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What do you mean by yin and yang?

Question 1: What do you mean by yin and yang? The concept of Yin and Yang originated from the ancient people's view of nature in China. The ancients observed various opposing and related natural phenomena in nature, such as heaven and earth, sun and moon, day and night, cold and heat, men and women, up and down, etc. And summed up the concept of "Yin and Yang" in a philosophical way of thinking. As early as the Spring and Autumn Period, Yi Zhuan and Lao Zi's Tao Te Ching both mentioned Yin and Yang [1]. The theory of Yin and Yang has penetrated into all aspects of China's traditional culture, including religion, philosophy, calendar, Chinese medicine, calligraphy, architecture, divination and so on. Yin and Yang are the division or subdivision of unity of opposites or contradictory relations, and they are a kind of genus relationship. The foundation of yin-yang and five elements seems simple, but few people know it, and even fewer people know it and can keep it.

Question 2: What do you mean by Yin and Yang? The concept of Yin and Yang originated from the ancient people's view of nature in China. The ancients observed various opposing and related natural phenomena in nature, such as heaven and earth, sun and moon, day and night, cold and heat, men and women, up and down, etc. And summed up the concept of "Yin and Yang" in a philosophical way of thinking. As early as the Spring and Autumn Period, Yi Zhuan and Lao Zi's Tao Te Ching both mentioned Yin and Yang [1]. The theory of Yin and Yang has penetrated into all aspects of China's traditional culture, including religion, philosophy, calendar, Chinese medicine, calligraphy, architecture, divination and so on. Yin and Yang are the division or subdivision of unity of opposites or contradictory relations, and they are a kind of genus relationship. The foundation of yin, yang and five elements of Chinese studies seems simple, but few people know it, and even fewer people know it and can keep it.

Yin and Yang represent the most basic opposition of all things.

Yin is cold, dark, polymeric and materialized.

Yang is heat, light, heat and gasification.

There is yang in yin and yin in yang, and the rush of qi is considered to be harmonious (like invisible qi separating yin and yang and making them occupy their respective positions). )。

The position of yin and yang is constantly changing, and it goes round and round. What we can see is that Yin is inside, Yang is outside (that is, positive matter that polymerizes to produce Yang), and vice versa (similar to a black hole). Everything must conform to the law and structure of Yin and Yang, just like life (gathering) and then death (parting). This is the law of yin and yang. If yin and yang are out of balance or in the wrong position in the human body, people will get sick.

These are the real meanings of Yin and Yang, and they are also the fundamental meanings of the Taiji diagram drawn on this basis. Traditional Chinese studies (medicine, astronomy, geography, mathematics, philosophy and even various classics) are all based on this, and have profoundly influenced China people's world outlook and outlook on life. (Five Elements and Taiji refer to the corresponding entries)

Modern definition of yin and yang

Definition 3 Yin and Yang are incompatible relations between two concepts "Yin (set) and Yang (set Y)" under the same generic concept "Unity of Opposites (Complete Set U)". The connotations of yin and yang are mutually negative. One concept "Yin (variant set)" affirms the attribute of object Yin, while another concept "Yang (variant set Y)" takes the attribute affirmed by negative concept as the attribute of object Yang. The extension of Yin and Yang are mutually exclusive (∩Y=0) and complementary (∪Y=U= 1, 1-Y=), and their sum is equal to the extension of their nearest generic concept (unity of opposites), that is, the sum or union of the extension of Yin and Yang of the two concepts (+Y =∩)

(1998, 1999. Yin-Yang and Essence of Mathematics, Journal of Mathematical Medicine 1999,No. 1 issue)

In a word, Yin and Yang are the generalization of the opposite nature of some interrelated things and phenomena in nature.

Question 3: What do you mean by yin and yang? Generally speaking, all things or phenomena with the characteristics of fire, such as heat, dryness, rising, transpiration, exercise, etc., belong to Yang, such as temperature, brightness, rising, movement, exterior, power and hyperactivity. On the contrary, all cold, moist, steady, condensed and static water belongs to yin, such as cold, dark, descending, static, internal, material and functional decline.

Yin and Yang in TCM refers to the unity of opposites of human body. Generally speaking, Yin represents the material basis of human body, while Yang represents function.

1, from the position, the hidden part belongs to yin, and the exposed part belongs to yang. 2. Physiologically speaking, Yin represents the material basis and organizational structure. Yang represents functional activities. Blood, body fluid and five internal organs all belong to yin. Both qi and six fu organs belong to Yang. In addition, the functions of the five internal organs themselves can also be explained by yin and yang. 3. Pathologically, the symptoms are chronic, deficiency-cold and hypofunction. They are all yin people. Acute, irritable, hyperactive, etc. all belong to Yang. 4. From the pulse condition, the heavy, late and deficiency belong to yin, while the floating and several belong to yang. 5, the tongue color is pale white, and the tongue color is red and purple.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the occurrence and development of diseases are caused by the imbalance of yin and yang in the human body. As long as the balance of yin and yang is adjusted, the normal function of the human body can be restored.

Question 4: What do you mean by Taoist Yin and Yang? The ancient explanation of primitive people in the world is that everything starts from Tao, and Tao gives birth to one life, two lives, three lives and three lives. The "two" here are yin and yang, both sides of the world. Such as day and night, men and women, success and failure, and so on.

Question 5: What are the specific meanings of Yin-Yang and Five Elements? Outline of Yin-Yang and Five Elements.

According to the theory of five elements, everything in the universe is composed of the movement and change of five basic substances: wood, fire, earth, gold and water. It emphasizes the whole concept and describes the structural relationship and movement form of things. If Yin and Yang are an ancient theory of unity of opposites, the five elements can be said to be a primitive general system theory.

The application of the theory of five elements to medicine in Neijing has played an important role in studying and sorting out a large number of clinical experiences accumulated by the ancients and forming a unique theoretical system of traditional Chinese medicine.

yin-yang and five elements

Yin and Yang refer to two opposing and interrelated forces in everything in the world. As can be understood from the foregoing description, Yin and Yang are originally contained in Qi. Popular breath, infinite, tai chi, tai chi movement produces yin and yang, which in turn promotes the movement and change of the world and everything. Five elements are categories used to summarize several basic elements in the world. They are named after wood, fire, earth and water, but they don't just refer to these specific things themselves, but take them as the basic framework, or take them as the thinking model, and divide all phenomena into five basic categories. The five elements are the basic elements of the world.

The theory of Yin and Yang originated in Xia Dynasty, which is the origin and foundation of China's ancient philosophy. The viewpoint of unity of opposites in today's materialist dialectics is consistent with the theory of Yin and Yang. Yin-yang theory is widely used in all fields of social life, and people use it unconsciously.

Yin and yang contain five elements, and the five elements contain yin and yang. Everything in the universe can be divided into yin and yang according to its attributes. "Yang" is vigorous, upward, budding, showing, extroverted, stretching, bright, positive and active; "Yin" is weak, downward, convergent, hidden, introverted, shrinking, economical, passive and quiet. I have the duality of yin and yang in any specific matter. That is, there is yang in yin and yin in yang.

Anything huge can't escape the category of yin and yang, and anything tiny has two aspects. Under certain conditions, Yin and Yang can be transformed into each other, and the phenomenon that the two poles meet is a manifestation of the transformation of Yin and Yang.

Everything in the universe can be systematically divided into five categories according to its characteristics: gold, wood, water, fire and earth. These five things are collectively called the five elements. Gold, wood, water, fire and earth do not refer to five specific single things, but are abstract summaries of five different attributes of all things in the universe. We should fully understand the true connotation of the five elements.

There is a relationship between the five elements, and the emergence of gram is two contradictory aspects, namely yin and yang. Mutual growth and mutual resistance are the universal laws of things, and they are two inseparable aspects within things. Birth is relative. No birth, no birth. Without grams, there is no life. If there is nothing, things will develop endlessly, go to extremes, produce extremes, and change from good to bad; If there is no life, things will be weakened and decline because they are suppressed too much.

In the contradiction between opposition and unity, whether excessive or excessive, the relative balance or unity will be broken because of opposition, and things will tilt to one side. In order to keep a relative balance, life and gram should contain each other. When they can't contain each other, the balance will be broken, and then things will change.

The five elements are mutually generated and restricted.

In aquatic wood, wood gives birth to worry, fire gives birth to soil, soil gives birth to gold, and gold gives birth to water.

Water can break fire, fire can break gold, Jin Kemu, Muketu, Tuke water.

Heavenly stems and earthly branches and Yin and Yang

Tiangan: A, B, C, D, E, Ji, G, Xin, Ren and Gui.

Dry on cloudy days: b, d, b, b, b, d, d, d, d, d, d, d.

Yang Tiangan: A, C, E, G, Ren

Dizhi: Zi, Ugly, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, Wei, Shen, You, Xu and Hai.

Yangtu branch: Zi, Yin, Chen, Wu, Shen and Xu.

Yin branch: ugliness, hair, division, health, unitary and sea.

yin-yang and five elements

Five elements: golden wood fire, water and earth

Five elements and four directions: the east belongs to wood, the south to fire, the west to gold, the north to water and the center to earth.

Wuxing Ke Sheng

The five elements coexist: Jinshui, aquatic wood, Muhuo, Huotu and Tujin.

The five elements coexist: Jin Kemu, Muketu, Tukeshui, fire and water, fire and water ... >>

Question 6: What do you mean by seeking Yin and Yang? Seeking: pursuing; Explore; Beg. Suo: Search; Looking for. Yin and Yang: In short, it is a profound philosophy. Such as divination (divination), looking at acupoints. ...

Seeking yin and yang: (laborious) search, explore and study the knowledge of yin and yang.

Question 7: What do you mean, Yin and Yang don't cross? Yin and Yang don't hurt each other, which is an unbalanced state of health. To explain this problem, we must first know what Yin and Yang are. Huangdi Neijing clearly states that one yin and one yang is the way. Lonely yin is not born, and lonely yang is not long. All these mean that our human body has Yin and Yang, and only the balance between Yin and Yang Can can keep people from getting sick. Yin and Yang are a pair of concepts with a wide range. For the human body, qi is yang and blood is yin. The six internal organs are yang and the five internal organs are yin; The body surface is yang and the body is yin; The back is Yang, and the front is Yin. For celestial bodies, the sky is yang and the earth is yin; Sunny during the day and cloudy at night; Male is Yang, female is Yin.

The intersection of yin and yang is to maintain the balance of yin and yang. Two kinds of qi in the body should be balanced, and qi and blood should be balanced. This is a state of harmony. And yin and yang don't cross, that is, yin and yang lose balance, and naturally they will get sick. For example, if the yang is too strong, it will form heat, and it needs yin to moderate it so as not to overheat. If the yang is too strong and the yin is insufficient, this is the yin deficiency of the yang, and naturally a series of diseases dominated by fire will appear, such as red eyes and sore throat, sores on the mouth and tongue, insomnia and night sweats. However, if Yin Qi is too strong, it will be cold, so it won't be too cold. If Yin Qi is too strong and Yang Qi is insufficient, this is yin deficiency, and naturally a series of diseases mainly due to chills will appear, such as chills in limbs, weakness of waist and knees, weakness of spleen and stomach, abdominal pain and diarrhea.

Reasonable daily life is the most basic way to maintain the balance between Yin and Yang, and reasonable physical exercise and reasonable diet can promote the balance between Yin and Yang. Because the human body is a very complex system, everyone may show a different physique from others, so the choice of health care methods should be the best for themselves, not health care.

Question 8: What do men mean by yin and yang? Glass is his second aunt. I like neither women nor men.