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What are the phrases of "eight"?

Eight groups of words:

1, stereotyped writing

Sentence-making: Compared with the previous emphasis on the attributes of eight-part essay, the table is arranged to highlight the fixed format law of eight-part essay and show its essence as an exam answer sheet.

Description: An examination style of imperial examination system in Ming and Qing Dynasties, with strict paragraphs. Each article consists of questions, topics, lectures, starting points, starting points, middle sharing, back sharing and binding sharing. Starting from the four parts of the bundle, there are two parallel words, * * * is stereotyped writing. The content is vague and the form is rigid, which binds people's thoughts. Now it is often used to describe empty and rigid articles, speeches, etc.

2. The Eighth Route Army

Sentence: An American girl in Shandong said that she had visited the prison camp where fifty captured Kuomintang generals were located and saw that their food and living conditions were much better than those of her own officers in the Eighth Route Army.

Note: The anti-Japanese revolutionary armed forces led by China's * * * Production Party were originally the main force of the Chinese Red Army of Workers and Peasants. 1937 After the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression started, it was reorganized into the Eighth Route Army of the National Revolutionary Army, which was the main force in North China's anti-Japanese war. During the Third Revolutionary Civil War, it was reorganized into China People's Liberation Army together with the New Fourth Army and other people's armed forces.

3. September 18th Incident

Sentence: During the September 18th Incident, there was a unique diplomatic debate between China, Japan and Britain, representing the League of Nations, about whether and how to resolve the Sino-Japanese dispute through direct negotiations.

Commentary: On June/KOOC-0/93/KOOC-0/September/KOOC-0/8, the Japanese imperialist invading army (Kwantung Army) attacked Shenyang. At this time, China Kuomintang troops stationed in Shenyang and Northeast China accepted Chiang Kai-shek's order of "absolutely not resisting" and retreated to Shanhaiguan, so that the Japanese invaders quickly occupied Liaoning, Jilin and Shanhaiguan.

4. March 8 Women's Day

Sentence making: Slightly different from Valentine's Day, carnations, lilies and roses are popular on Women's Day on March 8th, and more are given to mothers, bosses, lovers and colleagues.

Description: International Women's Struggle Day. On March 8, 1909, women workers in Chicago, USA held a demonstration to demand equal rights between men and women. In August of the following year, at the Second International Socialist Women's Congress held in Copenhagen, Denmark, in order to promote the unity and liberation of international working women, it was decided to designate March 8 as Women's Day every year. Also called International Women's Day.

5. Eight Banners

Sentence: The "city" under the jurisdiction of General Shengjing has become the customary administrative area of the garrison, with jurisdiction, size, boundary and administrative organization. The garrison system gradually evolved into a local administrative system with the characteristics of the Eight Banners system.

Note: The military organization and household registration of Manchu in Qing Dynasty were divided into eight banners: yellow, white, red, blue, yellow, white, red and blue. Later, the Eight Banners of Mongolia and the Eight Banners of Han Army were added. Officials of the Eight Banners are usually in charge of civil affairs and serve as generals in wartime. The descendants of the Banners will always be soldiers.

6, myna

Sentence: "More analysis is needed to clearly prove this point, but our research results only show this point." starling group is also a critical system, and Irene, a physicist at the University of Rome and co-author of this study? IreneGiardina said.

Description: (~) Birds, with black feathers and crests, feed on insects and plant seeds. Some sounds that can imitate human speech. Also known as "thrush" (Qú yī Ι).

7. Ugly

Sentence: Margaret Thatcher's son Mark was involved in a criminal case, and her daughter Carol once caused an uproar by insulting tennis star Tsonga as "ugly" and refused to apologize for it.

Explanation: refers to an ugly person.

8. August 1st

Sentence: Madame Pontmercy was an educated and unfortunate woman, worthy of her husband and admirable in all aspects, but she died in 18 15, leaving a child.

Note: August 1 day is the anniversary of the founding of the China People's Liberation Army. 1 927 August1Nanchang Uprising was the beginning of the armed revolution led independently by China's * * * Production Party. In July 1933, 1 1, China workers and peasants' democracy and the central government stipulated this day as the Army Day of our army.

9, eight characters

Sentence: That night, when I was reading the newspaper, I seemed to confirm the fortune teller's words. I saw the golden advice corresponding to my birthday: "You must listen to everything the boss says."

Explanation: (~ Er) In the old days, heavenly stems and earthly branches was used to represent the year, month, day and hour of a person's birth, which was eight characters. Superstitious people think that a person's fate can be inferred from the date of birth.

10, octagon

Sentence: Due to the outbreak of avian influenza, not only health workers but also poultry breeders should participate in the culling of poultry in epidemic areas. However, the quantity of Tamiflu is limited, partly because the supply of star anise needed to synthesize Tamiflu is also limited.

Description: (1) evergreen shrub with long oval leaves, red flowers and octagonal fruit. Also called star anise or fennel. The fruit of this plant is a common condiment. It contains volatile oil and is used as a stomach tonic and expectorant in medicine. This is one of the characteristics of our country. Different regions have names such as aniseed and fennel.

Bafang 1 1

Sentence: At dawn, hundreds of rice terraces appeared in our sight on the top of the high mountain near the Sino-Vietnamese border. These geometric terraces are distributed in all directions at the foot of the mountain.

Explanation: it refers to the east, west, south, north, southeast, northeast, southwest and northwest, and generally refers to the surrounding areas and places: one side is besieged on all sides and comes to support.

12, G8

Sentence: Only the postal and customs revenues are still being sent to Beijing, because the tariffs were mortgaged to Eight-Nation Alliance after the Boxer Rebellion 1900, and Zhang was afraid that foreign powers would step in and withhold the tariffs.

Description: 1900, Britain, the United States, Germany, France, Russia, Japan, Italy and Austria formed an invading army to put out the anti-imperialist boxer movement in China. Eight-Nation Alliance captured Tianjin, Beijing and other places, forcing the Qing government to sign the "Xin Chou Treaty" in 190 1.

13, Eight Immortals

Sentence: Suppose Miss Hydrangea fights Hillary, then I think Anna will be prosecuted for trying to hook up with barack obama.

Explanation: (1) The Eight Immortals in ancient mythology are Han Zhongli, Zhang, Li Tie Guai, Han Xiangzi, Cao Guojiu, Lan Caihe and He Xiangu. It used to be the theme of painting and artistic decoration. ② Square table.

14, 80%

Sentence: In addition, nearly 80% of the respondents said that high-speed Internet (79%) and free parking (77%) were the most important factors for their comfort in hotel accommodation on business.

Explanation: (1) Eight tenths: ~ Something new | happened ~ (2) (~ children) are the majority; Probably: It seems that he won't come.

15, gossip

Sentence: Rumors quickly swept through, because an American gossip website compared the story with the National Inquirer's claim that Woods and Rachel, a nightclub waitress in new york? Utchell, report of the incident.

Description: A set of symbols in ancient China. Use "?" Represents yang, uses'-'to represent yin, and uses three such symbols to form eight forms, which are called eight diagrams. Each six-pointed star represents something. It is discussed in detail in the Book of Changes. Gossip is said to have been created by Fuxi and later used for divination.

16, eight-part essay

Sentence-making: Compared with the previous emphasis on the attributes of eight-part essay, the table is arranged to highlight the fixed format law of eight-part essay and show its essence as an exam answer sheet.

Interpretation: a special style stipulated by the imperial examination system in Ming and Qing Dynasties. The whole article consists of eight parts: topic, topic, head, head, middle, back and beam. The last four parts are the center of the article, and each part has two dual words, * * * stereotyped writing, so it is called stereotyped writing. Its theme and content are limited to the four books and five classics, and the author is not allowed to play freely, and the number of words is also strictly regulated.