Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Nazi uniform?

Nazi uniform?

The yellow uniform was the main color of the uniforms of the stormtroopers in the early Nazi period, and the Nazi main color photographed on a color film of 1936 Nazi National Day was also yellow or brown. The stormtroopers were the armed forces before the Nazis came to power. Her leader was Hess, but with the Nazi coming to power, Hitler wanted to have his own guard, which was gradually replaced by Himmler's SS. When Hess left England at 1940, the stormtroopers officially withdrew from the Nazi stage.

When Hitler met Mussolini at 1936, he and most officials (such as Marshal brauchitsch, General Wilhelm Keitel, etc. ) also wore this uniform, but she was not the uniform of the Nazi regular army, including the SS. Most of Hitler's early photos were also Hessian costumes, which were rare after 1938.