Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - The second volume of the fourth grade, new words, pinyin group words

The second volume of the fourth grade, new words, pinyin group words

New words and pinyin words in the second volume of Grade Four:

2? Eaves? Composition? Decoration? Order? Gorgeous? Unique? As usual? Leadership? One step? What if? Harmony? Sweet lullaby? dreamland

3? Comfortable? Sweep? Power? Sharp? River beach? Account? Blink? Fantasy? Bat? Domineering? Owl? complicated

5? Huh? Turpentine? Shit? Dust? A good meal? Noon? Is it hot? Submerged? Struggling? Thousands? Scour? Cut off? Speculation? details

6? Dinosaurs? Heavy? Slow? Pigeons are based on? Later? Describe it? Tunnel? Form? Swelling? Forelegs? Really? Open it? break away from

7? Nano? Nothing can be done. Really? Refrigerator? Function? Vegetable materials? Steel? Invisible? Healthy? Cells? Disease? Prevention? Lesions? Need? deep

9.? Star? Vines? Waves? Never die

10.? Dark green? Light green? Focus? Cross? Coach? Command? Is it neat? beat

1 1.? White birch? Furry? Handsome? Ink bottle? Hazy? Silence? Morning glow? Snow-covered.