Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Are there any articles about Alice College and Xingmeng Angel? Are there any texts about Rose Girl and Guarding Sweetheart?

Are there any articles about Alice College and Xingmeng Angel? Are there any texts about Rose Girl and Guarding Sweetheart?

Alice College:

In the sentence 1, "school がなくなっちゃぅ"

Pinghe のったァリスなのにがするとぅぅ. You're right. You're right.

1 sentence "The school is going to close down ☆"

Oranges and fireflies are good friends studying in rural primary schools. One day, I learned that the school was going to close down. Citrus will use fireflies to stop all this anyway. But at this time, fireflies have to transfer to schools in the city.

The second sentence is "よぅこそァリスへ"

ををってァリスへとたどりぃたたりたた.しかしこのはなӡリスのちしかできできのちししかきき.をにるェロモンのなどななななどににはば.しかもにゞされるハメになり ...

The second sentence is "Welcome to Alice College"

In order to maintain the friendship with fireflies, oranges came to Alice College where fireflies were located. But only people with special abilities can enter this place. Oranges can manipulate flames freely, and teacher Minghai has a hormonal constitution, which is incredible. And what is the purpose of the jujube that suddenly attacked citrus? ...

The third sentence is "ァリスなんかにけてたまるか".

べとをたし, とかァリススへ⾮するこは.しかしがどんなァリスをってぃるのかか.

The third sentence "I won't lose to Alice ☆"

Orange became a student of the academy and saw fireflies again. But oranges are isolated by classmates because they don't even know what kind of ability they have.

The fourth sentence "これがチのァス"

Beisen appeared in front of Chairman Orange, and suddenly two people appeared in front of him. はぃともぎにされてしまぅしかししの𞇯. Self-determination, self-determination, self-determination, self-determination, self-determination, self-determination. しかし, はヒヨコのピヨが Three people stood in front of のにちはだ.

The fourth sentence "This is my Alice ☆"

Citrus and the monitor began to set out for the northern forest. Suddenly appeared in front of two people is the fierce Mr. Xiong! Mr Xiong Gao can take oranges easily. Fireflies came to the rescue at the critical moment and subdued Mr. Xiong with their own invented machine. What appears in front of three people now is actually a huge chicken!

The fifth sentence, "Star-rated はシビビやなぁ"

Sunshine れてァリスとなった citrus. Thoughts and comments on the academy since the beginning of academy life. This completely violates the "ぇられるの". How difficult is the future? The college will start a new life.

The fifth sentence, "The star rating system is so strict."

Juzijun has officially become a college student. Life in the academy is not as pleasant as expected. The comprehensive evaluation of oranges given by Mr. Shenye turned out to be starless. No star will be treated differently from other stars. The school life of citrus began to have new difficulties …

The sixth sentence is "ぅちはみそっかす"? 」

Ability is divided into three parts: primary part, secondary part, single-threaded part and contract part. "Technology Department" is a transient stream of "constitution department" and "predictive ability", while "potential ability department" is the main one. There is no "special ability system" to take oranges. このクラスではめてのたちとぅはてののとと.

The sixth sentence "I am a student of the waste class ☆? 」

Once a week, students in primary and secondary schools disrupt their normal age and classes, attend classes in different departments, and systematically receive Alice's ability education. Firefly and streamer are students of technology department and shape system respectively, and the ability to predict and teleport is potential ability. Invalid oranges are assigned to special ability lines. Orange is going to meet the students of the special department.

The seventh sentence "No けへんァリスドッジ"

Sudden teaching, machine suspicion, machine suspicion, machine suspicion, machine suspicion, machine suspicion, machine suspicion, machine suspicion. はとかをづけよぅとドッジボールゑゑ.しかしみんな々なァリスをぃめはハ.

The seventh sentence "I won't lose ☆ Alice dodgeball"

Suddenly began to skip class, and the uncertain date made the students very worried. In order to refresh jujube, oranges suggested playing dodgeball. In the competition, the students used Alice's abilities, and the competition was in chaos.

The eighth sentence is "じーちゃんにぃたぃ".

ァリスにてからはじーちゃんにをがが. しかしそこにはな〹が! ?

The eighth sentence "I want to meet my grandfather ☆"

Orange has written to grandpa every day since she came to the academy, but the letters that may be sent are like a stone sinking into the sea, and there is no reply. I'm worried that Grandpa's orange will use the invention of firefly "secret satellite" and the divination ability of Yin Wu students to check Grandpa's situation in the countryside, but what Orange and others see is actually ...! ?

The ninth sentence is "great" φ great "

Humans and animals come out with their noses and ears. しかしそれをむが appeared. I don't want to do this. I don't want to do this. One side of the orange is the "Xia Gan" of はがしたにそっくりのロボット.

The ninth sentence "favorite ☆ firefly adults"

Fireflies won the honor award for inventing pig noses and dog ears. Dai Tian, who belongs to a technical department, is very jealous and challenges fireflies. On the other hand, Xia Gan, a robot made of citrus and fireflies, is also trying to help fireflies.

10 sentence "ぅきぅきセントラルタン"

ァリスぁセントラルタンタ in college. かわぃぃぉがちび, ぉとぎののよぅ.はクラスメィトたちとめてこにやっ〭.でもなしのため, ぉぃはラビッしかな.セントラルタンのソワロンンは 125438+00 ラ.どぅしてもホワロンが べたぃはぁる にににぁる ににる に 12

10 sentence "Looking forward to full shopping"

Alice College has a central town, which is a shopping street built with Alice. Oranges and classmates are here for the first time. No star has only 5 Labeth's pocket money, such as the popular candy Hovalen, with the lowest price 10 Labeth. What kind of actions will be taken when citrus tastes Hovalen?

1 1 sentence "ただぃまァリス in special training"

ァリスでボヤぎがが. Citrus was born and raised in Sri Lanka, so Bao put himself into the fire and successfully put it out. しかしそのながのりをかぅことに Mr. Jian Ye. Self-confidence, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Mr Noda, no, no, no, no, no, no. ..

No. 1 1 "full of energy ☆ Alice is undergoing special training for her ability"

There is a great commotion at Alice College! In order to save a student's important property, the orange rushed into the fire. Although it succeeded, it was angered by Teacher Jian Ye. Teacher Noda saw the poor appearance of oranges and decided to give them special Alice training.

In the sentence 12, "がやってくるる"

ӡリスのではクラスにかれてしものを. The special department is を

12 sentence "The expected Oscar Festival is coming ☆"

In the Alice College Festival, all ability departments will plan activities according to their own ability characteristics. Citrus put forward RPG (role-playing) scheme, but senior students and others responded hastily, and the responsible teacher of the Academy Festival, Shenye, refused to let the agency participate ... What efforts will Citrus make?

13 sentence "トップスターをぃかろ"

Eve's Day is on. ァリスのでフェロモンのァリスをつス Group photo of citrus, Linxi, Shengsheng and the stage. しかしがへずしにケガをわせてしま〮.?

Issue 13 "chasing superstars"

Eve's Day is on. Ling Sheng, a graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts and now a famous singer, came to the Academy to perform! The college was immersed in excitement. Oranges and fireflies sneaked behind the stage in order to get a high-definition close-up of Ling Sheng. Oranges accidentally fell off the stage, and inadvertently found that the real purpose of Lingsheng was to take Hyuga Natsume away! ?

"Take the date" in 14 sentence.

Ling Sheng, Zao and Guai! ? そのにわせたとスミレはをみる, jujube rescue! ? しかしにまってれてしハメに! ? Oranges are big! !

No. 14 "Restore the date ☆"

Jujube was kidnapped by Ling Sheng! ? Violet and Wenhua tried to save jujube, only to be caught and imprisoned by Ling Sheng! ? Citrus is facing a huge crisis! !

In the sentence 15, "the academy is へぼろぅ"

Ling Sheng, Li, Li, Li, Li, Li, Li, Li, Li, Li, Li, Li, Li, Li, Li, Li, Li, Li, Li, Li. The arrest, imprisonment and re-imprisonment of Ling Sheng; And he ...

15 sentence "Back to the Academy ☆"

With all kinds of hatred for his alma mater, Lingsheng kidnapped Zhao Wuji for revenge. Violet and orange imprisoned by Ling Sheng must find a way to escape anyway!

No. 16, Lost, Win or Lose ☆ Magic のランプ

The college festival is opening! Ability クラスしァラジンとのランプにををとと ⼲ががりこのァトラクションはに! そしてともびにやってきた! ?

Word 16 "maze chaos ☆ magic lamp"

The college festival is opening! The students of the special forces department created a real RPG game for everyone to experience. The Middle East-style magic lamp spirit played by Tangkan is both cute and handsome. The game won the students' super high support rate! And jujube also participated in this game, how will he behave! ?

17 sentence "蛍のひみつ"

The college festival only won! ポはのピグラ125403 をししのをめる. ?

No. 17 "The Secret of Fireflies ☆";

The College Festival is in full swing! Firefly's introduction to the invention of Pigula attracted a lot of attention. On the other hand, teenagers who take away toy chickens invented by fireflies without permission cause accidents. The potential cadre who appears in front of everyone … What is his relationship with fireflies …! ?

18 sentence "secretly でふたりきり"

はまだまだあく! The potential ability of Chairman Orange is "たちちちのァトラクションぉけけ〫" そのふたりでのにじバられるハメのに.?

18 "Alone in the dark"

The college festival continues! Citrus and others came to the performance stage of the potential department at the invitation of the monitor, which is the haunted house. But it's these ghosts that Citrus is not good at. Panicked oranges and jujubes were trapped in the dark haunted house with power failure. ?

No. 19 "Opening ☆ Sleeping ☆れののののののののののののののののののの1

もすところわずか. The Academy Monument Drama "Sleep, Sleep, Snow, Snow" was performed by the Constitution Department of Liu Jia. しかしひっつきがのたちひっつきこ きょヘルプでにつくことになったたち.しかものはだった! ?

No. 19 "The Show Begins ☆ Snow White Sleeps in the Forest"

The college festival is coming to an end. Snow White Sleeping in the Forest is about to be staged in Liu Jia's department of physical fitness, and it is Liu Jia who plays Snow White. Due to improper storage of sticky balls, most actors are stuck together and cannot perform on stage. The situation was urgent, and people decided to change the play, but Tangkan actually played your highness! ?

The 20th sentence "ラストダンスはと"

ののののののののののののののののののののののののの12 みんなパートナーしに is very excited! Jujube rack, woman, adult. Citrus floats on the shelf. Fruit, orange, who is it? ?

The 20th sentence "Who did one last dance dance with?"

On the evening after the college festival, the annual closing ceremony and commendation meeting were held. After the night sacrifice, you can also put on an angel costume. Students are excited to find their favorite partner! Jujube and ribbon are very popular among girls. Oranges also danced the dance of friendship with streamers. But in the end, who will the orange choose to dance with her last dance symbolizing love …! ?

In the sentence 2 1, "this item refers to the ☆☆☆ Excellent Student Award".

The final exam is coming! のぼりとセントラルタンタをとれば1.

No.21issue "Goal Award for Outstanding Students"

The final exam comes as scheduled! If you can get the top student award, there will be a monthly reception voucher for the central city and a week-long reward for exploring the countryside. After learning about this situation, Citrus, who missed Grandpa, decided to take the top student award as the goal and start remedial study!

In the 22nd sentence, "ベァとと様".

"Humanoid をつくるとそのにをらせてまぅァリか"

Twenty-second sentence "Bear and His Royal Highness the Prince ☆"

Sheng Yuan has the ability to "give the marionette Alice a soul" and he will be discharged from the hospital. It is he who made Mr. Bear. After learning about it, Orange thinks that senior students should not make such cruel puppets. Senior Wing told Citrus to understand the importance, and let Citrus know that the important Alice ability type is actually the type whose life will be shortened after each use …

Twenty-third sentence "サーカスがやってた"

ァリスにマスクドぃるサーカスがや On the one hand, it is better to know why than to know why.

The 23rd sentence "Deng Yongqiang ☆ The circus is coming".

Masked Q leads the circus in the college. The wonderful acrobatics and animal performances fascinated the students. Oranges infected by circus enthusiasm made anti-Alice remarks in physical education class, which made Mr. Shenye very angry. On the other hand, Liu Jia learned the true face of masked Ah Q.

The 24th sentence "Mr Minghai, shh, shh, shh, shh."

Tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired. The "たちはをろぅと" resistance of oranges and the "にたてこもる" chaos in classrooms, Mr. Minghai and Mr. Li. Flow frame, flow frame and flow frame?

The 24th sentence "Teacher Minghai is a liar ☆"

The task entrusted by the mask is getting stronger and stronger, which makes jujube's body overwhelmed. Citrus and others resisted in the classroom to protect jujube. The students in the chaos won't even believe the class teacher Ming Hai. On the other hand, the streamer was brainwashed by Ling Sheng's mask Q. ?

Special article (broadcast after episode 24)

☆もぅ ぅ ぅ ぅ ぅ ぅ ぅ ぅ ぅ ぅ ぅ

Episode ☆ Want to meet again to review the first 24 episodes (introduction)

The 25th sentence "Learn from the Academy ☆☆"

レォのでサーカスのたちが Let's go! ? Stop being a student. Don't be a student. Don't be a student. The college is a mess! そんな, とレォのが々にかされてゆく Mr. Minghai?

The 25th sentence "recapture the academy ☆"

The animals in the circus began to escape because of Bell's plot! ? Ling Sheng brainwashed the students again ... Academy chaos! Among them, the past fetters between Ling Sheng and Ming Hai began to surface.

The 26th sentence "Friendship ☆ェンドレス"

Pinghe のったァリスなのにがするとぅぅ. You're right. You're right.

The 26th sentence "Friendship is endless"

The academy was quiet again ... Orange suddenly learned that fireflies were going to study abroad! The separation from fireflies hit the citrus again. Under the guidance of jujube, depressed citrus is determined to show its sincerity to fireflies.

Star dream angel:

Television first season catalogue

1. Kirari Idol Revolution

Kirarin, a lively and cheerful girl, 14 years old. She is in Grade One. One day, she suddenly met a mysterious man in the street (this man is Xitian), beat her up and left. Later, she saw a turtle in a tree and saved it out of kindness. Who knew that this turtle belonged to Nishida just now? Because of his smile and kindness, Kirari fell in love with him. Later Nishida gave her one. Because it was too small to squeeze in, he took another passage, and then a boy jumped down and told him to get out of the way. When she had a bad impression on Zhou, Zhou tore up her ticket again. Kirari strolled to the venue to see Xing Si, fell from a height and fell to the stage, saying, "I want to be an idol!" In the noise.

2. Pop-up ship audition

In order to get close to the stars, Kirari wants to be an idol. He learned from the magazine that there was a boat audition, so he went to it. He didn't pay attention to the requirement that only boys can participate. In desperation, he disguised himself as a man and took part in the audition of the seagoing ship. Finally, in order to save his friend Xiao Nai (a brown kitten), he exposed his identity, but he got the consent of the president of the village west office and debuted as an idol.

3. Ah, the target's first advertising project.

With the consent of the president, she competed with Alina Ogura for the cake advertising plan. With the help of Zhou Ren, she knows nothing about making cakes. Kirari can make delicious and beautiful cakes. In order to get this advertising program, Alina told Kirari the wrong information, but fortunately, with the help of Zhou Renxing Si, Kirari caught up with the competition. Alina deliberately tripped Kirari and let the dough spill on her. Fortunately, with the help of Zhou Ren, it didn't spill on her. Alina deliberately let the pet candy trample on Kirari's cake, and then pretended to be sorry and gave her a cake with a lot of peppers, leaving her speechless. However, she resisted discomfort and said her lines with tears in her eyes, which won the approval of the boss of Nice Cake and starred in the advertising program of this cake.

4. Oh, my God! Dad, objection! ?

The president and agent plan to visit Kirari's home and explain to her elders that they want Kirari to be an idol. But who would have thought that Kirari's father actually disagreed, and Kirari asked the President to give him some time. After Kirari's dismissive efforts, his father finally agreed.

5. Impossible? First job.

The president (a mouse) decided on Kirari's first job, but Alina tampered with it and replaced it with a depressing job. Alina let the host interfere with Kirari several times, but everyone laughed, because of Kirari's confidence, which restored the confidence of the host.

6. Weak idol practice

Kirari was valued by the president of Rainbow Cosmetics Company Hongchuan, and was invited to appear in an advertisement, but Kirari's answer was not in line with the expectation of President Hongchuan. Finally, he was very satisfied with President Hongchuan, because he got the advertisement through his own efforts.

7. Wave and Singing Challenge! !

Mr Lian Tian took a fancy to Kirari and came up with her first album. I didn't expect Kirari's voice to be ugly. Kirari went to many music training rooms, but they were all kicked out. Finally, with the help of Xingsi, he could sing with a good voice, and the first album released sold well.

8. Ah, wow, wow, wow, this is the first live broadcast.

Alina knew that Kirari would be broadcast live on the stage for the first time, so she blocked her way and took Xiao Nai away, so she couldn't attend the live broadcast. Kirari told SHIPS that she couldn't sing without Shawnee, but she promised that they would come back before the live broadcast. Finally, Kirari finally found Shawnee and caught the live broadcast.

9. debut! Phantom Shi Lan

Recently, things around Kirari have always turned into marine life. It turns out that my favorite childhood sweetheart Lan married him just to make him an idol. Kirari refused and stopped the press conference, but it was handled easily, and Lan stopped her.

10. The expected idol school transfer

Kirari found that there were many fans at the school gate, which made her unable to attend classes normally. The president asked her to transfer to the school where SHIPS attended. When I got there, I found out that she and Alina were in the same class. Because Alina was jealous of Kirari, she made up many lies to make everyone hate Kirari, but in the end, with the efforts of Kirari, things were well solved.

1 1. Jesus. I am the heroine! ?

Kirari was selected by Pierre Takada's producer to appear in Sonata for Love and Youth, but when he knew that there was a kissing scene, he hesitated, wondering whether he should continue to perform. Finally, he accepted it with great pleasure. The hero must choose between the star, the main players and Lan. Lan made a hypnotic producer, listened to his words and chose him as the leading actor. When shooting started, Lan gave up and switched the producer back, and finally succeeded.

12. Wow! Play a TV series!

Finally, photography began, but Kirari always failed because he had never been in love and could not find a feeling. So xingsi proposed to go on a date together. Xing Si said that they would be misunderstood if they went out together. On a date, Xingsi saw a beautiful turtle and wanted her to be his wife, so she stopped. Unexpectedly, they separated from Zhou Ren, and Kirari ran into the wall because of shyness. Zhou Ren was very concerned about her and asked Kirari to give her a hand. I'm starting to like Zhou. The next day, the official photography was very successful, and Kirari was very realistic. The director said that he hoped the kiss would be successful. Kirari became shy at the thought.

13. Dear! Dream kiss! ?

Kirari has been worried about kissing, so she can't concentrate on her work. She often gets lost in the program. The star department and the main people are worried about her. The star department encouraged Kirari, and the main figures also tried their best. When the kissing scene was played, there was no real kissing with Kirari, but a curtain was used to block it, leaving only a shadow for the audience. In this way, the TV series was finally completed.

14. Love? Ships? Fight?

On MUSICSTAR, producer Takada Pierre announced that a new duet of Kirari and Hayes will be held on the premiere day of Sonata for Love and Youth. Kirari didn't want to do this, so he couldn't work hard and wanted to quit. When he told the ship, he thought they would understand, but he didn't expect the master to be angry and quarrel with Kirari.

15. Is it love? Did you get into the leaderboard? ?

Kirari told Miss Yunjing not to be an idol, because she hated fighting against ships and then ran home. Kirari usually eats a lot, but he doesn't eat much. The next day, Miss Yunjing took her to meet the people who worked hard for her. Kirari is a little shaken. After the TV series premiered, everyone was very happy, and Kirari cheered up again. Unfortunately, the ship won.

16. What a terrible audition! !

Kirari envied the performance of Good Morning Girls and thought they were very handsome. She decided from the bottom of her heart that she must catch up with them. A supermarket wants to find a lovely girl to be a supermarket idol, so it lets girls participate under the guise of choosing a good morning girl. Kirari saw it and thought it was true, so she went to the audition meeting. I met a strange girl who danced well at the selection meeting and teamed up for the final. They danced happily together. Finally, Kirari learned that the girl was the captain of Good Morning Girl, and the lie in the supermarket was exposed.

17. heartbeat! Only idol swimming club! !

At a lively swimming meeting, I tried several times to let the red team lose, but all failed. With the joint efforts of, Haichuanhe, although the strength is far from each other, we still won the championship, and everyone was very happy.

18. Kirari ... and Ye Sha's fine wine summer vacation.

Kirari really wants to spend the summer vacation, but she is too busy at work. But one day Miss Yunjing told her that her job was cancelled. Kirari immediately called Sayemijiu and said that he would come out to play together, but Kirari was always recognized by fans. On one occasion, Mijiu asked his fans to go out to protect Kirari, while Kirari asked Mijiu to get out of the way to protect his fans, so Kirari had a conflict with his friends. Finally, because of mutual understanding, everyone is happy again!

19. yiyi ~! Terrible surprise report! !

When Srinair and Kirari went out to shoot on location, Srinair was very sensitive to shooting with Kirari. At this time, Shi Rinai's agent quietly said to Shi Rinai, "Shi Hina, this is the first special program for you!" " So Hunnai came up with an idea: In this case, Hunnai must be more eye-catching than Kirari! ... so Irina has been pretending to be cute during the filming. When I arrived at a hotel, I didn't expect the hotel to be shabby and look like a haunted house! Then, a series of things happened. ......

20.NA! Come back, my brother! !

My brother, Ang, came back ~ Ang came back, and he was jealous when he saw that silly Kirari had become an idol and had his own song. In the middle of the night, he sent his kitten to Kirari's room to steal Kirari's itinerary, changed the time in Kirari's itinerary, and then pretended to be Kirari to go to the TV station to record the early morning program. Stupid Kirari doesn't know about it. Still sitting at home and helping my brother Ang make a crown. Then I accidentally turned on the TV and saw myself on TV, and Xiao Nai was also on TV. I suddenly understood that Ange was recording the program instead of myself, so I ran to the TV station. ......

2 1. meow ~! Idol confrontation is super cruel!

Kirari was told to be a candidate for the Hot Idol Award. When she and her agent went to the studio to take a photo shoot, they met a model who was about to debut as an idol-Fujita Chuixue. Blowing Snow looked down on Kirari and thought that Kirari was just a lovely face with no strength. Unexpectedly, Kirari was praised by photographers for his photography, but Chuixue still refused to recognize Kirari, saying that he would take a popular idol award to prove his point of view, and then he did a lot of publicity activities to suppress Kirari. ......

There is no introduction later. ......