Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - A love story of a god beast

A love story of a god beast

Regarding the stalwart, Lu Rong's Miscellaneous Notes of Mingyuan contains: "The stalwart is like a turtle, and it is good at bearing loads, so it is used to carry stone tablets." Legend has it that it has infinite power. In ancient times, it often made waves with three mountains and five mountains. Later, he was subdued by Dayu, and the water control was indispensable. In order to thank it, Dayu carved its achievements on a stone tablet and put it on its back, so that it would stop crawling and concentrate on accepting people's admiration.

# Mm-hmm OS: It's a big world, I want to see it #

In addition, the tortoise has a row of teeth, and the nail plate on the back nail is also very different from the tortoise. So, if you go to places of interest next time, please don't call it turtle or turtle or turtle when you have sex with your sister or Niu Niu, because she is a god beast.

The feature film begins.

It is said that there is a handsome boy named China in Wuxi.

Near his home is the local Gong Xue. There is a wide stone bridge in front of Gong Xue, so tourists often stay here to have a rest. One summer evening, Mr. Hua blew on the bridge to enjoy the cool. It was almost dusk when he strolled into the gate. At this moment, he saw a beautiful woman wandering under the window of a small door on one side. China childe can't help but shake in the heart, got up and went to chat up and borrow candles. # Just like borrowing a tissue from my sister now # The girl smiled and handed him a candle. Hua Gongzi just wanted to say something, but the girl had closed the door.

The next day, Playboy went to Gong Xue again and found the girl waiting for him at the door # Girl OS: I have a crush on you #. The son asked who she was, and the girl only said that she was the porter's daughter, saying, "My family is small, and I can't hide from my parents;" Since your home is near, as long as you find a room, I will go tonight. " Hearing this, my son was so happy that his nose bubbled up. He hurried home and lied to his wife: "I am most afraid of heat." It's a hot summer, so let me sleep alone in the study. "So the son cleaned the study, and a man sat there happily and waited. That night, the girl did come, and they fell in love very much. # 500 words are omitted here #

After a few months, the childe's body gradually collapsed. # em ... understandable # His parents sneaked into his study and found their son slapping a girl with a smile, but when they rushed in, the girl disappeared again. So the parents asked their son, and after asking the whole story, they quickly took their son to Gong Xue to find a girl. Who knows, when I arrived in Gong Xue, I couldn't find the side door where the girl stood, only to know that the porter had no harem. So everyone said it was a monster.

Childe's father invited many monks and asked for a lot of paper, but the eggs were useless. Later, the father gave his son a handful of cinnabar and said to him, "When she comes again, you can know her trace by sprinkling cinnabar on her." That night, when the boy waited for the girl to fall asleep, he put cinnabar on her hair, but the girl didn't notice.

The next day, my parents took people to Gong Xue for inspection and found that there were no traces of cinnabar everywhere. Suddenly, I heard a woman scold her son: "Why are the pants you just changed red?" Where did you dye it? "Parents feel strange. They went over and found that the child's trousers were covered with cinnabar. # What? A little boy incarnates as a girl? #

The little boy cried, "I just rode a chinemys reevesii with a stone tablet in front of Gong Xue. Who knew it had this on its head! " "

So my parents quickly went to have a look and found that it was so. So I reported it to the leaders in Gong Xue and smashed it. Everyone found that there were bloodshot stones on the gravel and small stones like turtle eggs in their stomachs, which were as smooth as mirrors and extremely hard, so they threw these stone eggs into Taihu Lake. The girl never came again. # Break the reproductive isolation/the second wall #

Half a month later, the girl suddenly broke into her son's room and said to him, "What have I done to you?" I can't believe you broke my body, but I'm not angry. Son, are your parents worried about your illness? Fortunately, I have asked the fairy for a panacea, so it's good for you to eat it. "He took out some herbs and let his son eat alive. Childe chews the grass and feels very sweet. The girl added: "I used to live near, so I can go back and forth in the morning and evening;" "Now that I live far away, I have to live here permanently." After that, the girl stayed here during the day, and the whole family could see her, but they could not eat or drink. # Have you ever thought that White Empress stole fairy grass? The couple who ask for immortals pick peonies, and three generations get this world #

The son's wife was so angry that she swore, while the girl just laughed without saying a word. Every night, the lady is sitting on the bed with her son in her arms, and the girl is not forced to come over. But the lady fell asleep as soon as she lay down, so the girl came to sleep with her son, and the lady didn't know. # The goblin is not too strong to bear # After eating the elixir, his son is in good spirits, not as weak as before, and his parents can't say anything, so they have to let them. So more than a year passed.

One day, when my son was wandering in the street, a Taoist priest with scabies caught him and said, "You are so evil!" " Tell the truth, death is close at hand! My son was afraid, so he told the truth. So the Taoist took his son into a teahouse, took a gourd, poured out wine for him to drink, and gave him two pieces of yellow paper, saying, "Take this back, stick it on the bedroom door and put it on the bed. Don't let that demon know. Your fate is not over yet. I will finish it on the evening of August 15. "

It was still mid-June. When the son came home, he put a spell on it as the Taoist priest said. When the girl came, she said loudly, "Why are you so unkind to me? But how can I be afraid of this! " Speaking of which, the girl is afraid to enter the room after all. After a long time, the girl smiled and said, "I have something to tell you. You can make your own decision after listening." Now please break the spell first. "Childe's mood is very complicated, so he broke the spell.

So the girl came in and said softly, "son, you are so beautiful." Not only I love you, but also the Taoist priest loves you. I love you and want you to be my husband. The Taoist loves you because he wants to be gay with you. You say, how do you choose? " # The original text is "For Longyang", which is hereby promoted! # Childe suddenly realized that he had made up with the girl.

On the night of Mid-Autumn Festival, my son was enjoying the moon with a girl when he suddenly heard someone calling his name. Looking back, a man was standing outside the low wall. So the son went over and found it was a Taoist priest. The Taoist priest grabbed his son and said, "Your fate is over. I am here to exorcise evil spirits for you today. " My son is very angry. # Gongzi OS: You gay # Taoist quickly said, "I know that the demon slandered me with foul language, so I won't let it go!" Then he wrote two spells and said to his son, "Go and get it!" "

The son was hesitating. Just when people saw him, someone quickly gave the spell to his wife. The lady was very happy and rushed to the girl with a spell. The girl trembled with fear and was tied up by the servants. # The first room is for a small three #

The girl cried and said to her son, "I knew it was time for me to leave, but because of a little infatuation, staying here is a disaster." But we love each other. You know how I treat you. Now that we have said goodbye, please put me in the shadow in the corner and don't let the moonlight shine on me. Maybe I can live a little longer. Please have pity on me. "Childe, of course, don't have the heart to refuse, tearfully held the girl to the corner, untied the rope.

Final results

So the girl jumped up and turned into a dark cloud. Taoist priest also let out a cry, jumped up and chased to the southeast. Since then, the two have never heard from each other again.