Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Three mountains in an orderly camp

Three mountains in an orderly camp

Tyr tire

An impartial God, a crippled God and a swift God.

Powerful divine power

Mark: The balance balance on the hammer.

Venue: Holy Mountain

Residential area: three temples and three in one.

Camp: orderly and amiable.

Priesthood: justice

Admirers: paladins, judges, officials, lawyers, police, oppressed monarchs.

Pastor camp: CG, LN, NG

Fields: kindness, knowledge, law, revenge, war.

Love to use weapons: "Justice Judge" (long sword)

No matter in that civilized land, good officials will pray to Thiel, an impartial and just man, in a low voice when trying crimes, praying that he can guide them to make a just and firm judgment. He came to Torrell from other worlds a long time ago as an alien god with utopian ideals. Thiel regarded himself as the founder of Phelan's creation of a perfect society and regarded human beings as his wayward children. But when he realized that the responsibility he entrusted to mortals was almost impossible to realize and he had to protect a world that would hardly change, this kind of pain was always a trace of sadness hidden in Gentel's outlook on life.

In monks's paintings, Thiel is often depicted as an old one-armed soldier, and his injured eyes are often covered with bloody bandages. He is called a remnant god because his right hand was lost in the battle with the existence of a dog named Chaos, the chaotic hound Kezef. He lost his eyes when he was in trouble. Austria dug it himself. In order to punish him, he didn't find anyone stealing the slate of destiny, which exposed the discord between Thor. Believers believe that the moral of Thiel's injury is the firm pursuit of justice, the price he paid for the truth when he needed the right direction, and the severity of maintaining justice. Especially radical their even encourages self-mutilation among believers, but it is regarded as wrong and guilty by most believers, but these believers usually put gauze on their eyes and wear wristbands of different colors on their right hands to show their respect for the blind god.

The common people regard Thiel and his priest as strict arbiters of justice, often ignoring Thiel's dogma of caring for mortals as a father, and paying more attention to his black-and-white natural moral theory. They regard Thiel as a firm symbol of God-they know that Thiel wants his followers to get a fair trial and be friendly to innocent people, so they give Thiel's pastor the greatest trust.

Thiel's priest prayed for magic in the early morning. At the same time, in many minor festivals, the priest of Tyre held an important religious ceremony every month according to strict ceremonies. On the first day of every month, Tyrrans is called "the vision of justice" by Thiel, and it is also the time when the prayer choir appears. They all carry white-hot hammers that are shining and hot. On the thirteenth day, the "disabled people's celebration", the choir will sing loud and passionate hymns, and at the same time, there will be the illusion of crossing hands, surrounded by a halo like burning blood. The last simple religious ceremony, called "blind form", is on the 22nd day of each month. His ceremony included a burning crying eye. Priests in Tyre usually work part-time as paladins.


Thiel came to Torre in 247 AD in an activity called "the first appearance of justice". He emerged from the explosion of Aragao Time Gate in Aragon, and Aragao was near Toulouse, Tumis today. He led 200 consuls across Valhon Beach on the Vergon coast, and put down the remnants of the ancient Jihamdas Jhaamdathan, an ancient empire that had fallen into chaos and was protected by the elf enemies in the urban area. In the next battle, Thiel killed Varigan, the god of chaotic politics who gained a weak power in -269DR, and helped the cruel Archbishop Tirasand IV gain power, which plunged the ancient empire into conflict with the elves.

Thiel's actions and sacrifices in the "Parade" (which lasted until -238) attracted the attention of Irmat Irmat, who joined Thiel's army in -243. Many years later, because most of Thiel's servants were exiled or killed, and God himself became interested in Taurel after paying such a high price, but he still failed to achieve his great goal, so the great March ended. A few years later, Tom Tolm became the war leader of the God of Justice. Together with Irma, they are called triads by later generations.

After the arrival of 1600 years, Thiel has extended his rule to the whole Fallon-almost everyone knows his name and his enthusiasm. He is the spokesman of civilization. He promotes the construction of law and morality, and manages fairness and justice among all intelligent creatures on any land. At this point, he is both a reformer and a conservative, which is manifested in the power to promote the civilization that is still corrupt and lawless in the world and to establish an orderly legal system.

Thiel made many enemies in his short time in tyrael. Inspired by those who are committed to tyranny, evil or lawlessness, he has a special hostility towards Ben Bain, Cyric Cyric, Musk Musk, Tarona Tarona and Taras talos.


Show the truth, punish crimes, correct mistakes, and always maintain truth and justice in action. Support the law, obey the law wherever you go, and point out those who violate the law wherever you go. Record your plans, actions and decisions so as to correct your mistakes in the future, deepen your understanding of various land laws and improve your ability to identify offenders. Paying attention to your observation and speculation can make you aware of the intentions of those who try to commit unfair acts before they commit acts that violate order and law. Revenge for those who can't get justice from criminals in person.

Priests and temples:

The dogma of Thiel Church requires believers to bring order to disorderly areas, punish those who turn a blind eye to evil, and protect the prosperity of civilization through a prudent and fair judicial system. Their dogma is a theory of expressing justice with benevolent power and armed vigilance, and it is a philosophical system that can attract paladins and order fighters. The vast majority of believers do not fight on the battlefield, but as officials, judges, bailiffs and businessmen, they regard it as a more important battle in court. Thales people regard all private affairs as pure moral degeneration, and think that the law of the world is to seek the best interests for all. Sometimes they are narrow-minded, sometimes even violent, and rarely tolerate ridicule, teasing or questioning their beliefs.

Thiel's priest takes the law to lawless places, usually judges, jurors or executioners. When there are no legal provisions to guide their judgment, they will abide by the rule of "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth". Tyrians, however, prefers kindness, and often reduces the sentence of criminals who commit crimes unintentionally, or only makes a rough judgment on the case. The names of these criminals are usually recorded in the priest's "law book" and stored in the nearest temple for future reference, so as to prevent criminals from committing crimes again and easily escaping. When sentencing criminals, powerful priests often use the mark of justice to enhance their sense of dignity.

In the civilized territory, Tilea people (inevitably vilified as "tyrants" by malicious critics) often become legal experts, talented lawyers, judges or powerful businessmen, and often discuss complicated legal provisions and cases in front of local officials. They regard the latter as a charity because he (sometimes even very generously) gives the church a "speaking fee".

In some cases, Tyrians will retaliate against those who are found guilty and cannot seek justice from the perpetrators. In these cases, because the law has been seriously damaged and become meaningless, the priests in Thiel will directly challenge the evil or corrupt forces and even kill them when necessary.

Teal's churches are closely connected and well organized, and they have established a huge and powerful temple system throughout Fallon. They have established a strict legal system, which is called "infinite law", and it is becoming more literal and legal year by year.

At present, the development of Terseur (a country in the desert) has attracted the main attention of the church. When this land was plunged into a war between civilizations, many believers gathered there and stayed there to maintain regional stability. Til Elander's house, Til Temple in Cesc, is dignified in style, showing the quiet and traditional side of the church. It is also the refuge of the Order of Justice-priests, warriors and paladins glorify their disabled gods in endless battles with their ambitious neighbor Sethi. The single Temple of Tyre usually provides accommodation, horse changing, medical care, magic assistance, weapons, equipment, sacred advice, and even confessing mistakes, which occupies an important position in the dogma.

Tyr tire

Paladin level 20/priest level 20

Medium-sized alien creatures (kind and orderly)

Godhead level: 18

Life roll: 20d8+ 140 (alien creature) +20d 10+ 140 (paladin) +20d8+ 140 (priest), with 940 health points.

Priority attack right:+1 1(+7 agility, +4 enhanced initial)

Speed: 60 feet

Protection level: 76 (+7 agility,+18 power dive, +3 1 nature,+10 deflection).

Attack: "Justice" +5 instant sword killing+76/+71+66/+61melee or spell +70 melee /+65 remote contact. Always get 20 attack checks. Punch and kill in an instant.

Damage: "Justice Judge" +5 instant critical strike to kill the sword1d 8+23/17-20; Or use magic. Always do maximum damage (Long Sword 3 1 point)

Area width/touchable distance: 5 feet and 5 feet /5 feet

Special attacks: territorial power, highlighting divinity, punishing evil (three times a day, each weapon attack+10 attack verification, +60 damage), spell-like ability, crossing the undead/13 times a day (casting level 38).

Features: Encirclement of courage (mortals get +8 in all tests against fear, and all friendly forces get +8 within 10 feet), detection of evil, being surrounded by holiness (18 mile, DC38), divine grace, divine medicine, divine immunity, DR53/+4, flame resistance 38, and Lying in the hand (200hp), moving in any plane, long-distance communication 18 miles, internal diseases six times every ten days, spontaneous magic spells, SR50, random error-free transmission, understanding, dialogue, reading all languages, and direct dialogue with any existence within 18 miles.

Exemption value: tenacity +57, reflection +57, will +65, and always get 20 when exempted.

Ability: strength 34, agility 24, physique 25, intelligence 35, perception 40, charm 30.

Skills: concentration +88, diplomacy +97, intelligence gathering +7 1, animal training +7 1, medical treatment +96, coercion +57, direction judgment +44, jumping +40, knowledge (arcane) +53, knowledge (history)+55. Major (trial)+124, riding (horse) +72, divination +73, search +5 1, perceived motivation +9 1, magic +93, reconnaissance +58, rope use +32, and survival in the wild +50. Always get 20 when judging.

Special effects: blind shooting, splitting edge, combat casting, combat reflection, making mysterious objects, evasion, powerful spells, spell range expansion, enhanced splitting edge, enhanced slamming (sword), enhanced first attack, spell persistence, powerful attack, instant spell, silent spell, spell penetration, static spell, cutting, tracking and double spell (double spell).

Holy immunity: attribute damage, attribute absorption, acid, cold, instant death effect, disease, crushing, electricity, energy absorption, mental influence effect, paralysis, poison, sleep, shock, deformation, imprisonment and exile.

Extraordinary powers: changing the reality (copying spells to immunize DC48, temporary non-magical objects lasting 65,438+08 days, temporary magical objects or creatures lasting 65,438+08 hours), incarnating (up to 20), inducing wars and summoning creatures (up to 65,438+08 ordered creatures at the same time, each with a maximum of 65,438+08 HD). Create large objects (maximum weight 1800 pounds or 360 cubic feet), create objects (maximum weight 900 pounds or maximum weight 180 cubic feet), and the blade of divine power (0/3 times a day, range 18, 28d/kloc-0). 10 times DC35 perseverance) Control mortals (DC38 will be exempted, up to 20 mortals), real power (18 creatures every day, DC38 will be exempted).

Territorial power:+1 level casts good spells,+1 level casts prophecy spells, and+1 level casts order spells.

Spell-like abilities: Thiel uses the following abilities, which are equivalent to level 28 spellcasters, except for good spells, prophetic spells and order spells. At this point, he plays a 29-level caster. Immune DC is 38+ spell level. Aid, Bigby's reversing fist, Bigby's cracking hand, Bigby's holding hand, sword obstacle, ox power, calm mood, clairvoyance/clairvoyance, detecting secret doors, detecting thoughts, motto, insight into orientation, eliminating chaos, exorcism, prophecy, divine power, tolerant elements, pathfinding, fire strike, vision, monster positioning, etc. Guarding the aura of chaos, guarding the aura of evil, the robe of magic, magic weapons, anger of order, Dharma: blindness, Dharma: death, Dharma: shock, guarding chaos, guarding evil, the power of justice, the shield of Dharma, spell immunity, spiritual weapons, peeling, nine-level monster summoning (only as a good or order spell), true vision.

Shenshu Daily (0 to15) 6/10/19/8/8/7/7/3/2/2 Basic DC=27+ Shenshu level.

Every day (from level 0 to 15), the basic DC of divinity is 7/7/7/6/4/4/3/3/2/2+divinity level.

Carrying items: Thiel carries a "Justice Judge" +5 long sword, which has the special ability of instant killing and beheading.

Casting level: level 25; Weight: 6 pounds.

Other divine abilities

As a powerful divine power, Thiel automatically gets the best result in any dice roll (including attack roll, injury roll and immunity). He is immortal.

Perception: Thiel can see, hear, touch and smell 18 miles. As a standard action, he can perceive any believers, relics, objects related to him and any place where his name is spoken within an hour within 18 miles. He can immediately extend his perception to 20 places. He can immediately stop the godhead level from being equal to or less than his god's perception ability in two places, lasting as long as 18 hours.

Perception of divine power: Thiel can know the unjust event within 10 to 18 days before or after it happens.

Automatic action: Thiel can use knowledge (arcane), knowledge (history), knowledge (region), knowledge (aristocratic system and kingship system), knowledge (plane), knowledge (religion) or expertise (trial) as free action, as long as the DC of the task is below 30 or below. He can complete 20 similar free movements in each round.

Making magic items: Thiel can make any magic weapons and armor, and any magic items that can be used to see through illusions or lies.


Thiel's avatar is usually a human male wearing chain mail's fearless beard. He has no right hand and sometimes covers his eyes with an obvious gauze. Thiel's avatar is usually equipped with a long sword or hammer, and there is a bright halo above his forehead, indicating that he was sent by God. Although he can still see things even if he is blindfolded, his eyes will light up at first, but then they will gradually weaken until they become black holes.

Tyr got tired of going to church a long time ago. In the past, when he turned into a human form, he usually presided over a seemingly insignificant trial, but the remnant god knew that there were many things in human will that were more than just justice.

The incarnation of Thiel: Same as the ontology, except for the following points:

Godhead level 9, protection level 58 (strike 36, catch 58 off guard), attack +67/+62/+57/+52 melee (1d8+23/ 17-20, +5 instant sword killing) or spell+6/kloc-

SQ: Sacred Shell (900ft, DC29), DR 44/+4, Fire Protection 29, SR4 1.

Exemption: tenacity +48, reflection +48, will+56; Class (Trial) +87, all skills reduced by 9 points.

Extraordinary powers: perceive the war, clear the field of vision at 9ft, the blade of power (13 times a day, 9 Li range, 19d 12 damage), the call back of power (maintaining order), and the shield of power (preventing 180 damage, daily/kloc-0).

Spell-like ability: casting level 19, casting level of good spell, prophecy spell and order spell is 20, and roll-free spell level is DC29+.

Spells: Same as the ontology, but the magic immunity DC of the incarnate priest is 25+ spell level.

Heimhelm (the god of guards)

Phelan's god has moderate power.

Nickname: Watcher, Watcher.

Holy emblem: an iron glove pointing upwards, and blue eyes for monitoring.

Residential boundary: trinity house, Sansheng Temple.

Camp: orderly neutral LN

Priesthood: Guardian, Protector, Protector.

Believers: explorers, warriors, guards, mercenaries, paladins.

Pastor camp: good LG, neutral LN, evil LE.

Sacred realm: orderly law, planning, protection, power

Like weapons: always be vigilant (epee bastard sword)

Heim is the guardian of the source and always vigilant. He won't allow anything to interfere with his duties. He is often described as a callous and heavily armed tall man. In fact, he is indeed a strict discipline and is committed to carrying out the assigned tasks. He loves children very much, so he is tolerant of their (small) mistakes. Many people believe that Heim will protect the tasks entrusted to him with his life-he always keeps silent on this point.

In the dangerous north of Fallon, the church in Heim was once regarded as the cornerstone of stability and security, and its members were determined to defend civilization from the threat of dangerous wilderness and underground monsters, so it was highly respected. However, in the past 14 years, the number and influence of church members in northern Heim have been shrinking. This is because Heim faithfully performed his duty in difficult times-to prevent other gods from leaving Phelan. The death and destruction caused by the Avatar crisis have made many other faiths extremely hostile to the vigilant and their followers (especially the followers of Mystra, Baines and Tim Toms). As for the south of Phelan, Heim's role in turbulent times was not as hostile as that in the north. On the contrary, recent events have tarnished the reputation of vigilantes and their followers. According to the news sent back to Phelan, the Heim Church resolutely suppressed the local people and plundered the local wealth in the newly discovered Maztika continent. The only factor that can make the church recover gradually is to resist the growing evil forces, so more experienced guards are needed.

The priest in Heim prayed at sunrise (or before dawn) in the morning to gain magical power. Believers regard the "shield conference" as a sacred day and hold a "holy helmet" ceremony on this day. In Heim's belief, the two most sacred ceremonies are "dedication of trainee clergy" and "holy meeting"-the former is a ceremony to accept truth seekers as new priests; The latter is a ceremony to offer special objects to Heim ("glymtul" means "beloved thing" in the old saying). In addition, there are special ceremonies called "purification" and "holy vigil"-the former is to let believers who have lost their faith return to faith, or to wash away sins for believers who have lost their vigilance, loyalty and reputation; The latter is a ceremony held when a priest is promoted. Through the ceremony, the high priest will let the weapon of the examinee float in the air, and the examinee who participates in the promotion must concentrate on circling it all night to prove his determination. Priests in Heim must never order the dead, even evil priests can only use reprimands. Most priests Heim will become soldiers or paladins part-time.

History/relationship with God History/relationship:

Hem always wears heavy full-body armor, which symbolizes the burden he bears. As an eternal monitor, he also knows that the end of the whole world will come under his protection. But he is always conscientious, without complaint, and willing to give his life to protect himself. Therefore, he inevitably became the deadly enemies of Bain, Cyric and Shaershan, who were full of intrigues and intrigues, because their despicable plans were Phelan's eternal threat. He also tried his best to resist the uncontrollable rage and destructive impulse of Galapagos and talos. Heim couldn't agree with the habitual stealing and mocking of masks at all, but simply regarded the king of shadows as another threat to Phelan. Among many good gods, only Tom can understand Heim's indifference and stubbornness in sticking to his obligations, so the relationship between the two gods is very close-under their orders, the two churches have reluctantly begun to abandon prejudice and mend fences.

Doctrine dogma:

In any case, you must not live up to your duties. You should always be vigilant, insist carefully, wait, monitor, and execute your instructions fairly and diligently. You should protect the weak, the poor, the injured and the young, and never sacrifice them for yourself or for any reason. You should study and understand your enemies and be ready for their (possible) attacks at any time. You should take good care of your weapons so that they can play their greatest role when you need them. You should plan carefully, not act rashly. Always obey orders-if they conform to Heim's teachings. As a guardian and defender, you should do your best to be excellent, pure and loyal.

The clergy &; Priests and temples; Temple:

Priests in Heim believe that only by perfecting their excellent vigilance and pure loyalty can the original strength of vigilance be restored. As guardians and guardians, they began to train guards everywhere, preaching that only believers who passed the test of vigilance were truly reliable. Tim's church responded coldly to this propaganda-maintaining harmony between the two sides.

The temples in Heim are all built in huge defensive buildings, and most of them are defensive fortresses near dangerous and evil areas, forming a defensive front against powerful enemies. Because the priests of the Vigilant are excellent guards (or guard leaders), many big cities will have a temple or altar in Heim. No matter where they are, believers are always vigilant and keep an eye on their temples. The temple of Heim is often guarded by bystander beholders (smaller beholders), which makes Benchurch and its beholders alliance deeply angry. At the core of many fortifications, armories and churches in the temple is a central altar, which contains a lot of full-body armor. These armor are sacred relics used by highly respected Heim warriors. Heimtemp is happy to protect all asylum seekers, but if an asylum seeker is accused of a crime, the priests will also ask him to abide by local laws and justice-if it is really a fair judgment. Because many people know that Heim's followers will try their best to ensure that they get a fair trial, they are willing to take risks and accept the terms of the Temple of the Alert.

The priest in Heim wears clean and shiny full-body armor (usually with "everbright") and a helmet without a mask (usually with a feather on it). They sometimes put a red cloak or iron gray coat on their armor coats, and they will mark a huge eye on the chest and vest of this suit (or armor itself) that will never close. In the south of Fallon, priests often wear hand-made full-body armor inlaid with precious stones and complicated gold thread to set off their huge golden eyes on their chests and vests. As for those areas that inadvertently welcome priests wearing heavy armor, priests only keep heavy shoulder armor-but they still wear helmets.

There is a very strict and clear class division within the church of Heim, and each member can easily distinguish his own class from others. In the past few centuries, all church members were originally directly led by a supreme watchman, but this position has not been established since the year when the watchman took the helm (992DR). According to rumors (few people dare to mention it in front of Heim believers), this is because the supreme spokesman of the vigilance at that time was corrupted by inner corruption, and the vigilance came to earth to destroy traitors who betrayed their sacred trust. Since the purification operation, the church in Heim has been led by the Helms Committee (composed of senior members of the church) for centuries. The main responsibility of this Committee is to be vigilant and avoid any possible corruption within the church-the potential threat of internal erosion.

Many fortress temples in Heim will have a strong army directly under them (or support a guard regiment). A true vision companion is a group composed of many devout and active fighters and priests, whose members are famous for their firm loyalty. The powerful force of the Knights always does not hesitate to perform even the most difficult tasks and do everything possible to fight against the most difficult situations. However, the reputation of the cult has been greatly affected, because it recently sent a large number of people to participate in the suppression of the Heim church in the Maztik mainland. Other smaller groups include "Watchers Over the Fallens" composed of battlefield medics, "Everwatch Knights" composed of devout guards, and "the Vigilant Eyes" composed of paladins.

Heim's helmet Avatar;

After the period of self-vacillation, Heim has become increasingly reluctant to come to Fallon in the form of incarnation (he usually only responds to the call when a high-ranking priest or temple is directly threatened). His head is a huge man, wearing a full set of armor, and his helmet covers his face. Every time he appeared, his height was different.

Tolm (Knight God)

Camp: orderly and amiable.

Divine power: weak equal divine power

Sacred level: 8

Occupation (total level 50): paladin level 20/ warrior level 20/ priest level 10.

Health: 1030

Basic attributes: strength 34, agility 25, physique 33, intelligence 24, perception 28, charm 40.

Favorite weapon: "Bound by Duty" (+5 two-handed sword, damage 2d6+25, slam 17-20/*2)

Damage reduction: 43/+4

Spell resistance: 40

Priest Magic (Level 0-5): 6/8/7/6/6/5

Paladin spell (level 1-4): 6/5/5/5

Domain: kindness, medical care, order, protection, strength.

Real people, true gods, loyal and angry.

Logo: Iron gloves erected (right)

Sacred realm: duty, loyalty, chivalry, paladin

Torm was a serious and upright jihadist leader. His heart is full of kindness and justice. He is kind to every friend, no matter the weak or the children. His weapon "the bondage of responsibility" was his weapon when he became a mortal.

Tom's church is very popular with the public. His knights serve the church and provide training and support for loyal knights, paladins and judges. They often send some rangers to explore around toril. The task of these elite warriors is to confront all actions of Bain and Cyric's followers and report all the wild and death magic they find. There are great differences between the church in Tolm and the church in Helm.

Tolm's holy day is called Death of God to commemorate the day when Tolm died to defeat Bain. The subsequent ceremony was called the real resurrection, of course, to commemorate the rebirth of Tolm. Pastor Tolm can become a paladin part-time at will.

Tom used to be just a mortal-a hero on earth. Regardless of his personal safety, he obeyed any orders and now works for Tyre as a military leader. Torm, Tyr and Ilmater are collectively called Triad. In addition, his allies are Helm, Red Knight and Lathander. They fought Bain, Cyric and the mask together. Torm is personally interested in Bain-after all, they have known each other for a long time.