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How to read Indian English?

Indian English pronunciation:/? ndi? New Zealand dollar.

Indian distribution:

North America

The ancient Indians in the Great Plains in the west and in the east of North America have similar economic activities despite their different environments. In the western United States-from Oregon to northern Mexico, from the Pacific coast to the east side of the Rocky Mountains-Indians scattered with desert culture make a living by hunting and gathering fruits, but primitive agricultural techniques have been developed.

During the first 1 0,000 years after AD, Pueblo culture developed the technology of building rooms with stones and made great progress in pottery making. 1300 ~ 1700 is a retrogressive Pueblo period. Many stone houses were abandoned due to the migration of residents to the east and south. The modern Pueblo period began in the late16th century, when the Spanish came to settle here. Some characteristics of Pueblo culture and farming methods still exist.

Central America

More than 10,000 years ago, Indians entered Central America between Nicaragua and northern Mexico. The development of agricultural technology can be traced back to around 4500 BC. The steady development of agricultural technology led to the establishment of agricultural society about 2000 years ago. Due to the steady supply of food, small settlements have evolved into big markets, which has stimulated the growth of pottery and other works of art.

The earliest immigrants can be divided into several different cultural branches according to the area where they live. One of them makes a living in the coast, desert and mountains of northwest Mexico. Another Tarasco settled in the Michoacan Mountains. Maya occupied Guatemala, Yucatan Peninsula and part of Chiapas, Mexico.

The cultural characteristics of Central American Indians are that they settle in small communities, take individual families as the basic units, and men and elders dominate. Community activities are centered on the market, and the other center is government agencies, and government officials also preside over religious ceremonies. Although Catholicism introduced by the Spanish is the main form of worship, elf worship, superstition and divination still exist.

South America. See AMERICA

According to archaeological records, South American civilization began in BC 10000, when the first immigrants from North America and Central America arrived. They settled in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina, southern Chile, the south-central plain of the Grand Canyon and parts of the central Andes. Their group is based on blood relationship, and their class is determined by gender and age. These nomadic groups were later replaced by highly agricultural clubs.

The farming society is located in the Arawak coast and inland forest areas of Brazil and Darius. Because they have abundant food, they can maintain a large and stable social unit. Other ethnic groups who settled in the Caribbean coast and the northern Andes developed more complex social organizations based on military and religious ceremonies and supported by agricultural technology.