Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - The feeling of writing a composition is about 200 words.

The feeling of writing a composition is about 200 words.

1. 200 words feel that summer is a hot and happy season.

In the morning, the sky is clear in Wan Li. Grandpa Sun gilded everything. A group of beautiful birds are jumping around on the branches of green trees, singing "twittering" songs. The air is fresh and cool, emitting an indescribable fragrance. Every breath is exciting.

In the afternoon, the sky was blue and gray, and the fierce sun baked the ground hot; A south wind blew and rolled up a heat wave. The cicada is singing in the tree, and its voice is low and slow, like telling an ancient legend. The old people sat in the shade of the tree, shook their fans patiently, cursed the heat all the time, and talked happily about how the weather was good for the ears of rice. All the birds in the forest are resting in the trees, as if dreaming of a "bumper harvest".

In the evening, the sunset glow burns the sky red. People come and go on the beach by the sea. Some people are swimming, some are picking up shells, some are playing, and laughter is like waves. The cool sea water washes away people's fatigue and heat, making people feel relaxed and refreshed.

In the evening, people go for a walk in the park. Walking in the park, a cool breeze blew head-on, so refreshing! People chat in the park, talking about the past and the present; Kan Kan and talk for a while, a heated debate, a slapstick. This multi-part chorus, floating by the river, travels far and far. ...

Summer is very hot, but it is also very happy and full of energy. ...


A slightly hot southeast wind blew on me, and I knew that the summer I was looking forward to was near.

Everything in nature has also come out from the warm spring, and I intend to lift my spirits and feel the heavy rain in summer.

Spring is still a budding tree, and now it is also a thick green. When the thick green came into view, I suddenly felt a coolness that I had never had before.

As the sun sets, the distant sky is red, and the long day turns into night. That's when children love to play.

There is a bright moon hanging in the sky, and only a few stars are dancing with her around. The dark earth echoes the bright moonlight. People are sitting under that big tree, and the air seems to be fresh in an instant with the fan swaying gently and sometimes passing a cool breeze.

Adults are laughing heartily, children are playing heartily, and the lights of nearby buildings and tall buildings are lit up during the conversation. Reflect from mid-air to the lake next to home. The calm lake is sparkling, and a fish-scale silver wave is disturbed by several unknown birds from time to time, and then it is calm.

There are more and more lights around, flashing like stars. I sat on a small stool in the park, and there were bursts of laughter from time to time. Looking at the other side of the lake, looking at the busy streets, passing pedestrians and listening to adults talking about their mistakes, I used a fan to drive away the afterheat of the sun during the day. I wonder if overseas compatriots can enjoy the moon with us.

A few birdsongs disturbed my thoughts. Looking back, there are not many people left. I walked back while catching bugs.

In the dead of night, the moon rose higher. Everything was quiet again, and occasionally birds chirped and leaves rustled. ...


Summer, rain or shine, unpredictable, capricious. In summer, the sun is shining, and the golden sunshine shines on the beach near my home. The sea water on that beach is not as flat as a mirror, but sparkling and fascinating.

Summer gives people the feeling of being hot and sunny, which often makes people sweat. I have been sweating since I ran for a few steps in physical education class. I'm not counting the shortcomings of summer! Actually, I really like this feeling. Every time I go to physical education class, I see the familiar "sweaty face". Although there are similar situations in other seasons, the "heat" in summer is different.

In summer, people may have the impression of stormy weather. When it rains, people may think that they don't have to go to school or work. I think so, but the main reason why I like Summer Rain is not this, but when you walk in the street during the rainstorm, you can try not to take an umbrella, because when you do. You will feel that you have turned into a raindrop, and you will unite with other raindrops to turn summer from hot to cold. You will feel the beauty of summer after you get rid of the illusion.

Xia, it's so beautiful!

2. Write a 200-word essay on "Changjiang No.7"

Yangtze River No.7, after hearing this name, everyone will think it is a very great building in the world. Of course, this is a great movie, but it is not a building, but a lovely alien dog! The so-called "alien" dogs are definitely more powerful and high-tech than those on earth!

This lovely "alien dog", I know it from a movie. It looks watery and fluffy, and everyone will like it just by looking at it. It can do anything, cry, be sad, be happy and have everything. What's even more surprising is that fireworks will be released in its mouth! No different from humans.

The story takes place in an ordinary but seemingly incredible poor family. This powerful story background is easy to make people sing bad. After all, in the vast sea of people, there are always richer people in the eyes of the rich, and they will sigh for their inferiority. . . In addition, it is human nature, and it seems natural for the weak to get help. . .

When Master Xing was rescued by the alien dog "Changjiang No.7", I was not only moved when Xiao Di saw his recovered father hugging her and promising to be obedient in the future. Yes, we will all be disobedient sometimes and even quarrel with our parents. At the most angry moment, we will have a hostile and even hateful mentality to confront our parents. However, when the careful door opens, will we regret our impulse?

There is another detail that I also appreciate. Changjiang VII has no super powers. It will be scared away by the big dog, and it will be helpless when the little Dickie scores zero. However, it uses its energy to start the electric fan just so that Xiao Di can have a good sleep at night. I think this plot arrangement is very clever. Yes, it's not like Dora's Dream, no matter what its owner does to its novel idea. It will give its full support. On the contrary, in the eyes of Xiao Di and his son, it is just like an ordinary pet dog, but its appearance is different, which is exactly the case. When it exhausted all its energy to save Xiao Di's father and became a puppet forever, Xiao Di and his son were puzzled by its deep sleep. . .

At the end of the movie, I fantasized that I would have a space dog like Changjiang VII. Although what I said is like a child's dream, I still smiled and said to myself that as long as I cherish everything I have, the Yangtze River No.7 will always exist in our love and gratitude. . . And always full of energy. There are many touching things in life, such as the stars in the sky, the rice in the rice bowl and the waves in the sea. This event is the most dazzling star in my mind!

3. Comment on a 200-word composition "Water Margin"

1. "Water Margin" tells the heroic story of 108 heroes headed by Song Jiang from Juyi Liangshan to courtship, to the defeat of Liao soldiers, and finally to the extinction of traitors, but they were murdered by traitors. After reading the whole book, only one word left a deep impression in my mind: righteousness.

Righteousness can be interpreted as justice. A person with a strong sense of justice is a person with noble spirit. How many heroes have given their lives for righteousness through the ages? Aren't they afraid of death? They can risk their lives for justice and truth, because a strong sense of justice clearly tells them what not to do and what is worth fighting for with their lives. A person without a sense of justice will not understand this. Because his sense of justice has been swallowed up by numbness, his struggle has been frozen, but his soul has been assimilated by some ugly things in society.

Thoughts on Reading Robinson Crusoe

I read Defoe's Robinson Crusoe during the Spring Festival holiday. I was deeply attracted by this book, which made me realize Robinson's amazing perseverance and indomitable spirit.

After reading this book, I was deeply moved. It is really commendable that a person can still be so full of confidence in life in a desperate situation, bravely face life and create life. It made me realize that whenever and wherever people encounter difficulties, no matter how big they are, they should not be intimidated. They should face them bravely, overcome them, and always keep a positive, calm and optimistic attitude to face and challenge bad luck. Only in this way can we always be winners like Robinson.

I read the novel How Steel was Tempered several times during my holiday. It is one of my favorite extracurricular readings, and I can recite all the paragraphs about the meaning of life!

How should people live to be meaningful? Paul. Kochakin answered this question with action. After his disability, Paul didn't lose heart, but also studied hard, worked hard and started literary creation. Later, he went blind, which was a heavy blow to the paralyzed people! But he resolutely picked up the pen, groped and insisted on writing. Every time he writes a word, he has to work extremely hard. After tenacious efforts, he finally succeeded in writing the first chapters of the novel Born in the Storm. Looking at it, I couldn't help but burst into tears and surge of emotion. Paul. Kochagin's determined face seemed to be right in front of my eyes. Ordinary soldiers like Paul have a stronger will than steel. What is this power that motivates him? After reading this book, I finally understand that this is the greatest and most magnificent proletarian cause calling him to create miracles, which is the driving force for his tenacious struggle against disease.

4. After reading the composition, I read the 200-word Teahouse.

Teahouse, a place to chat with each other and mountains and seas. Who would have thought that this could reflect a big social problem! Unless a master with a unique perspective makes it "alive", the teahouse will never have a deeper meaning. And that man, Lao She, the master of language, used his unique perspective and technique to make the language of the whole script bloom with colorful life.

Lao She was born in a big courtyard in Beijing, a poor Manchu family named Shu. My father is an army guard and my mother earns money by washing clothes. After his father's early death, life was even more embarrassing, but the god of luck took care of Lao She. First, he sponsored Lao She to go to school for a philanthropist, so that he could receive a good education. With Lao She's unremitting efforts. He has grown up and achieved something. In the later creative process, what deeply influenced him was the situation at that time. The reason why the teahouse has the characteristics of "seeing the big from the small" is also closely related to its civilian background. Similarly, Lao She's technique is unique. One of the most prominent points is that there are only three acts in the whole drama, one for a period of time, which is simple and clear, and easy to show the plot. From the failure of the Reform Movement of 1898 in the late Qing Dynasty, to the separatist regime of the northern warlords in the early Republic of China, and then to the eve of the collapse of the Kuomintang regime, it is not so much a time change as a historical change.

Lao She, whatever you want to convey to future generations, at least Teahouse has benefited us a lot. I can't comment on its advantages and disadvantages. In front of you, I can only say, "Thank you! Thank you for leaving such precious wealth to young people. "

5. Articles about life perception (about 200 words) Years are random-Life perception Years fly by, and I often think of Confucius' famous saying: "Stand at thirty, be puzzled at forty, know your destiny at fifty, and be obedient at sixty." This sentence contains too much philosophy of life, which is the coordinate for China people to locate their life time. When I was young, I was curious about the outside world and everything, but I couldn't find the answer myself. It is a kind of external dependence. What teachers say on TV, in movies and in books is authoritative and the source of knowledge. I remember when children were young, what they argued was often based on what the book said. The book is about sword of honour and the gold standard. When they reach the age of thirty, they can decide their own life path. In fact, I don't need too much curiosity and less dependence on the outside world. But I haven't reached the point of "no feeling", and my perception of the world is still very thorough. "Forty without confusion" means that I really have a complete understanding of the outside world and my life has a prototype. There is nothing to be curious about. What I don't know is because I don't do that, so I don't need to know. If I think "forty without gain", it is because. There is no good platform. But people at this stage often feel that they are in a hurry and have reached the peak of their lives. If you don't act, there will be no chance, and your age savings will soon run out. Every time I think about the passage of time and the absence of years, they are half afraid and half uneasy. They should be anxious to get angry. If they can live to be 500 years old, these anxieties will be much reduced.

6. Write down your feelings about reading (200 words) "Self-confidence makes you stand out"

A painter drew a sketch of a beggar begging on the roadside. At first, the beggar didn't recognize the conceited man on the paper as himself. He was obviously shocked when the painter pointed it out to him. After a long time, he firmly told the painter: "If this is the person in your eyes, then he must be me in the future." Sure enough, a few years later, he reappeared and had a successful career.

This is a short and pithy story published in The Reader. Tell such a thought-provoking philosophy of life: self-confidence can make life more exciting!

The journey of life is full of thorns. Whether you can reach the ideal highland depends on whether you have the courage to cross the past. Of all the elements of this kind of courage, the most crucial thing is of course self-confidence. You don't have to think about how difficult the road ahead is, but believe: I can definitely walk there! Then get up the courage and stride forward; Instead of blushing and shyly saying to myself, "I ... can't."

If you don't be the master of life, you will only become a servant of inferiority! I will lose my youth in worry and jealousy. Believe in yourself and stride into the thorns! When you come out scarred, warm sunshine will spread all over your body, and every pore will feel golden joy. Only those who have experienced hardships will understand how important self-confidence is to success. So, please tell yourself loudly: "I can do it!" "

Answer questions in class, and don't hesitate for fear of possible mistakes. Don't worry about others' ridicule, because only you are the giant who stands and talks! While others, just sit obedient dwarf. Believe in yourself: I can do it!

On the court, watching your classmates relax on the runway is like an athlete. Don't back down. Who can walk at birth? Don't get stage fright because you are worried about "bad skills", try bravely and practice more. Maybe in the near future, there will be another fast athlete on the track, and that is probably you! Believe in yourself: I can do it!

Dennis? Wittler once said, "The attitude of a successful person contains many elements. However, the most important thing is to have confidence. " My friend, please hold high the lamp of confidence, which will guide you to find a bright future in the dark.

7. I feel that the composition is 200 words a day. When the calendar is getting thinner and thinner, time draws the day into a straight line. I pulled one end of this thread and ran to the end of it quickly. On this line, I tied many knots, many knots that I couldn't untie. Looking back one year, looking forward to one year. There are regrets and expectations, successes and failures, gains and losses, memories and forgetfulness.

New ideas are coming again. When this member is retro and everything is changing, I will give myself a general explanation. Looking back on the past year, I have gained, paid, persisted, slackened, and had right and wrong. In these 365 days, it is easy to get lost. As the days go by, I get bigger day by day. I believe in 206533.

8. Comment on a 200-word article "If you give me three days of light"

Recently, I read Helen Keller's autobiography "If Give Me Three Days of Light", and I was deeply touched.

If you give me three days of light, it mainly tells the rough life and mental journey of Helen Keller, who is blind and deaf. Her life is only 19 months of light and sound. With the help and care of Anne Sally and other teachers, and with the help of relatives and friends, Helen overcame the unimaginable difficulties of ordinary people, completed her studies at Harvard University, and obtained a bachelor's degree with excellent results. She has been committed to the cause of the disabled, collecting money everywhere, improving their living environment and creating educational opportunities for them. She traveled around the world to cheer for the disabled. Finally, he became an outstanding philanthropist, speaker and educator.

Her world has only dull and silent lonely years.

But she insisted that if I had three days of light-

The first day: I want to see those kind, gentle and touching people who encourage me to live through the "window of the soul"

The next day: I will get up at dawn to watch the night turn into a moving miracle during the day.

The third day: I will spend it in my daily life now, go to places where people who are busy with their lives often go, and experience their happiness, sadness, emotion and kindness.

A philosopher once said, "Courage exists in the soul, not in a strong body." This is a true portrayal of Helen. In the face of adversity, Helen stood up strongly. She is really physically and mentally disabled. As a new generation of college students, they have good living and learning conditions, but lack perseverance. Therefore, this article gave me the greatest inspiration:

First, treat difficulties correctly. Everyone will encounter difficulties in his life. When encountering difficulties, don't be afraid to retreat, but try your best to overcome them. The process of overcoming difficulties is also the process of self-improvement.

Second, try your best to finish everything. A famous person once said, "What's not easy? It is not easy to insist on doing what you should do every day. What's not simple? It is not easy to do everything best. " Yes, it's really difficult if you can follow the above. It's easy to do one thing in one day, easy to do it in two days, and difficult to do it every day. Because this requires not only perseverance, but also perseverance. It's even harder to do everything best. Because this requires not only the above two points, but also a good habit of doing things seriously. If we can do these two things, we can make progress and improvement in our daily life.

Third, we should have an optimistic attitude. In the face of great blows and difficulties, Helen didn't complain about others, but faced them with optimism to gain confidence. Optimism is one of the important factors of success.

9.200 words (***8 articles) After reading Anne in the Green Room, I feel that Anne in the Green Room is well written and the content is very interesting. Very good! 1 1 year-old orphan Annie was mistakenly sent to a couple living in a green house. Because of Annie's cuteness, the couple took Annie in.

So Anne in the green room went to school, and many irritating and ridiculous stories happened ... After reading this book, I didn't like Anne again. She is lively, bold, lovely, smart, kind, and most importantly, she is imaginative and optimistic. In her eyes, everything is beautiful. She likes to talk, and she is always chattering. I hope to make friends with her. I will never be lonely with her.

I hope to be a girl like Annie, a lovely girl. Because girls are cute not because they are beautiful, but because they are cute.

After reading Destiny, I feel that I bought a book in the book city a while ago, called "Dropping Water Hides the Sea", which contains 300 classic philosophical stories. Now I'm going to taste a little story called fate.

"Destiny" is about the fate of two children, one is divined by a monk as the "number one scholar" and the other is a beggar. Twenty years later, the original champion became a beggar, but the beggar became a champion.

God said, "the talent I give to everyone accounts for one-third of his fate, and the rest depends on how he grasps it." After reading this passage, I was very moved.

Grasp, grasp the fate, what a simple sentence, but how many people really grasp their own destiny? Don't blame your own talent, let alone your own fate, because fate is in your own hands and can be changed at any time! If you want. Childhood Past is an autobiographical novel written by Gorky according to his childhood.

It exposed the dark, cruel and inhuman life of the Russian czar. Gorky lived in such an environment since he was a child, suffering from torture and humiliation both mentally and physically.

However, Gorky did not lose confidence in life, but came strong. Gorky's original name was Alexei Macsimovici Peter Skov, and his nickname was Aletha.

He lost his father at an early age and followed his father and grandmother to his grandfather's house. Everything is just the beginning of the tragic fate of the protagonist Aletha.

Grandpa's home is not so much a home as a hell on earth. Grandfather is in charge of everything in the family. He has a bad temper and treats money like life. Aletha, the protagonist, is often beaten up for his mistakes. Two uncles often quarrel and struggle to separate; Women have no position in the family, and let their husbands beat and scold them to vent.

All these have left a shadow on Alisha's young mind. After that, Alisha left her grandfather's house and set foot on the society alone.

He worked as a handyman in many places, during which Aletha was bullied, but he survived. Because he has been supported by his indomitable spirit and belief.

Now, we really don't know when we will be blessed and have nothing to eat and wear. But little Aletha didn't have enough to eat and put on, and he was beaten and bullied.

Scene after scene of tragedy, I can't help but think: what would happen if we lived in the Russian czar period? Do you think it is not a inhabited place at all? The times are progressing, but people are getting weaker and weaker. When encountering difficulties, they want to retreat, escape or take shortcuts. Turgenev said: "If you want to be happy, you must first learn to suffer hardships."

A good life will last only if you pay, and you will get it only if you work hard. Zhan Tianyou's commentary article Zhan Tianyou described that 1905, the Qing Dynasty proposed that domestic engineers independently build the railway trunk line "Beijing-Zhangjiakou Railway".

Under the threat of most imperialist countries such as Britain and Russia, Zhan Tianyou resolutely accepted the arduous task of building the Beijing-Zhangjiakou Railway. During the investigation, Zhan Tianyou often encouraged the staff: "The first requirement of technology is accuracy, and there can be no ambiguity or rashness. Engineers can't say things like' probably' and' almost'. "

When encountering difficulties, he always thought: This is the first railway built by China people themselves, and it must be built. Otherwise, it will not only make foreigners laugh, but also make engineers in China lose confidence.

He always takes this sentence as the driving force for progress, so he is always fearless when he meets difficulties. This makes me have to admire him.

When Juyongguan dug the tunnel, the mountain was high and the rock was thick, and the spring water at the top of the mountain infiltrated into the tunnel. Zhan Tianyou took the lead in carrying buckets to drain water. He often eats and lives with the workers and never leaves the construction site. Zhan Tianyou once put forward three requirements for the whole project: "less money, good quality and quick completion".

After several struggles by workers, the Beijing-Zhangjiakou Railway was finally opened to traffic in September 1909. It was originally planned to be completed in six years, but it was completed four years ahead of schedule, and the project cost was only one-fifth of the valuation of those imperialist countries.

The words and fragments in the article fully express Zhan Tianyou's responsibility to the project, his spirit of taking the lead and his patriotism. Think about ourselves again. If we are as persistent and unflinching as Zhan Tianyou when we encounter difficulties in our study and life, what tasks can't we accomplish and what knowledge can't we learn? If we do everything for the country and the collective like Zhan Tianyou, how many living Lei Feng will appear around us? If we have precise requirements in our study like Zhan Tianyou, will we make mistakes because of carelessness? Although we can't have Zhan Tianyou's great achievements, we should learn from his spirit and excellent qualities, so that the great deeds of Zhan Tianyou, the "father of modern engineers in China", and his indomitable spirit of taking the lead can be passed down from generation to generation.

After reading Pride and Prejudice, Austen's Pride and Prejudice, as she said, is a masterpiece carved on two inches of ivory. This novel reflecting the marriage problem is the most popular among the author's works. It is also her favorite work. Her works vividly reflect the life and social conditions of British villages and towns in a conservative and closed state from the end of 18 to the beginning of 19. Her novels with picturesque social customs not only attracted a large number of readers at that time, but also gave readers unique artistic enjoyment today. She is the first novelist in the history of English novels to realistically describe the ordinary elegance in daily life and inherit it.

10. I remember it was a hot summer, and my mother and I went to my grandmother's house by bus. I quickly grabbed a seat as soon as I got on the bus. After two stops, an elderly grandmother came on the bus. Her shiny hair and wrinkles covered her face, and her rickety back showed the hardships she had experienced.

After getting on the bus, grandma struggled to the back door, and the seats were full. I suddenly felt uneasy: should I give up my seat? Mom says it is a traditional virtue to respect the old and love the young, but if I give up my seat, where shall I sit? I'd better wait for five minutes first. Maybe someone will beat me to it.

For others, five minutes passes quickly, but for me, every minute is suffering from conscience. I've been thinking: do you want to give up your seat?

Finally, five minutes later, no one offered his seat to grandma. I looked at her with some sadness, and my heart was like knocking over a five-flavored bottle-it was very uncomfortable. Grandma's back is very similar to mine. If it were my grandmother, I wouldn't let her stand. I finally got out of my selfish shadow.

I walked lightly to grandma and whispered to her, "grandma, sit down!" " "Said, and helped grandma to sit in the seat.

I looked at my mother behind me and my eyes were full of praise.