Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - (Rotation) The Fourth History of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty

(Rotation) The Fourth History of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty

It is said that Pingdong moved eastward and drove to Luoyang. When he saw the bustling crowd and the magnificent palace, he was just like Hao Jing and was overjoyed. The capital has been decided, and the governors of the four sides have expressed their congratulations and criticized the products of various countries. Only Jing Guo didn't come to congratulate him, and Wang Ping negotiated to conquer Jing Guo. The ministers remonstrated, saying, "The barbarians lived in an uncivilized land for a long time and surrendered to Zhou only after they were conquered. Every year, we only pay tribute to Mao Jing (the name of vanilla). A kind of wool cart, which is used to filter wine dregs during sacrifice, and other things are not asked, so as to win control. Now that I have just moved to the capital, people are suspicious. Whether Julian Waghann's expedition was successful at this time is still unknown. It is better to tolerate Jing Guo and let them feel the kindness of the Zhou Dynasty. If they refuse to repent all the time, it's not too late to conquer when the troops are sufficient. " Since then, have calmed down, no longer discuss.

Qin Xianggong went home. Pingwang said, "Now half of Qi and Feng are occupied by dogs and Rong. If I can expel the dog and Rong, I will give you half of it as a reward for your hard work of escorting me all the way and staying in the western frontier forever. " Qin Xianggong kotow accepted this life. When he returned to China, he reorganized the army and planned to destroy the invading dogs. In less than three years, he was killed to pieces, and generals Ding Ding and Man Suye both died on the battlefield. The dog owner fled far away and went west to the wild land. Qi, the land of wealth, belongs to the State of Qin, which has expanded its territory for thousands of miles and has since become a big country. Beard Weng has a poem:

That year, Wu Wen made a fortune in his hometown. How could he abandon Qin Bang easily?

Qi Feng is as good as ever, and Qiang Qin is the first emperor!

(made a fortune, how can you easily abandon it and give it to Qin?

If the poor land is as dangerous as before, how strong is Qin, and Qin Shihuang annexed six countries? )

Qin is a descendant of Zhuan Xu. Later, his name was that he was a judge from Yao (listed as an official secretary). Hao Tao's son, named Boming, helped Dayu control water, burn vegetation, slash and burn, and drive away wild animals. Because of his contribution, he was made king and was in charge of animal husbandry in Shun Di. Boming gave birth to two sons, Ruomu and Dalian. As in Xu, since Xia and Shang Dynasties, he has been a vassal for generations. When I arrived in Shang Zhouwang, after Dalian, there was a man named William who was very good at walking and could walk 500 miles a day. Fei Lian's son, E Lai, has great strength, and he can peel off the skin of tiger and leopard with his bare hands. Both father and son are brave because of their talents. They are Zhou Wang's minions, helping others to abuse them. Ruined the business and killed Lian He 'e. Fei Lian's youngest son is Ji Sheng, and his great-grandson is Zhao Fu. He was loved for being good at riding horses and was named Zhao, the ancestor of Zhao in the State of Jin. After that, there was Qin Feizi, who lived in Goushan and was good at raising horses. Zhou appointed him and ordered him to raise horses between Jingwei River and Weihe River. When horses grow up, they continue to breed. Zhou was overjoyed, and made Feizi the Lord of the vassal states of Qin, which enabled him to continue to gain the status of worship, and won the title of Qin. Pass VI to Qin Xianggong, and make Qin Bo the assistant king. After acquiring Qi and Feng, it became stronger and stronger, with Yong as its capital, and began to establish diplomatic relations with other vassal States. Xiang Gong died, and his son Wen Gong ascended the throne, which was the fifteenth year of Wang Ping.

One day, Qin Wengong dreamed that a yellow snake fell from the sky and landed on the hillside: "The snake is like a wheel, the son of the most high God. God ordered you to be the white emperor and take charge of western sacrifices. " Then he disappeared. The next day, Tarstone was called to divine this dream. Tarstone said, "White is the color of the west, and sitting on the land of the west is God's command." Sacrificing this god will be blessed. " Then, a high platform was built in Yancheng, and the Bai Di Temple was built, which was called the Temple and sacrificed with white cows. Another animal hunted by Chencang people looks like a pig, but it is covered with thorns and can't be killed. I don't know its name. I want to give this to Qin Wengong. On the way, I met two boys and said to humanity, "This thing is called a hedgehog. It often lies in ambush on the ground and eats dead people's heads. If you hit it on the head, it will die. " Wei also began to talk about people: "These two boys are pheasants, and their names are Chen Bao. If you get a husband, you will be king, and if you get a mother, you will be overlord. " The identities of the two boys were exposed, and they immediately turned into pheasants and flew away. The female stopped on the north slope of Chencang Mountain and became a stone chicken. Look at the hedgehog again. It's gone. Surprised, the hunter ran to the city to tell Qin Wengong. Wen Gong also set up Chen Baodian in Chencang Mountain. There is a big catalpa tree in Zhong Nanshan. Jin Wengong wants to cut it down to make palace wood, but the tree can't be sawed in with a saw. Suddenly it rained heavily and stopped. A person stayed at the foot of the mountain at night and heard a group of ghosts congratulating the tree. The tree god responded. A ghost said, "What would you do if Qin sent someone to pull out your hair and wrap it around a tree with silk?" The tree god remained silent. The next day, the man told Wen Gong what the ghost said, and Wen Gong did the same, and sent someone to cut down the tree, which was sawed off. A green cow came out of the tree and jumped directly into the water. Afterwards, residents near the water saw green cows in the water from time to time. Hearing this, Duke Wen told the knight Hou to attack him. The green cow was so powerful that it hit the knight and made him fall to the ground. Knights have long hair, and cows dare not come out. In the army, Wen Gong made a crown costume for his ancestors at the ceremony of royal ceremonies, and also set up a Nuzhen Temple to worship the gods with Chinese characters.

At this time, Lu heard that the State of Qin had sacrificed to the Emperor of Heaven beyond his authority, and sent Taizai to see Zhou, asking Zhou to promise to sacrifice to his ancestors, but he refused. Hui: "Our ancestor Duke Zhou made great contributions to the Zhou royal family. Rituals and music were made by my ancestors. What harm does borrowing ancestors do to future generations? Besides, the son of heaven can't ban the practice of Qin. How can he not do this? " So he also sacrificed in the same way as the Zhou royal family. Wang Ping knew that he was afraid to ask again. Since then, the royal family of the Zhou Dynasty has been weakening day by day, and the princes have their own authoritarian powers and invade each other, and the world has begun to turmoil. Historians have poems to sigh:

Since ancient times, princes have been hanging on the etiquette, and I have never heard that princes can be in the suburbs.

When Lu Qin usurped power, countries seized power in succession.

Since ancient times, the etiquette of Zhou and the vassal States has been very different. I have never heard that the vassal States can sacrifice with the ceremony of suburban sacrifice.

This time, starting from Qin and Lu, the vassal countries began to monopolize power. )

In addition, Zheng Shizi dug the throne and became Zheng Wugong. Zheng Wugong took advantage of the chaos in the Zhou Dynasty to annex Dongguo and Yidi, and moved the capital to Yidi, which was called Xinzheng. Xingyang is the capital, and there are checkpoints in the city. From then on, Augustus Zheng became stronger and stronger, and together with Wei Wugong, he became a scholar of the Zhou Dynasty (the general name of the three public and the six public, and he was the ruling official of the Zhou royal family). In thirteen years, Duke Wu of Wei died and monopolized the Zhou regime. Because Zheng's capital, Xingyang, is adjacent to Luoyi, sometimes in North Korea and sometimes in his own vassal state, it is also a cinch.

Said the wife, is the daughter of Shen Hou Shi. She gave birth to two sons, the eldest named Duan and the second named Duan. Why is it called Yusheng? It turned out that when Mrs. Jiang gave birth to a child, she did not sit on the grass bed, but gave birth to the child in her sleep and realized it after waking up. His style was taken aback, so he named his son Sheng Mao, and his heart was a little unhappy. By the time he gave birth to his second son, Duan was already very handsome, with a fair face, red lips and white teeth, good at riding and shooting, and high martial arts. Jiang was partial to his second son: "If Duan captured the throne and became a vassal, wouldn't it be ten times better than Sheng?" He repeatedly praised Duan's talent to her husband and said that he should be named Prince. Wu Gongdao: "Young and old are orderly, not disorderly. Besides, I didn't make any mistakes when I was born. How can I waste my long life and build a young one? " Born as Zheng Shizi, he only sealed a small * * * city to Duan as a food city (which was given by ancient governors as a legacy doctor) and named uncle * * *. After Zheng Wugong's death, Sheng Mao ascended the throne as Zheng Zhuanggong, and he still replaced his father as a scholar of Zhou Chaoqing. Seeing that Uncle * * * had no right, Chiang Kai-shek was unhappy. He said to Zheng Zhuanggong, "You inherited the throne and owned a hundred miles of land, but you let a mother's brother live in a small city. How can you bear it? " Zheng Zhuanggong said, "Then do what mom wants." Jiang said, "Why not take the city as a fief?" Zheng Zhuanggong said: "Ruling a city is famous for its preciseness and preciseness. My late king ordered not to enclose it. In addition, everything has been done. " Jiang said, "Secondly, Jingyi (Dayi of Zheng State) is also acceptable." Zhuang Gong kept silent, and Jiang was a little angry: "If you don't promise, you will expel him to other countries and let him find a career in other countries to support his family." Zhuang Gong repeatedly said, "No,no." Only Nuo Nuo excused himself.

The next day, he went to the temple and announced that Duan Shu would go to the temple to give him a fief. The doctor gave a complete suggestion: "That's not true. Without two days, the people have no two kings. Jingyi city wall is as high as 300 feet, with a vast territory and a large population, just like Xingyang. Besides, Uncle * * * is the wife's favorite son. If he is sealed in a metropolis, he is the second king! If you rely on the emperor's favor, I'm afraid there will be future trouble. Zhuang: "How dare you refuse my mother's orders? "Give the letter from Beijing to Uncle * * *. Uncle * * * thanked him and went into the inner palace to say goodbye to Chiang Kai-shek. Chiang Kai-shek stepped back and quietly said to Duan, "Your brother doesn't care about blood, so he treats you badly. It is my repeated entreaties to seal the city of Beijing to you today. Although he obeyed me reluctantly, it was difficult for him to calm down. When we arrive in Jingyi, we should gather the parade vehicles and make preparations in secret. If there is an opportunity, I will make an appointment with you. You send troops to attack Zheng's army, and I will be the inside man, so that it can be handed over to you. If you can replace the king, I will have no regrets in my life! "* * * Uncle was ordered to live in Jingyi immediately. Since then, people all over the country have changed their views and called him Uncle Jing.

When Duan moved into the new house, slaughterhouses in the western border town and the northern border town came to congratulate him. Duan Shu said to the two men, "The place under your jurisdiction is now my fief. From today on, all taxes and levies will be handed over to me, and the personnel carriers will also be requisitioned by me. You must not violate it. " They knew that granduncle was Jiang's beloved son and was expected to succeed him as king. Today, I saw that he was personable and talented, and he dared not disobey and promised himself. Great-uncle went out of the city for training on the pretext of hunting every day, and collected the ranks of the western and northern cities and incorporated them into the army. Yan He was captured on the grounds of hunting. The leaders of the two counties fled to the state of Zheng and told Zheng Zhuanggong in detail about the uncle's invasion of the counties. Zhuang Gong laughed without a word, and some of his ministers shouted, "Duan can be killed!" Zhuanggong looked up and the speaker was Lu, the son of Shangqing. Zhuang Gong Zheng: "What does Zifeng think?" Zi Lu said, "As soon as I hear that I am a courtier, I can't rebel. If I resist, I will be punished. Now that the family has the favor of the Queen Mother, it is stable outside, and my uncle is training day and night, and he will not stop until he usurps the throne. My Lord will use a deviant division (in the old days, it meant the army with the main force and two wings to assist in the operation) to attack Jingyi and tie my uncle back to Xingyang, so that the future trouble will be avoided forever. " Zhuang: "Duan hasn't rebelled yet. How can we punish him?" Zifeng said, "Now he has taken the cities on both sides to Yanzhou. Who can carve up the land held by the late king? " Said with a smile, "Duan is Jiang's beloved son and my beloved brother. I would rather lose my land. How can I hurt my brother's righteousness and break the love between mother and son? " Lu, my son, advised, "I don't want to lose my land, but my country." Now people are panicking. Seeing that uncle's power is getting bigger and bigger, everyone is waiting to see when he will take power. Your master can tolerate your uncle now, but I'm afraid he can't tolerate your master in the future. It's too late to regret it! Zhuang: "Ai Qing, don't talk nonsense like this. I will consider it. " The son went out of the temple and offered a full sacrifice to Zhengqing (Shangqing, the highest ruling minister of the vassal state in the Spring and Autumn Period, whose power was second only to that of the monarch): "I am very worried that your master neglected the state affairs because of the love of the flesh and blood in the palace!" Sacrifice foot massage: "Your master is wise and SHEN WOO, and this matter will not sit idly by. Just because there are many eyes and ears above the big court, it is inconvenient to leak; You are a courtier related to the monarch (son Lunai is Zheng Wugong's younger brother). If you ask for an audience in private, you will know that your master has his own opinion. "

Hearing this, the son Lu went to the palace gate and asked to see Lord Zhuang again. Zhuang Gongdao: "What's the point of Ai Qing coming again this time?" Zilu said, "It's not satisfactory that the mother of the country (called the emperor mother as the mother of the country in ancient times) is king. In case of internal and external collusion, the incident will happen around the master, and Zheng will not be owned by the master! I can't sleep well, please come and see me again. " Zhuang: "This matter concerns the mother of the country." Lu said, "Did you know that Duke Zhou killed Guan and Cai? As soon as it is interrupted, it is chaotic. I hope your master will make a decision soon. Zhuang: "I have planned something. Although Duan broke the law, he did nothing obviously rebellious. If I punish him at this time, the mother of the country will certainly obstruct it and attract criticism from outsiders, not only calling me my brother, but also my unfilial son. I won't punish him now, let him do whatever he wants, be arrogant and unscrupulous. When he really rebelled and publicly punished his crimes, the people of the whole country would not dare to help, and the Jiang family would have nothing to say. Zilu said, "Your master's foresight is beyond my reach. But worry is getting stronger every day, and it can't be cut off like a weed. So what can we do? Master, if you must wait for him to strike first, you'd better provoke him and make him act quickly. Zhuang: "Do you have a plan? Lu Dao: "My master has been away from Beijing for a long time, only because my uncle is in Beijing. "。 Now that Zheng is almost the same as Zhou, my uncle will think that the national situation is empty and attack Zheng. I will lead troops to ambush near Beijing in advance, and when my uncle leaves the city, I will enter the city to occupy this place, and my master will kill him all the way from Yan. Even if he gives birth to wings, he can't fly out of the encirclement. Zhuang: "Ai Qing's plan is very good. Don't reveal it to others. " Childe Lu said goodbye to the landlord and went out of the palace gate, sighing, "I didn't expect it to be a bell sacrifice."

Early the next morning, Duke Zhuang gave a false order to let the doctor sacrifice enough to supervise the country and go to Zhou Guo to meet Zhou Fuzheng. Jiang was overjoyed and thought, "Duan has a chance!" At present, I am writing a secret letter to send my confidant to Beijing, and I have an appointment with my uncle to attack Zheng in early May. At this time, it was the end of April, and his son Lu sent someone to the road in advance, caught the messenger, killed him immediately, and secretly sent the letter to Zhuang Gong. The landlord read the letter, repackaged it, and sent someone to send it to Uncle under the guise of his family. When you get a reply, you will know where to meet on the fifth day of May, and you will stand on the rostrum. When the landlord got this letter, he said happily, "Duan's confession has arrived. How does the ginger family live? " Going into the inner palace to say goodbye, only saying that it was last week, but actually going. Needless to say, Lu Zi, the childe, led hundreds of people to ride on the frame and ambush near Jingyi.

It is said that my uncle received a secret letter from his mother, Chiang Kai-shek, and negotiated with his son, Gongsun Slip, to let Slip borrow soldiers from Weiguo and pay a heavy bribe. I led the soldiers and horses in Beijing and the towns on both sides, and under the pretext of being ordered by Zheng Bo, I invited Duan to supervise the country and pay homage to the military flag, and all of them went out of the city with a bang. Childe Lu sent ten chariots in advance, disguised as businessmen, sneaked into Beijing and set fire to the towers when his uncle sent his troops. Childe Lu saw the fire and killed it immediately. People in the city opened the door to meet him and wanted to occupy the city without other forces. Immediately released a list to appease the people, and the list added that Zhuang Gong was kind and filial, and Shu Tai was ungrateful. The whole city is talking about my uncle.

Besides, less than two days after uncle sent troops, he heard the news of Jing Yi's accident and panicked. He turned around and rushed to the city outside the city overnight to prepare for the siege. I saw my soldiers whispering in succession. It turned out that someone in the army received a letter from his family in Beijing, saying that Zhuang Gong was virtuous and his uncle was unkind and unjust. The news passed from word to word, saying, "It is difficult for us to go against the right path and commit crimes." Dispersed in a roar. Granduncle ordered the military parade, and he has already gone more than half. Knowing that people's hearts had changed, he hurried to Hu Yi to regroup the soldiers. Unexpectedly, Zhuang Gong's soldiers and horses had already entered the city. His uncle said, "The city of * * * was my former fief." So he went into the city of * * * and stayed indoors for self-defense. Lord Zhuang sent his troops to attack the city. Siege a small city, where can you resist the two armies, such as Mount Tai laying eggs, which will soon be broken. When my uncle heard that Zhuang Gong was coming here, he sighed, "Ginger misled me! How can I face my brother now? " Then he killed himself. Mr. Hu once had a poem:

Pettigo only occupies a big seal and should be in the palace.

Who knows that public opinion is hard to bear, born in Beijing, died in * * *.

Dear brother is very talented. He has occupied Beijing as a fief, and there are also people who should be in the palace.

Who knows that public opinion is hard to violate, so he was born in Beijing but died in * * * city. )

Another poem said that he deliberately tolerated Duan to wait for him to rebel in order to block his stylistic words. What a treacherous man through the ages. The poem says:

Children rely entirely on education to develop evil and get into trouble.

As soon as Beijing was enfeoffed, Uncle Cao mastered it first.

The younger generation grew up under the education of their elders, but indulged in evil deeds here, which eventually led to disaster.

From the day Jingyi became a fief of Shu Tai, Shu Tai's every move was actually under the control of Zheng Zhuanggong. )

Zhuanggong touched Duan's body and burst into tears. "Silly! As for this! " So he stopped, and Jiang's letter to Duan was still there. Write an uncle's reply, let people send it to Zheng and then present it to Chiang Kai-shek. Immediately ordered someone to send the Jiang family to Yingdi for resettlement, and left a message: "I won't see you until the day of dumping the grave!" After reading two letters, Jiang was ashamed, at a loss, and ashamed to see Zhuang Gong himself. Also immediately out of the palace, went to YingYuan. When Zhuanggong returned to Beijing, he didn't see Jiang's family. He didn't realize his conscience and sighed, "I had to kill my brother, but I couldn't bear to send my mother away." This is really bad for my family. "

It is said that Yingdifeng's man is Uncle Ying Kao, who is honest and selfless and has always had a good reputation of filial piety and friendship. When the landlord saw that Jiang's family was sent to the British emperor, he said to humanity, "Although the mother of the country has not done her duty as a mother, her children must not go against the way of their children. Master, this is really detrimental to education. " So I found some owls and came to see Lord Zhuang in the name of sacrificing game. Zhuang Gong asked, "What kind of bird is this?" Uncle Yingkao said, "This is an ostrich. You can't even see Mount Tai during the day, but you can see autumn at night. I know the little things very well, but I can't see the big things. When it was a bird, it was fed by its mother, but when it grew up, it pecked its mother. This is an unfilial bird, caught for human consumption. " Zhuang Gong was speechless. Just as Zaifu (Tianguan Jinzeguan of Zhou Dynasty) was steaming sheep, Duke Zhuang ordered someone to cut off the shoulder of a sheep and give it to Uncle Gao. Uncle Gao only picked the best meat, wrapped it and put it in his sleeve. When the strange landlord asked him why, Uncle Gao said, "I have an old mother at home. My family is poor, and I am a little full to get some game every day, so I can't eat so much good meat. Now my master gives me meat, and my mother can't taste it. How can I swallow when I think of my mother? So I brought the meat back and wanted to make soup for my mother. " Zhuang Gong Zheng: "Ai Qing is a dutiful son." Say that finish, feel sad with a sigh. Uncle Gao asked, "Why does your master sigh?" Zhuang: "You support your mother and do your filial piety as a child. Although I am a vassal, I am not as good as you. " Uncle Gao pretended not to know and continued to ask, "Mrs. Jiang is still alive and not sick." Why doesn't your master have a mother? " Zhuang Gong told Gao Shu in detail that his tattoo was intended to attack Zheng with Uncle * *, and later he put the tattoo in Ying. "It's too late to regret. I have sworn to see you in the grave." Uncle Gao said, "My uncle is dead, and Mrs. Jiang has only one son, that is, the master. If you don't support him, what is the difference between him and a thrush? If we regard meeting in the grave as our master's regret, I have a way to solve it. " Zhuang Gong asked, "How to solve it?" Uncle Gao said, "After digging, dig a basement when you see the spring water. First, take Mrs. Jiang to live in the basement and tell her how much her master misses her. I think this lady misses her son as much as her master misses her mother. When the master met Mrs. Jiang in the basement, he did not violate the oath of the deceased. " Duke Zhuang was overjoyed, and immediately ordered Uncle Kao to recruit 500 strong men. He dug more than ten feet deep under Niupi Mountain, and a spring water gushed out, and a wooden house was built by the spring water. The basement was built and a long ladder was put in. Gao Shu went to see Chiang Kai-shek and told her gently that Zhuang Gong regretted it. Now he wants to take Chiang Kai-shek back and be filial to her. Chiang Kai-shek was both sad and happy. Gao Shu first sent the ginger family to the basement of Niupi Mountain, and Zhuang Gong arrived by bus. He went down the ladder to the basement and fell to the ground. He said: "I was born unfilial and haven't begged my mother for a long time." Please forgive me! " Jiang said, "This is the old woman's fault. What has it to do with you?" . Hands to help ZhuangGong up, mother and son crying. So he lifted the ladder and walked out of the basement. Zhuanggong personally helped Chiang get on the bus and took the reins to wait on him. When people in the middle school saw Zhuang Gong coming back with Jiang's family, they all put their hands on their foreheads and celebrated each other happily, praising Zhuang Gong's filial piety. This is all due to Gao Shu's mediation. Mr. Hu once wrote a poem:

Before the grave, I swore that my mother would never marry Elon, and the big tunnel hesitated to see the world.

Uncle Kao can't be pregnant with meat, and Zhuang Gongan is also willing to recognize relatives!

It is unusual to refuse to meet my mother by the oath of the underworld. Meeting my mother in the basement is a feeling of isolation.

How could Zhuang Gong want to see his mother again if Gao Shu hadn't made Zhuang Gong curious with the trick of hiding meat sleeves! )

Zhuang Gong felt that Gao Shu had fulfilled the love between mother and son, conferred the title of Doctor Gao Shu Jue, and shared the military power with Sun Kun. Not to mention.

Besides, * * * uncle's son Gongsun went to invite Wei Jun. On the way, he heard that Uncle * * * was killed and fled to Wei, telling Uncle about killing his brother and imprisoning his mother. Wei Heng is fair: "Zheng Bo violates morality and should punish him for you." So he formed an army to conquer the country.

I don't know whether to win or lose, and see the next decomposition.