Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What does Sarkozy mean?

What does Sarkozy mean?

The word "burnt" is interpreted as: burning something that has been burnt.

The word "burnt" is interpreted as: burning something that has been burnt. The phonetic notation is: ㄓㄨㄛㄐㄠ. The pinyin is: zhuó jiā o. The structure is: burning (left and right structure) coke (upper and lower structure).

What is the specific explanation of burning? We will introduce you through the following aspects:

First, list and explain the details of this house viewing plan.

1. Burn burnt things. Quote Ouyang Xiu's "Sick Summer Fu" in Song Dynasty: "Only the disease is unbearable, and it burns people."

Second, the network interpretation

Anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety

Synonyms about scorching

Combustion _ combustion _ combustion _ baking

Idioms about burning.

Burn gold, shed stones, burn eyes, burn moxa powder, burn epiphany, burn sand, rot stones, burn lips, burn lungs, burn brilliance, burn tongue.

Words about burning

I know I can see my lips burning and my lungs burning.

Sentences about burning

1. In ancient times, in civil affairs, people used divination to ask fortune and blame. They burn tortoise shells on the fire, and then look at the cracks in the tortoise shells to predict good or bad luck.

2. For this reason, car seats are burned to varying degrees.

That day, Master Xu was working in the factory. With a loud bang, Master Xu fell to the ground, his right finger was burned, and his heartbeat and breathing stopped.

It is also unsafe for some cheap telescopes to install a solar filter on the eyepiece for observation. These dimming solar filters will burst at any time because of the heat of the sun, and the retina of the observer will be damaged.

5. When the greenhouse temperature exceeds the suitable temperature for vegetable growth, but the outdoor air still can't cool down, shading technology can be used to prevent vegetable leaves from being scorched by strong light and high temperature, and improve the indoor working environment.

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