Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Excerpts from hexagrams

Excerpts from hexagrams

The preface to the Book of Changes expounds the most complete, clear and simple divination methods in the Book of Changes, and presents the most complete divination: all the divination words and rhetoric of 64 divinations and 384 hexagrams in the Book of Changes are listed in detail for reference. It also analyzes the practical significance of divination and divination from four aspects: wealth, home and health. The clearest diagram of hexagrams: clearly mark the name of each hexagram, and design a graphic label for quick reference. The simplest analysis of the meaning of hexagrams: a vivid demonstration of the explanation and enlightenment of the meaning of hexagrams in a simple way is the best reference tool for studying the meaning of hexagrams in the Book of Changes. The emergence of the Book of Changes stems from the sense of hardship, which is also the biggest reason why modern people learn the Book of Changes for divination-seeking good fortune and avoiding evil. Divination in the Book of Changes is not superstition, but aims to point out all kinds of adversity in life, so that people in it can learn how to adjust their mentality from the guidance of divination, and then look at opportunities and difficulties, success and failure in life with a sound attitude, and avoid getting lost in superficial pride or depression.