Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Reading and Translation of Classical Chinese in Senior High School 140 to 200

Reading and Translation of Classical Chinese in Senior High School 140 to 200

Translation of 15 1- 160

15 1. Li Guangzhi withdrew the Xiongnu army.

Xiongnu marched into Shang Jun, and the emperor sent eunuchs to train with Li Guang to fight against Xiongnu. The eunuch led about ten cavalry and galloped on horseback. When he saw three Huns, he fought with them. The three men turned to shoot arrows, wounded the eunuch and killed all his cavalry. When the eunuch fled to Li Guang, Li Guang said, "This must be a sharpshooter in the Xiongnu army." Li Guang led more than one hundred cavalry to chase three Huns. The three men had to walk because they had no horses. After walking more than ten miles, Li Guang ordered his cavalry to draw bows on the left and right sides. Li Guang personally shot three of them: two died and one survived-indeed, he was a sharpshooter in the Xiongnu army. After Li Guang tied him up and mounted the horse, he saw thousands of people in tarkan. When they saw Li Guang, they thought he was a seducer. They were all very surprised and panicked and ran up the hill to set up a battle. Li Guang hundreds of cavalry frightened, want to ride back. Li Guang said, "I am more than ten miles away from the army. If more than a hundred cavalry run away like this now, the Huns will certainly chase us and catch us all. Now that we stay, the Huns must think that we are luring them for the sake of the army, and they will not dare to attack us. " Li Guang ordered the cavalry to say, "Forward!" Go forward less than two miles away from the Xiongnu army, stop, and (Li Guang) orders, "dismount and untie the saddle." His cavalry said, "There are many Huns, and they are very close. What should we do if there is an emergency? " Li Guang said, "They Huns thought we would escape, but now they have untied their saddles and said they will not escape. In this way, they are more convinced that we are the soldiers who lure the enemy. " So the Huns dare not attack. A general on a white horse came out to review his army. Li Guang mounted his horse, took a dozen cavalry and ran to shoot Xiongnu generals riding white horses, and then returned to the original army. Untie the saddle and order the soldiers to let the horse lie on the ground. At this time, it was dusk, and the Xiongnu army always thought that their behavior was very strange and did not dare to attack. In the middle of the night, the Xiongnu soldiers thought that the Han army must have ambushed the army nearby and wanted to destroy it during the night, so the Xiongnu led the troops to retreat. The next morning, Li returned to his big military camp. 152. Jia Xu debate

Cao Cao attacked Zhang Xiu continuously. One morning, he led the troops to retreat, and Zhang Xiu went after Cao Jun himself ... Jia Xu said to Zhang Xiu, "You can't chase any more. If you chase again, you will lose. " Zhang Xiu didn't listen to him and led the soldiers to fight Cao Cao. They were defeated. Jia Xu said to Zhang Xiu, "Go after it quickly. Fight again and win. " Zhang Xiu refused to say, "You don't have to say it, that's all. Now that you have lost, what's the use of chasing again? " Jia Xu said: "The situation of soldiers has changed. Go there quickly and you will win. " Zhang Xiu believed his words, so he cleaned up the idle soldiers and began to chase them. After the war, he really came back victorious. Zhang Xiu asked Jia Xu, "I came back with elite soldiers and troops chasing them. You said you would be defeated. After I retreated, I defeated the soldiers with defeated soldiers. You said you would definitely defeat them. As you said, why do you work in reverse? " Jia Xu said, "It's easy to know. Although the general is good at fighting, it is not equal to Cao Cao. Although the army has just retreated, Cao Cao will definitely walk behind when marching; Although the pursuers were elite, since the general was defeated, their soldiers were also sharp and knew that they would fail. Cao Cao did not miscalculate when attacking the army, but retreated before his troops ran out. There must be something wrong at home. The defeated general must have led a strong team to attack quickly, so many generals were left at the forefront. Although many generals are brave, they are no match for generals, so fighting the defeated soldiers will definitely win. " Zhang Xiu admires Josh again.

153. Zhang Feng was named Yong Chi.

Liu Bang, the emperor gaozu of Han Dynasty, made more than 20 great achievements, and the rest worked hard day and night for success, but received no credit. In Luoyang Nangong, Liu Bang saw many generals sitting on the sand and talking to each other from the pavilion road in the palace. Liu Bang said, "What do you mean?" Sean said, "Your Majesty doesn't know? This is rebellion! " Liu Bang said, "How can there be rebellion when the world is just stable?" Sean said, "Your Majesty won the world with cloth. Since your majesty is the son of heaven, what he achieved was what Xiao He and Cao Can loved, and what he killed was what he hated all his life. Today's military attaché s calculate merits, and seal merits everywhere with the shortcomings of the world. This is because they are afraid that your majesty can't devote himself to the merits, and they are afraid that they are negligent in life, so they get together to rebel! " Liu Bang was also very worried and said, "What should I do?" Sean said, "All ministers know what the emperor hates most in his life. Who hates it the most? " Liu Bang said, "Yong Chi and I have an old enemy and humiliated me several times. I want to kill him; " Because he has done a lot of credit, he can't bear it. Sean said: "The urgent task now is to set a good example for Yong Chi. When many ministers saw Yong Chi's contribution, everyone's mood was very stable. " So the emperor put out wine, named Yongchu as a food city Hou, and urged the prime minister and the suggestion to make contributions according to their merits. After putting out the wine, all the ministers said happily, "Yong Chi has been made a marquis, so people like us will have no worries. "

154. Liu Bang used his quick wits.

The Chu army led by Xiang Yu and the Han army commanded by Liu Bang were deadlocked for a long time and failed to decide the outcome. Strong people endure the pain of military travel, and the old and weak people are tired of delivering rations. Wang Han and Xiang Yu put aside the deep valley dialogue of Guangwu Mountain. Xiang Yu wanted to challenge Hanwang alone. Hanwang rebuked Xiang Yu. ..... Xiang Yu was furious, and the archers in ambush shot and killed Hanwang. Hanwang was injured in the chest, so he pressed his toe and said, "The enemy shot my toe!" " "Hanwang is lying in the trauma. Sean forced Hanwang to patrol and sympathize with the army to appease the soldiers and prevent Chujun from catching up with Hanwang by accident.

155. Zhuge Liang's empty plan

Zhuge Liang stationed in Yangping and sent General Wei Yan's soldiers to the East. Zhuge Liang only kept 10 thousand people guarding the capital. Xian Di Xuan Di led 200,000 people to resist Zhuge Liang and marched alternately with Jun Yan to the front of the path, 60 miles away from Zhuge Liang. The scouts told Bai Xuan that De had few soldiers and the strength of the city was weak. Zhuge Liang also knew that Emperor Xuandi was coming, and the threat was imminent. He wants to go to Jun Yan, which is too far away. If he turns around and catches up with Wei Yan's army, he will definitely miss it. The men are expressionless and don't know what the plan is. Zhuge Liang is full of confidence. All the flags in the army fell to the ground, the drums stopped, and they were not allowed to leave the camp at will. They also ordered the opening of four city gates, sweeping the floor and sprinkling water. Emperor Bai often said that Zhuge Liang was in power. Suddenly he saw that the situation was weak and suspected that there was an ambush, so he led his troops up the mountain in a hurry. During the solar eclipse the next day, Zhuge Liang laughed at his men and said, "Sima Yi must have thought I was pretending to be timid. The soldiers were ambushed and walked along the mountain." The soldiers of the reconnaissance team came back to tell Bai, just as Zhuge Liang said. After knowing it, I feel deeply sorry.

156 Qin emissary is right.

The state of Qin was at war with Chu, and the king of Qin sent messengers to Chu. The king of Chu sent someone to tease the person sent by the king of Qin and said, "Are you here to divine the war?" The answer is: "Yes." "What did the fortune teller say?" The answer is: "Good." People in the state of Chu said, "Alas, it's amazing! There are no good turtles in your country. The king of Chu wants to kill you and smear the gap of the new casting clock with the blood of sacrifice. How is this luck? " The messenger said, "The State of Qin is at war with the State of Chu, and my king sent me to find out about the enemy. I died and didn't come back. My king knows, so he should be vigilant and guard against Chu. This is what I call good luck. Besides, if the dead don't know, how can they disturb the clock? If the dead knew, would I give up Qin and help Chu? I will let the clock of Chu ring silently. When the bell rings silently, the soldier has nothing to organize his soldiers and command the army. Killing someone else's emissary is not a general agreement in ancient times. Think about it! " The emissary of the State of Chu reported this to the King of Chu, who pardoned the emissary of the State of Qin.

157. Cao Chong saved Cao Cao's saddle in Maku. But the saddle was bitten by a mouse, and the shopkeeper was afraid of his death. He decided to bind himself face to face and admit his crime. He was afraid that Cao Cao would not pardon him. Cao Chong said to him, "Wait three days before turning yourself in." Cao Chong then stabbed his shirt with a knife, as if bitten by a mouse, mistaking him for unhappy and sad. When Cao Cao asked him, Cao Chong replied, "The secular thought that clothes were bitten by rats, and the owner of the clothes was unlucky. Now my light clothes have been bitten by mice, and I am very worried. " Cao Cao said, "This is nonsense. There is nothing to worry about. " After a while, the shopkeeper reported to Cao Cao about the mouse biting the saddle. Cao Cao said with a smile, "My child's clothes are beside him and have been bitten by rats, not to mention the saddle hanging on the post?" Cao Cao did not pursue it.

158. Cao Cao promised to open up wasteland.

There has been a lack of food everywhere since the panic. The local strongmen set out at the same time, and there was no final harvest calculation. They invade and plunder when they are hungry, and give up the rest when they are full. The mighty armies of all walks of life disintegrated and dispersed, and countless people were invincible. Yuan Shao is in the north of the Yellow River, and the army lives by eating mulberry fruits. Yuan Shu fished for aquatic plants and snails in the rivers and Huaihe River. People eat people and the country is desolate. Cao Cao said: "The way to stabilize the country lies in strengthening the army and supporting everyone. Qin people annexed the world with rapid agricultural development, and filial piety used soldiers and farmers to cultivate barren fields and hoes to settle in the western regions. These are all good methods of predecessors. " In this year, people were recruited, and soldiers and farmers were used to cultivate the barren land around Xudu to obtain materials, and a large amount of rice was obtained. So the counties set up field officers according to the regulations and accumulated grain in their own places. Going out to crusade everywhere, transporting grain was not tiring, so all powerful forces were eliminated and the world was conquered.

159. sheepskin torture is finally completed

Two people, one carrying salt and the other carrying firewood, put down their heavy burdens and rest in the shade. They were about to leave, fighting over a sheepskin, and everyone said it was their own bedding. Li Hui sent a quarrelling man out, looked at the official in charge of paperwork in the state and said, "Can this sheepskin torture the owner?" The following people didn't answer. Li Hui ordered people to put the sheepskin on the seat, beat the sheepskin with a stick, saw a little salt crumbs and said, "It's confirmed by the sheepskin." Let those who struggle for power and profit see the situation clearly, and those who carry firewood will admit their mistakes.

160. Kong Rong's debate

Kong Rong, only ten years old, followed his father to Luoyang. At that time, Li Yuanli was very famous and served as the captain of Li Si. Those who come to your door are talented, lofty, praised, and cousins and so on. , and then inform them. Kong Rong went to his door and said to the official, "I am a relative of Li Fujun." After being informed, Kong Rong sat down. Li Yuanli asked, "What do you have to do with me?" A: "In the past, my ancestor Kong Qiu and your ancestor Li Er had a teacher-student relationship, and I was friends with them for life." Li Yuanli and his guests were not surprised. Chen Wei, a doctor of Chinese medicine, then arrived. Others told Chen Wei what Kong Rong said. Chen Wei said, "You were smart when you were young, but you may not be better when you grow up." Kong Rong said, "You must have been very clever when you were a child." Yang Chen was very embarrassed.

165. Kuang Heng poaches for light [/B][/B]- Kuang Heng is diligent and studious, but there is no candle lighting at home. There are candles in the neighbor's house, but the light can't reach his house, so Kuang Heng cut a hole in the wall to attract the neighbor's light, so that the light can shine on the book and read. There is a big family in the same town who is illiterate and rich. There are many books at home. Kuang Heng went to his house as an employee, and he didn't want to be paid. The host was surprised and asked him why. He said, "I hope I can get your book and read it through." Hearing this, the master sighed deeply and lent him the book. Therefore, Kuang Heng became a great scholar. Kuang Heng was able to explain this poem. At that time, people made up a jingle and said, "No one can say this poem, here he comes. The poem he said can make people fall off their chins! " Ding is a nickname (because his interpretation of poetry is very accurate). At that time, people were in awe and admiration of him, and no one heard it but gave a knowing laugh. Kuang Heng's hometown also has an interpreter of this poem, and Kuang Heng went to him to argue with him and study controversial views. As a result, the man ran away without a coat and clogs. Kuang Heng caught up with him and said, "Please stay and listen to me. Let's start from the beginning." The man said, "I really have nothing to say!" " "So the man went away and never came back to say" poem ". -166. The fifth son who is outspoken is Zhao. Once a rockery was built and people were invited to drink. Everyone praised the rockery, but Yao Tan bowed his head alone. King Yi forced him to see the rockery. He said: "I only saw the blood mountain (here), and I didn't see any rockery at all. King Yi was surprised and asked him why he only saw the mountain of blood. Yao Tan said, "When I was in the field, I saw the officials of various counties urging them to pay taxes, and they were persecuted together. My father and son were painfully whipped and covered in blood. This rockery was built with people's tax. If it's not a mountain of blood, what is it? "At that time, Emperor Taizong was also building a rockery, which was not completed. After hearing Yao Tan's words, he immediately ordered people to smash it. -167. On Emperor Taizong [/B][/B]-Emperor Taizong ordered Feng Deyi to recommend talented people (but) he did not recommend people for a long time. When Emperor Taizong asked Feng Deyi, Feng Deyi replied, "(I) didn't try my best, but I haven't found any wizards yet!" " Emperor Taizong said: "The selection of a gentleman is like employing people, each taking his own advantage. Did the ancient people who managed the country to achieve great governance borrow people from other dynasties? I'm just worried that I can't understand people. How can I wronged a generation of talents? "-168. Yan Zi's theory of" unknown "[/b]-Once, Gong Jing went hunting in the mountains and saw a big tiger, and then he saw a big snake in Zedi. When I came back, I summoned Yan Zi and asked him, "Today, I went hunting. I saw a tiger up the hill and a snake down the hill. Is it unlucky? Yan Zi said: "There are three unlucky things in the country, and this one is not included. It is the first ominous that a talented person is not found; Finding and not appointing is the second ominous thing; Appointment without trust is the third ominous thing. The so-called ominous, but that's all. Today, you saw the tiger on the mountain, because it is the hometown of the tiger; I saw a snake in Zedi, because it was a snake's nest. How can it be unlucky to go to the tiger's house and see tigers and snakes in the snake's nest? -169. Mencius treats people [/B][/B]- Mencius said: "Compasses and rulers are the highest standards of squares and circles; A saint is the highest example of being a man. If you want to be a good monarch, you must try your best to be a monarch; If you want to be a good courtier, you must try your best to be a courtier. Should follow Yao and Shun's example. It is disrespectful to serve you with the attitude of obeying Yao. To govern the people without Yao's method of governing the people is to harm the people. Confucius said,' There are only two ways, and benevolence is just heartless.' If you are too cruel to the people, you will be killed and the country will perish; Even if it is not too harsh, it will endanger itself and weaken the country. After death, there will be evils such as' seclusion' and' perfection'. Even if he has filial children, he will never change. The Book of Songs says:' Not far from the Yin Dynasty, it was in the former Xia Dynasty.' That's the truth. "-170. Gongsun visited the State of Chu on behalf of Qi, and the King of Chu gave him an ivory bed. Meng Changjun ordered the lothario to escort the ivory bed home first. Deng won't go. He said to his disciple's palace, "This ivory bed is worth 1000 yuan. If there is even the slightest damage, I can't afford to sell my wife and children! If you can let me escape this mission, I have an ancestral sword and I am willing to give it to you. " Gongsun Shu agreed. When meeting with Meng Changjun, he said, "The reason why every small country invites you to be the prime minister of the country is because you can help the weak and help the poor, so that the ruined country can survive and the heirs can continue. Everyone admires your integrity and integrity. Now that you have just arrived in Chu, you have accepted the generous gift of ivory bed. How will those countries that have not been to receive you? " Meng Changjun listened and replied, "You are right." So he decided to refuse the ivory bed gift from Chu. -17 1. Looking at the ocean and sighing [/B][/B]- Autumn waters With the arrival of the season, thousands of streams rush into the Yellow River, and the floods have been flowing away. Look at the cliffs on both sides, you can't tell the shape of cattle and horses. As a result, Hebo (the God of the Yellow River) got carried away, thinking that all the beautiful scenery in the world was in his own place. He followed the current eastward to the North Sea. Looking east, he can't see the end of the water. Therefore, Hebo changed his attitude, looked up blankly at Beihai Ruo (the God of Beihai) and said with emotion: "As the saying goes,' I think I know a lot of things, and no one can catch up with myself. That is me. Besides, I heard that some people belittle Zhong Ni's knowledge and Boyi's integrity. At first, I didn't believe it. Now I see your vastness. How dangerous it will be if I don't come to your door. I will always be laughed at by my generous family. -172. Han Xin [/B][/B]- The boy selling meat in Huaiyin market humiliated Han Xin and said, "Although you are tall and strong and like to carry a sword, you are actually a coward." Angered Han Xin in public, he said: "Han Xin, come one-on-one if you have the courage;" If you can't, drill my crotch. " So Han Xin looked at him carefully, really prone on the ground, climbed out of the teenager's crotch. The whole market laughed at Han Xin and thought he was really timid. When Xiang Liang crossed the Huaihe River, Han Xin resolutely joined the army and was not famous in the army. After Xiang Liang failed, he followed Xiang Yu and was appointed as a doctor. Han Xin made many suggestions to Xiang Yu, but none of them were adopted. Hanwang (Liu Bang) entered Xishu, and Han Xin left Chu, and went to Hanwang, where he was appointed as Lian Ao (official name). On one occasion, he should be beheaded for breaking the law. After thirteen people were killed together, it was Han Xin's turn. Han Xin proudly raised his head, saw Teng Gong and said, "Don't you want to unify the world? Why kill talented people? Teng Gong saw that Han Xin was outspoken, so he let him go. After talking with Han Xin, Teng Gong thought that Han Xin was very talented and very happy. So I introduced Han Xin to Hanwang and appointed him as a surname to treat millet, but Hanwang didn't think Han Xin was strange. -173. Xue Kui knows Fanzhen-Fanzhen Ren Jing, a native of Huayang, Chengdu. As the satrap of Shu, Xue Kui admired him as soon as he saw him, and left him at home to talk with his students about his studies. Fan Zhen himself was more humble and gave in. He often rushes to Xue Kui's mansion. It was a year before people realized that he was a taishouke. When Xue Kui returns to Beijing, drive him to Beijing. Someone asked what he got in Shu, and he replied, "If you get an unusual person, you will be famous for your knowledge. "-174. Wei Hui on the demise of the Sui Dynasty [/B][/B]- In the past, the Sui Dynasty once unified the whole country with strong force. For more than 30 years, education has been conducted all over the country, which is awesome. However, all this is lost, and Jiangshan belongs to others. Does Emperor Yang Di hate world peace? He didn't want the long-term stability of the country, but deliberately practiced the tyranny like Xia Jie, seeking his own destruction! He just thinks that the country's wealth is strong, without considering the possible serious consequences. He drove the people out of the world at will, squandered their wealth, visited beautiful women all over the country for lust, and went far outside the city to collect rare treasures to fill his desires, carve palaces and build pavilions. Anti-farming corvees are kept all year round, and soldiers are militarized all year round. Blessed are the worshippers of evil gods, but it is difficult for loyal ministers to protect their lives. Between the monarch and the minister, they are blinded by each other and separated from each other, which the people can't bear. Since then, the land has been torn apart, and the emperor who once ruled the four seas will once die at the hands of one person, and his descendants will be wiped out to a tragic extent, and everyone will laugh at him. Isn't this a painful historical lesson? -175. Yang Weizhen teaches [/B][/B]- Chiang, a big family in Gusu City. An 8-year-old son wanted to find a teacher for him, admired Mr. Zheng and prepared a gift to invite him, but Mr. Zheng didn't want to go. Jiang was a man who never gave up, so he generously donated Mr. Yang Wei Frame from Tieya, and carefully said what Mr. Zheng disagreed with. At that time, Mr. Yang lived in Wusong, enjoying the scenery, taking guests and prostitutes every day, taking pleasure in writing poems and drinking, and said to Jiang, "As long as you listen to me for three things, you don't have to count the money. First, I can't stick to my daily classes. Second, I will subsidize my play expenses. Third, I will give my family a villa. " Jiang promised him happily. Mr. Yang stayed in the Jiang family for three years, and later his son became famous at that time. 176. When Baijila was appointed, Baijila did not give full play to his talents and escaped from the State of Guo, but was caught by the State of Jin. He sold cattle to the state of Qin and resold them at the price of five sheepskins. Gong Sunzhi found him, valued him very much and recommended him to Miao Gong. Three days later, he asked to hand over state affairs to him. Miao Gongdao: "Aren't you afraid of being laughed at by the whole world when you hand over state affairs to someone who bought them with five sheepskins?" Gong replied: "The monarch believes in the wise man and it is wise to appoint him;" "The loyalty of the detained, to the wise, content to the next. The monarch is a wise monarch, and the minister is a loyal minister. He is really a clever man. He will be completely convinced and feared by the enemy in China. Who has the luxury to laugh at him? " Miao Hong used Priscilla when she took office. -177. Su Qin met the king of Chu [/B][/B]- Su Qin went to Chu and lived for more than three months before meeting the king of Chu. When the interview is over, I want to say goodbye. The king said, "I've heard a lot about you for a long time, just like hearing about sages. Today, you have come all the way to pay my respects. Why not stay for a few days? I hope to hear more relevant information. " Su Qin replied, "The grain of Chu is more expensive than Baoyu, and the firewood is more expensive than osmanthus trees. Informants are as close as ghosts, and kings are as rare as emperors. Now you want me to eat jade, use cinnamon as firewood, and borrow ghosts to see the gods. " The king of Chu said, "Please stay in the hotel for a while. I obeyed. " -178. The boat capsized [/B][/B]- The horse scares the car, and the gentleman can't take the car; Ordinary people are frightened by politics, and gentlemen cannot sit in politics. Let the horse be quiet, it is better to scare the car; People are frightened by politics, so it is better to give them benefits. Select talents, recommend loyal ministers, advocate filial piety and love for relatives and friends, adopt widows and help the poor. If so, then ordinary people will feel at ease in the political situation, and then gentlemen will be content with their political status. Legend: "Jun is the ship; Ordinary people are water. Water can carry a boat or overturn it. " That's what I'm saying. -179. Wang Chong's essays and Tao [/B][/B]- A man with literary talent is a hero among people. Writing an article is like a big tree, with roots and leaves, stems inside and skins outside. The form of literary words is like branches and leaves and fur. There are thoughts in the chest, and the form and content are consistent. If you are sincere, you can think quickly and express your thoughts clearly. Writing an article is like a rooster with feathers, no matter how beautiful the feathers are, the article is gorgeous but has no ideological content, just like a rooster with beautiful feathers for nothing. -180. The admonished person [/b] [/b]-In the five years of Zhenguan, Emperor Taizong and others said, "Since ancient times, many emperors have let their emotions go, rewarding reactive power at random if they are happy, and killing them indiscriminately if they are unhappy. Therefore, the decline of the country and the chaos in the world were not caused by it. I think of him as every night now. If you can't accept other people's advice, how can you advise others? -