Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What are the customs of the Li nationality?

What are the customs of the Li nationality?


Living in Qili, Wanchong Town, it is an ancient style for women to wear the "crown head" style and open their chests, and only use a simple button to tie them. A short skirt with gorgeous patterns on the lower body, similar to a skirt without pleats. Married women wear a bun at the back of their heads, a bone or metal hairpin and a headscarf. They like to wear earrings, expectation rings, necklaces, bracelets and other cosmetics. Women in Baoyou, Yongming, Shanrong and Sanping used to wear big and heavy metal earrings, which could lengthen their ears. Generally, when women go out or meet happiness, everyone has one or two beautiful clothes to wear. Before liberation, men's clothes were mostly woven from their own hemp, cotton or picked raw hemp. Wear "cover cloth" After liberation, most young men and women wore cool, nylon and nylon fabrics. The clothes were the same as those of young men and women of Han nationality, but they also kept the clothes of the past. prescribe a diet

Before liberation, the Li people lived in poverty. Generally speaking, they have a small amount of rice supplemented by miscellaneous grains to satisfy their hunger. A few people live in wealthy families and have three meals a day. Alcohol and tobacco are the main hobbies. Tobacco leaves are mainly self-planted, and most of them are smoked with bamboo hookahs. Most of the wine we drink is glutinous rice wine brewed by ourselves. Most families have homemade pottery to steam wine. Older women like to chew betel nuts. Young girls taste it at weddings or festivals. In addition, Li people also like to bake fragrant rice with bamboo tubes. The production method is to cut the tender bamboo of Xilongzhu into sections of bamboo tubes, pour in glutinous rice from the fields, and cook in the fire. After boiling, plug the nozzle with leaves and continue to simmer slowly. After cooking, breaking the bamboo tube is delicious dry rice. Braised rice with tender bamboo tube is particularly fragrant and delicious, so it is called "fragrant rice". house

Most of the Li people's houses are huts. The inpatient department has simple structure and various forms. It has a "general-shaped house" in the shape of a bucket with a canopy, which is framed by bamboo and wood and covered with thatch. Generally, houses are inseparable. The wooden board woven with rattan or bamboo is about half the height of the ground, and there is a kitchen hall in the house, where cooking, eating and sleeping are all together. In addition, there are "golden"-shaped huts and low "houses", and some rich households and rich households also have brick houses. After 1978, the economy of the Li nationality has developed greatly. Farmers live a good life and build tile houses. Some professional households with better economic income have also built buildings. At the same time, the government has allocated some special funds to help minority areas rebuild shacks. Now tile houses account for about 20% of the total number of households. Folk traditional festivals

The first day of the first lunar month is the Spring Festival, which is the biggest festival for the people. The festive atmosphere in the village is very strong. I stayed up all night, waiting for midnight. At midnight, at the beginning of the New Year, the house is brightly lit, firecrackers are set off to welcome the Spring Festival, and the family sits around and eats newly cooked rice to celebrate the Spring Festival. Villages near the Han area also have the habit of posting Spring Festival couplets. Some people still post the word "Fu" on doors and windows to show happiness and safety. During festivals, there is also the habit of greeting each other. When peers meet, say hello to each other, and when younger generations meet their elders, they should also give gifts to congratulate them on their health and longevity. Relatives and friends greet each other in New Year greetings, and they all hold banquets to celebrate the New Year. Lantern Festival, Tomb-Sweeping Day, Duanyang Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, Double Ninth Festival, Meng Lanjie, etc. Li people living in the hinterland of mountainous areas have no habit of celebrating, and only places adjacent to Han people, such as Qianjia, Long Hao, Wu Gong, Gaobao and Jianfeng, have the same celebration activities as Han people. After 1985, Li people living in the hinterland of mountainous areas began to celebrate these festivals, but most of them were employees working in government agencies, schools and factories. March 3 rd festival

Every year, the third day of the third lunar month is Li Festival. Every year when the festival comes, the unmarried young men and women of Li nationality in each village wear bright national costumes and come to the wilderness in droves with mellow wine and glutinous rice wine in the early morning. In the melodious sound of flute, drum and other musical instruments, the young man is singing and dancing, while the girl is hiding in the green trees, holding flowers and quietly peeping at her lover. After the meeting, both men and women confessed to Song. As the sun sets and dusk falls, people light piles of baskets and sing and dance until late at night. At this time, young men and women who were in love left the celebration venue in pairs and went into the jungle to make a lifelong commitment. After marriage, the two sides will no longer participate in the "March 3" activities. superstitious activities

Due to the influence of feudal society on life category and ideology, Li people generally have superstitious thoughts of believing in various ghosts and gods. People think that these "ghosts" are the cause of people's illness. So there are hosts who send "ghosts" to God, that is, "Dao Gong" and "Dao Po", all of whom are men. Taoist priests wear robes of the Han nationality when practicing, and Taoist women wear short shirts and flower headscarves when sending "ghosts". Before liberation, the ruling class used "Taoists" and "Taoists" to falsely accuse good workers of "forbidding the public" and "forbidding women" through divination, thus carrying out various persecutions and even murdering their lives for money. There are many superstitions of Li nationality, such as divination, chicken bone divination, egg divination, etc., which are mainly used to predict bad luck before hunting siege or action, while cup divination is used to "check ghosts", but more are divination. In addition to the above divination, there are also customs of burning incense, offering sacrifices, praying to God and worshiping Buddha, inviting witches and watching geomantic omen.

There are few religious activities in Li nationality areas. Only in September of 1936, two Han people went to Li nationality area to carry out Christian propaganda, and established churches and preached scriptures in Zu Mao and Daokong districts of Wanyang town under the jurisdiction of the original county. After liberation, churches were demolished, Christians died one after another, and there was no activity. Social customs married into the county Li nationality. Due to the differences in living environment and customs, there are two kinds of marriage: simple and complex. For example, in Baoding, Sanping, Toukou, Nanmu and other villages, it is very simple to hold a wedding ceremony. As long as the man's parents bring a basket of rice (about three or four weeks later) to the woman's house for matchmaking, if the woman's parents agree, the daughter and a female companion can accompany him to the man's house for a potluck, in order to let the man see if he likes it. If he likes, he can get married without a bride price. Except for the above four villages, wedding ceremonies in most areas are more complicated. On the wedding day, the groom does not attend the wedding banquet of the woman's family, and the unmarried young man with whom the groom falls in love is the representative, bringing gifts such as wine, meat, rice and betel nut to greet the bride. When the bride goes out, she needs to wait until the sun goes down, bring a torch and a flashlight, and several bridesmaids accompany her barefoot to her husband's house. When entering the rich village, the bride must lower her head and drill the fire door composed of fire handles to burn off the "evil spirits" before entering the house. When the bride and groom celebrate the New Year, they worship their ancestors in the sound of flutes, drums and firecrackers. Then the bride presents beautiful coconut shells to her in-laws, and the in-laws return the "red seal" (in the old days, it was Yang Guang system, but now it is RMB system). After the visit, the bride will also hold an oath ceremony: kneel on the new straw mat laid in front of the new house, take off her jade bracelet and put it in a water bowl, and then wash her ears and eyes with the jade bracelet soaked in water to show that her love for her husband will be as clear as water, as firm as jade, and will never change her mind. After the ceremony, the bride and groom crowded into the bridal chamber and began to make trouble in the bridal chamber. The bridesmaids were arranged to drink and sing with the young men outside the house, and let the guests disperse until dawn. In addition, the bride will hold another solemn labor ceremony: she must go straight to the village girls and pick a handful of water (pure water) from a pair of wooden barrels to go home. Water should be filled, and water should not be spilled on the road to symbolize that the bride will become the most meritorious person in the village in the future. At this point, the entire wedding ceremony advertisement ended. Different branches of the Li nationality have different funeral ceremonies. In Sanping, Baoyu, Daan, Zhizhong, Yongming, Shanrong and other areas, when people die, they will inform their relatives and friends to attend the funeral. However, instead of holding a grand funeral ceremony, it is usually to give the deceased a coffin and replace it before entering the funeral. After the funeral, the coffin stayed overnight and the funeral was held at four o'clock the next afternoon. Instead of building a tomb, put the utensils of the deceased in front of the grave (women put textile tools and clothes, men put bows and arrows, wooden plows, waist baskets, straw hats, etc.). ), and when buried, they are usually in a cemetery with their ancestors. Funerals in other areas are more grand. When someone dies in the family, the local people send their own men to inform all the married women in the family and bring their in-laws and relatives to the funeral. No one who receives the notice can be absent for any reason. The day before the funeral, all the female uncles of their own race chose to form a team and came to the home of the deceased. The arrangement of the team is: women first, men later, one-way. In the procession, the old woman came first empty-handed, followed by the young woman who picked rice and wine, followed by the woman who didn't pick the burden. Everyone is wearing beautiful clothes. Followed by men's bands, including gongs, drums, cymbals, erhu and Xiao. Then came a group of young men, carrying "Tianma" and "Sky Lantern" pasted with colored paper. The beautiful sky lantern entrusts people with their grief for the dead. In the sound of musical instruments, people attending the funeral walked out of the bedroom of the deceased in an orderly manner. When they arrived at the door, the women of the deceased family immediately stood up to pack their bags and luggage. "Tianma" was placed on the roof or next to the house, and "Sky Lantern" was hung in the house of the deceased. Then Chyi Chin, a musical instrument, slowly walked into the rooms where the bodies were parked, kowtowing to the bodies and crying. Give up the rest one by one after half an hour. After all kinds of ceremonies, the funeral was held at eight or nine o'clock the next morning. The funeral was carried to the cemetery by 16 young men. There are three or four people sitting on the coffin, all of whom are the daughters or close relatives of the deceased. After the funeral, non-locals will accompany them to the village entrance, and local men and women will accompany them to the burial place. After the deceased entered the cave, her old woman took all the women in her family, each with a small bottle in his hand, poured the wine on the coffin, and then burst into tears, and it was a little bit scattered. Other men can also go back to the village. The graves were built by relatives. The appellation between relatives of Li nationality is the same as that of Han nationality, but the difference is that uncles, brothers and sisters and cousins are generally commensurate. Who are brothers and sisters? It is not they who decide their age, but only their parents or mothers. Anyone who is older than their father or mother (such as uncle, aunt, uncle) is called a brother or sister. Children younger than their parents (uncles, aunts, aunts and uncles) are called brothers or sisters. Although the children of uncles or aunts, aunts and uncles are very young, they must also be called brothers or sisters; Uncle or aunt, aunt and uncle's children, despite their age, must also be called brothers or sisters. Section 5 Language The Li nationality has its own language, belonging to the Li branch of Zhuang and Dong languages in Sino-Tibetan language family, which is close to the language of Zhuang and Dong nationalities in Guangxi and is commonly used in Li nationality areas in the county. Historically, Li nationality has a close relationship with Han nationality, so the development of Li language is greatly influenced by Chinese. In areas close to the Han nationality and places where ethnic groups live together, Li people generally speak Chinese (Hainan dialect) and Miao language, and Li people have also absorbed many Chinese words, especially after liberation, they have absorbed more new words in politics, economy and culture. Li people use the same language, but there are differences between dialects. According to the similarities and differences of Li dialect in different places and referring to the branching situation, Li dialect in Dongdong County is divided into two aspects: branching and homogeneous branching. Among them, Zhi Zhi dialect is divided into Luohe dialect and Baoxian dialect, which are widely distributed, accounting for about 80% of the county. Qizhi dialect is divided into three dialects: Tongshi dialect, Qiandui dialect and Baocheng dialect. Fanyang dialect in Tongshi county and Wanchong dialect in Ledong county belong to Tongshi dialect, and few people say such words, accounting for 20% of the Li nationality in the county. At present, only the language of Baoding Village, Baojou Town, this county is used as the standard pronunciation. From the perspective of phonetics, vocabulary and grammar, the number of initial consonants of Li nationality varies from dialect to dialect. Baoding has 33 initial consonants, Tongshi (Tongshi dialect in Qi dialect) has only 20 initial consonants, and the rest range from 2 1 to 3 1, with an average of about 25.