Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Random talk on Mayan calendar series 12: cycles and periods in calendars

Random talk on Mayan calendar series 12: cycles and periods in calendars

Periods and periods in the calendar

Calendar actually contains many cycles and periods, which is also a form of energy and time cycle. When we know the current period and what it is, it can help us adjust the current frequency.

In this section, I will summarize the cycles and periods included in the calendar.

4-day cycle (reconciliation)

A four-day period is also equivalent to harmonics.

This is the smallest period in the calendar. Twenty sun totems are coded in four colors, forming five time frames. 4*5=20。 Each group is called a harmony, which contains a basic meaning: red stands for starting, white stands for promotion, blue stands for transformation, and yellow stands for maturity.

Painted by designer Tang

A homonym has four days, so in the Zalkin calendar, * * * has 65 homonyms. The following table lists the key sentences of each harmony, which is also the information brought to us by the interval of this harmony.

Painted by designer Tang

How to find the key sentence where your galactic imprint is located?

It's simple. If your own galactic imprint is a yellow totem, you just need to divide your kin value by 4 to get the harmonic number. If your own galaxy imprint is red, white and blue, you first find the nearest yellow totem in the rear, and then divide the family value of that yellow totem by 4 to find the harmonic number.

For example, if a person's symbol is kin 130 Cosmic White Dog, and the nearest yellow totem is kin 132 Moon Yellow Man, 132/4=33, then this person's harmony is 33.

5-day cycle (color series)

The five-day cycle is actually the color family classification of 20 totems. The beginning and end of the five-day cycle are totems of the same color.

Painted by designer Tang

The thumb to the little finger of the right hand correspond to Huangri, Honglong, Whitestorm, Blue Night and Huangzi respectively. These five totems are the Yellow Fire clan.

The big toe to the little toe of the right foot correspond to the red snake, the white world bridge, the blue hand, the yellow star and the red moon respectively. These five totems are red blood clan.

The thumb to the little finger of the left hand correspond to white dog, blue monkey, yellow man, red Skywalker and white wizard respectively. These five totems are the white truth family.

The big toe to the little toe of the left hand correspond to Blue Eagle, Yellow Warrior, Red Earth, White Mirror and Blue Storm respectively. These five totems belong to the blue sky clan.

A solar year has 73 five-day cycles.

7-day cycle (one week)

Each month contains four 7-day periods (4*7=28), and each day is coded by one of the 7 plasmas.

Official website diagram of time law

13 daily cycle (wave symbol)

A wave symbol can be 13 days, 13 weeks, 13 months, 13 years, 13 baktu and so on.

In each 260-day galactic cycle, * * * has 20 symbols with a period of 13 days.

Painted by designer Tang

20-day cycle (Venal and Sun Totem)

The cycle of the 20th century is coded by the sun totem. It took only 20 days from the red dragon to the yellow sun.

There are 19 vinals in a year, the first 18 vinals, each for 20 days, and the last for 5 days.

Official website diagram of time law

Official website diagram of time law

The 20-day period is coded by four totems of the channel family.

Because the Venal cycle begins on July 26th of the Gregorian calendar every year, there is also a law here. When the wheel of time turned to this totem, Vinal's affirmative sentence changed again. For example, in this year's crystal yellow seed year, except for the five days at the end of the year, whenever there is a yellow seed day, a positive sentence will be changed.

28-day cycle (month)

In the 13 lunar calendar,

Every month has 28 days, 4 (weeks) *7 (days) =28.

There are 13 months every year. 28* 13+ 1=365 days.

Painted by designer Tang

There are four weeks in a month, and these four weeks are still in the order of red, white, blue and yellow.

52-day cycle (Castle of Life)

Each castle contains four color symbols.

Five 52-day castles are a galactic cycle.

Castle can also represent 52 days, 52 years.

Painted by designer Tang

Painted by designer Tang

In the picture above, 20 symbols of the Zalkin calendar are placed in five castles. The first four wave symbols, the red dragon wave, the white wizard wave, the blue hand wave and the yellow sun wave, are all in the red castle. Red Skywalker wave, white world bridge wave, blue storm wave and yellow human wave are in the white castle. Red snake wave, white mirror wave, blue monkey wave and yellow seed wave, in the blue castle. Red earth waves, white dog waves, blue night waves and yellow warrior waves are in the yellow castle. Red moon wave, white storm, blue eagle wave and yellow star wave are in the green castle.

Red, white, blue and yellow, the order of this color, is still circulating, circulating.

In addition, in each castle, the representative totem of the first red wave symbol is the second challenge grid of the last wave symbol in this castle. For example, the first red wave symbol in the red castle is a red dragon, and in the last yellow sun wave symbol in this red castle, the second grid is a moon red dragon. As if to see, alas, whether you have really completed the challenge of this castle.

65-day cycle (galactic season)

Painted by designer Tang

In a 260-day galactic cycle, * * * has four 65-day cycles.

Every 65 days is the galactic season. Just as there are four seasons in a year on the earth, the Milky Way has four seasons in 260 days.

These four seasons begin with four galaxy marks of the polarity family of electric tones.

They are electric red snake, electric white dog, electric blue eagle and electric yellow sun.

The electric red snake starts its vitality in the beginning of the season.

(Gold 185 to Jin 249)

The electric white dog began the season of purifying love.

(Gold 250 to Gold 54)

The electric blue eagle began the season of changing eyesight.

(Kin55 to Kin 1 19)

The electric yellow sun began the season of maturity and enlightenment.

(Kin 120 to Kin 184)

You can see which galactic season your birth mark is in, and you can also see which galactic season we are currently in. These are also frequencies and information.

260-day cycle (Zagreb calendar)

Zalkin calendar is the physical expression of Hunabu Ku in the three-dimensional world. It is also the fourth dimension timer. In the ancient Maya period, Zalkin calendar was used for sacrifice and divination.

A Zalkin calendar is exactly 260 days, which is equivalent to human pregnancy. At the same time, 260 days is also a time fractal of 26,000 years, which is exactly the time for the solar system to orbit the Pleiades cluster.

So, if you really follow the 260-day cycle of the Zalkin calendar every day, FM spirals up, and after 260 days, a brand-new you will be born!

From the law of time, official website.

365-day cycle (solar year)

365 days is the time for the earth to go around the sun once. We call it the solar year, also called the solar ring. From 13 months plus one day, there is no time to present.

Painted by designer Tang

"Whispering Maya Calendar" serial to be continued.