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The story about alcmene in ancient Greek mythology

Alcmene (alcmene):

Is the granddaughter of Poerxiusi, that is, the great-granddaughter of Zeus. The wife of Amphitryon, king of Thebes, was seduced by Zeus and gave birth to Hercules. After Amphitryon died, she married Rhadamanths (Rhadamanths; Rhadamanthus) as a wife. Radamantis was the king of Crete, and later he was driven out of Crete by Minos. Radamantis went into exile in Peoria, where he married alcmene.

Alcmene was Zeus' last mortal lover.

She is the granddaughter of the great hero Poerxiusi. Her husband Amphiltrion is also her cousin.

Alcmene's eight brothers were all killed by their enemies, so she swore that if she didn't avenge this, she wouldn't sleep with Amphitryon. Amphitryon planned for a long time, and finally got the chance to take revenge.

Zeus took a fancy to alcmene and turned it into a golden rain, which landed in her home. In order to hide people's eyes and ears, Zeus also let the sun god and the moon goddess take a long vacation, which made the long night three times longer than usual.

When Fieldlaw returned from Weng Kaixuan, he found his wife pregnant and felt sad.

Alcmene gave birth to Hercules, the son of Zeus. Afraid of Hera, she hid the child in a basket and abandoned it in the field. Athena and Hera passing by saw him. Under Athena's persuasion, Hera nursed the beautiful child. Because of sucking Tianhou's milk, Heracles broke away from the mortal fetus with great strength. Athena sent the child to the palace and asked the queen, who was also Hercules' biological mother, to raise her. Hera immediately knew the origin of the child and was very jealous. Send two poisonous snakes to get rid of the baby Hercules, who absorbed Hera's strength, easily caught two poisonous snakes and used them as toys. When King Amphitryon knew about it, he regarded him as a gift from Zeus, and asked tiresias, a blind soothsayer, to predict his future: when he grew up, he would kill many monsters on land and in the sea, defeat giants, gain eternal life like gods after hardships and obstacles, and finally win the love of herb, the goddess of youth.

Zeus was very concerned about alcmene and never looked for other mortal women again. Because he cared about their son, he knew that Hercules would be a hero to save Olympus.

I found it online. The story is simple. I hope I can help you.