Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Aesop's Fables

Aesop's Fables

Aesop's fable 1 A little crow envied the crow who became a fortune teller.

Crows who can predict bad luck and good luck have gained people's favor.

Seeing all this, the little crow is talking to himself. "If only I could predict people's fate like that crow."

It can be envied that the little crow can't have the talent of that crow.

So it decided to make up a story first.

It happened to see someone coming down the mountain road.

The little crow flew to the branch and sat down.

It looked at the tree, hesitated for a moment, and summoned up courage to say.

"Giggle, giggle! Ladies and gentlemen, I'm here to contribute to your future. "

Passers-by looked up and felt incredible. They laughed at the little crow: "Hey, I was shocked. Oh, you little crow, you are so funny. "

But the little crow pestered passers-by for divination until passers-by couldn't stand it anymore and picked up the stone and smashed it.

The absurd fortune teller had to go back to his nest after being hit by a stone.

Aesop's Fable 2 The Wisdom of Tortoise

A fisherman caught a turtle, so the turtle had a dream to Song Yuanjun, the king of Song State.

That night, in Song's sleep, I saw a man with long hair peeking at a side door and poked around and said to Song, "I live in a deep pool called Zhalu. I went to Hebo on behalf of Qingjiang Water God, and was caught by a fisherman named Yu Qi on the way. "

Song woke up in the morning and thought of this dream at night. He felt strange, so he invited someone to divine the dream. The fortune teller said, "This is a dream entrusted by a turtle to the king." Song Yuanjun asked the people around him, "Is there a fisherman named Yu Qi?" The left and right replied, "There is a fisherman named Yu Qi." Therefore, Song ordered his men to deliver the message and come to appear before the court.

The next day, I came to Song. Yuan Jun asked him, "What did you catch by fishing?" I replied, "I caught a big white turtle with a fishing net." The turtle's back is five feet long. " Song was ordered to offer a white turtle. I hurried home and presented the white turtle I caught to Song Yuan Jun.

After Song got the turtle, he wanted to kill it several times and raise it several times, but he always hesitated. Finally, he had to ask the fortune teller to make a decision. The result of divination is: "It is auspicious to kill this turtle and use it for divination." So, Song ordered people to kill the white turtle, cut open its intestines and use its shell for divination. It was always predicted 72 times, and it succeeded every time.

Later, Confucius said with deep feelings: "This turtle has the ability to give Song Yuanjun his dream, but it has no ability to escape the trap of Yu Yu. Its wisdom can reach 72 divinations without a failure, but it can't avoid the disaster of being cut open. In this way, wisdom has its limitations, and wisdom can't take care of things. "

This story tells us that a person's intelligence, no matter how high, can't compare with everyone's wisdom. Therefore, only with one heart and one mind can we do things more comprehensively.

Aesop's Fables 3 Short Meaning of Aesop's Fables

Wolf and lamb

A lamb is drinking water by the river. When the wolf saw it, he wanted to find a justified excuse to eat him. So he ran upstream and said that the lamb stirred the river and made him unable to drink clear water. The lamb replied that he was just standing by the river drinking water, and he was downstream, so it was impossible to muddy the upstream water. Seeing that the plan failed, the wolf said, "My father was scolded by you last year." The lamb said that he was not born at that time. The wolf said to him, "No matter how you defend yourself, I won't let you go anyway." It can be seen that it is ineffective to find any legitimate excuse for the wicked.

Vole and house mouse

The vole and the house mouse are good friends, and the house mouse goes to the countryside for dinner at the invitation of the vole. While eating barley and millet, he said to the vole, "You know, my friend, you live an ant's life. I have many good things there. Enjoy it with me! " The vole followed the house mouse to the city. The house mouse showed the vole beans and millet, as well as red dates, cheese, honey and fruit. The vole was dumbfounded, surprised, praised and lamented his fate. They were about to start eating when someone opened the door. After hearing the sound, the timid house mouse got into the mouse hole in fear. When the house mouse tried to get the cheese again, someone went into the house to get something. As soon as he saw someone, he got into the hole. At this time, the vole had forgotten his hunger and said to the mouse in a trembling voice, "Goodbye, friend! Eat to your heart's content and enjoy these delicacies in fear. Have pity on me, I still want to eat those barley and millet and live an ordinary life that you despise. " This story shows that people would rather live a simple and stable life than enjoy a happy life full of terror.

Dogs, roosters and foxes

Dogs and cocks make friends, and they travel together. In the evening, the rooster jumped into the tree and perched on the branch, and the dog spent the night in the hole in the tree below. When dawn comes, the rooster crows as usual. A fox heard the cock crow and wanted to eat it. He came and stood under the tree, respectfully invited the chicken down and said, "What a nice voice! It's so sweet, I really want to hug you. Come down and let's serenade together. " The chicken replied, "please wake up the keeper in the tree hole." I can come down as soon as he opens the door. " The fox immediately called the door, and the dog suddenly jumped up and bit him to pieces. This story shows that smart people keep calm in times of crisis and defeat the enemy skillfully and easily.

The lion and the mouse

The lion fell asleep and a mouse jumped on him. The lion suddenly stood up, grabbed him and prepared to eat him. The mouse begged for mercy and said that if he saved his life, he would repay him. The lion smiled contemptuously and let him go. Soon, the lion was really saved by the mouse. It turned out that the lion was captured by hunters and tied to a tree with a rope. Hearing his cry, the mouse went over and bit the rope, set the lion free and said, "You laughed at me and didn't believe I could repay you. Now it is clear that rats can repay you. " This story shows that when fate changes alternately, the strong sometimes need the weak.

Idol seller

Someone carved a wooden statue of Hermes and sold it in the market. Because no buyer came forward, he shouted loudly, trying to attract business, saying that there was a god to bless and sell money. At this time, a man next to him said to him, "Hey, friend, in this case, you can enjoy his benefits yourself.". Why sell him? " He replied: "What I want is to cash in the benefits now, but the benefits of this god come very slowly." This story is about people who seek benefits by hook or by crook and even don't respect God.

Cows and frogs

A cow went to the pool to drink water, stepped on a group of small frogs and trampled one of them to death. When mother frog came back, she saw a son missing and asked his brothers where he was going. A little frog said, "dear mother, he is dead." Just now, a huge quadruped came to the pool and trampled our brother to death with its hoof. "Mother Frog tried her best to cheer up and asked," Is that the beast? Is it this size? The little frog said, "mom, don't be happy." "I don't think you can be as big as that monster. Breathing again will burst your stomach." In other words, smallness can never be compared with greatness. Trees, pomegranate trees, apple trees and olive trees are arguing with each other about whose fruit is the best. Just as they were quarrelling fiercely, the thorn beside the fence heard it and said, "Friends, let's not quarrel any more." In other words, some insignificant people also want to show something beyond their ability in the struggle between the strong.


A mule who grew up eating barley is very strong. Whenever he jumps, he always says to himself, "My father must be a horse that can run well. I am very much like him. " One day, because of necessity, the mule had to be dragged and kept running. When he came back, he sadly remembered that his father was a donkey. This story shows that if people are famous for their blessings, they should never forget their own nature, because life is like ebb and flow, and the future is unpredictable.

The Tortoise and the Hare

The tortoise and the rabbit are arguing about who runs fast. So, they decided the time and place of the game. At the beginning of the race, the rabbit felt that he was a born scud, running fast, taking the race lightly and lying on the side of the road fell asleep. The tortoise knew that he was walking slowly and was not discouraged, so he kept running. As a result, the tortoise overtook the sleeping rabbit and won the prize of victory. This story shows that the hard-working weak can also defeat the complacent strong.

Aesop's fable 4: A dove flew for a long time, but never found water. It's very thirsty. Flying and flying, the pigeon suddenly saw the distance.

There is a big water bottle, and it can be seen that there is still more than half.

"Finally found the water! I must have a good drink! " Pigeons are very happy and can't wait to go there.

A big water bottle swooped over. Unexpectedly, the big water bottle was originally painted on the drawing board, and there was no real bottle.

It doesn't matter if a pigeon hits it. The bottle on the drawing board is still the same, safe and sound, except that the wings of the pigeon collide too fast.

It broke to the ground at once, and it took a long time to recover.

A man happened to pass under the drawing board and saw the pigeon, so he took it home easily.

Fable revelation:

Things can only be done properly if they are done in a hurry. Be eager for quick success and instant benefit, be hasty and reckless, and nine times out of ten you will fail.

Aesop's fable 5 wronged pig

One day, a little fox was walking on the road with a bag on his back and met a little pig.

Fox suddenly remembered something and said to Piggy, "Piggy, can you do me a favor?" ! Can you help me with my bag? My gas seems to be on! "

The little pig saw the little fox in such a hurry and immediately said, "OK, OK! I'll watch it for you, you go! "

Fox heard this and ran home.

After a while, the little fox came back. It said, "I did it. The gas is off. Look at my memory, really! " "

He took the bag and said, "Piggy, thank you for showing me the bag. To thank you, I'll treat you to roast chicken! " "

He opened the bag as he spoke, but when he looked at the bag, he was very surprised. He said, "What's the matter? Why is my roast chicken missing? ? "

It looked up at the pig and said, "Pig, you stole my chicken while I was away!" " "

"I ... I didn't!" Said the pig. I didn't even open the bag! "

The little fox said, "Hum! Needless to say, I have ten chickens in my bag. Please pay me back quickly! "

Facing the aggressive little fox, the little pig had to pay him ten chickens, and the little fox smiled quietly.

Aesop's Fables 6 Donkeys and Horses

The donkey asked the horse to leave some feed for him. Ma said, "well, to show my noble dignity, if I can't finish eating, I'll give you the rest." If you can come when I go back to the stable at night, I will give you a small bag of wheat. "The donkey replied," Thank you, I won't believe it. "If you don't even give me feed now, can you give me more benefits in the future?"

In other words, don't believe those misers' false promises.

Aesop's fable 7 Chicken's Home

"Hey!" 1, the eggshell split in two, and a lovely chicken emerged from the eggshell, rubbing its eyes and looking at the world curiously.

"Welcome to this wonderful world, my darling!" Mother hen said with a big smile.

"mom! Mom! " The chicken cocked its head and chirped.

Looking back, I found that the original home had cracked, and I was a little sad. I buried my face inside: "Alas! My home is gone! "

The hen said, "Where there is love, there is home, and I am your home!" " Now, let's give your little home to those in need! "

The chicken nodded and said, "OK, Mom! But who needs it? "

Just as the words were finished, it suddenly began to rain heavily. The hen quickly spread her wings and held the chick in her arms. Then she looked at it and said, "Look! Those little ants got wet by the heavy rain. Let's give them our home! And over there, the grasshopper is raining! Let's give it a home! "

Little ants hide in eggshells and can't catch a drop of rain! The grasshopper also sheltered from the rain under the eggshell. What a happy smile!

Aesop's fable 8 There is a dog who often steals eggs. When he saw a conch, he thought it was also an egg. He opened his mouth and swallowed it in one gulp. After a while, he had a terrible stomachache and said, "I really deserve it." I treat the round ones as eggs. "

This story tells us that we can't know things only by intuition and appearances, otherwise, we will often get into trouble unconsciously.

Aesop's fable 9 flies and ants are arguing about who is more valuable.

The fly said, "God, a humble reptile should be compared with me. Should I? " ? I often attend banquets and kill cows to worship my ancestors. I always taste it before others. What can you do with this bug? All you can do is drag some bread crumbs home for three days. Besides, I have to ask you, have you ever stopped on the head of a king or a beautiful woman? I can make beautiful women whiter, such as women dumped by men. Her final makeup is to draw a small flying mole on her face to make her face more beautiful and charming. So you don't have to nag me about how annoying your granary is. "

"Are you finished?" The housekeeping ant retorted, "Do you think you have a good reputation? Everyone is scolding you. It is not a glorious thing for you to steal all kinds of sacrifices first. You are filthy sacrifices, spreading diseases. It is true that you stopped on the head of a king or a beautiful woman, but you are often killed for no reason. This is a punishment for your disgusting behavior. You also said that a decoration can add beauty to people, which is also true. You and I are both black, and we can call them fly moles, but can this be a topic worthy of flaunting? Stop bragging and get rid of your arrogance! When winter comes, you won't be so proud. You will starve to death, freeze to death and then die. For me, I don't have to run around, the wind won't blow, and it won't rain. I will stay at home carefree and enjoy the fruits of my labor. I work hard today so that I can live a better life in the future. We should see clearly what is glory and what is vanity. I wasted a lot of time on you, so I have to work. I must fill my granary and kitchen. "

Fable revelation:

People's value is not reflected by boasting. Only by working hard and doing everything well can your value be truly reflected.

Aesop's fable 10 My father has two daughters, one is married to a vegetable farmer and the other to a Potter. A few days later, my father came to the vegetable farmer's house and asked how his daughter was doing and how their life was going. My daughter says everything is fine, but there is only one thing to pray to the gods, and that is to ask for more rain and water those vegetables well. Soon after, he went to the Potter's house again and asked how his daughter was. The daughter said that she didn't lack anything, but prayed for one thing, that the weather would be fine and the pottery would dry faster. Father said to her, "You are looking at the sun outside, but your sister is looking forward to rain. Who should I pray for?"

The story is that those who want to do two completely different things at the same time can't do either.

Aesop's fable 1 1 At the gathering of animals, monkeys danced on the stage, which was very popular and won everyone's praise. Everyone cheered for it. The camel is jealous of the monkey, and he wants everyone's applause. So he stood up and proudly showed his dancing skills. As a result, his strange dance made a fool of himself, which disappointed the animals. They beat him with sticks and drove him away.

This story is suitable for people who blindly imitate others regardless of their own conditions.

Aesop's fable 12 There was a lion taking a nap, dreaming a beautiful dream. A man was flying on the grassland, and the animals beside him were clapping loudly for himself. This admiring look intoxicated him. What a wonderful feeling! Suddenly a banana was thrown at me! Hit yourself with a bang. "Ah ~" turned out to be a dream, such a beautiful dream. Looking into my arms, it turned out to be a mouse. "You damn mouse, you ruined my dream!" Take your life! "I will use a paw. When the mouse saw this, he put his hand on his head and forgave me. " Lion king, don't, don't eat me! King! "Oh, come on, a little mouse is only enough for me to plug my teeth. It is really troublesome to pick it after eating. " Your majesty, if you don't eat me, I will repay you if you encounter difficulties in the future! ""Ha, you little mouse, I'm in a good mood today, you go. I don't expect you to repay me, Pudding. Order something big. Go ahead. " The little mouse ran away as if for his life. A few days later, the "ow-ow-ow-woo" lion heard the cry. It turned out that the lion was caught by the hunter and hung from the tree with a rope! No matter what I do, I'm tired of hanging up and can only cry. At this time, the little mouse saw it, three times five divided by two climbed up the tree, climbed down the rope and began to bite, breaking the rope. The lion jumped down. "Thank you for saving me. I'm sorry too. I looked down on you then. Seeing that you are so young can still help me a lot! "

"Bullfrog", there is a longicorn grazing on the grassland, eating and feeling thirsty, slowly walked to the river. Just looking ahead, I stepped on a group of little frogs. They didn't know that a frog had been killed. After a long time, mother frog finally came back after going out. "1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ... Oh, no, what's wrong? "Just when I wanted to count it again, the little frog said to his mother," A little frog died. I was trampled to death by the foot of a four-legged monster. " Mother frog is very angry. "How big is it? Do you think I am like this? " Say that finish it and swell your mouth as big as possible. "Mom, you are quick to stop, no matter how to summon something stronger than a monster! How big it is! You will ruin yourself like this! "

Aesop's fables 13 pigs and dogs

Pigs and dogs abuse each other. The pig swore to Aphrodite that he would tear up the dog with his teeth. The dog laughed at him and said, "It's great that you swore to Aphrodite. She hates you stupid pigs and will never allow anyone who has eaten pork to enter her temple. " The pig replied, "The goddess made this rule not out of hatred for me, but because of her deep love for me. She did this to prevent someone from killing me and eating my meat. You are the ones who are hated by the goddess. Whether you are dead or alive, you can take it as a sacrifice. "

This story shows that a wise man skillfully turned his opponent's criticism into his praise.

Lions, bears and foxes

The lion and the bear caught a lamb at the same time. They fought fiercely for the lamb. After a hard struggle, both sides were seriously injured and lay weakly on the ground. The fox has been hiding in the distance, sitting quietly watching the tiger fight. When he saw that they were all injured and lying flat on the ground, he ran over and snatched the lamb lying among them. The seriously injured lion and bear watched helplessly as the fox took the sheep, but there was nothing they could do. They sighed and said, "We were all wrong. We fight to the death and the fox benefits. "

This story is just as the saying goes: "The snipe and the clam compete, and the fisherman gains." The struggle between the two sides benefited the third party.

Goose and crane

Goose and crane are foraging together in the field. Suddenly, the hunters came and the light crane flew away quickly. The heavy goose was caught before it could fly.

The story is that people who have nothing are light without attachments; And those who have great wealth have become their burden.

black people

Someone bought a black slave, thinking that his skin color was due to the carelessness of the original owner. After taking it home, he tried to wash it with a lot of soap and water. But the black slave's skin color hasn't changed at all, but he is seriously ill because of hard work.

This story shows that natural things will always remain the same.


A man is bedridden and very ill. He prayed to the gods in despair that he would give a hundred cows if he recovered from his illness. The gods wanted to test him, so they used a panacea to make him recover. After he got out of bed, he didn't treat the gods with real cows. Instead, he made a hundred cows out of dough, burned them on the altar, and prayed loudly: "Gods, please accept my promise." At this time, the gods thought that he had blasphemed the gods by deception, so they told him in a dream at night that he was going to the seaside and said that he could find 1000 Athens coins there. When he woke up, he ran straight for the beach with joy. As a result, I met pirates there, and they caught me and sold me 1000.

This story applies to liars.


The fly fell into an earthenware pot with broth. When it was about to drown, it said to itself, "I'm full, I've had enough, I've taken a shower, and I won't regret it when I die."

This story shows that people can easily endure a painless death.

Aesop's fable 14 A hungry and thin wolf looked around for food in the moonlight and met a well-kept domestic dog. After they greeted each other, the wolf said, "friend, why are you so fat?" What good things did you eat? " ? I'm working hard day and night for a living now. "

The dog replied, "If you want to be like me, just follow me."

"Really?" The wolf asked eagerly, "What job?"

The dog replied, "it's for the owner to watch the house and prevent thieves from coming in at night."

"When do you start? I live in the forest and have had enough of the wind and rain. " The wolf went on to say, "I don't care what I do in order to have a warm house to live in and not starve."

"Then come with me!" The dog said.

When they were on the road together, the wolf suddenly noticed a scar on the dog's neck and asked the dog what was going on.

"A little thing, maybe a collar with a chain around its neck." The dog said airily.

"chains!" The wolf said in surprise, "can't you run around freely?"

"My master tied me up during the day, but I have absolute freedom at night; My master often feeds me what is on his plate, and they love me even more. " The dog said.

"Good night!" The wolf said, "go and enjoy your delicious food." I would rather starve freely than live a comfortable life in chains. "

Universal principle

When you can't enjoy happiness, you may feel that happiness is more important than anything else. But if you are given happiness and deprived of freedom at the same time, you will realize that freedom is actually more precious.

Aesop's Fables 15 When Aesop's fables are mentioned, I believe students will have a sense of urgency, especially some philosophical stories, which left a deep impression on them. Read the following story and answer the questions.

The fox and the grapes

A fox has not found anything for two days. He is hungry and thirsty. Suddenly, he saw a bunch of grapes hanging on the shelf in the yard in the distance, so he hurried over. The round and big grapes were covered with shelves, and the fox wanted to jump up and grab them with his claws, but the shelves were too high to catch. The fox ran around the grape house, helpless. He left helplessly, looking back as he walked, constantly comforting himself by saying, "That grape is not ripe yet, it is very sour, and it is definitely not delicious."

(1) From this story, we get a proverb, which is what we often say. This proverb is:


Do you know the moral of this story?


Reference answer

(1) If you can't eat grapes, it's sour.

(2) Moral: Some people are weak and incompetent, so the time is not ripe. (That's right)