Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - White witchcraft and other white witchcraft

White witchcraft and other white witchcraft

In addition, there are:

1, the curse. Before practicing some witchcraft, you need to use language to treat malaria, such as cursing dates. The way is just the opposite of worshipping ghosts and gods, just using language to imitate witchcraft activities. In a specific cultural environment, cursing may play a certain role in inspiring patients' courage and increasing their confidence.

2. Make a wish for sacrifice. It is expected to be protected by the heavenly emperor, ancestors and gods, and has certain spiritual functions. According to the historical records, "When my late king was young, Duke Zhou took fleas (claws) and sank into the river to pray for the gods ... When he became king, he became ill."

3. Best wishes. It is a kind of witchcraft with language as the main means and some rituals as the supplement. Su Wen turned essence into qi and said, "Doctors can only wish to learn from the past." It can be seen that witchcraft that hopes to cure diseases has existed since ancient times. Both practitioners and patients hope to remove the pathogenic factors by telling the cause of the disease, which has certain components of psychotherapy.

4. Step by step. According to legend, Dayu himself often presides over sacrificial ceremonies and divination activities. The method of forbidding swelling in Forbidden Classics says: "On the 5th day, you should practice your footwork and keep your breath steady. If you treat a disease, you should think that your hands are hot iron, which means that your predecessors are sick as snow, and your hands will be scattered when you are sick. "When treating diseases, patients are often angry. If the patient has edema on his head, it is not necessary to treat it, which will hurt people. There is a little left, and I will treat it tomorrow. " There are three, seven and nine steps in the use of Yu Bu, and the method of coordination with breathing is recorded. The method of Yubu was gradually formed, but it could not be separated from the inheritance of Xia, Shang and the same period.

5. Eliminate evil spirits and peach blossoms. These are all behavioral witchcraft. In the concept of witchcraft, this kind of bathing is considered to eliminate disasters and diseases, especially to wash women's impurity with peach blossom water in spring, which is called purification, and its purpose is to exorcise ghosts and seek advice.

Nuo dance was very popular in the Zhou Dynasty. Nuo dance is a witchcraft activity to drive away epidemic ghosts before the twelfth lunar month, so it is named Nuo dance or exorcism.

Taozi is a mahogany-handled broom made of reed flowers. The ancients believed that it had the function of expelling evil spirits and epidemics.

6. Predict diseases. The most ingenious diagnosis in Oracle Bone Inscriptions is the inference of pregnancy and puerperium. In the Book of Changes, it is said that "there is no mistake, and there is no medicine." "It hurts the disease and makes you happy, beyond reproach." It is a summary of medical practice experience.