Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Where will the astrolabe test and analysis begin to shift recently?

Where will the astrolabe test and analysis begin to shift recently?

Astrolabe test analysis

The following little story is the simplest little secret of transshipment!


Don't! Don't! Don't!

Just, yeah, yeah, play and laugh!

The following is the real test of the turning point of fortune.

【 Divination with card array 】

Fortune telling

Calm down first.


How can you change your luck recently?

by the seat of one's pants

Select 1

Press your option to see the answer.

This deck shows that your life is basically smooth and your relationship is stable. It sounds unlikely that such a quiet life will turn around, but we should know that everyone is growing. This growth does not refer to age, but to mental and self-improvement. Maybe you have this experience: vaguely feel some calls, eager to try, want to try a different style, want to recommend yourself for a position, want to open your own studio?

These ideas are so real that they are not ordinary ideas. They may scare themselves: "How could I have such an idea?" Don't be surprised, most people don't know how to look inward and feel themselves, so their inner voices are often ignored and they are likely to miss a good turn.

The card shows that you can listen to your heart and act in the near future. I will soon see your affirmation of me around me! Moreover, this turning point is both emotional and professional (such as becoming a business partner with ta), or starting to formally consider entering the marriage hall.

This set of cards shows that you are facing a sudden change, which is predictable, but it is too late to avoid it because of the sudden incident.

Usually, people will feel repelled by the changes that change the status quo, especially the changes that are mostly composed of earth signs in the astrolabe. In particular, it should be noted that since the problem already exists and escape cannot be completely solved, you should look at the problem from a different angle, not as an influence or interference on you, but as an opportunity for you to give birth to huó. Face it calmly and change will become a turning point.

For people who are mainly composed of earth signs in the astrolabe, this turnaround is mostly economic.

If you are an intuitive water sign, believe your experience, it will bring you new opportunities and enrich your life.

This deck shows that you are trying your best to do one thing, but now you are exhausted and unable to cope because of some mistakes or thoughtlessness.

However, your heart is very strong, and you have realized that you need to slow down and stabilize the fundamentals at this time. If you are working hard for your studies or career, then you should go back and start from the foundation and lay a solid foundation, so as to seize the upcoming turning point.

The coming opportunity will make you break away from your current life and start a new life. Most importantly, you can get brand-new experiences from it, and these experiences are your greatest wealth.

This set of cards shows that in the near future, family relationships or teamwork will turn for the better.

For various reasons, you were once alienated, but now through your efforts, you have recovered or reorganized. You have achieved some material success recently, which seems to be the reason for bringing everyone together again.

Although you still don't believe that you can relive the happiness of family or friendship, or to put it bluntly, there is a little doubt in your heart: are you worried about material things? However, as long as you are still in this relationship, this is a turning point.

Let bygones be bygones, there is no need to dwell on right and wrong. To some extent, this turning point is also a gain and improvement of your mind.

Astral disk analysis

The sun sets in Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, representing the beginning of everything. Because Aries is the most primitive and the most difficult to subdivide or explain; Therefore, what they have is the simplest self, without any impurities. From the concept of reincarnation, Aries represents the reincarnation of the soul; From the perspective of human life cycle, it represents the birth and early development of children. Aries is a transitional constellation between Pisces and Taurus, which transforms the profundity and otherness of water like Pisces into a stable and practical force like Taurus. Aries represents the first seven years of life, so it has a personality similar to the early development of human life; In other words, from the initial survival instinct, it quickly progressed to the understanding and understanding of the surrounding environment. In this process, the little life slowly learns cognition, language, survival skills and socialization. Aries is like a child, sincere, frank and open, but also very self-centered and naive. Naive Aries looks at the world with admiration and wonder, longs to be a shining star, and always has a warm impulse to what he wants to explore. Generally speaking, they are more inclined to be the focus of attention than to seek tā people to affirm themselves. They are very aware of the importance of both. Although they are so confident, if they don't realize some setbacks, they may disintegrate their high self-confidence, so self-doubt will be the poison of Aries. In fact, just like children groping for learning in the process of growing up, Aries people like to test their physical limits. They would rather get up and do things than just meditate. For them, putting things into action is the best way to deal with things. What bothers them most is that the planned things are blocked or delayed; Therefore, it seems that Aries should learn to take a step back, stand a little further and objectively find out the crux of the problem. Aries people often show a strong desire to lead, but due to the lack of sufficient execution and leadership, sometimes it is inevitable that jué will feel depressed and even feel sorry for herself. They are indeed pioneers full of originality and ideals, but what they are most afraid of is to pursue novelty blindly or become ruthless egoists. The sun sets in the seventh house. People in the seventh house tend to develop close feelings with others. If the phase is good, you will also attract friends with deep friendship, ability and loyalty. Marriage is very important in your life. When the sun is shining, your partner has a lasting relationship with you. If the phase is not good, you may like to control him or be controlled by others. Most of you are used to imposing your will on others. If the sun is not bad, married life will continue to develop smoothly. This situation depends on the popularity at work, the attitude of getting along with the boss and the degree of self-confidence. People with the sun in this position are particularly suitable for public relations and are expected to become excellent salespeople and propagandists. The moon falls in Pisces. People with the moon in Pisces have a strong emotional awareness, and you will use a sponge to absorb other people's thoughts and emotions. And this unconscious super-sensitivity makes you emotionally vulnerable, and as a result, you will become withdrawn and withdrawn to protect yourself from being hurt again. People with the moon in Pisces also have psychic talent, but usually they don't consider other objective factors, so the impression gained by intuition or sixth sense is actually not credible. At the same time, you have a very lively imagination, so you often create very good poems, music and art. Generally speaking, your heart is kind, because you can easily put yourself in others' shoes. But it is also vulnerable to emotional injury and may be delusional by Hao. If the moon is out of phase, people with the moon in Pisces tend to be nervous and mentally ill. And irrational behavior often occurs, and some people may be too shy and shrink back. The moon falls in the fourth house. The moon is in a strong position in the fourth house, and the relationship between the fourth house and the constellation Cancer adds a bit of majesty to the moon in this position. You attach great importance to your family, so you won't be happy unless you can have a happy family life. Family relationships can affect your mood. Among your parents, especially your mother has a greater influence on you. Generally speaking, you like doing housework and cooking, especially women. In terms of career, you will have outstanding performance in food, real estate and household appliances related industries. As far as shortcomings are concerned, you lack psychological harmony and often change your residence. On the bright side, however, your financial situation will gradually improve in the rest of your life. Mercury falls in Taurus, and anything with practical, material and monetary value will affect your thinking mode and decision. Although Mercury in Taurus lacks wisdom and creativity, it has rich practical knowledge. So most of you have smart business minds and are naturally good at management. It often takes you a long time to form your own opinion, but once it is formed, you are unwilling to make any changes. Similarly, you don't like to argue with others or have unpleasant things with others. You rent a house, but you will fight to protect your life safety and financial interests. Mercury in Taurus will only think about things of practical value, so you will concentrate and turn a blind eye to external interference. You won't let miscellaneous things disturb your attention. If Mercury is out of phase, this attitude will make you ignore your stubborn shortcomings instead of seeking improvement. You are also quite artistic. If Mercury has a good phase, it may be gifted in mathematics or physical science, because Taurus's sensitivity to shape and structure can only stimulate its understanding through Mercury. However, if the phase is not good, people with mercury in Taurus may appear stubborn, have strong subjective opinions, attach importance to material life and have more greed. Mercury is in the seventh house. People in the seventh house attach great importance to communication with others and spiritual harmony. You like team work and are good at communicating with the public. You are suitable for sales, public relations and legal affairs. People with Mercury in this position will care about other people's thoughts and tend to seek partners who know and cherish each other. In marriage, you want to marry a smart and educated person. If Mercury is in good phase, it is very talented in arbitration, mediation and consultation, and often has a special preference for psychology. However, you often become a trash can for friends to talk about X and N. If Mercury is in bad phase, there will be a tendency of poor communication with people, frustration in marriage, misunderstanding with peers and non-compliance. Before signing a contract, you should carefully consider the contract agreement. In addition, being opinionated can also cause unhappiness in married life. If Mercury is out of phase, your partner may be unfaithful. Mercury is in the seventh house of shí, and the marriage partner may come from subordinates and the partner is a relative. Venus in Pisces is in a state of "shēng". In this state, the principle of love will reach the highest stage of development, and you will marry for love, regardless of other factors. You know the feelings of others, their positions and feelings, and all kinds of human nature. You are romantic and sensitive. Unless you receive a clear message of love and emotion from others, you will feel lonely and depressed. Sometimes this disappointment will cause distress, which will be transformed into other expressions, or lead to sensitivity or mental illness. You have the ability to create art, poetry and music. Many great composers, artists and poets are such people. This Venus bit has more natural ability to stimulate artistic creativity than other bits. Because you are quite sensitive to other people's pain, people may take advantage of your sympathy unless you develop your own discernment. Your extreme sensitivity G. You are emotionally dependent on each other, or the other person is emotionally dependent on you. If Venus is trapped in Pisces, she may have excessive feelings, lack judgment when choosing a lover, be lazy, be overly sensitive, and be overly dependent on others. Strong feelings may hinder the objective understanding of reality. Venus is in the fifth house. Venus in the fifth house has a strong happy orientation and romantic nature, and will face life with a cheerful attitude. Romance is very important to you; If guǒ has a good phase, you will get happiness and happiness through romantic love. People with Venus in the fifth house have many opportunities to develop relationships. You are very popular, amiable, fond of art and talented, especially in artistic expression. Your social and academic activities are often related to drama and music performances. This Venusian has a deep love for children and will become the most caring parent, teacher and child psychologist. Your child may become an artistic and outgoing girl. Mars in Libra Mars in Libra represents a strong desire to act in social networks. Mars is at a disadvantage here, because Libra is in a distant position from Aries ruled by Mars, so the direct action of Mars needs the approval and cooperation of others to some extent. Because chèng constellation mainly deals with partners and public relations, people in this position on Mars are often the initiators of social activities. They want attention and appreciation, like to cooperate with others, have a strong desire to get married, and think that marriage will bring emotional satisfaction. Such people will look for aggressive and energetic partners, and they also tend to mix their desires and ambitions with those of others. Libra's elegance and delicacy make up for Mars' aggressive and selfish tendency, so Mars is not completely unfavorable in this position. Of all the planets, Mars needs other features most to soften and correct it. In this constellation, Venus brings social elegance, while Saturn brings discipline and caution, so when justice yuán is violated, they will show chū anger, even if they are not victims. Because people who make mistakes are aware of their moral defects, they are quite concerned about moral principles and demand themselves at the same time. If Mars is in Libra and its phase is not good, they may pay too much attention to the social code of conduct. They think that games should be played according to established rules. If it is serious, it will hinder the partnership because of the conflict and argument of will. Mars is in the twelfth house. Mars is in the twelfth house, representing hidden thoughts. Your work and other activities are carried out in private, and you tend to act in secret because you want to avoid public opposition from others. You are good at hiding your desires and goals, and you will have a one-night stand or an affair. Usually, you work in a large organization, so it is easier to disguise or eliminate your personal identity. If Mars is not in a good aspect of this house, you may be plotting something. You will hate others in private, and you will have some enemies you don't know in private. When Mars is not good at pèi, you will be in danger of being locked up in prisons, hospitals and psychological institutions. Sometimes, they go to jail for their professional relationship. This is because Mars has been promoted in Capricorn. You should be more honest and open to your unconscious anger. Jupiter falls in Scorpio, and Scorpio people will participate in cooperative undertakings on a large scale. Most of the industries you are engaged in are related to funeral industry, real estate, fund-raising and insurance. You are interested in religion, mystery and supernatural telepathy; You stick to your principles very much, and this stubborn attitude sometimes makes you a strong opponent. People in Jupiter and Scorpio like to explore other people's privacy, and even make friends with others for some obscure motives. If they are in a bad state, they may be sued for inheritance, divorce alimony, insurance and other issues. Jupiter is in the first house. Jupiter in the first house is optimistic and sociable, and will pay attention to the bright side of life. They are usually honest, trustworthy, friendly and kind, so they are widely loved. Their optimism and self-confidence inspire others, and they usually behave nobly, especially in their later years. It seems that the gods have always cared for them. If the phase is not good, they may get fat, or they may indulge themselves and be arrogant in their later years. In short, they often promise too much, but they can't do it. Saturn in Libra Saturn in Libra brings the fact that "to achieve something of lasting value, even just to prolong a person's life, all human beings need to cooperate with each other, and to be effective, they must continue." However, if a cooperation is sustainable and feasible, it is necessary to distribute all parts of the plan fairly, negotiate with each other and accept the rules when agreeing. Everyone must work hard to finish his work and be responsible for everyone. Most training and appointment must be based on understanding the relationship between people and taking joint responsibility. For example: marriage, business partnership and close friendship, because Saturn is noble in Libra, and Libra dominates the "mutual relationship". Saturn handles mutual responsibilities in Libra, and it also dominates formal legal affairs, so Saturn's people in cǐ sign often become lawyers, judges or arbitrators. Generally speaking, Saturn is located in Libra and manages contractual affairs, including marriage agreements. These Saturn-dominated agreements usually happen when they have nothing to do with others, who usually have unfinished responsibilities and moral responsibilities. Because Libra is a constellation with excellent intelligence and an extremely important constellation, if your Saturn is in Libra, you can usually handle a wide range of business arrangements, such as organizing plans, making legal contracts or assigning people's work responsibilities in cooperation affairs. Saturn's organization and planning ability in Libra is obvious. Saturn's position in Libra suggests his marriage in his later years, either with a business tycoon or with someone with important professional responsibilities. Marriage itself often leads to overload, difficult work and patience. This is a powerful position for Saturn. It brings people social consciousness and social responsibility. If Saturn is in good phase, these people can usually get rich through their ability to get along with others or occupy a place in society. And this ability often means good sensitivity, reliability, wit and organizational ability. If Saturn's phase is not good, it will often bring people too strict attitude towards others or tend to urge others to work. They may lack love, understanding of others and mutual responsibility. Their interpretation of the legal provisions is too narrow, and they don't understand it from the aspect of justice implied by the legal spirit. Their view of justice is often colored by personal views, which makes it more narrow. Saturn is out of phase in Libra, and it also shows a false ambition, which makes people make too many promises, and these promises can only be realized by overwork. Under these circumstances, they can't fulfill their promises, so they are resentful of losing their jobs. Saturn is in the twelfth house. Saturn in the twelfth house spends a lot of time living alone or working behind the scenes. You must endure loneliness and guard against serious mental illness. You know, the enemy in your heart is imaginary, not real. If you serve other people's charity work, kě will drive away your demons. Uranus in Sagittarius Uranus in Sagittarius brings people new ideas about zūng's teaching, philosophy and education. People with Uranus in this position may be pioneers of new religion and educational reform. You have a strong desire to explore religious mysteries and sciences, such as reincarnation, astrology and telepathy. If Uranus is trapped here, it may have dogmatic insistence on eccentric religion and social philosophy, or expect to deny all religious concepts and become a skeptic or agnostic. Uranus' position in Sagittarius brings people's curiosity about foreign cultures, so you often travel long distances suddenly based on the spirit of adventure, have special experiences with other countries or foreigners, and tend to adopt the religions and philosophies of other countries. Uranus is in the second house. Uranus in the second house indicates an unstable financial situation. You are impulsive in making money and spending money. Although you have an unusual talent for making money, you still can't make ends meet, so it may involve unfair money games. You can make money from business in electronics or technology. If things are good, your money can be used for humanitarian and scientific purposes. Neptune is in Sagittarius. When Neptune entered Sagittarius, it also brought mankind into a period of advocating religious and spiritual values. Mankind will return to the embrace of God, and social order will gradually depend on religion and morality. Music and art are also influenced by religious consciousness. The number of trips abroad will increase, which will promote religious and ideological exchanges between different cultures. Humans will gradually become interested in mysterious supernatural phenomena. Religion will influence people through personal inner contact with God, so more and more people meditate or trust the intuitive judgment of the prophet. Because mysterious experience has gradually become the experience of ordinary people, the secrets of human heart will be discovered continuously. Neptune's shortcoming in Sagittarius is that it is easy to wander aimlessly. Fantasy will lead them in the wrong direction, blindly worship religion and believe in wrong predictions. But during this period, people deeply understood the truth that "everything has divinity". Neptune is in the third house. People in Neptune's third house like to share their knowledge with others and play the role of transmitting information, including spreading gossip, so it is very suitable for mass communication. They must pay attention to practicality when thinking. If they receive strict training, their strong intuition can be applied to real life, such as solving disputes with brothers and sisters. Libra Pluto in Libra is a constellation that symbolizes fairness and justice, which is related to interpersonal relationships, social expression and psychology. When Pluto is in Libra, human beings have to reconsider their social responsibilities in order to avoid the destruction of the world. In this awakening process, regarding marriage, if there is no harmonious and stable relationship between individuals, countries and the international community during this period, then after Pluto enters Scorpio, serious world chaos and wars will continue to occur. In the meantime, we must learn to solve domestic and international disputes through law and arbitration. In order to save human civilization, we must give up our hostile stance. Pluto is in the first house. People with Pluto in the first house are strong-willed. Their early environment was full of hardships, which made them accustomed to the inevitable setbacks in their lives after they got old. However, they will hide their deepest fears, tend to be lonely and refuse to communicate with their loved ones. They have strong bodies and sharp eyes, but you can't really understand them just from their appearance. They are very mobile, but they are difficult to cooperate with others. They need to be reborn through constant reflection. This 60-degree phase between the sun and the moon shows a good opportunity to establish friendship and communication skills with the opposite sex, especially to see whether marriage or friendship is harmonious, as well as popularity among friends and good relations with others. Unless there are other conflicting factors in the horoscope, such people are born to be good parents. They always have very deep feelings with their families or the other half of their families. Their tendency can also be extended to their enthusiasm and loyalty to the country and the country. The harmony of emotion and will enables them to express themselves smoothly, and there is no conflict of self-existence. The trine between the sun and Neptune is 120 degrees, just like the trine between the sun and Uranus, which has intuitive ability. The difference is that this kind of intuition is naturally particularly sensitive in terms of emotions, and it is often carried out in the way of understanding the mind, while the former focuses on the individual's mind. Their intuition is usually manifested in art, music, religion, mysticism and their guidance and influence on the hearts of others. These people have a special spirit of fraternity, which can transcend individuals, bodies and sexual desires and make sacrifices for others. When they reach the highest level, they can help people around them to improve their mental level and alleviate their physical diseases. The crisis between the sun and Pluto at 180 degrees comes from the self-suppressed nature of these people, who will constantly complain about the environment or criticize the people around them. These people are very excited when they express their opinions, especially when they try to change the world with their own opinions. When others oppose their own opinions, conflicts will occur immediately. These people symbolized by this split phase can only be reborn through constant self-reflection, and gèng has further established a harmonious and beautiful relationship. This kind of person's expression is direct and oppressive, which will make people feel scared and troubled, so it is difficult for these people to get support and help from others. Emotionally and sexually, they will be overly impulsive. The trine of the moon and Jupiter at 120 degrees brings altruism and dedication to religion. Because they have a generous and kind heart, they will try their best to help others at any time, and they also have a wild imagination. In order to keep calm and happy in private life, these people will make contributions to their families, parents and relatives. This trait is influenced by the moon-controlled cancer, and Jupiter further highlights its advantages. The moon and Uranus meet in a quarter of a 90-degree angle, which brings powerful and extraordinary imagination and extraordinary talent. But they often show unreasonable stubbornness and unpredictable emotions. Sometimes, when they are tired of something, they will not hesitate to give it up and choose another more challenging and exciting job. They will constantly pursue novelty and bring all kinds of spiritual stimulation activities, thinking that they must always update their views on the world. This strong desire makes them willing to give up everything in the past and constantly pursue new fields and new opportunities that can make them more excited and excited. Mercury and Jupiter are at 180 degrees. These people will get into trouble because they promise too many things they can't achieve. They like to chat with friends on the phone for fun, and daydreaming aimlessly is also a feature of this kind of confrontation. These people must pay more attention to details when thinking, planning and speaking, in order to get recognition and respect. If they continue to study for a higher degree, they will also study religion, culture or philosophy, and lack the practical skills needed for life. At this time, he is more prone to escape from the world. Such people think they are smart, but they are easily flustered, and they can't fully express their thoughts when arguing with others, because they will become forgetful under pressure. They can never hide secrets and always exaggerate their self-righteous views at the most inappropriate time. Mars and Uranus are 60 degrees apart, which symbolizes the speed of communication, the accuracy of action, and also brings willpower and courage. Many advantages of Scorpio can be clearly discovered under the guidance of Mars and with the appearance of Uranus. Their unique expertise can bring prestige and status. In all cases, these people occupy an authoritative position and know exactly what they want. Because they are always full of energy, they always work hard. Neptune and Pluto make an angle of 60 degrees. These two planets will maintain a six-point correlation for at least 30 years after May of 1973. Therefore, the impact of this score on the cause and destiny of the world is far greater than the impact on individuals. At the critical moment of historical development, we are lucky to have this sextet. This atomic century can bring more prosperity and happiness to all mankind, otherwise it will mean the destruction of civilization. In a person's astrology, Neptune or Pluto must have an axial angle relationship with other X and ng spheres at the same time, and be strongly influenced by the phase separation formed by other planets. Only in this way can this combination show the supernatural, intuitive, scientific and aesthetic abilities.

Which website is reliable for horoscope?

The first constellation network, established in 2005 and operated by Xiamen Ruijie Network Co., Ltd., includes twelve constellations, fortune telling, psychological test, tarot cards, Duke of Zhou, online fortune telling, zodiac, geomantic numerology, blood type, constellation library, knowledge hall and astrolabe.

The first constellation network contains a lot of unknown knowledge of twelve constellations. How to query your own constellation and astrolabe? There are one or more fascinating myths and legends behind each constellation. You must look at these myths and legends to understand the constellation.

20 13 is a year of vigorous development of the first constellation network. During this year, the website won many sponsorship advertising contracts and introduced the contents of 12 zodiac, which was well received by constellation lovers. At the same time, in addition to some old outstanding writers such as Shui Lan Tears and Xiao Baiqi, a hundred flowers blossom and there is silence, and other new writers have also come out with Ann.