that could not be saddled. He couldn't bear to hand it over to others and let people keep it in the wild grass house, waiting for it to die. Chen Ce's son consulted with the cunning agent, and when the passing officer died, he wore out the back of the mule to show that he could carry things and sold it. When Chen Ce heard about it, he personally caught up with the officer and told him that mules could not be used with saddles. The officer suspected that Chen Ce was reluctant to sell the mule, so he locked it up so that Chen Ce could not see it.

Chen Ce asked to try on the saddle. The mule's spine is too high to saddle all day. The officer thanked him and returned the mule to him. A man came to Chen Ce to buy silverware and Luo Qi (thin and patterned silk), but Chen Ce didn't give him Luo Qi. The man said, "I saw Luo Qi in your warehouse before. Why don't you sell it now?" Chen Ce said, "Well, a man borrowed money from Luo Qi and died. This Luo Qi is fragile and not durable after being kept for a long time. I heard that you want to use Luo Qi as your daughter's dowry. How can you worry about such a thing? " Chen Ce brought the silverware that should be given to him and put it in a very prosperous charcoal fire. He said, "I'm afraid that the person who mortgaged this thing may not get the real silver. I'll check it for you."

2. Translate the classical Chinese "Chen Ce Chuan" Lu Nangong wrote an article about people.

A man named Chen Ce once bought a mule and one that could not be saddled. He couldn't bear to hand it over to others and let people keep it in the wild grass house, waiting for it to die. Chen Ce's son consulted with the cunning agent, and when the passing officer died, he wore out the back of the mule to show that he could carry things and sold it. When Chen Ce heard about it, he personally caught up with the officer and told him that mules could not be used with saddles. The officer suspected that Chen Ce was reluctant to sell the mule, so he locked it up so that Chen Ce could not see it.

Chen Ce asked to try on the saddle. The mule's spine is too high to saddle all day. The officer thanked him and returned the mule to him. A man came to Chen Ce to buy silverware and Luo Qi (thin and patterned silk), but Chen Ce didn't give him Luo Qi. The man said, "I saw Luo Qi in your warehouse before. Why don't you sell it now?" Chen Ce said, "Well, a man borrowed money from Luo Qi and died. This Luo Qi is fragile and not durable after being kept for a long time. I heard that you want to use Luo Qi as your daughter's dowry. How can you worry about such a thing? " Chen Ce brought the silverware that should be given to him and put it in a very prosperous charcoal fire. He said, "I'm afraid that the person who mortgaged this thing may not get the real silver. I'll check it for you."

3. Zhu is the third son who translated Fu Gong from classical Chinese. At first, the queen had no children, and the princess gave birth to her eldest son, Guangzong. Zhu was born late, and his mother was the most beloved. In the case that Shinto did not establish a prince for a long time, ministers at home and abroad suspected that Zheng Guifei had established his own son, and they played games on this matter in succession. Although many people have been exiled, there are still opponents playing on it. Zongshen was very upset about this. In the twenty-ninth year of Wanli (160 1), Guangzong was made a prince and Zhu was named. The wedding expenses of Axe King reached 300,000 yuan, and Luoyang Palace reached 280,000 yuan, ten times as much as usual. The courtiers asked the Axe King to go to San Francisco, and made dozens of calls for this, but they didn't get an answer. It was not until forty-two years that Zongshen ordered him to leave for San Francisco.

Before this, the sea flourished, and the tax envoys and mining envoys sent by the emperor spread all over the world and were enshrined every month. Pearl treasures pile up like mountains, and others search abundant number by hundreds of millions. Now most of these treasures are used to support Zhu. When Zhu left the palace gate, he was recalled four times and ordered to enter the palace once every three years. Gave him 40,000 hectares of farmland. With the efforts of relevant officials, they refused to beat Zhu, and only reduced the farmland by half. Zhongzhou lacks fertile soil, so it chooses Shandong and Huguang fields to supplement it. Zhu also appealed for the confiscation of the property of the late university student Zhang, as well as the miscellaneous taxes along the Yangtze River from Jiangdu to Taiping, the monopoly of Sichuan Yanjing and the tea tax. Officials from Bandu and Chengfeng, in the name of managing farmland, went in and out between the north and south of the Yellow River and Qi and Chu, disturbing people everywhere. Zhu also asked for 1300 yuan of Huai salt to open a shop in Luoyang and trade with the people. Eunuchs went to Huai and Yang to provide salt, and they embezzled it and demanded several times as much salt. Moreover, Zhongzhou used to eat Hedong salt. Because Huai salt was changed, all the salt produced by the store was prohibited from being sold, and Hedong salt was prevented from passing, so the salary was insufficient. Ministers demanded that salt should be supplied from Hedong to Axe King instead of trading with the people. This suggestion was not adopted. God lived in the deep palace for a long time and refused to look at the throne of ministers. Only the angel of the axe king is registered in the family register and enters and exits the palace through the door on the left in the middle. He made several requests a day, played in the morning and got a satisfactory answer at night. Traitors in various countries changed their names and surnames, fled abroad, sought information and pursued interests. This situation continued until the end of Wanli.

When he arrived at Emperor Chongzhen, Zhu was almost blocked, and the court treated him with courtesy. Zhu drinks in the closet all day, only loves women, sings and dances. Thieves were everywhere in the Qin dynasty, and there were droughts and locusts in Henan. People are eating each other's leftovers, and people are miserable. It is said that Qin Shihuang consumed the wealth of the whole world to enrich the axe king, while Luoyang was rich in the palace. The reinforcements passing by Luoyang shouted, "There are millions of treasures in the palace, but we starve to death in the hands of thieves." Wei Qi Lv, the minister of Nanjing Ministry of War, lives at home. When he heard about it, he was very scared, so he told Zhu about his interests, but Zhu didn't take it to heart. In the winter of 13th year (1640), Li Zicheng successively captured Yongning and Yiyang. In the first month of the second year, Wang Yinchang, who participated in politics, led the army to guard against it. Company commanders Wang Shaoyu, Liu Jianyi and Luo Tai also led their troops. Zhu summoned the three generals to the palace and gave a banquet for them, which was especially polite. A few days later, the thief army arrived and attacked the city. Zhu took out his daughter to recruit warriors, went out of the city and rushed into the thief camp with a spear, and the thief army retreated a little. In the middle of the night, Wang Shaoyu's pro-army greeted the thief's army out of the city, laughing with each other, slashing the soldiers guarding the city wall, burning the towers, and opening the north gate to lead the thief into the city. Zhu went out of town and hid in Yingen Temple. The next day, the thief army followed him and arrested him, so Zhu was killed. The two men cried when they fell to the ground, but the thief caught them and told them to leave. Cheng Feng struggled and shouted: "The axe king is dead, and we don't want to live. We just want a coffin to hold the bones of the axe king, even if it is smashed into pieces, there is no complaint. " The thief army saw that they were so loyal and agreed to their demands. A pair of tung coffins were carried by a broken car, and two people hanged themselves beside them. Princess Zou and Prince Zhu Yousong fled to Huaiqing. The thief army set fire to the palace for three days, but it was endless. The matter reached the imperial court, and Emperor Chongzhen waved the flag to mourn, dismissed the official for three days, and ordered the Yuzhou government to rebury the axe king.

4. Chen Xunchuan and translated classical Chinese: (Jingtai) In December of the second year, he entered Shaobao and Wenyuange University. The emperor wanted to change princes, but he was afraid of ministers. He gave (Chen) one hundred and twenty platinum first, with Jiangyuan,, and each half. Compared with the imperial edict, I dare not challenge him later, and I am also a teacher of the Prince. Looking for a prince's decree to Guan Baiyin. More than a month later, the emperor gave Xun and other six people fifty taels of gold and entered the museum as university students. The museum remained the same. Xun Ziying and Wang Wenlun were dismissed after having obtained the provincial examination in Shuntian, and were dismissed by Zhang Ning and other examiners. The emperor is innocent.

Jingtai was promoted to Shaobao and Wenyuange University in December of the second year. The emperor wanted to replace the prince, fearing the cabinet minister, and gave (Chen) one hundred and twenty platinum in advance along the contour valley, Jiangyuan, Xiaotie. As soon as the imperial edict came out, Chen Xun and others dared not remonstrate, and they added officials as teachers. Soon, the prince was appointed to Guan Bai for silver and silk. A month later, God gave Chen Xun and other six people five hundred taels of gold. They entered Gai Hua Palace as university students, but the Wen Yuan Pavilion remained. Yan Ziying and Wang Lun, the sons of Wang Wenzhi, failed in the provincial examination in Shuntian, framing examiners Ada and Huang Jian to impeach Zhang Ning and others. The emperor is innocent.

5. The classical Chinese version of Biography of Ceng Gong was translated by Ceng Gong, a native of Nanfeng, Jianchang. He has been witty since he was a child. At the age of twelve, I tried to write six theories, and the words were very verve. By the time I was twenty, my fame had spread all over the world. Ouyang Xiu was surprised to see his article.

Jia You was a scholar in the second year of the exam and served as a general judge in Yuezhou. There was a famine this year, and he estimated that the food stored in regular warehouses was not enough for relief, and it was impossible for all rural people to come to the city to buy food. Ceng Gong posted notices telling counties to persuade rich households to truthfully declare their stored grain, and * * * has1500,000 stone, so that they can sell the grain to the people after slightly raising the price of normal warehouses. People can buy food conveniently nearby, but there is more than enough food without leaving their hometown. Ceng Gong also asked the government to lend farmers seeds and let them repay them together with the autumn tax, so as not to delay farming.

Ren Zhizhou, his management is based on eliminating all evils and cracking down on thieves. My son, a family named Zhou in Qu Di, is an arrogant and hurtful citizen. His ability can influence local dignitaries, and no one in the county dares to chase him. Ceng Gong arrested and punished him. Zhang Qiu is known as the "overlord's club" in the countryside. He kills and robs prisoners and can do anything. Ceng Gong asked people to form Baowu, let them monitor the thief's whereabouts, beat drums to convey information and help each other, so that they could catch the thief every time. There is a man named Ge You, who is one of the hunted people. One day, he turned himself in to the government. Ceng Gong entertained him to eat and drink, gave him clothes and hats, and equipped him with horses, chariots and attendants to show off. When the thieves heard about it, most of them turned themselves in. On the surface, Ceng Gong seems to publicize it everywhere, but in fact, he wants to alienate the thieves so that they can no longer be together. Since then, people in qi zhou can sleep peacefully without closing the gate.

Transfer to Hongzhou. Ceng Gong ordered all counties and towns to store medicines for emergencies. Soldiers and civilians who are unable to support themselves because of difficulties in life are recruited to live in official houses, provided with food, clothes and other supplies, and appointed doctors to treat them. When the imperial army conquered Annan, all the states it passed through had to prepare the materials needed by tens of thousands of people. Officials in other places took this opportunity to extort money, which made the people uncomfortable. When the army suddenly assembled ahead of schedule, Ceng Gong dealt with food and shelter alone. So after the army left, people in urban and rural areas did not know.

Transferred to the well-known Mingzhou, Bozhou and Zhangzhou. Ceng Gong is very talented and prestigious. He has been a local official for a long time. Many people in the world think that he is unfortunate. During this period, a group of younger court ministers succeeded, and Ceng Gong didn't care. Once passing by the imperial court, Zongshen summoned him, greeted him and comforted him. He was very prized and appointed him as the Chinese Book Sheren.

Ceng Gong is filial to his parents and friendly to his brothers. After his father died, he took good care of his stepmother. When his family was poor and helpless, he raised four younger brothers and nine younger sisters, all of whom were under his management. The articles written by Ceng Gong cover a wide range and have great momentum. Few people were good at writing articles at that time. When I was young, I interacted with Wang Anshi. Wang Anshi was not famous at that time, and Ceng Gong introduced him to Ouyang Xiu. After Wang Anshi succeeded, Ceng Gong had a different view of him. Zong Shen once asked Ceng Gong: "What kind of person is Wang Anshi?" Ceng Gong replied: "Wang Anshi's article knowledge and behavior ethics are not worse than Yang Xiong's, just because he is mean and can't compare with Yang Xiong." The emperor said, "Wang Anshi looked down on wealth. How can you say that he is stingy? " Ceng Gong said: "When I say he is stingy, I mean he is brave in doing things, but he is stingy in correcting mistakes." Zongshen agreed with him.

6. Ask for some translations of classical Chinese reading. I hope my answer is helpful to you! 1. Chen Ce is honest. Lu Nangong wrote an article about Chengnan people in Lu Jian.

A man named Chen Ce once bought a mule and one that could not be saddled. He couldn't bear to hand it over to others and let people keep it in the wild grass house, waiting for it to die. Chen Ce's son consulted with the cunning agent, and when the passing officer died, he wore out the back of the mule to show that he could carry things and sold it. When Chen Ce heard about it, he personally caught up with the officer and told him that mules could not be used with saddles. The officer suspected that Chen Ce was reluctant to sell the mule, so he locked it up so that Chen Ce could not see it.

Chen Ce asked to try on the saddle. The mule's spine is too high to saddle all day. The officer thanked him and returned the mule to him. A man came to Chen Ce to buy silverware and Luo Qi (thin and patterned silk), but Chen Ce didn't give him Luo Qi. The man said, "I saw Luo Qi in your warehouse before. Why don't you sell it now?" Chen Ce said, "Well, a man borrowed money from Luo Qi and died. This Luo Qi is fragile and not durable after being kept for a long time. I heard that you want to use Luo Qi as your daughter's dowry. How can you worry about such a thing? " Chen Ce brought the silverware that should be given to him and put it in a very prosperous charcoal fire. He said, "I'm afraid that the person who mortgaged this thing may not get the real silver. I'll check it for you."

There was a man named Kevin·Z who bought abalone. The market agent fiddled with the weighing hammer and secretly weighed more abalone for Kevin·Z. The abalone seller left, and he stayed with Kevin·Z, pleading, "You only bought five catties, and I have secretly doubled the abalone for you. Please give me wine to eat. "

Kevin·Z was very surprised, so he chased the abalone seller for miles, invited him back and paid him extra money for abalone. Kevin·Z once again invited the marketing agent to drink good wine and said, "You just want some wine. Why cheat the poor? " There was a man named Zeng Shuqing who bought a batch of pottery and wanted to transfer it to the north for exchange, but the result failed.

Someone found Zeng Shuqing and asked to sell him pottery. Zeng Shuqing gave it to him and received the money. He still asked, "Where are these things now?" The man said, "I want to imitate your old plan." Zeng Shuqing said, "No, because there has just been a famine in the north, so I don't need these pottery to exchange things. Shouldn't I tell you now to make you miserable? " So I stopped selling pottery to that man.

In fact, Zeng Shuqing's family is very poor, and his wife and daughter are hungry and cold, and he doesn't care. Gang Yi: Wait Jia: Price Disease: Disaster 2. Aileen said that flowers and plants on water and land are beautiful and lovely.

Tao Yuanming of the Jin Dynasty loved chrysanthemums, and since the Tang Dynasty, people especially loved peonies. I love the mud of lotus, but don't dye it. I washed it with clean water, but it didn't look attractive. Smooth in the middle and straight outside.

No involvement, no complications. The fragrance is still very fragrant when it spreads far away. It stands in a clean place and can be seen from a distance, but it can't play around.

I think chrysanthemum is a hermit in flowers, peony is a rich man in flowers and lotus is a gentleman in flowers. Hey! I haven't heard much about chrysanthemums since Tao Yuanming.

How many people love lotus flowers as much as I do? Of course, there are many people who love peony. The cat said that my mouse was crazy and begged others to get a cat.

He is a tall man with sharp claws and teeth. Personally, I don't think it's necessary to worry about the rat disaster.

Because it has not been tamed, it is tied with a rope to wait for it to be tamed. Hearing its voice, all the mice peeked at it together, like a capable guy, fearing that it would eat itself, and held their breath for more than a month.

Later, when he was tamed, he untied the rope that tied it. At the right moment, I saw the chicken coming out of its shell and chirping, and (the cat) suddenly jumped up and caught it. When the servant caught up with it, (the chicken) had swallowed its throat.

The servant wanted to catch it and hit it. I said, "No! A capable person must have shortcomings. Eating chicken is its shortcoming. Is it impossible to catch mice? " Then let it be. Later, it just looked carefully laid-back, hungry, having fun and doing nothing.

The mouse peeped again, thinking that it was deliberately hiding its original shape for itself, or (just) held its breath and dared not go out (hole). Later, the more the mouse peeked, the more it felt that there was nothing unusual. He went from hole to hole and told him, "It didn't do anything."

Just come out with everyone and run wild like before. I was surprised, but another chicken passed under the hall, and (the cat) immediately went to catch it and ran away.

(servant) chased, but it was half bitten. My servant grabbed it, came to (mine) and scolded it: "God doesn't make all talents, and those who are capable must have shortcomings."

Regardless of the shortcomings, there are still some skills that can be used. Now you don't have the ability to catch mice, but you have the problem of eating chickens. What a waste of the world's material! "Then play (go).

4. Two people walk together (former Qin Rongrong was appointed as a shepherd of Jizhou Prefecture). An old woman was robbed on the road and repeatedly called "robber". The robber fled in a hurry, and a passer-by chased after him to catch the robber for the old woman. The robber bit the person who framed the pedestrian (robbery). By this time it was already dark, and no one knew which one was (the robber), so they were all escorted to (the government).

After seeing them in court, Rong Rong said with a smile, "It's easy to know. You can let two people run together. It is not a robber who ran out of Fengyangmen first. " (They successively went out of Fengyangmen. Then they went back to (the court) and asked the person who ran out of Fengyangmen: "You are really a robber, why did you frame others?" The robber finally bowed his head and confessed.

This is because if robbers run fast, they won't be caught by passers-by. It is through this analysis and judgment that Rong Rong knows that the fast runner is a robber.

7. Is this the translation of Zi Chu's classic biography of China? If there is, go to the classical Chinese website.

Zi Chu, Sun (1), is superior to the princes, and the car is temperate, he is sleepy and not proud. Lv Buwei Jia Handan (2), see and cherish, yue "this strange goods can live". "The King of Qin is old, and Guo Jun will be the Prince. I overheard a Guo Jun who fell in love with Mrs. Huayang, who had no children, and only Mrs. Huayang was able to make an heir. Now the brothers are in their twenties, and the son is in the middle. He was unlucky and became a vassal for a long time. In other words, if Tai Wei and An Li are kings, the sons will compete with the eldest son and other sons for the crown prince in the former. " Zi Chu said, "Of course. What can you do? " Lv Buwei said, "I am poor, so I am here because I have to dedicate myself to my relatives and friends. Although Wei is poor, please take your daughter as your son to travel to the west, serve Mrs. An and Huayang, and let your son be your heir. " Zi Chu nodded and said, "It must be like a monarch's policy. Please rate Qin Guojun. "

Lv Buwei used five hundred gold and Zi Chu as gifts and made guests. After spending another 500 gold to buy exotic things to play with, I traveled to Qin in the west and presented them to Mrs. Huayang. Because of Chu Xianzhi's wise words, princes and guests are all over the world. As the saying goes, "Chu also regards his wife as heaven and cries for the prince and his wife day and night." Mrs. Huayang was overjoyed and carved jade symbols, thinking that she was the heir. Ann Guo Jun and his wife invited Lv Buwei to help them, because they were very kind to Chu, and Zi Chu had a better reputation than the princes.

After ten years' death, King Zhao of Qin conspired and paid 600 Jin to keep the officials, so he returned.

In the fifty-sixth year of King Qin Zhao, Prince Ann Guo Jun was made king and Prince Zichu was made prince. In the first year of King Qin, King Qi was appointed King Zhuang Xiang. In the first year of King Zhuangxiang, Lv Buwei became the prime minister and was named Wen Xin Hou, eating 100,000 households in Luoyang, Henan. King Zhuang Xiang ascended the throne for three years, the prince was made king, and Lv Buwei was honored as the prime minister, so-called "Guan Zhong".

Wei Xin, Chu Xin, Zhao Xin and Qi Xin. All the corporal like these guests. Lv Buwei was ashamed of Qiang Qin, but also attracted scholars and met them cordially, with 3,000 diners. At that time, the princes were all eloquent, such as Xun Qing's disciples, who wrote books and made statements that spread all over the world. Lv Buwei asked his guests to read it, and heard about it. According to the set theory, there are eight readings, six theories, twelve issues, and more than 200,000 words. I thought I was preparing for the ancient and modern things in the world. I called it "Lu's Spring and Autumn Annals". Cloth Xianyang city gate, hanging on it, who can add or subtract a word if the princes and tourists give money.

8. Qian Miao, a translator of classical Chinese, is a native of Shi Jian, Lin 'an.

During Tang Xizong's reign, Wang Xianzhi, the enemy of Zhejiang Province, was pacified, Huang Chao was shut out, and Dong Chang was destroyed, and a lot of credit was accumulated, which naturally emerged. During the reign of Liang Kaiping, King Liang made Qian Liu king.

Qian Liu was urged to refuse Liang Wang's appointment. Qian Liu smiled and said, "How could I miss a Sun Zhongmou!" So he accepted the appointment. This year, Qian Liu paid homage to the ancestral grave, invited the old, and all kinds of musical instruments rang, and glory spread throughout the valley.

An old lady in her nineties greeted her with a pot of spring water on the left side of the road, and Qian Liu hurried away to worship. The old woman stroked his back and called his nickname and said, "Qian Po Liu, I'm glad you've grown up."

It turned out that when Qian Liu was born, the room was full of strange light. His father was afraid and wanted to throw him into the stream and drown him. The old woman struggled together, so she named him Buliu.

Qian Liu took out cattle and wine for the villagers to eat and drink. Qian Liu got up to propose a toast and sang "Returning Home Alone" to entertain the guests.

At this time, the palace will be built. The astrologer said, "It's only a hundred years since the original palace was expanded; If the West Lake is half filled, it can be used for thousands of years. "Qian Liu smiled and said," How can there be a thousand years without a wise king? "Why should my people suffer!" So I stopped rebuilding the palace.

9. Wang Xiuchuan's translation of classical Chinese:

Wang Xiuzi is an uncle. He is also from Ling Ying, Beihai. I lost my mother when I was seven. My mother died in the community and came to the neighborhood community to cultivate her memory at the age of 20. It was very sad. The neighbors heard about it and stopped working for it. At the age of twenty, I traveled to Nanyang and stopped at Zhang Fengshe. If you are sick at home and don't look at each other, you must cultivate your loved ones and sympathize with them. If you recover, you will leave. Chuping, Beihai Kong Rong called the thought master book, and kept a high secret order. In dense summer, the number of guests is illegal. People rob each other, thieves enter Sun Shi, and officials cannot detain them. Xiu surrounded officials and people, but Sun Shi refused to let them go, but officials and people were afraid to get close. Xiuguan: "Those who dare not attack are guilty of the same crime." What Sun Shi is afraid of is thieves. So, it's awesome. Cultivate filial piety, cultivate plains, and don't listen. Not when the world is in chaos. Well, there are rebels in the county. The smell is difficult to repair, difficult to melt, and will melt at night. At the beginning of the thief's attack, he said to the left and right, "Only the king can repair his ears!" Officials will eventually fix it. Restore meritorious service. At that time, there were many thieves in Jiaodong, and the Jiaodong order was revised. Lu Zongqiang, a native of Jiaodong and a self-employed, refused to respond. Hugh led several troops into the village and beheaded the Lu brothers. Gong Shashi was too shocked to move. Repair soothes the rest because it is less. Every time it melts, it is difficult to repair it at home. It is easy to learn from others.

Yuan Tan is in Qingzhou, and he is engaged in governance. Don't drive Liu Xian to destroy several short repairs. After the sacrifice is dead, repair it and it will be free. People benefit from it. Yuan Shao also revised the Jimo Order and later changed it to Tan Biejia. After Shao died, there was still a gap in Tan. When Tan was attacked and defeated, he led officials to save Tan. Tan said, "If you become our army, don't drive it away." When Tan Bing was defeated, he rose up and attacked, which should be Zhucheng. Tan sighed and said, "Today, if you betray your country, why are you lonely without virtue and evil?" Xiu said, "Although Governor Donglai is on the sea, he will come if he has no objection." Ten days later, he abandoned his wife and went to Tan. His wife was killed by a thief, and Tan took it as the prefect of Le 'an. Father Tan wanted to attack the merchants, so he remonstrated: "Brothers still attack each other, which is the way to defeat." Tan is unhappy, but he knows his loyalty. Later he asked Xiu, "Is it safe to go out?" Xiu said, "A husband and a brother are both right-hand men. For example, a person will fight, break his right hand and say' I will win'. What if he did? If a husband abandons his brother and doesn't kiss him, who else in the world will kiss him! Arrogant people will fight with each other for quick profits. I want you to close your ears. If you behead several courtiers and get together again, you can conquer all directions.

Running around the world. "Tan didn't listen, so he attacked Shang Xiang. Please save Yu Taizu. Mao broke Jizhou and Tan rebelled. Mao then led an army to attack Tan in Nanpi. When transporting grain in Lean, I heard that Tan was in a hurry, so I sent dozens of people to Tan. On his way to Gaomi, he heard of Tan's death, dismounted and cried, "There is no king to return to!" So he went to Taizu to ask for the burial of Tan's body. Mao wants to observe and cultivate his mind, which is beyond silence. Xiu said, "Yuan's son is very kind. If you remove Tan's body, you will kill him and have nothing to hate." Mao Jiayi, listen to it. In order to repair the governor's food, it also enjoys it. All the cities are convinced of Tan's defeat, but the management system does not listen to Le 'an. Taizu ordered the first to unify the whole country and repaired the loyal ministers who unified the whole country. Because of the shackles, he became a great ancestor. Mao is willing and tolerant. Yuan government is lenient, and those in power gather animals. Mao cut off his power and lost tens of thousands of possessions such as Shen Pei. However, there are less than ten books and hundreds of books. Mao sighed, "A scholar is not vain." It was Li who became an ordinary soldier, a gold corps commander, and moved to Wei County to be a satrap. In order to govern, restrain the strong and help the weak, reward and punishment are clear, and the people call it. Once the state of Wei was established, it served as a doctor for Dasinong. Mao proposed corporal punishment, but thought it was not feasible, so Mao adopted his suggestion. Migration is common. After that, it was strictly backwards, not dozens of people attacking the door. Repair the smell and call for horses and chariots.

Step into the palace door before you arrive. When Taizu met him at the Tongjue Tower, he said, "Those who come will be ruled by Wang Shu." Zhong You, the prime minister, said, "When you get old, the capital has changed, and the nine wives live in different places." Xiu said, "How can you avoid its difficulties if you eat its wealth? Although the residence is old, it is not intended to go to disaster. " In a word, a sick officer. Zi Zhong, the official to Donglai satrap, rode a regular servant. The first knowledge is higher than the weak crown, and the different kings are based on young children, and they are far away. The world calls them knowing people.
