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An analysis of the personality characteristics of the twelve constellations

An analysis of the personality characteristics of the twelve constellations

Analysis of the character characteristics of the twelve constellations, astrology and divination belong to mysticism. Many people will read horoscope, and many people will study horoscope. Let's take a look at the related data of the analysis of the personality characteristics of the twelve constellations.

Analysis of the Personality Characteristics of Zodiac 1 Aries: Positive Optimism

Aries is full of longing for food and beauty and passion for life. So no matter what setbacks you encounter, the optimistic and positive Aries will handle them simply and quickly. They are always cheerful and envied by many people.

Taurus: stubborn and introverted

People often think that Taurus heats up slowly. Actually, it's because they are too persistent. As long as you don't like people and things, Taurus won't force yourself to contact, so he is introverted and will not follow the crowd but strengthen his pace.

Gemini: Smooth and sophisticated.

Gemini sometimes appears sentimental, trapped in contradictions, and wants to escape from the crowd and find a quiet place to stay. In fact, Gemini is the most sophisticated. It is unrealistic for them to leave the secular society and run for freedom.

Cancer: Sensibility

Cancer will try to show a positive side in the process of interpersonal communication. In order not to let others feel their negative energy, they are good at disguising themselves. In fact, the real cancer is very sentimental and sensitive.

Leo: The confidence of fans

The real Leo has fascinating self-confidence, and they firmly believe that no matter how difficult it is, it can be solved with one hand. If Leo doesn't show conceit, just keep a low profile.

Virgo: Be smart.

Virgo's best skill is to dress up as a pig and eat a tiger. It seems that it doesn't fight for it. In fact, it does not give up key interests. Smart calculation is the advantage of Virgo's character. With this personality, Virgo will achieve whatever she wants.

Libra: indecision

Libra is always radiant in social circles, which makes close people feel radiant. Libra, always a social center, is actually very indecisive. Behind their glamorous appearance, there are countless choices and re-choices.

Scorpio: darkness and negativity

Scorpio is always easy to see the truth of the world and boasts a very good understanding of human nature, so they know that if they are free to be themselves and full of negative energy, they will not be welcomed. In fact, Scorpio's true character is very negative and dark.

Sagittarius: Bohemian

Sagittarius never deliberately hides his true character, which will make them uncomfortable. Sagittarius will be depressed if you can't be yourself happily and freely. Therefore, their true character is bohemian and loves freedom.

Capricorn: a pragmatic responsibility

Capricorn's true character is what they show. They never bother to disguise themselves. They are pragmatic, have absolutely no illusory ideas in their minds and are very conscientious. They never do anything unrealistic.

Aquarius: Creating Heaven and Earth

The true character of Aquarius is far more "creative" than they show. Although in their view, their usual behavior has been particularly restrained, as a result, many people still don't understand that if they completely let go of themselves, it is made in heaven.

Pisces: content with the status quo

Pisces is most afraid of sudden changes. Although they are very adaptable to the environment, their real character is to be content with the status quo. It's best to live a carefree life in a comfortable environment. This is what they dream of.

Analysis of the personality characteristics of the twelve constellations 2 Aquarius (1.20-2. 18)

Aquarius people are naive on the surface, but they are rich in inner layers. They have their own plans for life, love freedom and pay attention to privacy. They are advocates of humanitarianism.

Pisces (2. 19-3.20)

Pisces people are romantic, emotional, gentle and affectionate. They live in their own fantasies and are full of sympathy, because they are too gentle with the opposite sex and are often misunderstood.

Aries (3.2 1-4. 19)

Aries people are very confident and impulsive. The ability is actually quite strong, but sometimes it offends people without knowing it.

Taurus (4.20-5.20)

Taurus people are mature, steady, reliable and practical. Their consumption concept is conservative, they have a clear plan for their future, and they are easily hurt emotionally.

Gemini (5.2 1-6.2 1)

Gemini people are eccentric, self-centered, like to chase new things, and they are also affected by feelings.

Cancer (6.22-7.22)

Cancer people are sensitive and caring for their families. Both boys and girls are gentle in character and will take good care of the other half. In contrast, they are also very possessive.

Leo (7.23-8.22)

Leo people have the wind of kings. They are very confident and clever. They don't like others to say that they are not good, and they firmly believe that they can do anything. The requirements for feelings are very high and extremely single-minded.

Virgo (8.23-9.22)

Virgo is very particular, a typical perfectionist, demanding the other half and not very gregarious.

Libra (9.23- 10.23)

Libra people love to make friends, are less likely to refuse others, are less confident and psychologically fragile.

Scorpio (10.24-11.22)

Scorpio people have dark bellies and generally good looks. They like to hold grudges and take revenge. In the early days of love, they prefer to test their lovers, insecure, but single-minded.

Sagittarius (11.23-12 438+0)

Sagittarius people are quite confident. They have a sense of humor and often make themselves laugh. I like freedom, I like new things, I often can't control myself and move on.

Capricorn (12.22-1.19)

Capricorn people are more realistic. They are workaholics, belonging to the type of silent devotion in love.

Analysis of personality characteristics of the twelve constellations III. People with positive signs are proactive, optimistic, creative and good at expressing their ideas. Some of them are familiar to me, and it is relatively easy to make friends. People with negative signs are more moved, tend to be pessimistic and passive, and don't like to show their feelings easily, so the pace of interpersonal communication will be slower.

Positive constellations like concise and lively communication, and usually they express their thoughts and emotions. Even if they are not outspoken, they are willing to communicate with you. Even if they sometimes brush off a gun and have an argument in the process, speaking out is the most effective way to solve the problem, rather than holding back and making people guess. In the long run, it will only make people feel tired. In many irregular circles, the proportion of people who belong to the plus sign is relatively large, and they are good at blending unfamiliar people.

On the one hand, female constellations tend to isolate those unfamiliar people from their social circles, thinking that this kind of social interaction is a burden to their body and mind, not happiness. On the other hand, people who are familiar with them admire tacit understanding. Although I didn't say it, you should understand and respond as I expected. People who know me will always understand, and there is no need to say more if they don't. This kind of tacit communication, even sometimes insisting on letting them express their feelings, will only have a rude feeling of being hurt. In a strange environment or circle, people who have a negative sign for the sun or rising are used to putting themselves in the position of observers. Therefore, compared with the hot male constellation, they often feel out of place or withdrawn at the beginning of the party. Only in the familiar crowd can they let go of themselves, show their true colors, and even show another side that others rarely see.

When masculine and feminine constellations interact, the former needs to slow down and pay close attention to the reaction of the latter. Slowly impress each other in a step-by-step way, and the latter should open their hearts when necessary, learn to speak their minds, and let themselves and each other relax, instead of always expecting others to bother to be worms in their stomachs.

Classification of elements to fire, earth and water.

In the eyes of western scientists, the whole world is composed of four elements: wind, fire, earth and water. Similarly, in astrology, 12 constellations are divided into four categories according to different elements. Fire sign: Aries, Five Lions and Nine Sagittarius Earth sign: Two Taurus, Six Virgos and Ten Capricorn air signs: Three Gemini, Seven Libras and Eleven Aquarius Water sign: Four Cancer and Eight. The number in front of the constellation is the order of the constellations in the zodiac 12. In this way, we can see that if three constellations with the same elements are connected by straight lines, a perfect equilateral triangle can be obtained. So we also call this constellation divided by love elements the trine constellation.

Keywords fire image driving force

Elements symbolize energy, enthusiasm, creativity, ideals and beliefs. It provides us with motivation, makes it a driving force to make things happen, and gives necessary encouragement to keep faith. So the fire sign is like a leader cheerleading team in Zodiac 12. Influenced by the characteristics of fire, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are usually optimistic and cheerful, with seemingly inexhaustible vitality. They are not afraid of failure, and they are not worried that they will not get up after falling, which makes them dare to take risks. Even if they encounter temporary setbacks, they can recover quickly in the spring breeze. For them, life is a paradise full of possibilities, and the element of fire will also bring some negative qualities. For example, persistence is not stable enough, formal impulse is too idealistic, because of overconfidence, it becomes arrogant, and even becomes aggressive to others, and others are not allowed to accept their own ideas and arrangements.

Key words: the essence of earth sign

Compared with the untouchable wind element, fire element and rigid water element, soil element is much more realistic and reliable. It can really grasp the material in our hands and provide material resources for our lives, so it is not surprising that people in the earth sign are so materialistic and pay attention to the practicality of material. Earth signs control the specific scale of the world. Influenced by earth elements, Taurus and Virgo Capricorn have strong talents in dealing with practical and material things, such as economy and public finance. The relatively stable soil elements also make them like to live a regular life and gain a sense of security according to the established form. When the law is broken, their mood will become anxious, just like the carpet under their feet, suddenly losing their sense of direction and center of gravity. The negative influence of earth elements is that people in these constellations will habitually suppress their emotions, lack empathy for the suffering of others, pay too much attention to the influence of material level and ignore the meaning behind it, and are often described as power, money worship and haggle over every ounce.

Thoughts on key words of wind direction constellation.

Wind can only be generated in movement, so the wind element is closely related to communication, which symbolizes the intelligence of thought, the interaction and interpersonal relationship between people, and provides the idea of triggering events. Therefore, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius in air signs are good at thinking, extremely sensitive to all kinds of information, and like to share their ideas with others. For people in air signs, nothing is more interesting than new knowledge and different ideas. No wonder they love making friends so much. For them, it is a pleasure to have different ideas collide, but the premise is that the other party can communicate, not that one person unilaterally outputs his own ideas but refuses to listen. The negative effects of different voices and colorful wind elements are reflected in thinking too much and doing too little, which may lead to multitasking and ultimately accomplish nothing.

Keywords water sign is uncomfortable

As the saying goes, tenderness is like water. In many literary works, the element of water is always inseparable from love stories. It symbolizes our emotions and controls the sensory part of the event, including our own feelings and those of people involved in the event, just like water can penetrate. In this way, water signs have some intuitive and spiritual abilities. Compared with other constellations, it can feel other people's emotional fluctuations all its life and empathize with other people's situations. Water signs are recipients, nurturers and caregivers. They are engaged in the service industry and have a good grasp of other people's psychological feelings. The auxiliary position often makes the other party feel very thoughtful. However, emotionalization has also become the weakness of water signs. They are not irrational, but their reason is always defeated by their own sensibility. Oversensitivity leads to persecution delusion, which hinders their interpersonal communication and leaves a lonely impression.