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1, the girl said I love you, and the boy smiled. The girl said I really love you, but the boy still smiled. The girl said you didn't love me at all, the boy was silent, and the girl left crying and ran away. The boy stood where he was, stupefied. He said to himself, in fact, I love you too, but I just don't know how to love you. -inscription

The girl fell on the swing and the boy pushed and pushed hard.

In the boys' basketball game, the girls shouted out their voices, and the next day they appeared in front of the boys and said that you were really lame yesterday.

The girl said I want the most beautiful one. The boy tried his best to climb the tree, and then told the girl to give it to you.

A little red appeared on the boy's head, but the girl was nervous for a long time and still said, I don't care.

The girl said I was tired, and the boy squatted down and said, come, I'll carry you.

Boys once surpassed girls, but girls were very happy, and said it wouldn't happen again.

The girl learned skateboarding for the first time and fell to the ground. While scolding the little fool, the boy carefully wiped the wound with his hand. Then my eyes filled with tears.

The boys won the prize in the whole school, and the girls shook their heads and said you were coming soon.

Girls stop speaking for themselves when they know that boys like her.

Boys know that girls like him, but they don't know how to talk.

The girl said that we would go to the seaside tomorrow. The boy got all the maps today.

The boy wants a sip of boiled water, and the girl brings him a whole bucket of drinks.

The girl wanted a star, and the boy moved the whole earth for her.

The boy said that he would like to drink coffee tomorrow. The girl bought all the varieties today.

The girl said I wouldn't ask too much of a boy I don't like. The boy said it was a good thing that you asked little of me.

Boys say I won't let girls I don't like get on my bike. The girl smiled. Fortunately, you never treat me like a girl.

The girl said that if I met a boy I liked, I would kill him with my eyes. The boy said, no wonder you never let me go.

Boys say that if I meet a girl I like, I will carry her around the world. The girl said it's a good thing that you only walked a quarter of radius of the earth behind my back.

The girl said that the boy I like must be the best, and he will come to me on a white horse. The boy said that it is no longer allowed to sell horses privately.

The boy said that I must like Rosamund Kwan more than Rosamund Kwan. The girl said that Rosamund Kwan had been included in the list of old people.

The girl said that the boy I like must call me at twelve o'clock in the new year and say I love you. The boy said that such a telephone bill would be very expensive, equivalent to a century.

The boy said that the girl I like must comfort me when I am depressed. The girl said that even the nanny will comfort you now because you give her money.

The girl said that if he loves me, he can find me even if I go to the ends of the earth. The boy said, you must find someone with a good knowledge of geography, or you will lose yourself if you can't find it.

The boy said that if she really loved me, she would know what I was thinking. The girl said, you must find a fortune teller. Because she even knows if you have hidden private money.

Girls say you boys are not romantic. The boy said that because none of us had the money to be romantic.

Boys say that you girls only think about things all day. The girl said that because everything else costs money.

The girl said that the boy I like must be better than me. The boy said, poor me, I never surpassed your record.

Boys say that the girl I like must not be too smart, or I will lose my way. The girl said, it's a pity that you and I are always at the extreme ends.

The girl said, when I grow up, I want to be a detective, more powerful than Sherlock Holmes. The boy said, you must need someone more Watson than Watson.

The boy said, when I grow up, I must be a national leader and launch the greatest war in the universe. The girl said that the world would not accept the second Hitler, just as no one in China loved the Japanese.

Girls say that your English is very pool, and boys signed up for five summer training classes in the summer vacation.

The boy said that the girl is not a lady. The girl forced herself to learn manners in the summer vacation.

The girl knows that the boy cares about her words. So she thought that one day the boy would tell her.

The boy knows that the girl cares about what he says. So he thought he would understand even if he didn't talk about girls.

A girl meets a boy who is taller than a boy, and the boy says I love you. The girl smiled and refused.

Boys meet better girls than girls. The girl said I love you. The boy smiled and refused.

The boy who is taller than the boy said what are you waiting for? The girl said he would.

Girls who are better than girls say what are you waiting for? The boy said she understood.

The girl said that the flowers had withered. The boy said it would open again.

The boy said that the flowers are blooming again. The girl said that she still wanted to thank.

The girl said that I was going to America. Boys said they heard that foreign boys are very handsome.

The boy said I would stay because I love China. The girl said that China still has the most beautiful woman.

The boy saw the girl off when she went to the airport. The girl wants the boy to keep her. But the boy didn't

The boy stayed in China. The boy wanted the girl to stay, but he didn't say.

The girl cried and said, I must find someone with a high nose and blue eyes.

The boy smiled and said, good luck.

The girl is missing.

The boy cried.

The girl keeps writing letters. The boy has been answering letters.

A year later, the girl came back. The boy met her at the airport. But there is another woman around.

The boy grew up. Girls don't.

The girl said I wish you happiness. The boy said thank you.

The girl left again with tears in her eyes. The woman next to the boy said, Brother, let's go!

The boy cried again. She will be happier than me.

Before the operating table, the boy grabbed the doctor painfully and said that he must make her happy.

At the boy's grave, the girl grabbed her husband sadly and said that he could have given me happiness.

Her husband held her gently. The husband is the last doctor.

Boys never say I love you to girls. Because he always thought the girl understood.

Girls never say I love you to boys. Because she always thought that boy would say.

When the boy really wanted to talk, the girl left.

When the girl wanted to talk, the boy died.

Boys are still one person, but girls are two people. Girls always think that boys are two people. Boys always feel that girls are lonely.

How many people do you want to live in the next life? The boy smiled and said two people, me and the person I love.

How many people do you want to live in the next life? The girl talked about someone with a smile, because the person I love never told me that he loved me.

I was born twice.

The first time, a doctor dragged me out of the uterus and suddenly fainted. A nurse closed her eyes and groped for me.

return ...

After the second birth, people in the hospital were crying in the morgue, and the dean beat his mouth and blamed himself.

As blind as a bat, I shouldn't take over my business for money. ...

Motherly love is great. She didn't abandon me and raised me, but he posted a picture of a skeleton on my face to reduce it.

Light psychological pressure, mask to accompany me to ten years old.

When I was eleven, I was in the third grade. The whole class is very curious and eager to see what is behind the mask.

What am I like? A classmate named Li Dadan tore off my mask when I peed. Since then,

Li Dadan is suffering from a strange disease, unable to speak, glassy-eyed, doing nothing all day, facing a person's skull.

Kill without blinking, cry as soon as you close your eyes. ...

The headmaster reported to the education bureau, and the education bureau sent someone. Because all the students in the school have transferred to other schools, the principal can only eat every morning.

Half a bowl of porridge, the teacher's salary has not been settled for two months ...

After the people from the Education Bureau saw me, the director immediately resigned and went to sea, causing a chain reaction, and educational institutions all over the country were dissolved one after another. ...

I was walking in the street, and people on the roadside were vomiting wildly. A group of pigs rushed in front of me from behind, scrambling to put red flowers on me.

, awarded a trophy and gave me a certificate, which read: the savior of the pig.

Next door, Pockmarked Liu's daughter-in-law wants to brag to him that his pockmarked face is disgusting and she has to leave! ! ! I happened to go to their window.

Before, pockmarked Liu's wife stopped talking when she saw me. She took out money to the insurance company to insure pockmarked Liu's pockmarked hemp and a pockmarked girl.

ten thousand ...

Also alarmed the United Nations (? Why do you want to say it again), Annan was at his wit's end and asked me to have plastic surgery, but it didn't work.

All plastic surgeons cried when they saw me, and nearly half of them went to a mental hospital, all with the same symptoms.

I won't say anything but one sentence: ugly ... the ugliest. ...

Arafat sent a special plane to pick me up and asked me to stand at the gate of the presidential palace to resist the siege of the Israeli army. I went to stand for a while.

When the Israeli army withdrew and Sharon was forced to resign, the Palestinian nation rejoiced, but when Arafat wanted to introduce me as a national hero.

At that time, Palestinians all over the country could not find lanterns. ...

A writer came to me with tears in his eyes: When I was so old, my biggest dream was to get a Nobel Prize in Literature, but now.

Now the master is too powerful ... I have a unique skill. As long as I can write a book in front of you, I will definitely win the prize! ! !

I don't believe it. He stayed with me for a week and wrote a five-million-word novel, Seven Days in Hell. Therefore,

He even won the Nobel Prize in Medicine. ...

Nobel headquarters announced that if the whole world can find words to describe my face, it can win the literary prize. As a result, all the works have been written.

The family has switched to buying pork, and Nobel Prize in Literature has since disappeared. ...

The National Football Association specially recruited me to join the team, hoping to really rush out of Asia. In the World Cup, China didn't concede a goal in every game.

It's a score of 12:0, with one goal for each player. After playing, we had a picnic on the lawn. I barbecued in front of the goal alone and the other team played ball.

All the players, including the goalkeeper, threw up on the ground, and the referee even pulled out a red card.

Of course, our team members have also gone through the devil training step by step, first look at my photos, and then look at my photos of eating.

Then play football. ...

The World Cup will stay in China forever, and foreign media commented that I am the incarnation of the devil.

At the beginning of the world lying contest, players of all races began to talk wildly for the first time. I walked onto the stage and only said three.

I won the championship and kept it forever. I said, I'm not ugly.

I cried at night, looked at the moon and asked softly, me, is it nice? A white object landed gently on the moon, and I

When I picked it up, I saw that it was a white rabbit crushed to death by Jiuyin's white bone claw. ...

I shouted at the sky: God, am I the ugliest?

The sky suddenly began to rain cats and dogs and fell on me. I touched it, and it was all vomit. ...

I left this world and came to this ancient castle. I asked the mirror: mirror, mirror, who is the ugliest in this world? The mirror is crying.

Suicide rupture ...

God forbid, why did you give birth to me?

I held a grudge and died of depression. Who knows, that terrible man forgave me and sent me back to earth. ...

So I wandered around the world, having nothing to do and playing online. I wanted to chat, so I applied for a QQ number. Who knows? ...

Reminder: because of your disgusting face (please forgive me, my literary level is not high, I can only explain this), our company will not die.

Here's your number. ...

I don't know, I this thing, can you send it out? ...

Jiangnan, a beautiful fairy tale

I was born in a corner of the south of the Yangtze River, and I was intoxicated with more than twenty kinds of tender feelings in the south of the Yangtze River. I can't tell the story of vicissitudes, noise or whispers around Jiangnan, but my attachment to Jiangnan will remain unchanged for thousands of years!

Standing on the spiritual soil in the south of the Yangtze River, looking up at the dark sky, the wind and smoke are clean and clear as clear water. In the long years, the beauty of Jiangnan water town, the quietness of Jiangnan ancient town, the depth of Jiangnan rainy lane and the charm of Jiangnan literary hero flowed. ...

Small bridges and flowing water, overflowing in the south of the ink painting, can't see the truth clearly and can't tell the truth; How many literati heroes have been nourished by running water. Read Jiangnan, Lingbo Yunshui, calligraphy and calligraphy.

The beauty of Jiangnan is hazy and simple, with leisurely chess games under trees and drunken wine tasting among flowers. It's herbal tea in the court. Green water haunts white walls, flowers fall on blue tiles, and winding rivers sing in the morning and at sunset. Riding a boat with a Artemisia argyi, walking through the green mountains and green waters, silently reading the thousands of years of history and the fall of eternal tenderness in the south of the Yangtze River, a clear water carries traces and vicissitudes like water.

Jiangnan water town is like a hazy ink painting, simple and quiet. The stone arch bridge stands against the clear water, either elegant and chic, or exquisite and elegant. The dilapidated carved columns are printed with traces of time and blend in with the charm of the ancient town. Sitting on the awning boat, let the cool river flow through your fingers and cool into your heart. Yingying clear water, leisurely wooden boat. The house is built by the water and is connected with the water. Walking in the ancient town, away from the hustle and bustle of the city, let the sunshine flow quietly on the skin and let the poetry dance lightly in the heart.

Light smoke and fresh water in the south of the Yangtze River, long grass on the rainy shore, warblers flying in spring, light pink dye, insects whispering, and spring is shining through the curtain. In summer, you can learn something about Luo Shang, go to the Blue Boat alone, pick lotus and lotus fields, laugh and sing softly, and the flowers are as beautiful as water. Autumn phoenix tree, autumn geese flying, chrysanthemum fragrance, leisurely under the east fence. In winter, snow depends on jade pieces and thousands of pearls. Yiren is like snow, graceful and pure.

The drizzle shows that Jiangnan is rainy, especially in spring. Just like Wu Nong's soft language, it reveals the unique moisture of the water town. Rain is the aura of Jiangnan water town. In Jiangnan, it is full of romantic atmosphere. The rain around the Lantern Festival is called lantern rain, which is often the first rain in early spring. Intermittent spring rains float in the air, Fei Ying grass grows, a clear water shines, and willows brush the embankment. Then there is apricot rain, pear rain. After the end of spring, the continuous Huang Meiyu filled the south of the Yangtze River. The rain at night, the flowers in the morning, are deeply intoxicating, and the beautiful and elegant people are reluctant to leave. The drizzle wet a plain skirt and moistened the hearts of Jiangnan women. The fragrance of flowers on two sleeves gently dances out the unique charm of Jiangnan.

Because the climate in the south of the Yangtze River is humid, the skin of women in the south of the Yangtze River is like snow, and Iraqis are like jade. "Ha, ha, the water is horizontal, and the mountain is frowning. Which way do you want to ask pedestrians? Eyebrows and eyes. " A woman like water, like bright eyes like water, is beautiful and gentle, as beautiful and refined as a fairy. Jiangnan women walked slowly on the ancient bluestone road in the town, and the lilacs were wet by drizzle. For example, they floated along the rain lane with oil-paper umbrellas, "light smoke reflected the curtain, and flowers and willows were boundless", and the rain fragrance curled into the bead curtain, and the shadow was like a dream.

Houmen are like the sea, pavilions and waterside pavilions, red-faced tears for you, sleeves blowing the strings, and an eternal rhyme flows under the hands of jade as snow, with twists and turns. My thoughts seem to go back in time, in the lingering love of become a butterfly thousands of years ago. Gentle Liang Shanbo and Yingtai, disguised as men, studied hard, sat by candlelight at night, talked and laughed, and sent each other on the 18th, writing an earth-shattering legend of butterfly love, which reverberated through the ages.

Jiangnan is full of talented people and countless beautiful women. Tang Bohu is the most famous of the four gifted scholars in Jiangnan. Tang Yin's peerless painters and painters are the best in the world. Piano, chess, calligraphy and painting are all together. Tang Bohu's touching love story of lighting Chou-heung has become an eternal story. There are countless talented women in Jiangnan, such as Li Qingzhao, Qin Huai Ba Yan, Liu, Dong Xiaowan, Yu, Xue Tao, ...

Jiangnan ink paintings emerge one after another, and all kinds of charming painting styles emerge one after another. Perhaps my previous life was the Jiangnan woman who picked lotus, smiled in the faint lotus fragrance and danced lightly in Jiangnan ink painting like a butterfly …