Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - 4- Nie compass full text! !

4- Nie compass full text! !

Twelve, dumb ⅳ Nie compass


Sanqing slowly combed the feathers behind him with a pointed beak, glancing at Minghong leisurely parked on the beams from time to time, completely ignoring Liu Zigang who was worried about everything in the room.

During this year, Liu Zigang tried hard to figure out how the nine planetary compasses in Luoshu worked. Later, according to the memory of past lives, he began to practice jade cutting skills. Now, because he gave up looking for a boss with a compass and no doctor came to see a doctor, Liu Zigang, an idle man, remembered to take time to look up antiques in the dumb house. Sun it when it's time. If it's insect-proof, replace it with mothballs. Wipe it if you dust it. As a result, such clean-up found serious problems.

In the room where the woven skirt was placed, only the vertical hanger of lobular rosewood was left, and the woven skirt that should have been hung there disappeared.

If it was any other antique, Lu Zigang might think that it was put away by the boss, or that the boss sold it to others, but he clearly remembered that after he and the doctor crossed back to the Tang Dynasty to meet Princess Li Guoer, they came to this room and saw the best woven skirt in ancient and modern times. And now there is only one empty hanger!

Liu Zigang paced back and forth in the room like a trapped animal. After seeing Sanqing in the corner of his eye, he rushed over and touched his back like a straw, trying to lower his voice and asked, "Sanqing, have you seen the skirt woven here?" Well, this is a skirt made of the feathers of many birds. "

Sanqing shook his head innocently. Of course he knew about the skirt, but she always hated that humans decorated it with bird feathers, and she never liked this woven skirt. She seldom comes in for a walk, so I don't know when it disappeared. Ming Hong, standing on the beam, saw Liu Zigang's questioning eyes coming towards him and shook his head at once. Although he is also arrogant, he fights with Sanqing all day and his hair is going bald. When people are under the eaves, how can he not bow his head?

Liu Zigang's heavy eyebrows wrinkled deeply. Doctors never go into the inner room of the dumb house, and painters who come every day will not move other rooms at will. Someone stole it? Who the hell has this ability? You can still throw things in a dumb room? It's unheard of!

Rubbed his sore forehead, Liu Zigang felt that he had had a terrible year. Sure enough, only the boss can manage the dumb house. He is now afraid to check in detail how many antiques are missing in the dumb house, or even if he does, he can't find out. He doesn't have a list of all the antiques in this stupid house.

Ming Hong cocked his head and stood on the beam for a short time, but suddenly he seemed to feel something and flew out of the room with open wings. Sanqing didn't chase it out this time, but watched it fly out of silence. Sanqing called twice, indicating that the silly bird had finally left, and it was very satisfied.

Lu Zigang didn't want to stop Ming Hong. Originally, this little red bird flew by itself, but now it flies away by itself. Does it feel that its owner is back?

Standing in the small room where the woven skirt was supposed to be hung, he stayed for a while. Liu Zigang looked through all the places he could find in the dumb house, but he didn't turn to the woven skirt. He could only walk out of the room in frustration, but after bypassing the screen, he saw a completely unexpected person.

"Boss! You're back? ! "Liu Zigang stood on the spot, shocked.

The boss is sitting in the counter, holding a teapot in the Ming Dynasty to warm his hands. His expression is soft and indifferent, and his movements are calm and calm, just like what he did every day for many years before, as if he had never left. Seeing Liu Zigang coming out of the back room, he hooked his lips and gave a shallow smile. He nodded and replied, "I just came back to get something. I'm sorry."

Lu Zigang's face changed a few times, and finally he breathed a sigh of relief. "Boss, Zigang is faithless."

"Sit down first." The boss didn't care, and motioned Liu Zigang to sit down and dig out two purple sand cups. Fu Su went back to Hu Hai, so he did have time to listen to what Liu Zigang said this year.

Liu Zigang sat down, drank a cup of hot tea first, and then told himself to make good use of Luo Shu's nine planetary compasses.

"oh? I came back just to get the compass, but you are very brave. You are not afraid of not coming back after crossing the past. " The boss raised his eyebrows with interest. "Tell me, which dynasties did you go to?"

Lu Zigang honestly talked about the time and space travel itinerary in the past year from beginning to end, and even went to see Xia Zelan for the last time, and he never missed it. In fact, Liu Zigang has accumulated a lot of pressure in his heart and doesn't know who to talk to. The boss showed up at the right time, completely relieved, and said it at once without considering the consequences.

The boss saw Liu Zigang's nervous expression and didn't blame him again. Instead, he smiled: "If I don't come back, will you go to the Ming Dynasty again this month?"

Liu Zigang zheng, he wanted to shake his head to deny it, but in the boss's burning eyes, he couldn't lie, so he nodded hard. Indeed, he can't accept the ending before. What if he directly took Xia Zelan out of Beijing earlier? Is it possible to escape the pursuit of the Royal Guards? Or let him see Xia Zelan earlier and persuade him to leave Shangshan prison completely ... Lu Zi.

Okada can't help but think so. Even if it is only one in ten thousand, he will continue to try.

"Idiot, if the compass of the nine planets in Luoshu is so easy to use, why don't I use it?" Looking at Liu Zigang's shocked expression, the boss couldn't help smiling: "Since I got the compass of the nine planets in Luoshu, I have been traveling back to Fu Su's death."

During that time. But no matter how many times I use the compass to go back to history, even if I save Fu Su, he will soon die of something else. This is completely unchangeable, and it is the history that has happened. "

Liu Zigang suddenly remembered that he and the doctor were in General Shao Qi's barracks before. The doctor treated many soldiers, most of whom were soon killed because of the next war. He didn't think much at that time. Is the reason really the irreversibility of history?

"I always thought that I didn't do enough, and I always felt that I would do better next time." The boss looked down at the gently shaking tea in his teacup, and there was unspeakable bitterness in his words. "But watching him die in front of him again and again for various reasons is like a nightmare that I will never wake up. In the end, I had no choice but to give in and seal Luo Shu and the nine planets, and I didn't need them anymore. "

Liu Zigang looked pale and finally realized how naive he was.

Yes, history is always just history. What happened has become an established fact, and no matter how hard he tries, he can't undo it.

Liu Zigang stayed for a while and finally wiped his face with his hand. "Boss, I may have done something stupid."

After that, he told the doctor that he used incense from Wu Heng. He can't hide it, and he doesn't have too many excuses. Liu Zigang vaguely felt that his mental state some time ago was a bit dangerous, perhaps it was an antique with many strange functions. He can easily shuttle between ancient and modern times and control the fate of others at will, which gives him an illusion of omnipotence. He is also an ordinary person, unable to control himself in the face of strong temptation.

Fortunately, the boss came back in time, otherwise he might do something that he regretted more.

Liu Zigang said, while paying attention to the boss's look, but he didn't find any clues. The boss didn't even move his eyes and eyebrows.

"Oh, that's all right." Such as Liu Zigang say that finish, the boss then slowly nodded, "so, the doctor he should return to normal life. Even if you don't need it, I will give it to him. "

Liu Zigang smell speech, finally relieved, hanging heart fell back into the belly. He said, well, the boss used Osmunda odorata for more than two thousand years. Didn't he see that there was only a little powder left in the incense jar? This time, naturally, it is the same as so many times before, and there is no difference.

The boss smiled as usual and put the cup in his hand to his mouth, but the herbal tea at the entrance made him frown.

Quietly stuffing cold and astringent tea into his throat, the boss smiled helplessly.

It turns out that although he can no longer feel pain or not, he can still tell whether it is cold or hot. ...


Fu Su took out the spare key from under the carpet at the gate and opened the door of the apartment. At the moment the door opened, Fu Su couldn't help rubbing the burn position blocked by half of the sea on her face, and the touch under her fingertips was uneven. He is not a person who cares about appearance, but at this time, he is not worried that Hu Hai will recognize him when he sees this stranger.

In fact, Fu Su doesn't like his brother at all. He was spoiled by his father's ulterior motives since he was a child. When he grew up, he usurped the throne. Although all this was caused by Zhao Gao's instigation, the fact that he died because of it cannot be changed. It's just that he has now put down the persistence of restoring the Qin Dynasty. What can't be forgiven for this blood-related brother?

After all, it has been more than two thousand years, hasn't it? Even the Daqin in my memory is gone. What can prove that they once existed?

Only a few people.

The apartment was silent. Fu Su once smelled a musty smell that no one had lived in for a long time. He tried to turn on the light switch at the door, but it didn't work. I think I haven't paid the electricity bill for a long time, and the power has been cut off. Fu Su frowned and found a thick layer of dust in the house. The living room window is not closed. The floor next to the window has traces of being soaked by rain, which is also the source of musty smell in the house.

It seems that Hu Hai hasn't come back for several months.

Fu Su walked to the table, and the moon was fragrant, and it went out after half burning, but what caught his attention was a square mark on the table, which was completely different from the thickness of the ashes next to it, as if something had been put here and then taken away.

There is no note or other information in the room, all the clothes in the cupboard are there, there is no trace of being cleaned, and even the quilt on the bed is not folded. Hu Hai often plays a black umbrella at the door when he goes out. The whole room is like a host going out at will and never coming back.

Fu Su's doubts are getting bigger and bigger. Hu Hai doesn't need a mobile phone and doesn't know how to contact each other. Only at this time will he feel how advanced all kinds of communication means in the present society are. If it was in ancient times, it was normal to have no news for several months. Why does he find it so difficult to contact for a while? I don't know how Hu Hai spent this year ... Thinking of this, Fu Su not only felt a little guilty about leaving without saying goodbye.

Just then, Fu Su heard the sound of flapping his wings, looked down and saw the little red bird fly in through the crack in the living room window. Fu Su immediately stepped forward and asked, "Minghong, where is your master?"

Minghong cocked his head and looked at the stranger who suddenly appeared at home. He didn't rush up and peck twice. He ran around the room waving his wings, but he didn't see his master's figure, so he could not help moaning anxiously.

Fu Su's heart sank when he saw Ming Hong's reaction. What happened to Hu Hai? You didn't even take Ming Hong with you?


Hu Hai didn't know that thousands of miles away, someone was worried about his safety. He stood in a simple yard, looking up at the bright stars.

A fox fur coat gently draped over his shoulder, Hu Hai's eyes rested on the man standing half a step behind him, and there was an incredible look in his latosolic red eye pupil.

I bowed my head half stiffly, always bowed my head, followed him carefully, never talked nonsense, kept him in my heart and waited on him, and finally he killed me because of misunderstanding.

The memory of a long time ago is still very vivid, because Hu Hai will never forget that Zhao Gao learned that he misunderstood Sun Shuoshi's indifferent explanation.

Ha, say what? This is the second lesson for him, teaching him how to distinguish loyalty from betrayal. ...

Yes, how could he forget that all his subsequent attendants called the same name as this man, because he was afraid that he would forget his mistakes. ...

"Sun Shuo ..." Gloomily, Hu Hai let out a cry, but he knew that the man in front of him was not really alive, but because his soul was attached to the bronze medal and was picked up by Zhao Gao, who made a humanoid puppet with puppet art.

"I'm here." Sun Shuo replied in a low voice, which sounded unreal at night.

"Who is Zhao Gao ... What do you want?" Hu Hai finally asked patiently. At that time, Zhao Gao appeared in front of him, which seemed like a nightmare to him. Fear of Zhao Gao going deep into the bone marrow made him subconsciously follow, without resistance.

Oh, he also knows how those people in the book wrote about Zhao Gao, thinking that he was fatuous and absurd, and even dared to point to a deer in the class and say that it was a good horse.

But it is such a seemingly harmful trick that Zhao can easily tell who obeys him, who is duplicitous and who is determined never to bow his head. Such a straightforward, simple and bold means of exploration has made the party struggle in the aftermath weak!

It can also be seen how horrible this person's scheming and means are.

So, when Hu Hai was placed under house arrest in this remote mountain house, he was even more silent. Even with Sun Shuo around, he was still afraid day and night. At this time, he finally asked.

Of course, when he asked this question, he also felt that Sun Shuo didn't really know the answer. He just wants to talk to someone.

As a result, I didn't expect Sun Shuo to think about it and actually said, "Master, he should be up to something."

Hu Hai heard that Sun Shuo, who was supposed to be his wife, called Zhao Gao "master" so naturally. He was furious and laughed: "Oh? Tell me if you blame me. "

"It should be related to the store called' Quiet Room'." It is very cold in winter. Although Sun Shuo is only a puppet, he still has human habits. A cold wind blew, and he rolled up his sleeves and suggested, "Little boy, let's go in and talk."

"No, I am wearing a great coat, and you are not afraid of the cold. What are you doing in the house? I want to stand outside for a while. " Hu Hai cold hum a way. With Sun Shuo around, he seems to have returned to the disdainful little childe of the Qin Dynasty, just not wanting to make others comfortable. "Go on, what does this dumb house have to do with which store?" Did Zhao Gao find out the identity of the boss? Hu Hai heart under a surprised, think of the missing brother, but also anxious.

Sun Shuo saw that his little son didn't want to go back to the house, and he didn't persuade him again. But took a half step forward slightly, deftly resisting the direction of the night wind. Then he lowered his head and said slowly, "This starts with the history of silence."

"History? Isn't the dumb house the antique shop built by that boss? What is history? " Hu Hai raised his hand, shunshun the silver hair blown away by the night wind, and casually stuffed it into the hat of his great-coat.

"No, actually, since Master Gan Shangqing, I have already started collecting antiques. According to legend, the sect to which the Taoist priest belongs likes to collect ancient artifacts left over from heaven and earth. However, after the legendary Emperor Yao Shunyu's era, the aura of heaven and earth disappeared, and the cultural relics left in the world will have a great impact on mortals. Therefore, several treasure houses have been established throughout the Central Plains, and all these cultural relics are sealed in them. Of course, artifacts only account for a small part. Many artifacts that are attached to the soul like me or have nurtured their own spiritual wisdom also belong to the category that needs to be sealed. " Sun Shuo speaks slowly, his tone and intonation are as gentle and calm as before, and even when talking about himself, there is no fluctuation.

"treasure house?" Hu Hai's attention was immediately attracted by these two words, and a pair of red eyes could not help but glow. "So, it does make sense. Those ancient cultural relics were extremely difficult to damage and suddenly disappeared for no reason. I thought it was because the master died, so it was for this reason! "

Guangya said: Library, give up. There is also a common voice, which is' ku', but the pronunciation is not Ku, but shè, which is the same as' she'. "Sun Shuo's voice paused, as if giving Hu Hai time to think, and then said slowly," So, dumb house is not a simple store name, but a treasure house. "

"Dumb words come from the mouth, from Asia, and Asia also sounds. Among them, the mouth refers to the sound, the original meaning is Miyagi ouchi. The word "shed" means "treasury", so at the earliest time, the name "dumb shed" actually meant the imperial treasury, which means that those treasures can only speak in Miyagi. Those treasures can talk, so you can imagine what treasures are collected in the museum. Of course, several other halls were built later. With the change of dynasties in Xia, Shang, Zhou, Spring and Autumn and Zhao, the name dumb house became little known. It was not until the boss's master started collecting antiques again that he used this name again. " In addition to telling what he knows, Sun Shuo is inevitably mixed with his own speculation. "Maybe the boss inherited the master's legacy in thousands of years of displacement, and then opened the dumb house into an antique shop to hide people's eyes and ears."

Hu Hai looked puzzled at the man who bowed his head around him: "Sun Shuo, how do you know so much?"

Sun Shuo said with a smile: "Little childe, I have always been sane and lived for more than two thousand years. Besides, antiques are also very gossip, especially talking. "

Hu Hai breathing a lag, think of yourself as the culprit, suddenly have nothing to say. She took a deep breath of air conditioning, changed the subject stiffly and said, "Silence is just a kind of wealth, isn't it?" And antiques are not sealed, Zhao Gao's appetite should not be so small. Then what is its purpose? Want to occupy those other treasures? "

"I don't know this. Just to find those treasures, you must use a compass. " Sun Shuo simply replied.

"compass?" Hu Hai suddenly remembered Luo Shu's nine planetary compasses in the dumb room.

"Yes, that compass is called Nirvana Compass. Legend has it that it can reverse time and space, let a person return to the world in the soul, and truly reborn from nirvana. " Sun Shuo said that he was a little excited because he also wanted to be born again. He was crazy about it, and his words were obviously shaking. "It's just that this Nirvana compass is too rebellious. The compass needle and compass have been taken apart and collected, and I don't know where they are."

Hu Hai narrowed his eyes and felt that the compass of Luoshu nine planets in the dumb house was also upside down in time and space. I don't know whether it was a compass or a compass. Hu Haijian kept it in mind silently. Without saying anything more, he frowned and asked, "Why did that Gao dig a treasure house to catch me?"

Sun Shuo chuckled: "The master said that since he happened to find me, he said he owed me a wish."

"wish?" Hu Hai stare blankly has been low head Sun Shuo finally raised his head. The puppet has a strange face. Although it looks vaguely like Sun Shuoyuan's face, his skin is really blue and white. Seeing it suddenly is like seeing a talking and moving zombie.

"Because my wish is to go back to the little boy ..." Sun Shuo is still smiling so gently and humbly, but the smile on his mouth evokes a strange radian.


At the same time, bathed in the same starry sky, there are two people, one big and one small.

Because it is in a small courtyard with four seasons like spring, Tang Yuan only wears a T-shirt with Iron Man printed on it. In front of him, there is a map of Zhang greatly's astrology, surrounded by a pile of books on astrology, and he is studying astrology hard. And the young road flyover around him is still wearing a crow-blue lake gauze robe, bowing his head thoughtfully.

"There are two stars hanging from the north and the south, and there is a flat road. There are always two black stars connected, and none of them is famous for its sages ... "Don Jacky opened Song of the Sky, a poem about the whole astrology. In ancient times, it refers to the cheats handed down from generation to generation by Qin prison supervisors. Of course, in modern times, this is no longer a secret. Tangyuan was ordered by Master to learn astrology, and the first step was to recite all the books Song of Heaven.

This is not difficult for Tang Yuan, who never forgets anything. Soon he has finished reciting the poems of Ziweiyuan, Taiweiyuan and Tianshiyuan, and is about to start reciting 28 stars. It's just that he needs to recite the Song of the Sky and the comparative map at the same time, which is more troublesome. What's more, the first time he recited the 188 constellation was equivalent to the pain of abandoning martial arts and practicing again.

"Master, Song of the Sky is so hard to recite!" Tang Yuan finally complained twice. He looked up and wanted to look for the stars in the corner, but suddenly he remembered that the corner was the first of the seven nights in the East, mostly Virgo and Centauri, and only appeared in the southern sky after sunset in late spring and early summer. It's the middle of winter, how can there be traces of rhinoceros horn in the sky? Why doesn't he start with Betelgeuse, the brightest and most obvious in the whole winter sky?

"Hey. Copula has a cloud: the sky hangs like an elephant, seeing good or bad luck. Stargazing can infer the direction of everything in the world and is a practical skill. " The little Taoist raised his head and dutifully began to brainwash his disciples.

"This is not practical at all ... I would rather believe in the online zodiac, how simple and straightforward it is." Tang Yuan drummed his cheeks and said angrily, "I don't want to see Tai Sui, evil spirits, seven evils, gossip, Sanyuan and nine planets!"

"hmm? You know jiaozi very well! " The little Taoist raised his eyebrows, and his handsome face showed surprise.

"That is! Master, I am very talented. How can I go to astrology? " Tang Yuan puffed out his chest proudly.

"Hey, small dumplings are really amazing. Keep cheering! " The young Taoist priest praised him sincerely.

Once again, I turned out the "song of the sky" in the array book with high morale. Tang Yuan this just stiff expression, feel like being played again. He looked up and was about to say a few theoretical words, but he saw his master holding a palm-sized tortoise shell in his hand and making a decision with his right hand. A yellow symbol at his fingertips spontaneously ignited without fire, and then was buckled on the stone table by tortoise shells. At this time, the crackling sound of turtle shell burning came and went.

Tang Yuan couldn't help holding her breath. Is this the legendary tortoise shell burning? !

The symbol looks like a small one, but after burning for a long time, the snapping sound of tortoise shells is constantly mixed. After being completely quiet, Tang Yuan found several clear cracks in the turtle shell, but it just didn't break it.

The little Taoist carefully groped for these gaps with the fingertips of his right hand, and at the same time reached out his left hand to pinch his fingers. Finally, his thumb stopped at the knuckles at the bottom of his middle finger.

As soon as Tang Yuan stayed, he naturally learned the algorithm of pinching his fingers with the small six rings. The next paragraph of the middle finger is called "empty death", which is the most fierce divination, indicating that all the items occupied are very unfavorable. No matter how the master calculates, it is a deadly divination!

"Master ..." Tang Yuan changed lanes anxiously, feeling like holding up a huge stone. I'm afraid others won't care too much about divination, but although he says he looks down on the master's ability, he also knows that this seemingly unreliable master eater is actually equivalent to a fairy. Recently, Master seldom touches his favorite food. Now I feel really wrong. Suddenly, Tang Yuan asked sullenly, "Master, didn't that broken eldest brother come to see you?"

The little monk looked up at the starry sky and sighed, "I have found you."

With his words, the enchantment in mid-air suddenly issued a huge crack without warning, and some cracks appeared in Shang Yuan's frightened eyes. Tang Yuan was dumbfounded, because he found that the crack on the enchantment was exactly the same as the crack on the tortoise shell that the master had just burned.

"hey!" The turtle shell on the stone table finally cracked completely and really fell apart.

"Little jiaozi, your master elder brother came to see me! Karma, but it won't stop. This matter has nothing to do with you. Let me take you to your second brother. " The young Taoist portrait was completely indifferent to the frequency of ominous signs, and even reached out and touched Tang Yuan's head and laughed.

"I'm not going! Master! Didn't you say you'd look for me all your life? Let's go together! " Tang Yuan stood up and pulled the robe sleeve of this man, with a round face and perseverance. Although I quarrel with my host on weekdays, I actually rely on each other. The master is his existence in this world.

"He won't kill me, eighty percent is to want me to taste the taste of trapped in two thousand. Don't worry, even if he uses 998 1 antiques as an eye array and resets the array of gods, you and my master will not give in easily. " The little Taoist smiled gently, and, despite Tang Yuan's crying, raised his hand and picked up a small basket from the lotus pond and threw it into his arms. Say that finish, he directly finger, accurately hit the Tang Yuan eyebrows.

Tang Yuan only felt a strong suction coming at him from his back, much like drowning in a whirlpool. At the moment of losing consciousness, he saw that the transparent barrier behind Master had turned into a spider web, full of cracks.

"This is winter! At least let me get a down jacket, master! "

When the broken cry of glutinous rice balls came, the Taoist priest found that his little apprentice had been perfectly transported away by him, and he couldn't help scratching his cheek with his fingers.

Small dumplings should not freeze to death ... should ...

Verb (abbreviation of verb)

Just out of the hospital building, I felt a biting cold wind blowing. The doctor tightened the heavy wool coat and regretted not watching the weather forecast when he went out in the morning. There is already a snowflake floating in the sky.

After greeting several colleagues and leaving, the doctor subconsciously turned and walked towards the commercial street next to the hospital.

Yeah, that's right. You have to cook for yourself when you go home. It is better to go to the mall to eat a bowl of hot noodles to warm up. Doctors make excuses for their physical instincts. When crossing the street, he saw a man with bangs covering his face waiting there with a black umbrella.

Just a casual glance, it happened that a cold wind rolled snowflakes and blew away each other's bangs, revealing the traces of burns around the eyes.

The doctor was very sad. The other person seems to be a very good-looking person, and I don't know what misfortune I met, but I was disfigured. However, the idea only flashed through my mind, and the doctor quickly withdrew his sight, completely unaware of how long the other person's eyes had been wandering on him.

At this time, it was already dark and colorful neon lights were already on the commercial street. The doctor stepped on a thin layer of snow and looked around, always feeling empty.

It seems that someone important has forgotten.

But no matter how he recalls it, he still can't think of any clues.

Rubbed his face, which was a little red with cold, the doctor thought it should be an illusion that there were too many surgical arrangements and too much pressure recently.

I took out my mobile phone and searched for any affordable group purchases around here. The doctor turned into a quiet alley according to the map, but almost stumbled. When he stood on the wall and looked back, he found that it was a coma boy!

The little boy looks only a teenager, wearing only a T-shirt with Iron Man printed on it, and his face is blue with cold.

The doctor quickly squatted down, and the little boy was still holding an antique rattan medicine basket in his arms, which was actually a small white snake curled up and hibernating. It should be nontoxic, and it should be domestic pet snake.

Too late to think about it, the doctor quickly took off his coat and wrapped it around the little boy, which was faster than calling 1 10 until he rushed back to the hospital with his child in his arms.

Carrying the little boy across the alley, the doctor decided to take the back door of the hospital.

When he walked in the commercial street, passers-by looked askance. The doctor didn't take it seriously either. As he walked, he measured the heartbeat of the boy in his arms with his hand. It seems that he is just frozen and has no trauma. The doctor walked briskly with a child of dozens of pounds in his arms. He broke out in a sweat without wearing a coat, and the exhaled air covered his glasses with a thin layer of frost.

At this time, it is the peak of nightlife, and the commercial street is crowded. The doctor dodged from side to side until someone seemed to be in his way.

"Please make way." The doctor said with a good temper.

The man froze for a moment and slowly leaned over.

Without much thought, the doctor thanked him and strode forward, unaware that the person behind him was following him with extremely complicated eyes.

The boss looked blankly at the direction in which the doctor left, although his figure had already disappeared behind others.

I don't know when the snowflake stopped overhead. The boss looked up and found that he had a black umbrella to keep out the snow.

"Did you get what you wanted?" Fu Su asked softly with his head down.

"I see." The boss smiled back. "Let's go."

The fourth part of Silence is finished.

They are all made by hand, so be sure to use them! ! ! )