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The Application of China's Learning Wisdom in Enterprise Management

The Application of China's Learning Wisdom in Enterprise Management

? Chinese studies? This word has a long history, especially when the late Qing Dynasty was humiliating and the nation was strong. At that time, people of insight started from China and the West? Physical use? 、? Dozzi The ending? Fighting, one of them? Medium? It refers to middle school, also called Chinese studies. Deng Shi, the quintessence of Chinese culture, wrote in 1906:? What is a China scholar? A country's learning is also. Life with land is on it, because there is a country, and people with a country have their own knowledge. People who study, learn the knowledge of a country, think it is useful for the country and govern it. ? (Lectures on Chinese Studies, Journal of Chinese Cuisine,No. 19) Chinese studies should include philosophy, history, religion, literature, customs, textual research, ethics, medicine, calligraphy and painting, astrology, mathematics, drama, music, architecture and other academic thoughts, as well as all traditional thoughts, cultures and academics in China. Sinology, which was called the foundation of the country at that time, refers to China's traditional culture, which is dominated by Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, Buddhism and martial arts, with poetry, calligraphy, ceremony, music, the Book of Changes, the Spring and Autumn Period, Han Feizi and Sun Tzu as classics.

From modern times to the present, the traditional culture represented by Confucianism, whether the essence or the dross, has gradually become the edge of learning. In fact, Chinese studies is still a science of self-cultivation and governing the country and the people. Starting from the theory of human nature, it achieves the goal of ruling the world through self-cultivation and cultivation. After thousands of years of accumulation, its great wisdom still shows its unique charm. Although the traditional academic thoughts of Chinese studies contend, the purpose is to establish an ideal country with great harmony in the world, with different ways and the same goal. Taoism, represented by Laozi and Zhuangzi, emphasizes weakness and softness and advocates inaction. Do nothing. Do nothing? , emphasize? Everything in the world is done in detail, and everything in the world is easy? Think? Staff sergeant heard this word and worked hard? Only by defeating the strong with weakness and restraining the strong with softness can we rule the world. Confucianism, represented by Confucius and Mencius, advocates benevolent governance, follows ethics, loves everything, cares about the world, and takes self-cultivation as its own responsibility. Worry about the world first, and enjoy it later? , raise? Terrain Kun? Virtue, okay? Tian Xingjian? Tao, with lofty spirit, leveled the world, which became the ruling thought of China feudal society for two thousand years. At the same time, Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, military, law, and yin and yang thoughts have matured. Confucianism, Mohism, Laozi, Zhuangzi and Zen all attach great importance to people's perceptual psychology (wisdom) and natural life (body). Confucianism stresses self-cultivation, introspection and harmony; Zhuangzi? Things instead of things? It is cold-eyed and warm-hearted, and the Tao is ruthless but affectionate; Mohism attaches great importance to reproduction. Love each other? ; Zen? Picking water and chopping wood? Zen is inseparable from daily life. These concerns actually show the affirmation and persistence of life, life, life, sensibility and the world in different ways, and require the elements of life to maintain harmony between people and between people and nature. Therefore, from another perspective, Sinology has always advocated a harmonious beauty, which shows that Sinology is not only the wisdom of management, but also an aesthetic wisdom, paying attention to the happiness of life.

The great wisdom of Chinese studies in world management, social management and self-management has penetrated into all aspects and levels of China society in administration, economy, culture, military, family and various organizations. We must admit that they still have great inspiration for modern enterprise management and great practical significance in national political management or social enterprise management. The management of enterprises is the work of managers. Enterprise is a transaction contract between human capital and financial capital (financial and material), and its main purpose is to obtain profits and create value, whether spiritual or material. In order to achieve enterprise goals, enterprises must integrate human, financial and material resources, which requires managers to organize, plan, direct, supervise and adjust the production activities of enterprises. These functional activities are enterprise management. Only by giving full play to the utility of human capital and financial capital, can enterprise management succeed and enterprises develop. Among them, human capital is active capital, which not only has great autonomy for itself, but also has decision-making power for passive capital (financial capital) within its scope of responsibility. Therefore, any management is ultimately carried out by people. Only through people's planned deployment, processing, flow and other activities can the flow of materials be kept smooth and the production, operation and management activities be carried out in an orderly and effective manner. Therefore, enterprise managers must recognize people's initiative as the subject of value creation, consider people's cultural psychology and mental state, and implement management aimed at human nature. ? The father of management? Peter. Drucker thought:? It is precisely because the object of management is the collective of people who work hard for the same goal that it always takes human nature as the main body and always discusses good and evil. ? (Drucker, Drucker every day) This thesis applies not only to American enterprises, but also to the management of any enterprise with human, financial and material components. Enterprise management in modern China also needs to pay attention to human nature. However, the traditional Chinese studies in China are based on the investigation of human nature to demonstrate management. For managers, the cultivation of Chinese studies is still of great significance to the humanized management of enterprises.

People in any society can only innovate on the premise of inheritance. From this point of view, modern enterprise management cannot completely give up the influence of traditional culture, which is why modern enterprise management has to pay attention to people's thoughts, behaviors and values, because people's values are branded with traditional cultural thoughts to some extent. In modern enterprise management, managers should pay special attention to the particularity of China's cultural heritage, because thousands of years of historical and cultural accumulation in China have diversified China people's life concepts and moral standards, so people's social interests have also produced different diversity. Therefore, modern enterprises in China must understand the traditional culture of China and its still existing realistic influence, otherwise the effectiveness of management will be greatly reduced, and even the survival and development of enterprises will be affected. Furthermore, on the positive side, enterprise managers can understand traditional culture, learn the essence of Chinese studies, enhance management wisdom, realize humanized management, and make enterprise management localization create brilliance in modern enterprise operation.

Within the enterprise, institutionalized and standardized management is the most basic management, and it is also the characteristic of western management. In enterprise management, we should make a detailed scientific quantitative system for every link, every department and every post in enterprise management, with people as the core, so that enterprises can unify standards, thoughts and actions from top to bottom, and produce the best results with less investment and more benefits. The western management methods we study and use pay special attention to establishing rules and regulations, strictly following the system and pursuing institutional benefits, so as to realize orderly and effective management. Besides these hard and fast rules, do enterprises need some soft systems? There are no written rules, but people can consciously abide by intangible systems, including personal moral cultivation, social atmosphere and so on. China's ancient management wisdom actually coincides with some ideas of modern management wisdom. For example, modern enterprise management pays attention to processes and details, the famous saying of Laozi, the founder of Taoism? Great things in the world must be done in detail, and difficult things in the world must be done easily? In other words, big things should start from small things, and difficult things should start from small things. If the detailed management of enterprises and the principles of Chinese studies complement each other and let employees understand the inner spirit of starting from small things, then the enthusiasm of employees will be stimulated from external motivation and external motivation at the same time, thus creating greater benefits.

Managers must properly handle the relationship with employees in order to generate operating benefits. Of course, through the restraint of the system, we can get a more standardized effect, but if we can't conform to the law of the development of things and blindly emphasize the suppression of the system, we will have a similar effect? It's better to defend the people than to defend Sichuan. Result. Confucius, the founder of Confucianism? Loyalty and forgiveness? The way to advocate? You want to stand up and be a man, you want to touch someone? , put forward? Don't do to others what you don't want them to do to you? Put forward the bottom line of human morality? The beauty of a gentleman and an adult? . These are all important rules for dealing with interpersonal relationships. When implementing humanized management, enterprise managers should not only consider the needs of managers, but also consider the needs of employees. At the same time, employees should also consider the needs of management and enterprises. In the development of Confucianism, it was suggested that? Do whatever you want with others? The concept of "interpersonal relationship" provides a valuable reference for the interpersonal relationship management of enterprises. The Analects of Confucius? In Luz? Gentleman is harmonious but different? Right? Peace is the most important thing? Medium? And then what? The concrete elaboration of ideas and the pursuit of internal harmony and unity, rather than the sameness of appearance, are the basic conditions and principles for human survival and development. In an enterprise with organized rules, there are various employees, and conflicts often exist. Harmony but difference? It is to emphasize coordination rather than attachment, seek harmony and tolerate differences, so that enterprises will have vitality, produce harmonious beauty and develop enterprising corporate culture.

In the view of management scientists, the best way of enterprise management should be to achieve the realm of self-management, that is, employees voluntarily, spontaneously and even consciously implement enterprise rules and regulations without any supervision. At this point, the existence of the system in turn becomes a vassal of the employee's self-management spirit, and the employee's behavior becomes an independent internal driving force, and the enterprise will produce the greatest benefit. But the achievement of this effect comes entirely from the personal cultivation of managers and employees, and the perfect combination of corporate culture and system humanization. This has nothing to do with Taoism, right? Governing by doing nothing? Management wisdom coincides with mine. In Lao Tzu's eyes, the managers of the country can do nothing. I do nothing and the people are self-motivated, I am quiet and the people are self-righteous, I do nothing and the people are rich, I have no desire and the people are simple? . If this idea of doing nothing is applied to modern management art, it means that managers are committed to the determination of strategic guidelines, the decentralization of decision-making power in daily affairs, fully mobilizing the enthusiasm of subordinates and giving full play to their talents. As a result, business managers stay away from details, do not participate in trivial matters, and influence the values of the group with their exemplary actions. Zheng Min? 、? Huamin? And then what? Enriching the people? Realize the goal of enterprise management in a peaceful and natural atmosphere. At the same time, Zuozhuan records that? There is virtue in the world, followed by merit, followed by words. Although it will not be abolished for a long time, is this called immortality? , the ancients called it? Three Immortals This is an ideal portrayal of the enterprising spirit of Confucianism. Pursuit is the most intrinsic motivation of people's behavior. In an enterprise, both the manager and the managed want to achieve something in their work, so enterprise managers need to give employees opportunities and space to pursue their ideals. Once employees have the ideal goals that they think are meaningful, the space provided by enterprises will become a big world for them to display their talents, management will become the common pursuit of enterprise groups, a harmonious corporate culture will be formed, and management will reach the realm of self-management.

Of course, humanized management is by no means humanized management, but harmonious management aimed at people's psychology. In today's society, the system is the basis of the normal operation of enterprises, and enterprise management can not be separated from the guarantee of the system at any time. However, judging from the management of modern enterprises, China's ancient management wisdom actually contains all the elements of modern management wisdom, whether it is system or culture. However, due to the numerous schools of Chinese studies, different people have different opinions, and the wisdom of Chinese studies is scattered in various academic trends of thought. If we can integrate the essence of various ideas, take their similarities and apply them to modern enterprise management, then the modern significance of the management wisdom of Chinese studies can be revealed.

In recent years? Chinese studies fever? Quietly rising, all kinds of classics are published again and again, all kinds? Interpretation? With the prominent position of bookstores, more and more people are reading and studying Chinese studies. Domestic universities and research institutes have production? University Chinese studies? They took it as their responsibility to study the classics of Chinese studies, explore the essence of Chinese studies and carry forward the spirit of Chinese studies, and created great theoretical achievements. Meanwhile, from Mr. Feng Chenglong's? Longjiang academy? From the National Academy of Renmin University, the Peking University Sinology Forum, to the New Confucian Merchants Sinology Wisdom College of Shanghai Jiaotong University, the sinology wisdom began to move from the sacred hall of the college to daily life and social management, especially to modern enterprise management. What is more gratifying is that more and more entrepreneurs are beginning to pay attention to Chinese studies and begin to apply the wisdom of Chinese studies to enterprise management. The training institutions of Chinese studies provide a platform for entrepreneurs who are obsessed with Chinese studies to improve their management wisdom and life realm to learn, study Chinese studies and exchange management experience. We can imagine that the essence of China traditional culture will be sublimated, and contemporary enterprises in China will make great achievements!
